Resize NSWindow from bottom left corner only? - objective-c

I am writing an application that sits in the OS X menu bar and when you press its icon a little NSPanel opens up. I would like the user to be able to resize it, but only by dragging the bottom left corner. I want to prevent them from being able to drag the top edge down and "unstick" the window from the menu bar.

Just override touchesBegan mouseDown: and pass on the drag only if it is in the designated corner, discarding other touches.
See Cocoa Event Handling Guide


pyglet window resize - problem when maximizing / restoring window

I am building a simple menu bar for my Pyglet app. I would like to stick the menu on the top left corner of the window, and also I would like my menu to have the same width of the window but fixed height.
So what I've done is to add a local_on_resize method that calls my menu resize method that performs all the necessary transformations.
def local_on_resize(self, x, y):, self.height)
and this method is pushed in this way in the window constructor:
This seemed to work, as if I try to resize the window by dragging the borders of my window the menu gets resized correctly. The problem comes when I try to maximize/restore my window. In fact when I click on the maximize button the window gets maximized but I get a black screen (the menu bar disappears). However, if I try to click anywhere, or raise any event, the menubar reappears correctly. Same thing for restore button: if I restore my window, the menubar disappears but it gets back if I click on the window. So what I see if that the resize mechanism seems to work when I resize the window "continuously" by dragging it, but doesn't work when I maximize/restore it.
Does anybody know how can I fix this?

How to hide title bar of NSWindow but close and minimize button should be visible?

I want to hide the title bar of NSWindow. But the close button and minimize button of NSWindow should be visible. Also, the window should be drag anywhere on the screen after hiding the title bar.
I have referred to the below link.
Xcode & Swift - Window without title bar but with close, minimize and resize buttons
But this is not working for me.
I want to make exactly the same window as shown in below image.

Adding a scrollview and get it to zoom

In my iphone app, you get a UIView with a background image and a "start button".
When you hit the start button, the start button will be hidden, and your background aswell. You will see another image. You will also get a "back button".
You should be able to zoom the image and scroll around.
I want everything on the same UIView.
When you hit the back button, everything should get back to the first background image and the start button, and you should not be able to zoom or scroll.
How can I do this? And is it possible at all to hide a scroll view in order to just show a regular screen, in the same view?
Thanks in advance!
EDIT: Ok, I know how to hide the scroll view now, but when the scroll view is shown, you can't scroll! I have made the scroll view bigger than the screen and put a label below the "original screen". How to get it to scroll?
Add a UIScrollView to the main view in which you have the zoom/scrollable image. Simply remove it when the back button is pressed.

ios simulator: simulate swipe and drag

I have a UIView within a UIScrollView. When i want to simulate the drag event on the UIView, swipe event on the UIScrollView is being triggered.
As per the documentation , there isn't much of a difference between swipe and drag.
1- Place the pointer at the start position.
2- Hold the mouse button.
3- Move the pointer in the swipe direction and release the mouse button.
1- Place the pointer at the start position.
2- Hold down the mouse button.
3- Move the pointer in the drag direction.
On an ipad I can use two fingers two swipe and one finger to drag. Now, how do i go about doing something similar on the simulator; drag instead of a swipe?
Edit 1:
I should have been clearer first up. Anyway, my problem is that the mouse drag is firing the swipe instead of drag, thereby scrolling the scroll view instead of passing on the drag event to the UIView contained by the scroll view.
I am on macbook pro. Two-finger swipe on the touchpad is being ignored. Touch and drag is causing the same thing as mouse-drag.
See Jeff LaMarche's quick note on how to do this. It's documented in the same page you're reading, but Jeff's explanation is clearer.
If you want to simulate a two-finger gesture in the iPhone simulator, hold down the option key. You will get two dots on the screen instead of one. The two dots will default to pinching - if you bring the dot closer to the center of the screen, the other dot comes toward the center, making it easy to simulate a pinch in or pinch out.
If you want to do a different two-finger gesture, get the two dots the distance apart that you want them to be, then hold down the shift key, while still holding down the option key. That will lock the position of the two finger presses together so you can do, for example, a two-finger swipe.
see this documentation below:
iOS Simulator User Guide
Just use the mouse to drag the view, aka, left click the view then move the mouse
I ended up disabling the scrolling from the UI and added two buttons to scroll the scroll view. Since this is a work around only for the emulator, I have used #ifndef to hide the buttons while building for the device.

Custom tooltip that can overhang NSWindow?

I need to create a custom tooltip for my app yet I want it to act like a normal tooltip and overhang the top level window if the cursor is near the bottom or right edges. Do I need to make the tooltip control an NSWindow itself or is there a way to get an nsview to pop outside the window bounds.
So the solution for this was to create an NSPanel that is setFloatingPanel:YES. On mouse enter of the view I call orderToFront on the panel, on mouse move I setFrameOrigin and on mouse exit I orderOut.