Can I stop my textbox from crashing when loading in too much data into it? -

Not sure if this is something really simple that I haven't noticed. Or just a simple try/catch (I guess most likely).
I have a textbox on a form. It takes in data from another text file which is very large (lets assume 1Mb) and in a lot of cases it can take it but in some cases the program crashes when loading the file.
How can I handle this?

You could try to read the file size of the text file before loading it into your text box. If the length of the file is greater than the capacity of your text box, you can prevent the text box from being filled.
You can use a function like File.ReadAllLines to determine the size of the text file.
Dim AppDataLocation As String = "C:\Files\TestFiles\"
Dim sourceDirectoryInfo As New System.IO.DirectoryInfo(AppDataLocation)
For Each fileSystemInfo As System.IO.FileSystemInfo In _
Dim FileText As String = System.IO.File.ReadAllText _
(AppDataLocation & fileSystemInfo.Name)
Alternately, you can use FileInfo.Length as seen in this example here.
Dim file As New FileInfo("file.txt")
Dim sizeInBytes As Long = file.Length


VB.NET: Modifying non-text file as text without ruining it

I need my application to find and modify a text string in a .swp file (generated by VBA for SOLIDWORKS). If I open said file as text in Notepad++, most of the text looks like this (this is an excerpt):
Meaning there is readable text, and symbols that appear as NUL, BEL, EXT and so on, depending on selected encoding. If I make my changes via Notepad++ (finding and changing "1.38" to "1.39"), there are no issues, the file can be opened via SOLIDWORKS and is still recognized as valid. After all, I don't need to modify these non-readable bits. However, if I do the same modification in my VB.NET application,
Dim filePath As String = "D:\OneDrive\Desktop\launcher macro.swp"
Dim fileContents As String = My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText(filePath, Encoding.UTF8).Replace("1.38", "1.39")
My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(filePath, fileContents, Encoding.UTF8)
then the file gets corrupted, and is no longer recognized by SOLIDWORKS. I suspect this is because ReadAllText and WriteAllText cannot handle whatever data is in these non-readable bits.
I tried many different encodings, but it seems to make no difference. I am not sure how Notepad++ does it, but I can't seem to get the same result in my VB.NET application.
Can someone advise?
Thanks to #jmcilhinney, this is a solution that worked for me - reading file as bytes, converting to string, and then saving, using ANSI formatting:
Dim file_name As String = "D:\OneDrive\Desktop\launcher macro.swp"
Dim fs As New FileStream(file_name, FileMode.Open)
Dim binary_reader As New BinaryReader(fs)
fs.Position = 0
Dim bytes() As Byte = binary_reader.ReadBytes(binary_reader.BaseStream.Length)
Dim fileContents As String = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(bytes)
fileContents = fileContents.Replace("1.38", "1.39")
System.IO.File.WriteAllText(file_name, fileContents, Encoding.Default)

VB.NET 2010 - Extracting an application resource to the Desktop

I am trying to extract an application resource from My.Resources.FILE
I have discovered how to do this with DLL & EXE files, but I still need help with the code for extracting PNG & ICO files.
Other file types also. (If possible)
Here is my current code that works with DLL & EXE files.
Dim File01 As System.IO.FileStream = New System.IO.FileStream("C:\Users\" + Environment.UserName + "\Desktop\" + "SAMPLE.EXE", IO.FileMode.Create)
File01.Write(My.Resources.SAMPLE, 0, My.Resources.SAMPLE.Length)
First things first, the code you have is bad. When using My.Resources, every time you use a property, you extract a new copy of the data. That means that your second line is getting the data to write twice, with the second time being only to get its length. At the very least, you should be getting the data only once and assigning it to a variable, then using that variable twice. You should also be using a Using statement to create and destroy the FileStream. Even better though, just call File.WriteAllBytes, which means that you don't have to create your own FileStream or know the length of the data to write. You should also not be constructing the file path that way.
Dim filePath = Path.Combine(My.Computer.FileSystem.SpecialDirectories.Desktop, "SAMPLE.EXE")
File.WriteAllBytes(filePath, My.Resources.SAMPLE)
As for your question, the important thing to understand here is that it really has nothing to do with resources. The question is really how to save data of any particular type and that is something that you can look up for yourself. When you get the value of a property from My.Resources, the type of the data you get will depend on the type of the file you embedded in first place. In the case of a binary file, e.g. DLL or EXE, you will get back a Byte array and so you save that data to a file in the same way as you would any other Byte array. In the case of an image file, e.g. PNG, you will get back an Image object, so you save that like you would any other Image object, e.g.
Dim filePath = Path.Combine(My.Computer.FileSystem.SpecialDirectories.Desktop, "PICTURE.PNG")
Using picture = My.Resources.PICTURE
picture.Save(filePath, picture.RawFormat)
End Using
For an ICO file you will get back an Icon object. I'll leave it to you to research how to save an Icon object to a file.
It's important to identify what the actual problem is that you're trying to solve. You can obviously get an object from My.Resources so that is not the problem. You need to determine what type that object is and determine how to save an object of that type. How to do that will be the same no matter where that object comes from, so the resources part is irrelevant. Think about what it is that you have to do and write a method to do it, then call that method.
In your original case, you could start like this:
Dim data = My.Resources.SAMPLE
Once you have written that - even as you write it - Intellisense will tell you that the data is a Byte array. Your actual problem is now how to save a Byte array to a file, so write a method that does that:
Private Sub SaveToFile(data As Byte(), filePath As String)
End Sub
You can now which you want to do first: write code to call that method as appropriate for your current scenario or write the implementation of the method. There are various specific ways to save binary data, i.e. a Byte array, to a file but, as I said, the simplest is File.WriteAllBytes:
Private Sub SaveToFile(data As Byte(), filePath As String)
File.WriteAllBytes(filePath, data)
End Sub
As for calling the method, you need to data, which you already have, and the file path:
Dim data = My.Resources.SAMPLE
Dim folderPath = My.Computer.FileSystem.SpecialDirectories.Desktop
Dim fileName = "SAMPLE.EXE"
Dim filePath = Path.Combine(folderPath, fileName)
SaveToFile(data, filePath)
Simple enough. You need to follow the same steps for any other resource. If you embedded a PNG file then you would find that the data is an Image object or, more specifically, a Bitmap. Your task is then to learn how to save such an object to a file. It shouldn't take you long to find out that the Image class has its own Save method, so you would use that in your method:
Private Sub SaveToFile(data As Image, filePath As String)
data.Save(filePath, data.RawFormat)
End Sub
The code to call the method is basically as before, with the exception that an image object needs to be disposed when you're done with it:
Dim data = My.Resources.PICTURE
Dim folderPath = My.Computer.FileSystem.SpecialDirectories.Desktop
Dim fileName = "SAMPLE.EXE"
Dim filePath = Path.Combine(folderPath, fileName)
SaveToFile(data, filePath)
The proper way to create and dispose an object in a narrow scope like this is with a Using block:
Dim folderPath = My.Computer.FileSystem.SpecialDirectories.Desktop
Dim fileName = "SAMPLE.EXE"
Dim filePath = Path.Combine(folderPath, fileName)
Using data = My.Resources.PICTURE
SaveToFile(data, filePath)
End Using
Now it is up to you to carry out the same steps for an ICO file. If you are a hands on learner then get your hands on.

How to keep the content of ListBox in

If i want to keep the content of a textbox i do this
TextBox1.Text = TextBox1.Text & Something
Is there a way to do the same thing for the content of Items of a Listbox?
In my RichTextBox3 i have the list of files in the C:\Work directory
I Tried this code but it's giving me The content of the last line (It's not adding the lines before)
Do Until number = RichTextBox3.Lines.Length
Dim directory = "C:\Work\" & RichTextBox3.Lines(number)
Dim files() As System.IO.FileInfo
Dim dirinfo As New System.IO.DirectoryInfo(directory)
files = dirinfo.GetFiles("*", IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories)
For Each file In files
number = number + 1
Help is appreciated
Thanks to all of you
I'm not sure that this will address your stated problem but there's a serious issue with that code and I need to provide a long code snippet to address it and that won't be readable in a comment.
The Lines property of a TextBox or RichTextBox is not "live" data, i.e. it doesn't refer to an array stored within the object. Each time you get the property, a new array is created. You are getting RichTextBox3.Lines twice for every iteration of that loop, so that's obviously wrong. You also should not be adding items to the ListBox one by one like that. You should be creating a list of all the items first, then adding them all with a single call to AddRange:
Dim files As New List(Of FileInfo)
For Each line In RichTextBox3.Lines
Dim folderPath = Path.Combine("C:\Work", line)
Dim folder As New DirectoryInfo(folderPath)
files.AddRange(folder.GetFiles("*", SearchOption.AllDirectories))
If that code doesn't work as expected, you can debug it and view the contents of files at various stages to make sure that you are getting the files you expect. It might also be worth testing folder.Exists before calling GetFiles, unless you're absolutely sure that each line in the RichTextBox represents an existing folder.
This will do what you want.
number = 0
Do Until number = RichTextBox3.Lines.Length
Dim directory = "C:\Work\" & RichTextBox3.Lines(number)
Dim files() As System.IO.FileInfo
Dim dirinfo As New System.IO.DirectoryInfo(directory)
files = dirinfo.GetFiles("*", IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories)
For Each file In files
number = number + 1

Reading a .dat file

I have a file I am trying to read and disply results into a text box. The file has no extension, but it is a 'data' file per the website (
Here is a screen shot of how the file looks in a online reader, it looks like hex?
I have tried a stream reader, and gives nothing in results. Last method I tried was a BinaryReader, that I have never used before. The results from this is a "0" into the text box. Given that I have never used the BinaryReader function, I am sure I did something wrong with it.
Using reader As New BinaryReader(File.Open("C:\Users\jefhill\Desktop\CMOSDATA", FileMode.Open))
Dim pos As Integer = 0
Dim length As Integer = reader.BaseStream.Length
While pos < length
' Read the integer.
Dim value As Integer = reader.ReadInt32()
' Write to screen.
TextBox1.Text = value
' Add length of integer in bytes to position.
pos += 4
End While
End Using
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I tried using a basic StreamReader. With this, nothing happens, as in no errors, just puts nothing(blank) into the textbox.
Dim file As String = "C:\Users\jefhill\Desktop\CMOSDATA"
Dim reader As New System.IO.StreamReader(file)
TextBox1.Text = reader.ReadToEnd
The file is not a text file, and cannot be directly displayed in a TextBox. You will need to find the format of the file and convert it to text in order to display it in a TextBox.

VB trouble loading data from a text file to list box

I am trying to get my application to show data from a text file to a list box with visual basics. I have it working for small sized text files no problem, but it will not work for text files the size of say 20mb. Is there any reason why it wouldn't load such or maybe some kind of limitations?
I forgot to ask, could it possibly just a matter of having to wait a long time? The program just sits there and I can't interact with it while it's getting the data...I think anyway....
Sub OpenFiles()
Dim myName As String = Dir(downloadTo + "*.TXT")
Do While myName <> ""
myName = Dir()
End Sub
Sub ReadFiles(textFile As String)
Dim logReader As New System.IO.StreamReader(textFile)
While logReader.EndOfStream <> True
Dim stringx As String = logReader.ReadLine
If stringx.Contains(searchText) Then
End If
End While
End Sub
The issue was that I was entering too much data and it needed time to process all of the characters.