View server login permission - sql

I've been working on giving a development team the ability to have read-only access to a SQL environment, I'm at the last step. I need them to be able to see users/logins and roles. I noticed that with view defintion granted on any given DB, it allows their login to view the users/roles for each DB, however even granted on master/msdb/model it does not allow the login to view the server wide logins/roles. What would be the best way to accomplish this? I have tried view defintion and I have tried view server state, neither has worked for server logins to be visible to the user.
Note: I don't want them to have any more access beyond that so I don't want them to be assigned a predefined role.

I'd recommend writing a stored procedure using Execute As permissions, and giving them permissions to run that. Have that stored proc output the list of users and you should be good to go.

I am not a db admin but i read an article related to setting security / permissions using schemas in sql server 2012. I tested a little for setting permissions to some views.
This might help


Give DBAdmin access on multiple DB's

I am trying to provide DBAdmin privilege for a user on multiple databases.
I know how to do from on premises SQL database, I can directly map the user to required databases.
Can anyone let me know how to do it in Azure managed instance. Since the added user is external user, can,t see it in the Logins to map the user.
I have like 100 databases on which the user should have db admin right. Is there a easiest way to do that?
You can use an Azure Active Directory Login
then create users mapped to this login in the appropriate databases, or make this login a sysadmin. Not sure if this shows up in SSMS, as it was added relatively recently. So you may have to create the users and grant them permissions in the target databases in TSQL, as per:

SQL Server scripting permissions for my database

I am deploying a web application, this is not a production application but it's important to me none the less. I am deploying it via dacpac and I would like to script out the creation of a login / user account with sql server authentication.
At minimum this users will need access to read, write, update, and delete on all of the database tables, these tables are separated into different schema's. The user will also need access to execute all stored procedures and functions in my database.
How would i script this out? What permissions do I give to the user?
This is what i got so far, I actually have no database tables in the dbo schema, but since this was the default for sql server i figured it might make sense to leave it the default for the user, but i would like to finish this script giving explicit access to all tables in a given schema with all of the permissions i listed, as well as permission to sprocs and functions.
CREATE LOGIN [webProcessLogin] WITH PASSWORD = 'Pa$$word';
GRANT CONNECT TO [webProcessUser]

Create SQL Server user with limited access

I would like to create a user account in SQL Server 2012 with limited access, i.e., he should be only able to run queries and view data and nothing else. No backups, restores, user modifications should be allowed.
I tried looking at the built in server roles, but could not really understand it too well. The Server consists of some 7-8 different databases and we would like this user to have only querying access across all databases and nothing more. Would be great if somebody could guide me as to how to implement it.
Simple create role and grant access to needed objects with command GRANT. Example:
Then you can assign this role to any user you want.

Impersonation denied from trustworthy database

I am using EXECUTE AS to allow a least-privilege user to run some SQL stored procedures as a sysadmin. I know that I need TRUSTWORTHY=ON on the source database (the one running the stored procedures) in order to impersonate the sysadmin on other databases on my server. However, even with impersonation granted and TRUSTWORTHY=ON, I still get the following error when trying to touch other databases as the impersonated user:
The server principal [least_privileged user] is not able to access the database XXX under the current security context.
(And yes, I know that module signing is the more secure option. I'm not looking to go that route.)
Can anyone help me?
Use execute as owner.
Make sure the procedure is in the dbo schema.
Make sure the database owner has sysadmin rights on the instance. I
have noticed that SQL logins work better for this purpose than ones
from Windows.
Check trustworthy=on for the database.
This way, you don't need additional impersonation grants, but it is a way less secure solution. It will work, though.

How can I allow SQL Injection safely

So I wanted to know if there is an acceptable method to Allow SQL Injection.
Limit permissions on the table(s)/database(s)
Why you ask?
My employer wanted to devise a way to test the skills of applicants, one suggestion was to allow resume submissions via SQL Injection.
Any thoughts? suggestions?
You could use roles. Create a role for the web application (or whatever) that is used to connect to the database. Limit this role to only permit INSERT and access to necessary tables for applying. Applicants with access to your database through the application could then only use SQL injections to add their resume.
It may be possible for someone more talented in SQL to use injections in a way that increases the role's permission. But I think if the role had limited access to only specific tables and didn't have CREATE or GRANT privileges, the user wouldn't be able to create new roles.
Here is some information on roles to get you started:
Adding Roles to MySQL with MySQL Workbench
Creating Roles in PostgreSQL
GRANT command - used to add privileges to users on table, database, etc. This page is for PostgreSQL, but MySQL is very similar (see this SO answer)
Given that the reason behind this is to test people's ability, create a database with data you can afford to lose. Set up a form that posts to a coldfusion or php or java or .net or some other type of page which connects to that database.
On the form, put a textarea and submit button. On the form target page, log what they put in the textarea. Compare the log to the database to see how it turned out.
Then test to your heart's delight.