how to cancel cycle combo box on touch xaml - xaml

I working on a win 8 metrostyle app
I have combo boxes in app.
when I click on combo box with mouse it works normal. it pops up a list and I can scroll
but when I use touching the items in the combo box keeps rolling. it doesnt stop at top or bottom
is there an attribute for it to cancel??

The MSDN forums have an answer. What you can do is set the items panel for the combobox to override this default behavior.
<StackPanel />

I have been working on windows 8 metro style applications since the first day it was released. I encountered the very same problem last week, and was unable to fix it. After a while, I uninstalled and re-installed Visual Studio 2012 from my development machine, and the problem is automatically fixed.
You can give it a try.


Loose XAML Not Responsive in IE

Loose XAML is not responsive in Internet Explorer on some computers.
For the code below:
The controls to not respond visually (or with focus) to mouse clicks.
I can press Tab to set focus on either control.
Pressing Space on the ComboBox does not display the dropdown.
Pressing Space on the Button does appear visually to perform a click.
File simple.xaml:
<StackPanel xmlns="">
<ComboBoxItem IsSelected="True">Yes</ComboBoxItem>
This only happens on some computers. On others, the controls are fully responsive.
I have tried: Internet Explorer (no addons), full reset of IE Settings, confirmed Loose XAML enabled in IE Settings, Developer Tools (nothing useful), searching Google.
Why is Loose XAML not responsive on Internet Explorer for some computers? How can I further debug this issue?

Executable Buttons Not Displaying

I created a VB.Net application with a target .NET Framework of 4.5. The application runs fine on my computer (or any system with Visual Studio installed). But when I try to run the exe generated from the build, the application loads, but the buttons are not displaying. There is an outline where the button is, and you can actually click the button to perform the action just fine. I assume this has something to do with a reference problem, but I really don't know for sure. They are just standard Windows form buttons. No images attached.
So I figured out the solution, but not necessarily the problem. The button had a BackColor property set to Black which is the same color as the form. For some reason, on certain machines this caused the button and the form to blend together. Changing the button BackColor to something different (such as Control grey) worked just fine.

No taskbar icon for application

So I have this application I have made in VB. The problem is that when I start it it does not show up in my taskbar. It only shows up if I maximize another window infront of it and then minimize it. Also it has the basic VB icon even though I changed the icon in the properties.
There is no relevant code for this issue.
I found the same thing; no icon was showing in the taskbar. I had to go into Task Manager and Switch To the program to get it to show. I could ' maximize another window in front of it and then minimize it as well.'
Found the solution that worked for me. The 'Main' form did not have anything in the 'text' property because I was doing that and a Ver number in the program. As soon as I put text into the 'text' property, it started working. The problem was only with VB2015. Worked fine in VB2010. application Cancel button runs into the edge of the form in Windows 7

I have an application written in which works fine in both Windows XP, Vista and 7. However, in Windows Vista and 7, the button layout (specifically the Exit/Cancel button at the bottom right) of all the forms acts weird, as the Exit/Cancel button runs all the way touching the edge/boundary of the form as shown in the pic below.
This does not happen in Windows XP. Nor does it happen on disabling the Visual Styles in Windows 7, as shown below
What can be the cause for this issue and is there any way to solve this, so that it looks good for both XP and Windows 7?
EDIT: I'm posting this on behalf of a friend - Abhijit ( - who wanted to post this himself but had less than 10 reputation. Apparantly you need to have at least 10 reputation to post a question with an image.
One way to fix it is the place the buttons in a TableLayoutPanel. Then you can
Move it a bit further from the edge
Or leave an extra column on the right as a margin or gutter
Or anchor it in a way (left maybe) to prevent it
Another possible cause is that the controls are not using the Anchor property and he has tried to neatly line them up with something as an absolute position (which Visual Stlyes messes up as relative sizes and text extent changes). Any given user may or may not be using Styles Anchors so a layout panel works well to neaten things up.

Problem with Z-index of the controls in WIXUI(Problem of overlapping)

I am trying to design a dialog box for License aggrement and other dialog boxes.
Now if I set a image(.jpg/.bmp) in background of my dialog box then the checkbox will get disappear,and it is not visible until I hover the mouse over it. And the same problem appears with a pushbutton.
*) I first thought it could be because of the large size of the image but I also tried with smaller sized images and the problem existed with them too.
*) I also tried with changing the z-index of the controls but this still did not solve my problem.
Where is the problem?. Where am I going wrong?
Have a look at the dialogs included in the UI extension, you should be able to examine similar dialogs and work backwards to figure out what's going on. There's a background bitmap on the welcome dialog for example.
Edit: In response to the comment about the Office 2007 installation experience, Office uses an external UI, not the built in stuff that Windows Installer provides. The setup is in WiX, but the UI isn't - there's more than 20 MSI files on the Office 2007 Ultimate disk, the external UI hides all of this from you to make it appear as a single installation package when in reality it's actually a whole lot more complicated.
Edit 2: See for a good starting point on implementing non-native Windows Installer UI
I tried adding TabSkip attribute and now the checkbox is above the bitmap.
<Control Id="Image" Type="Bitmap" TabSkip="no" X="0" Y="0" Width="374" Height="234" Text="BitmapFile" />