SSIS - how to save file from FTP as Unicode - sql

i need to get a txt file from ftp server into a local folder in my own server, and to save it as Text Unicode. how can i do the "saving as" part?


Creating .bak file from a .mdf without being attached in SQL Server

I have an .mdf file from SQL Server, which I need to create a .bak file from. I can't attach the database in SQL server because it seems to be corrupted and I want to try to restoring it using a .bak file.
Is there a way to create a .bak file without the .mdf file being attached in SQL Server?
Is it possible to do it via cmd line?

How to check file existence on remote Ftp server with simple ftp command line

From within my Access VBA I am running a batch file of ftp commands to upload some files to my remote server. I want to check the existence of a lock file on remote server before I decide to upload but cant figure it out. If it is not possible through simple ftp command line, I would take a VBA solution too.
cd remotedir
lcd localdir
put web_status.csv
put web_customer.csv
LIST. List the folder and filter by the extension. If the file is locked generaly have a extension the locked file.
This is what worked for me in the end:
Connect to CLI ftp
mls remotefile localfile //<< This command creates loaclfile only if remote file exists
in VBA, check loaclfile existence with if (dir(localfile) = "")
Now you know whether remote file exists

How can I get download .sql file from a website

I have been given an assignment to fix the bugs in a website.
They give me the username and password to access the file in the hosting.
I'm using FileZilla and got all the source but the database .sql file is nowhere to be found
Any idea where the .sql went and how do I get it from the website using FileZilla?
You have to dump your database to .sql file first. Only then you can download it.
Assuming MySQL, see How to dump mysql database?
If you have phpMyAdmin (or a similar tool) available, you can dump and download the .sql file at once from the web interface directly.

Error opening .mdf file through SQL Server Management Studio Express

I am doing a project of a web enabled database. I have created the database file in my PC.
Now when I just want to open .mdf i.e. of the database I created, I cannot open it in other PC. I even had copied the .ldf file i.e the log file to that PC.
Since I need to transfer the database to the Server later, I don't know how I will dump the database in that server from my PC so that the company can use it.
The basics of using mdf file is like this:
Create a new database using SQL Server (set the path for the file as you wish)
If you wish to move the file elsewhere,
detach the database from your server
copy/move the file to wherever you wish
attach the file as database in SQL server
You are not supposed to open the file by double-clicking as mime setting or attachment of extensions migh not be there in the target machine.
Why don't you use the decent method to copy/move database?

Upload a file using FTP with SSIS

I need to upload a file using an FTP task in SQL Server 2005 SSIS. While uploading I am unable to get the folders created on the FTP server.
Is there any other solution in SSIS for uploading a file to the FTP server?
Quite often when I need to use FTP in a DTS or SSIS package, I make a text file with the commands I want executed and then use an "Execute Process" task to run "ftp.exe /s:mycommands.txt". This can give you a little more control over what happens during the ftp connection.