GetFieldQuery vs TermQuery - lucene

Using Lucene's standard analyzer. Title field in question is non-stored, analyzed. The query is as follows:
In Luke, this query gets correctly re-written as:
title:"some url friendly title" (- replaced by whitespace, everything lowercased).
I thought the version would be:
new TermQuery(new Term("title","Some-Url-Friendly-Title"))
However, no results are returned.
Then I tried:
And it worked as expected!
Both queries were executed via:
_searcher.Search([query object], [sort object])
Can somebody point me in the right direction to see what the differences between TermQuery and _parser.GetFieldQuery() are?

A TermQuery is much simpler than running a query through a queryparser. Not only is it not lowercased, and doesn't understand to break up hyphenated terms, it isn't even tokenized. It just searches for the term you tell it to look for. That means it is looking for the term "Some-Url-Friendly-Title" as a single untokenized keyword, in your index. I assume you are using an analyzer, so chances are no such tokens exist.
To take it a step further, if you had been searching for "Some Url Friendly Title" as the Term text, you still wouldn't come up with anything, since it's looking for "Some Url Friendly Title" as a Single Token, not as the four tokens (or rather, terms) in your index.
If you look at what a the standard query parser generates when you parse your query, you'll see that TermQueries are only one of the building blocks it uses to generate the complete query, along with BooleanQuery, and possibly PhraseQuery, PrefixQueriy, etc.

In Lucene.Net version 3.0.3 the GetFieldQuery is inaccessible due to it's protection modifier. Use
MultiFieldQueryParser.Parse(searchText, field)


How to search in lucene where there is only a single token for a field

I am creating an index where the documents are only a single term.
I am indexing domain names, so the field "domain" would look like:
I am creating my search terms etc. programatically, and because all my document field is just a single term, it appears as though my searches won't work as they are since there is only a single term and if I add multiple terms in a boolean query it will never find anything.
How should I be searching given I have only a single term? I want to make this as efficient as possible.
Query term = new TermQuery("domain", "this")
Query term2 = new TermQuery("domain", "cool")
// add to boolean query
bq.add(term, Occur.MUST)
bq.add(term2, Occur.MUST), 100)
I was expecting to get "" back, but I get 0 hits. My guess is because lucene can't break things down into tokens, so it will never find any document that has both tokens "this" and "cool".
How should I be searching given this scenerio?
Apply a wildcard to your search clause.
Query term = new TermQuery("domain", "this*");
Query term2 = new TermQuery("domain", "cool*"); // *cool* won't work sadly
However, that might not work because the logic is going to result in a query like this, where the domain has to begin with "this" as well as "cool"
bq.add(term, Occur.MUST)
bq.add(term2, Occur.MUST)
=> +domain:this* +domain:cool*
Query term = new TermQuery("domain", "this*cool*");
=> +domain:this*cool* // probably gets hits
If you're using newer versions then you can use regular expressions in queries:
The above example isn't actually how you should do this. I tested it out, and it doesn't even really work. What you'll want to do is build specialized queries, such as PrefixQuery, WildcardQuery, or RegexpQuery.
Additionally, if you're not using QueryParser or something that takes an Analyzer, queries have to match exactly to what's in your index. If domain is a TextField it might have been lowercased or had something else happen to it, so you'll need to know that too.
I'd just use regex.
RegExp r = new RegExp("this.*cool");
Query q = new RegexpQuery(new Term("domain", r.toString()));
It can be slow, but if you don't prefix with any char it should be perfectly fine. I'm also not entirely sure how to ignore case with this, but that might be default.

How to index only words with a minimum length using Apache Lucene 5.3.1?

may someone give me a hint on how to index only words with a minimum length using Apache Lucene 5.3.1?
I've searched through the API but didn't find anything which suits my needs except this, but I couldn't figure out how to use that.
I guess that's important info, so here's a copy of my explanation of what I want to achieve from my reply below:
"I don't intend to use queries. I want to create a source code summarization tool for which I created a doc-term matrix using Lucene. Now it also shows single- or double-character words. I want to exclude them so they don't show up in the results as they have little value for a summary. I know I could filter them when outputting the results, but that's not a clean solution imo. An even worse would be to add all combinations of single- or double-character words to the stoplist. I am hoping there is a more elegant way then one of those."
You should use a custom Analyzer with LengthTokeFilter. E.g.
Analyzer ana = CustomAnalyzer.builder()
.addTokenFilter("length", "min", "4", "max", "50")
.addTokenFilter("stop", "ignoreCase", "false", "words", "stopwords.txt", "format", "wordset")
But it is better to use a stopword (words what occur in almost all documents, like articles for English language) list. This gives a more accurate result.

Lucene ignore keywords in search term

This seems like it should be simple, but I can't figure out how to get Lucene to ignore the AND, OR, and NOT keywords - the query parser throws a parse error when it gets one. I have a query builder class that splits the search term so that it searches on the words themselves as well as on n-grams in the word. I'm using Lucene in Java.
So in a search for, say, "ANDERSON COOPER" the query string looks like:
the query parser throws an error when it gets those ANDs. Ideally, I'd like the parser to just ignore AND, OR, NOT altogether, and I'll use the &&, ||, and ! equivalents if I need them - do I have to modify the code in the QueryParser class itself to get this? Or is there an easier way? I could also just insert an escape character for these cases if that is the best way to do it, but adding \ before the word AND doesn't seem to do anything.
You can wrap the AND in quotes like this: "AND". Is that easy? A regex could probably do that easily if you know exactly what your queries look like.
The parser shouldn't have a problem with it, and the PhraseQuery will be rewritten as a term query, so it will be a small constant-time performance difference big-oh O(1).
The regex could probably look like this:
Which would be replaced with

Comparison of Lucene Analyzers

Can someone please explain the difference between the different analyzers within Lucene? I am getting a maxClauseCount exception and I understand that I can avoid this by using a KeywordAnalyzer but I don't want to change from the StandardAnalyzer without understanding the issues surrounding analyzers. Thanks very much.
In general, any analyzer in Lucene is tokenizer + stemmer + stop-words filter.
Tokenizer splits your text into chunks, and since different analyzers may use different tokenizers, you can get different output token streams, i.e. sequences of chunks of text. For example, KeywordAnalyzer you mentioned doesn't split the text at all and takes all the field as a single token. At the same time, StandardAnalyzer (and most other analyzers) use spaces and punctuation as a split points. For example, for phrase "I am very happy" it will produce list ["i", "am", "very", "happy"] (or something like that). For more information on specific analyzers/tokenizers see its Java Docs.
Stemmers are used to get the base of a word in question. It heavily depends on the language used. For example, for previous phrase in English there will be something like ["i", "be", "veri", "happi"] produced, and for French "Je suis très heureux" some kind of French analyzer (like SnowballAnalyzer, initialized with "French") will produce ["je", "être", "tre", "heur"]. Of course, if you will use analyzer of one language to stem text in another, rules from the other language will be used and stemmer may produce incorrect results. It isn't fail of all the system, but search results then may be less accurate.
KeywordAnalyzer doesn't use any stemmers, it passes all the field unmodified. So, if you are going to search some words in English text, it isn't a good idea to use this analyzer.
Stop words are the most frequent and almost useless words. Again, it heavily depends on language. For English these words are "a", "the", "I", "be", "have", etc. Stop-words filters remove them from the token stream to lower noise in search results, so finally our phrase "I'm very happy" with StandardAnalyzer will be transformed to list ["veri", "happi"].
And KeywordAnalyzer again does nothing. So, KeywordAnalyzer is used for things like ID or phone numbers, but not for usual text.
And as for your maxClauseCount exception, I believe you get it on searching. In this case most probably it is because of too complex search query. Try to split it to several queries or use more low level functions.
In my perspective, I have used StandAnalyzer and SmartCNAnalyzer. As I have to search text in Chinese. Obviously, SmartCnAnalyzer is better at handling Chinese. For diiferent purposes, you have to choose properest analyzer.

How to make Lucene match all words in query?

I am using Lucene to allow a user to search for words in a large number of documents. Lucene seems to default to returning all documents containing any of the words entered.
Is it possible to change this behaviour? I know that '+' can be use to force a term to be included but I would like to make that the default action.
Ideally I would like functionality similar to Google's: '-' to exclude words and "abc xyz" to group words.
Just to clarify
I also thought of inserting '+' into all spaces in the query. I just wanted to avoid detecting grouped terms (brackets, quotes etc) and potentially breaking the query. Is there another approach?
This looks similar to the Lucene Sentence Search question. If you're interested, this is how I answered that question:
String defaultField = ...;
Analyzer analyzer = ...;
QueryParser queryParser = new QueryParser(defaultField, analyzer);
Query query = queryParser.parse("Searching is fun");
Like Adam said, there's no need to do anything to the query string. QueryParser's setDefaultOperator does exactly what you're asking for.
Why not just preparse the user search input and adjust it to fit your criteria using the Lucene query syntax before passing it on to Lucene. Alternatively, you could just create some help documentation on how to use the standard syntax to create a specific query and let the user decide how the query should be performed.
Lucene has a extensive query language as described here that describes everything you want except for + being the default but that's something you can simple handle by replacing spaces with +. So the only thing you need to do is define the format you want people to enter their search queries in (I would strongly advise to adhere to the default Lucene syntax) and then you can write the transformations from your own syntax to the Lucene syntax.
The behavior is hard-coded in method addClause(List, int, int, Query) of class org.apache.lucene.queryParser.QueryParser, so the only way to change the behavior (other than the workarounds above) is to change that method. The end of the method looks like this:
if (required && !prohibited)
clauses.addElement(new BooleanClause(q, BooleanClause.Occur.MUST));
else if (!required && !prohibited)
clauses.addElement(new BooleanClause(q, BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD));
else if (!required && prohibited)
clauses.addElement(new BooleanClause(q, BooleanClause.Occur.MUST_NOT));
throw new RuntimeException("Clause cannot be both required and prohibited");
Changing "SHOULD" to "MUST" should make clauses (e.g. words) required by default.