Joining a "has many through" association using ActiveRecord - sql

Working with Exported Data from API
I'm building a leaderboard that displays the of each team as well as the users who have picked that particular team as their favorites. I'm also populating another attribute Favorite.points; to display the users with the most points accumulated for that respective team.
Here are the models I'm working with:
class Favorite < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :users
belongs_to :teams
class Team < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :favorites
has_many :users, :through => :favorites
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :favorites
has_many :teams, :through => :favorites
To start this process, I'm trying to match up the id's that are common between Team.external_id and Favorite.team_id (the same is the case for User.external_id => Favorites.user_id). I can use Team.find_all_by_external_id(3333) to get the IDs of all Team objects that have an external_id of '3333'and the same goes for Favorite.find_all_by_team_id.
What's the next best step for me to obtain/show the data I'm looking for? Is a SQL join clause best? Or is it better to write if statements matching up values and iterating through the JSON arrays?
Any help is appreciated, thanks!

This will get you all the favorites whose team_id matches the external_id attribute of a row in the teams table, for a specific team (here, the team with id 3333):
Favorite.joins("left outer join teams on teams.external_id = favorites.team_id")\
.where('team_id' => 3333)
The tricky thing here, as I mentioned in my comments, is that you are going entirely against the grain of rails associations when you match the external id on the Team model (an attribute which you have created) to the team_id on the Favorite model (which is used throughout rails to get and assign associations).
You will see the problem as soon as you try to actually get the team for the favorite you find in the above join:
f = Favorite.joins("left outer join teams on teams.external_id = favorites.team_id")\
.where('team_id' => 3333).first
=> #<Favorite id: 1, user_id: nil, team_id: 3333, points: nil, created_at: ... >
Team Load (0.3ms) SELECT "teams".* FROM "teams" WHERE "teams"."id" = 3333 LIMIT 1
=> nil
What's going on here? If you look closely at the query, you'll see that rails is selecting teams whose id is 3333. Note that it is not looking for teams whose external id is 3333, which is what you want.
The fundamental problem is that you are trying to use external ids (ids specific to your API) for associations, which won't work. And indeed, there is no reason to do it this way.
Instead, try this:
Favorite.joins(:team).where('teams.external_id = 3333')
This will get you all favorites whose teams have the external id 3333. Note that Rails will do this by joining on = favorites.team_id, then filtering by teams.external_id:
SELECT "favorites".* FROM "favorites" INNER JOIN "teams"
ON "teams"."id" = "favorites"."team_id" WHERE (teams.external_id = 3333)
You can do the same thing the other way around:
Team.joins(:favorites).where('teams.external_id = 3333')
which will generate the SQL:
SELECT "teams".* FROM "teams" INNER JOIN "favorites"
ON "favorites"."team_id" = "teams"."id" WHERE (teams.external_id = 3333)
Note again that it is the id that is being used in the join, not the external id. This is the right way to do this: use the conventional id for your associations, and then just filter wherever necessary by your (custom-defined, API-specific) external id.
Hope that helps!
From the comments, it seems that the team_id on your Favorite model is being defined from the API data, which means that the id corresponds to the external_id of your Team model. This is a bad idea: in rails, the foreign key <model name>_id (team_id, user_id, etc.) has a specific meaning: the id is understood to map to the id field of the corresponding associated model (Team).
To get your associations to work, you need to use ids (not external ids) for associations everywhere (with your User model as well). To do this, you need to translate associations defined in the API to ids in the rails app. When you add a favorite from the API, find the Team id corresponding to the API team id.
external_team_id = ... # get external team id from API JSON data
favorite.team_id = Team.find_by_external_id(external_team_id).id
So you are assigning the id of the team with a given external id. You need to query the DB for each favorite you load from the API, which is potentially costly performance-wise, but since you only do it once it's not a big deal.


Recursively fetch records in Rails

In my application one can find all team reportees of an employee by doing the following
User.where(primary_reporter: "some unique code of a user")
where primary reporter is the user whose team reportees one needs to fetch.
However I am trying to now recursively find the reportees of the said user and the reportees of his team members forming a hierarchical chart. Have not been able to find anything there.
My user model is this:
class User
has_many :reportees, lambda { |user| includes(:actor).where [" .
(users.status = 1)"] }, class_name: 'User', foreign_key:
class Actor
has_one: user
I am using postgres for the database
If you want to implement hierarchical implementation in postgres with rails then you can try ltree extension in postgres where you can make use of indexes (for fasten querying) as well. Also we have ruby gem, using this gem we can easily make queries.

Rails 4 "where"-query with "has_many belongs_to"-relationship, searching with specific count

This should be a simple query, but I'm having problems getting the Rails syntax right. I'm using Rails 4.1.1 and Postgresql(9.3). I have a model User, and model Company. User has one company, and Company has many users. I'm trying to find all companies that have more than 5 users.
class Company < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :users, dependent: :destroy
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :company
Question is similar to this: Find all records which have a count of an association greater than zero
If I try similar solution as mentioned above:
It gives me an error:
PG::UndefinedTable: ERROR: missing FROM-clause entry for table "company"
LINE 1: ... "users"."company_id" = "companies"."id" GROUP BY
I've tried several different queries for getting the result, but I've failed to do so. I could use SQL, but it seems dumb as this should be doable easily with ActiveRecord.
Thanks for all the replies :)
Should use "" instead of "".
And if you want to get company with 0 users, you have to use LEFT JOIN:
Company.joins('LEFT JOIN users ON = users.company_id').group("").having("count( = 0")
The query xdazz provided works well for when I'm trying to look for companies that have more than 0 users (basicly what I asked in initial post). I found two ways to do the search 0 users. One is the way noted above:
Company.joins('LEFT JOIN users ON = users.company_id')
.group("").having("count( = 0")
However with help of Want to find records with no associated records in Rails 3 this is another way to do it:
Company.includes(:users).where(:users => {company_id=>nil})

Rails 4 SQL Join Code

I'm building a marketplace app. I have a Listing model (users list items to sell) and a User model. In the listing model, I have a userid column. And in the User model, I have a name field. In my listing show page, I want to display something like the below:
"Sold by #{}"
But the join doesn't work in retrieving the name from the user table. If I change it to listing.userid then it works but I want to display the users name.
my user model has has_many :listings, dependent: :destroy
My listings model has belongs_to :user.
How can I display the user's name on the listing show page?
If you really have a column called userid instead of user_id then you have something very slightly different to what Rails expects... which is why Rails isn't finding it for you automatically.
Your best bet is to rename the column (using a migration) to user_id to take advantage of the Rails default behaviour. Trust me - it's worth the effort up front if you can do this.
If for some odd reason you can't (serious business constraints), then there are ways of telling rails that you are using a non-standard foreign-key... but lets not get to that unless you have to.

How can I convert this SQL into ActiveRecord/Arel syntax?

I'm running into problems when I move this SQL around to different database adapters. I want to convert it into something more flexible. Here it is:
Foo.includes([{ :group => :memberships }, :phone]).
where('("memberships"."user_id" = ? AND "memberships"."owner" = ?)
OR "phone"."user_id" = ?',, true,
user is the current user (this query is within a CanCan ability file). The idea is to query all foo's where the current user is the owner of the foo's group, OR the foo's phone is owned by the current user.
I have tried many different queries, but I can't see to get the OR syntax right. Because this is in a CanCan ability, it is not possible to combine two queries, it all needs to be in one large scope like the one above. Is this possible to do?
Group membership is done through the join table memberships, the owner is designated with the owner field.
class Foo
belongs_to :group
belongs_to :phone

User relationship join in active record query

My User table is connected to Company via a user_company table. Now I want to retrieve the company name that user belongs to. Please can you suggest the query I should use?
has_many :companies, :through => :user_companies
has_many :users, :through => :user_companies
User does not directly belong to company. gives an error. I want to find out the company name which the user belongs to.
Since a user has multiple companies, it is user.companies. To get the names, you could do e.g.
#user.companies will give you an array of all the companies that the user is associated with.
Now, you can simply iterate over the array and get the company's name for each of the companies.
company_names = []
#user.companies.each {|entry| company_names <<}
This is when you don't have the company's name attribute in the user_companies table.
If you have it that way, you can simply get all the names by
UserCompany.where(:select=>"name", :user_id=> #user)