Implementing a total order ranking in PostgreSQL 8.3 - sql

The issue with 8.3 is that rank() is introduced in 8.4.
Consider the numbers [10,6,6,2].
I wish to achieve a rank of those numbers where the rank is equal to the row number:
rank | score
1 | 10
2 | 6
3 | 6
4 | 2
A partial solution is to self-join and count items with a higher or equal, score. This produces:
1 | 10
3 | 6
3 | 6
4 | 2
But that's not what I want.
Is there a way to rank, or even just order by score somehow and then extract that row number?

If you want a row number equivalent to the window function row_number(), you can improvise in version 8.3 (or any version) with a (temporary) SEQUENCE:
SELECT nextval('foo') AS rn, *
FROM (SELECT score FROM tbl ORDER BY score DESC) s;
db<>fiddle here
Old sqlfiddle
The subquery is necessary to order rows before calling nextval().
Note that the sequence (like any temporary object) ...
is only visible in the same session it was created.
hides any other table object of the same name.
is dropped automatically at the end of the session.
To use the sequence in the same session repeatedly run before each query:
SELECT setval('foo', 1, FALSE);

There's a method using an array that works with PG 8.3. It's probably not very efficient, performance-wise, but will do OK if there aren't a lot of values.
The idea is to sort the values in a temporary array, then extract the bounds of the array, then join that with generate_series to extract the values one by one, the index into the array being the row number.
Sample query assuming the table is scores(value int):
SELECT i AS row_number,arr[i] AS score
FROM (SELECT arr,generate_series(1,nb) AS i
FROM (SELECT arr,array_upper(arr,1) AS nb
FROM (SELECT array(SELECT value FROM scores ORDER BY value DESC) AS arr
) AS s2
) AS s1
) AS s0

Do you have a PK for this table?
Just self join and count items with: a higher or equal score and higher PK.
PK comparison will break ties and give you desired result.
And after you upgrade to 9.1 - use row_number().


Group data series into variable width windows based on first event

I have computational task which can be reduced to the follow problem:
I have a large set of pairs of integers (key, val) which I want to group into windows. The first window starts with the first pair p ordered by key attribute and spans all the pairs where p[i].key belongs to [p[0].key; p[0].key + N), with some arbitrary integer N, positive and common to all windows.
The next window starts with the first pair ordered by key not included in the previous windows and again spans all the pairs from its key to key + N, and so on for the following windows.
The last step is to sum second attribute for each window and display it together with the first key of the window.
For example, given list of records with values:
and N=3, the windows would be:
The final result:
This is easy to program with a standard programming language but I have no clue how to solve this with SQL.
Note: If clickhouse doesn't support the RECURSIVE keyword, just remove that keyword from the expression.
Clickhouse seems to use non-standard syntax for the WITH clause. The below uses standard SQL. Adjust as needed.
Sorry. clickhouse may not support this approach. If not, we would need to find another method of walking through the data.
Standard SQL:
There are a few ways. Here's one approach. First assign row numbers to allow recursively stepping through the rows. We could use LEAD as well.
Assign a group (key value) to each row based on the current key and the last group/key value and whether they are within some distance (N = 3, in this case).
The last step is to just SUM these values per group start_key and to use the start_key value as the starting key in each group.
WITH RECURSIVE nrows (xkey, val, n) AS (
SELECT xkey, val, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY xkey) FROM test
, cte (xkey, val, n, start_key) AS (
SELECT xkey, val, n, xkey FROM nrows WHERE n = 1
SELECT t1.xkey, t1.val, t1.n
, CASE WHEN t1.xkey <= t2.start_key + (3-1) THEN t2.start_key ELSE t1.xkey END
FROM nrows AS t1
JOIN cte AS t2
ON t2.n = t1.n-1
SELECT start_key
, SUM(val) AS sum_values
FROM cte
GROUP BY start_key
ORDER BY start_key
| start_key | sum_values |
| 1 | 10 |
| 5 | 6 |
| 10 | 3 |
| 13 | 5 |

Fetching a minimum of N rows, plus all peers of the last row

I have a sample table named assets which looks like this:
There can be any number of assets in a specific block. I need a minimum of 100 rows from the table, and containing all the data from the block_no. Like, if there are 95 rows to block_no 2 and around 20 on block_no 3, I need all 20 of block_no 3 as if I am fetching data in packets based on block_no.
Is this possible and feasible?
Postgres 13 or later
There is a dead simple solution using WITH TIES in Postgres 13 or later:
FROM assets
WHERE block_no >= 2 -- your starting block
ORDER BY block_no
This will return at least 100 rows (if enough qualify), plus all peers of the 100th row.
If your table isn't trivially small, an index on (block_no) is essential for performance.
Get top row(s) with highest value, with ties
Older versions
Use the window function rank() in a subquery:
SELECT (a).*
SELECT a, rank() OVER (ORDER BY block_no) AS rnk
FROM assets a
) sub
WHERE rnk <= 100;
Same result.
I use a little trick with the row type to strip the added rnk from the result. That's an optional addition.
PostgreSQL equivalent for TOP n WITH TIES: LIMIT "with ties"?

Get MAX() on repeating IDs

This is how my query results look like currently. How can I get the MAX() value for each unique id ?
for 5267139 is 8.
for 5267145 is 4
5267136 5
5267137 8
5267137 2
5267139 8
5267139 5
5267139 3
5267141 4
5267141 3
5267145 4
5267145 3
5267146 1
5267147 2
5267152 3
5267153 3
5267155 8
SELECT DISTINCT st.ScoreID, st.ScoreTrackingTypeID
FROM ScoreTrackingType stt
LEFT JOIN ScoreTracking st
ON stt.ScoreTrackingTypeID = st.ScoreTrackingTypeID
ORDER BY st.ScoreID, st.ScoreTrackingTypeID DESC
GROUP BY will partition your table into separate blocks based on the column(s) you specify. You can then apply an aggregate function (MAX in this case) against each of the blocks -- this behavior applies by default with the below syntax:
SELECT First_column, MAX(Second_column) AS Max_second_column
FROM Table
GROUP BY First_column
EDIT: Based on the query above, it looks like you don't really need the ScoreTrackingType table at all, but leaving it in place, you could use:
SELECT st.ScoreID, MAX(st.ScoreTrackingTypeID) AS ScoreTrackingTypeID
FROM ScoreTrackingType stt
LEFT JOIN ScoreTracking st ON stt.ScoreTrackingTypeID = st.ScoreTrackingTypeID
The GROUP BY will obviate the need for DISTINCT, MAX will give you the value you are looking for, and the ORDER BY will still apply, but since there will only be a single ScoreTrackingTypeID value for each ScoreID you can pull it out of the ordering.

SQL Query to remove cyclic redundancy

I have a table that looks like this:
Column A | Column B | Counter
A | B | 53
B | C | 23
A | D | 11
C | B | 22
I need to remove the last row because it's cyclic to the second row. Can't seem to figure out how to do it.
There is an indexed date field. This is for Sankey diagram. The data in the sample table is actually the result of a query. The underlying table has:
date | source node | target node | path count
The query to build the table is:
SELECT source_node, target_node, COUNT(1)
FROM sankey_table
WHERE TO_CHAR(data_date, 'yyyy-mm-dd')='2013-08-19'
GROUP BY source_node, target_node
In the sample, the last row C to B is going backwards and I need to ignore it or the Sankey won't display. I need to only show forward path.
Removing all edges from your graph where the tuple (source_node, target_node) is not ordered alphabetically and the symmetric row exists should give you what you want:
FROM sankey_table t1
WHERE source_node > target_node
SELECT NULL from sankey_table t2
WHERE t2.source_node = t1.target_node
AND t2.target_node = t1.source_node)
If you don't want to DELETE them, just use this WHERE clause in your query for generating the input for the diagram.
If you can adjust how your table is populated, you can change the query you're using to only retrieve the values for the first direction (for that date) in the first place, with a little bit an analytic manipulation:
SELECT source_node, target_node, counter FROM (
SELECT source_node,
COUNT(*) OVER (PARTITION BY source_node, target_node) AS counter,
RANK () OVER (PARTITION BY GREATEST(source_node, target_node),
LEAST(source_node, target_node), TRUNC(data_date)
ORDER BY data_date) AS rnk
FROM sankey_table
WHERE TO_CHAR(data_date, 'yyyy-mm-dd')='2013-08-19'
WHERE rnk = 1;
The inner query gets the same data you collect now but adds a ranking column, which will be 1 for the first row for any source/target pair in any order for a given day. The outer query then just ignores everything else.
This might be a candidate for a materialised view if you're truncating and repopulating it daily.
If you can't change your intermediate table but can still see the underlying table you could join back to it using the same kind of idea; assuming the table you're querying from is called sankey_agg_table:
SELECT sat.source_node, sat.target_node, sat.counter
FROM sankey_agg_table sat
JOIN (SELECT source_node, target_node,
RANK () OVER (PARTITION BY GREATEST(source_node, target_node),
LEAST(source_node, target_node), TRUNC(data_date)
ORDER BY data_date) AS rnk
FROM sankey_table) st
ON st.source_node = sat.source_node
AND st.target_node = sat.target_node
AND st.rnk = 1;
SQL Fiddle demos.
where [Column A]='C'
given that these are all your rows
I would recommend that you clean up your source data if you can, i.e. delete the rows that you call backwards, if those rows are incorrect as you state in your comments.

how to select one tuple in rows based on variable field value

I'm quite new into SQL and I'd like to make a SELECT statement to retrieve only the first row of a set base on a column value. I'll try to make it clearer with a table example.
Here is my table data :
chip_id | sample_id
1 | 45
1 | 55
1 | 5986
2 | 453
2 | 12
3 | 4567
3 | 9
I'd like to have a SELECT statement that fetch the first line with chip_id=1,2,3
Like this :
chip_id | sample_id
1 | 45 or 55 or whatever
2 | 12 or 453 ...
3 | 9 or ...
How can I do this?
i'd probably:
set a variable =0
order your table by chip_id
read the table in row by row
if table[row]>variable, store the table[row] in a result array,increment variable
loop till done
return your result array
though depending on your DB,query and versions you'll probably get unpredictable/unreliable returns.
You can get one value using row_number():
select chip_id, sample_id
from (select chip_id, sample_id,
row_number() over (partition by chip_id order by rand()) as seqnum
) t
where seqnum = 1
This returns a random value. In SQL, tables are inherently unordered, so there is no concept of "first". You need an auto incrementing id or creation date or some way of defining "first" to get the "first".
If you have such a column, then replace rand() with the column.
Provided I understood your output, if you are using PostGreSQL 9, you can use this:
SELECT chip_id ,
string_agg(sample_id, ' or ')
FROM your_table
GROUP BY chip_id
You need to group your data with a GROUP BY query.
When you group, generally you want the max, the min, or some other values to represent your group. You can do sums, count, all kind of group operations.
For your example, you don't seem to want a specific group operation, so the query could be as simple as this one :
SELECT chip_id, MAX(sample_id)
FROM table
GROUP BY chip_id
This way you are retrieving the maximum sample_id for each of the chip_id.