Objective C: Should I assign the variable AND create a property or is just one of them enough? - objective-c

I have got a header file (.h) and I want to declare name but all these ways work the same I think because I haven't seen any difference with functionality. Could you tell me what the difference is between:
This with both declarations:
#interface someClass : UIViewController
NSString *name;
#property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *name;
Without variable:
#interface someClass : UIViewController
#property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *name;
Or Without property:
#interface someClass : UIViewController
NSString *name;

#interface someClass : UIViewController
NSString *name;
#property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *name;
Doing this you will explicitly declare both a property and an ivar.
A property is just a set of methods:
- (void)setName:(NSString*)name;
- (NSString*)name;
An ivar is the memory store holding the value that the property methods manage. This allows you to do:
self.name = ... // access through setter method
name = ... // direct access
The advantage of using properties is that they deal with memory management for you. E.g., in your case, the property is of type copy: this means that with the first syntax (self.name = ...) a copy of the object will be done. If not using properties, you would explicitly need to do: name = [originalString copy]; to obtain the same effect.
Other options you can specify for properties (but not ivars) are: strong and weak ownerships.
Furthermore, a property also represents a public interface to access the variable from outside your class.
Using direct access you are on your own as to memory management (if you are not using ARC).
If you are using ARC and don't define properties, you will not be able to control how the memory is managed by specifying the ownership: strong, weak, retain).
#interface someClass : UIViewController
#property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *name;
Here you only declare the properties; the ivar is "inferred" by the #synthesize directive in your implementation file. This is only possible in Objective C 2.0 and later (previously, the ivar declaration as above was mandatory).
The same considerations as above applies, with a minor nuance: with older versions of LLVM (ObjC compiler) you will not be able to reference directly the auto-synthesized ivar; with current version of LLVM, if you omit the #synthesize directive, then an automatic ivar named after your property would also be declared (in your case it would be _name).
This last paragraph may seem a bit "advanced", or contrived, but you can safely ignore it.
#interface someClass : UIViewController
NSString *name;
In this case you are only declaring the ivar. No accessor methods. You will need to handle memory management on your own (if not using ARC), futhermore you will not be able to access the variable from outside the class. For that you need accessors.
Hope this helps.

Case 1:
The is the old method, here the #property and variable are not related until you #synthesize name = name;
Access methods :
variable : name = #"hello"; //direct access to viariable
setter/getter : self.name = #"hello" // set value to name using setName: selector
With the latest xcode just the property is enough.
Case 2:
the new xcode style. Here the synthesize and variable creation is taken care by the compiler. (so less 2 lines of code and this also helps with memory management)
Access methods :
variable : _name = #"hello"; //direct access to viariable
setter/getter : self.name = #"hello" // set value to name using setName: selector
Case 3:
Here the name is just a variable and it dose not have a setter or a getter.
with out property (or) setter & getter this is as good as a local variable and it cannot be accessed from other objects.


Does "#synthesize" every "#property" necessary?

I'm following one of the iOS tutorials from Ray Wenderlich (Scarybugs part 1). But I notice for each property in the model, he always "#synthesize" it in the implementation.
Here is the example of the models:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#interface RWTScaryBugData : NSObject
#property (strong) NSString *title;
#property (assign) float rating;
- (id)initWithTitle:(NSString*)title rating:(float)rating;
#import "RWTScaryBugData.h"
#implementation RWTScaryBugData
#synthesize title = _title;
#synthesize rating = _rating;
- (id)initWithTitle:(NSString*)title rating:(float)rating {
if ((self = [super init])) {
self.title = title;
self.rating = rating;
return self;
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#class RWTScaryBugData;
#interface RWTScaryBugDoc : NSObject
#property (strong) RWTScaryBugData *data;
#property (strong) UIImage *thumbImage;
#property (strong) UIImage *fullImage;
- (id)initWithTitle:(NSString*)title rating:(float)rating thumbImage:(UIImage *)thumbImage fullImage:(UIImage *)fullImage;
#import "RWTScaryBugDoc.h"
#import "RWTScaryBugData.h"
#implementation RWTScaryBugDoc
#synthesize data = _data;
#synthesize thumbImage = _thumbImage;
#synthesize fullImage = _fullImage;
- (id)initWithTitle:(NSString*)title rating:(float)rating thumbImage:(UIImage *)thumbImage fullImage:(UIImage *)fullImage {
if ((self = [super init])) {
self.data = [[RWTScaryBugData alloc] initWithTitle:title rating:rating];
self.thumbImage = thumbImage;
self.fullImage = fullImage;
return self;
I know "#synthesize" is basically to allocate an instance variable for a property, but it has been taken care of by default for every "#property" in ".h file" (although not visible).
My questions is: is it necessary to "#synthesize" every "#property" we have in our public API? (I tried deleting all the "#synthesize" in the implementation, and it still worked)
#synthesize is no longer needed. The compiler will synthesize the getter and setter as required with an instance variable named as _<propertyName> automatically. It creates the instance variable but more importantly it creates the getter and setter methods (for readwrite properties).
If you've manually provided the getter/setter for a property, then an instance variable won't be automatically synthesized, and you'll need to add the #synthesize statement. From the docs:
Note: The compiler will automatically synthesize an instance variable in all situations where it’s also synthesizing at least one accessor method. If you implement both a getter and a setter for a readwrite property, or a getter for a readonly property, the compiler will assume that you are taking control over the property implementation and won’t synthesize an instance variable automatically.
If you still need an instance variable, you’ll need to request that one be synthesized:
#synthesize property = _property;
As noted in the Objective-C Feature Availability Index, automatic synthesis of property instance variables was introduced with Xcode 4.4 (LLVM Compiler 4.0) and requires the modern runtime (all code on iOS, 64-bit code on OS X).
So, the tutorial is a bit dated, that's all.
hope this will help little more.
#property(nonatomic) NSString *name;
the #property is an Objective-C directive which declares the property
-> The "`nonatomic`" in the parenthesis specifies that the property is non-atomic in nature.
-> and then we define the type and name of our property.
-> prototyping of getter and setter method
now go to .m file
previously we have synthesis this property by using #synthesis , now it also NOT required , it automatically done by IDE.
-> this #synthesis now generate the getter and setter(if not readonly) methods.
and Then why we even write #synthesis in our code if it always done by IDE .
one of the basic use is :-
what our IDE do internally
#synthesis name=_name;
we use _name to access particular property but now you want synthesis by some other way like
firstname you can do it like
#synthesis name= firstname
or just by name
#synthesis name=name
So from it you can access this property as you want.

The Field between Objective-c and Java, and I don't understand the #property and instance variable

From the developer that started to learn objective-c two days ago, I don't understand the difference between the following two methods :
#interface Person : NSObject
#property NSString *firstName;
#property NSString *lastName;
#interface Person : NSObject{
NSString *firstName;
NSString *lastName;
Using Java-Language,we define two String Field:
class Person extends Object{
(public/private/protected) String firstName;
(public/private/protected) String lastName;
I want to know which one(between 1 and 2) has same meaning with the Java code above.
Very thanks for #iamyogish #Popeye,if my answer is right i will correct both of you.
After read the eBook: Objective-C 2.0 Essentials,I learned that(if it is not right,you tell me. ):
#interface Person : NSObject
#property NSString *firstName;
#property NSString *lastName;
this is equivalent to the Java Code:
class Person extends Object{
private String firstName;
private String lastName;//In fact:private should be protected
//setter and getter.
//you can use ecplise tool to generate setter/getter method automaticly
As you can probably imagine, having to write these methods for large numbers(1000 or more.)of complex classes will ultimately prove to be time consuming. Objective-C provides synthesized accessor methods,so what you should is use of the #property and #synthesize directives.if you write your code like this:
#interface Person : NSObject
NSString *firstName;//note that the default access level is protected.
NSString *lastName;
Unfortunatly, you need to provide methods that can access instance variables,such as(you can define the name of the function by yourself)
-(NSString ) getFirstName;
-(NSString ) getLastName;
-(void) setFirstName:(NSString * name);
-(void) setLastName:(NSString * name);
In addition to this,if the #property and #synthesize directives are used,you can access instance variables like C++/JAVA syntax dot notationsuch as:
NSString * firstName= [[Person alloc] init].firstName;
Note that: A key point to understand about dot notation is that it only works for instance variables for which synthesized accessor methods have been declared.
The access level for instance variables is specified in the #interface section of the class declaration using the #protected, #private and #public directives.
#interface Person : NSObject
NSString *firstName;//note that the default access level is protected.
NSString *lastName;
When accessing a public instance variable from another class or any other code in a methods or function, the -> pointer operator notation is used. So you can access the Public Filed in C++/C like:
[[Person alloc] init]->firstName = "your first name";
Another question is:
#interface Person : NSObject
#property NSString *firstName;
#property NSString *lastName;
is is equivalent to:
#interface Person : NSObject{
NSString *firstName;
NSString *lastName;
#property NSString *firstName;
#property NSString *lastName;
or not? and ivar is equivalent to instance variable or not?
Lets start with (2)
#interface Person : NSObject
NSString *firstName;
NSString *lastName;
In this case firstName and lastName are know as ivars or Instance Variables for me I don't generally declare ivars. Some developers now say that you shouldn't put these in the #interface declaration for two reason.
It exposes details about the implementation to users of the class, this will lead other developers who or using and in some cases yourself to rely on implementation details that should be available to them.
Some developers believe that putting these in the #interface can make compile times significantly longer.
Most developers believe that the best way to implement an ivar is within the #implementation where braces are being used like:
#implementation Person {
NSString *firstName;
NSString *lastName;
The theory behind why we put them here is because theoretically they are declared private, preventing anyone from knowing about them except the developer who created the class. This will resolve all other developers from messing around with things they shouldn't.
The equivalent to this in Java is just as simple as private String firstName;
Now lets take a look at (1)
#interface Person : NSObject
#property NSString *firstName;
#property NSString *lastName;
Technically #properties need only be used when the property needs to be accessible from other classes, but many developers prefer to use these over ivars as it makes them easier to use, and in new versions of xcode the ivars for these properties are declared automatically in the background.
By declaring a property you are basically automatically generating the getters and setters for these properties. In earlier versions of xcode you did have to #synthesize but there is no need for this anymore. So declaring the two properties firstName and lastName this will generate in the background
- (void)setFirstName:(NSString *)aFirstName
self.firstName = aFirstName;
- (NSString *)firstName
// Note in objective-c we don't generally use `get`
return self.firstName;
- (void)setLastName:(NSString *)aLastName
self.lastName= aLastName;
- (NSString *)lastName
// Note in objective-c we don't generally use `get`
return self.lastName;
When it comes to comparing this to Java this is near enough the same as
private String firstName;
public void setFirstName(String aFirstName) {
this.firstName = aFirstName;
public String getFirstName() {
return this.firstName;
We create out instance variable the same way we would do it as if it was a normal ivar but there is nothing to say create my setters and getters in java so we have to do that ourselves. Note that the ivar here in java is still private it is the getters and setters that we are opening up to others.
There is a sort of third option that you have missed as well. Due to the conventions in objective-c what would happen with a #property for a bool?
We have it declared like
#property (nonatomic) BOOL personForObject;
in objective-c when it comes to bools the getter is slightly different in name. Whilst we are happy with the synthesized setter of
- (void)setPersonForObject:(BOOL)aPersonForObject
self.personForObject = aPersonForObject;
we aren't happy though with the getter, when it comes to bools the getters should start with is so personForObjects getter should be isPersonForObject but the synthesize doesn't know this so will automatically generate the getter the other way. So we need to tell it in the property declaration like
#property (nonatomic, getter=isPersonForObject) BOOL personForObject;
You will now have to implement this method yourself though like
- (BOOL)isPersonForObject
return self.personForObject;
Note this only need be done if you choice to ignore convention which I wouldn't recommend.
Any questions just ask.
The code number two is equivalent to the Java version.
A #property in the most complete version defines the getter, setter and instance variable. You can also modify the declaration to specify only a getter, only a setter or to specify a different instance variable.
#property is shorthand for defining an instance variable and its corresponding accessors.
If you just define instance variables in the interface, you will not get the accessor methods.
See whenever you declare members in objective-C you should provide getters and setters for those members(Variables). But Objective-C supports something called synthesized accessors using the directives #property and #synthesize.
Now lets see program with synthesized accessors :
#interface Person : NSObject{
NSString * firstName;// declaring that Person class as variable firstName
NSString * lastName;// // declaring that Person class as variable lastName
#property NSString *firstName; // says to compiler that we want to define synthesized accesor for the firstName
#property NSString *lastName;// says to compiler that we want to define synthesized accesor for the lastName
#implementation Person
#synthesize firstName, lastName;// synthesized accessor to be defined for firstName and lastName
int main(){
NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc]init];
Person * p = [[Person alloc]init] ;
[p setFirstName:#"Yogish"]; // method setFirstName is implicitly defined by compiler
[p setLastName:#"Gowda"];// method setLastName is implicitly defined by compiler
[pool drain];
return 0;
Now coming back if u haven't used the #property and #synthesize you should have to write your own setters and getters method to set and get the members firstName and lastName. Since you're using #property and #synthesize the compiler will write getters and setter methods .
Hope this helps :)

Confusing Objective-C class structure

Here's a (reduced) class declaration from an example on apple's developer:
#interface myController : UITableViewController {
NSArray *samples;
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSArray *samples
What is the purpose of declaring
NSArray *samples;
when you declare it again as a property? If you leave out:
NSArray *samples;
you can still use #synthesize in your .m and get a reference to it!
I'm a little confused as to the purpose of the first declaration.
Properties are just a handy way to declare accessors to you data. It usually leads to some member variable but not necessarily. And that member var can have different name:
#interface myController : UITableViewController {
NSArray *mSamples;
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSArray *samples
#synthesize samples = mSamples;
Or you can use properties without vars at all:
#interface myController : UITableViewController {
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSArray *samples
-(NSArray*) samples {
//you can for example read some array from file and return it
-(void) setSamples:(NSArray*) arr {
//write that array to file or whatever you want
With new compiler you can use properties without ivars at all, compiler will generate them for you implicitly.
With a property declaration, there is no purpose or benefit in explicitly declaring the backing instance variable. It's just leftovers from habit.
Edit: For iOS or Mac 64-bit Intel, explicitly declaring ivars was never needed for properties. But they were needed for other Mac work — hence the examples.
Also, I did find a difference. When an ivar is explicitly declared, unless you state otherwise, it is a protected ivar, available to subclasses. But when an ivar is implicitly created for a property, subclasses don't have access to the ivar.

#property and #synthesize

I'm very new to Objective C. (Two days now). When read about #synthesize, it seemed to overlap with my understanding #property (which I thought I understood) ... So, some details need to be ironed out in my mind ... it's bugging me.
Please correct me if I'm wrong about differences of #property and #synthesize:
If you declare a #property in your #interface, then you're telling the world that users can expect to use standard getters and setters for that property. Futhermore, XCode will make generic getters and setters for you. ... BUT, To what degree does that happen with the #property declaration? ( I.E. does that mean "completely" ... like unseen declarations for it in your #interface, and also unseen code in your #interface?
Does #property take care of the unseen code declarations in your #interface only - whereas #synthesize takes care of the unseen code implementation in your #implementation section? )
First, note that the latest version of Xcode does not require #synthesize at all anymore. You can (and should) just omit it. That said, here's what the pieces do.
#property is a declaration of accessors. It is just a declaration. There is very little difference between the following:
#property (nonatomic, readwrite, strong) NSString *something;
- (NSString *)something;
- (void)setSomething:(NSString)aSomething;
The main difference is that declaring these methods using #property lets the compiler automatically generate (synthesize) the implementations for you. There is no requirement that you let the compiler do it for you. You are absolutely free to implement something and setSomething: by hand, and it is common to do. But, if you don't implement them by hand, the compiler will automatically create an ivar for you called _something and create a reasonable implementation for the getter and setter.
In older versions of Xcode, you had to explicitly request the auto-generation using the #synthesize keyword. But that is no longer required. Today, the only reason to use #synthesize is if you want the ivar to have a non-standard name (never do that).
A key point here is that the methods something and setSomething: are just methods. There is nothing magical about them. They're not special "property methods." They're just methods that by convention access a piece of state. That piece of state is often stored in an ivar, but does not need to be.
To be even more clear: object.something does not mean "return the ivar named _something from object." It means "return the result of [object something], whatever that does." It is common for that to return the value of an ivar.
You should declare all of your state (internal and external) using #property declarations, and you should avoid directly declaring ivars. You should also always access your properties via their accessors (self.something), except in the init and dealloc methods. In init and dealloc, you should directly use the ivar (_something).
#property declares a property on your class with whatever atomicity and setter semantics you provide.
With Xcode 4.4, autosynthesis is available wherein you are provided with a backing ivar from your property without declaring it in #synthesize. This ivar has the form of _propertyName where your property name is propertyName.
Objective-C #property and #synthesize
generates get/set method
today(from Xcode v4.4 with the LLVM v4.0) #property additionally uses #synthesize inside
#synthesize propertyName = _propertyName
generates a new iVar or link with existing iVar
generates an implementation of the get/set method with an appropriate iVar
[Case when #synthesize can be used]
#interface SomeClass : NSObject
#property NSString *foo;
//generated code
#interface SomeClass : NSObject
- (NSString *)foo;
- (void)setFoo:(NSString)newFoo;
#synthesize pattern
#synthesize <property_name> = <variable_name>;
//1. Specify a variable. New variable(variableName) will be generated/linked with existing
#synthesize propertyName = variableName
//if variableName is not exist it generates:
//NSString *variableName;
//read access
NSString *temp = variableName;
//2. Default. New variable(propertyName - the same name as a property) will be generated/linked with existing
#synthesize propertyName
//is the same as
//#synthesize propertyName = propertyName
//if propertyName is not exist it generates:
//NSString *propertyName;
//read access
NSString *temp = propertyName;
//if you specify not-existing <property_name> you get
//Property implementation must have its declaration in interface '<class_name>' or one of its extensions
previously you had to use next syntax:
#interface SomeClass : NSObject
//1. declare variable
NSString *_foo;
//2. create property
#property NSString *foo;
#implementation SomeClass
//3. link property and iVar
#synthesize foo = _foo;
But today you can use next syntax
#interface SomeClass : NSObject
//1. create property
#property NSString *foo;
Next, the same code, will be generated for both cases
#interface SomeClass : NSObject
NSString *_foo;
- (void)setFoo:(NSString *)newFoo;
- (NSString *)foo;
#implementation SomeClass
- (void)setFoo:(NSString *)newFoo
_foo = newFoo;
- (NSString *)foo
return _foo;

Basic Objective C defining and synthesizing properties

I have been working with Objective C for a few months now and feel like I maybe know 1% of it, and understand even less than that...
Regardless, I have two moderately popular games out, and learning more every day.
When I first started, I learned that the method of defining properties was to use the same identifier for the property and the instance variable, as follow:
#interface MyClass : UISomething {
NSString *myPropName;
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *myPropName;
#synthesize myPropName;
Recently I saw the following used, where the instance variable is named differently than the property, and then the property is set to the instance variable in the implementation:
#interface MyClass : UISomething {
NSString *_myPropName;
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *myPropName;
#synthesize myPropName = _myPropName;
Is there a reason for not using same identifier for the property and instance variable?
Is there a reason for not using same
identifier for the property and
instance variable?
Not really. Some people like the convention of prefixing the instance variables with an underscore. (Seems pointless to me.) Other people like to change the property names for boolean variables:
#synthesize isEmpty = empty;
You might also want to use a shorter identifier for the instance variable and more descriptive name for the property (audioPlayer = player). And one final application comes to mind, renaming variables in combination with protocols:
#interface LowLevelAudioPlayer : NSObject <AudioLevelProvider> {…}
#interface Jukebox : NSObject {
LowLevelAudioPlayer *player;
#property(readonly) id <AudioLevelProvider> levelMeter;
#synthesize levelMeter = player;
Here it’s beneficial to rename the variable as you are only providing access to one of its facets.