Convert matrix into value pairs with awk - awk

I have a matrix of data with latitude longitude and temperature on the following format:
15W 14.5W 14W 13.5W 13W
30N 19.3 19.3 19.2 18.9 18.6
30.5N 19.1 19 19 18.9 18.4
31N 18.9 18.8 18.7 18.6 18.3
31.5N 18.9 18.7 18.7 18.6 18.1
32N 18.6 18.5 18.6 18.5 17.5
I would like to use awk to convert it into lines with latitude longitude and temperature.
The output should look like this:
15W 30N 19.3
15W 30.5N 19.1
15W 31N 18.9
15W 31.5N 18.9
15W 32N 18.6
14.5W 30N 19.3
14.5W 30.5N 19
14.5W 31N 18.8
I guess you get the idea. I thought about awk because I have done some other things with it and it was very powerful. But maybe some other tools are to be used here.
The number of rows and columns is not always the same.
I will also need to convert the latitude and longitude to decimal minutes, but I'm taking one step at a time.

awk one-liner (well a bit long maybe):
awk 'NR==1{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)t[i]=$i}{ r[NR]=$1; for(i=2;i<=NF;i++) v[t[i-1],$1]=$i}END{for(i=1;i<=length(t);i++) for(j=2;j<=NR;j++) print t[i], r[j], v[t[i],r[j]]
} ' file
I would like to format above one-liner into "three-liners" :) :
awk 'NR==1{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)t[i]=$i}
{ r[NR]=$1; for(i=2;i<=NF;i++) v[t[i-1],$1]=$i}
END{for(i=1;i<=length(t);i++)for(j=2;j<=NR;j++)print t[i], r[j], v[t[i],r[j]]} ' file
kent$ cat t
15W 14.5W 14W 13.5W 13W
30N 19.3 19.3 19.2 18.9 18.6
30.5N 19.1 19 19 18.9 18.4
31N 18.9 18.8 18.7 18.6 18.3
31.5N 18.9 18.7 18.7 18.6 18.1
32N 18.6 18.5 18.6 18.5 17.5
kent$ awk 'NR==1{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)t[i]=$i}
{ r[NR]=$1; for(i=2;i<=NF;i++) v[t[i-1],$1]=$i}
END{for(i=1;i<=length(t);i++)for(j=2;j<=NR;j++)print t[i], r[j], v[t[i],r[j]]} ' t
15W 30N 19.3
15W 30.5N 19.1
15W 31N 18.9
15W 31.5N 18.9
15W 32N 18.6
14.5W 30N 19.3
14.5W 30.5N 19
14.5W 31N 18.8
14.5W 31.5N 18.7
14.5W 32N 18.5
14W 30N 19.2
14W 30.5N 19
14W 31N 18.7
14W 31.5N 18.7
14W 32N 18.6
13.5W 30N 18.9
13.5W 30.5N 18.9
13.5W 31N 18.6
13.5W 31.5N 18.6
13.5W 32N 18.5
13W 30N 18.6
13W 30.5N 18.4
13W 31N 18.3
13W 31.5N 18.1
13W 32N 17.5

The solution doesn't need to be complicated. It's actually fairly straightforward once you've chosen the right data structure. Simply use GNU awk to employ a true multidimensional array. Run like:
awk -f script.awk file
Contents of script.awk:
NR==1 {
for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) {
for (j=2;j<=NF;j++) {
b[j-1][NR]["rec"] = a[j-1] FS $1 FS $j
b[j-1][NR]["val"] = $j
for (x=1;x<=length(b);x++) {
for (y=2;y<=NR;y++) {
if (b[x][y]["val"] != "999.9") {
print b[x][y]["rec"] | "column -t"
15W 30N 19.3
15W 30.5N 19.1
15W 31N 18.9
15W 31.5N 18.9
15W 32N 18.6
14.5W 30N 19.3
14.5W 30.5N 19
14.5W 31N 18.8
14.5W 31.5N 18.7
14.5W 32N 18.5
14W 30N 19.2
14W 30.5N 19
14W 31N 18.7
14W 31.5N 18.7
14W 32N 18.6
13.5W 30N 18.9
13.5W 30.5N 18.9
13.5W 31N 18.6
13.5W 31.5N 18.6
13.5W 32N 18.5
13W 30N 18.6
13W 30.5N 18.4
13W 31N 18.3
13W 31.5N 18.1
13W 32N 17.5
Alternatively, here's the one-liner:
awk 'NR==1 { for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) a[i]=$i; next } { for (j=2;j<=NF;j++) { b[j-1][NR]["rec"] = a[j-1] FS $1 FS $j; b[j-1][NR]["val"] = $j } } END { for (x=1;x<=length(b);x++) for (y=2;y<=NR;y++) if (b[x][y]["val"] != "999.9") print b[x][y]["rec"] | "column -t" }' file

awk 'NR==1{n=split($0,a," ")}NR!=1{for(i=1;i<=n;i++)x[a[i]" "$1]=$(i+1);}END{for(i in x){print i,x[i]}}' temp | sort
tested below:
> cat temp
15W 14.5W 14W 13.5W 13W
30N 19.3 19.3 19.2 18.9 18.6
30.5N 19.1 19 19 18.9 18.4
31N 18.9 18.8 18.7 18.6 18.3
31.5N 18.9 18.7 18.7 18.6 18.1
32N 18.6 18.5 18.6 18.5 17.5
phoenix.250> nawk 'NR==1{n=split($0,a," ")}NR!=1{for(i=1;i<=n;i++)x[a[i]" "$1]=$(i+1);}END{for(i in x){print i,x[i]}}' temp | sort
13.5W 30.5N 18.9
13.5W 30N 18.9
13.5W 31.5N 18.6
13.5W 31N 18.6
13.5W 32N 18.5
13W 30.5N 18.4
13W 30N 18.6
13W 31.5N 18.1
13W 31N 18.3
13W 32N 17.5
14.5W 30.5N 19
14.5W 30N 19.3
14.5W 31.5N 18.7
14.5W 31N 18.8
14.5W 32N 18.5
14W 30.5N 19
14W 30N 19.2
14W 31.5N 18.7
14W 31N 18.7
14W 32N 18.6
15W 30.5N 19.1
15W 30N 19.3
15W 31.5N 18.9
15W 31N 18.9
15W 32N 18.6


Vue - After build pages don't load

I've a Vue project buit with vite.
While debbuging the app, everything works ok.
But when i build it to production, and try to open it with preview, the chrome windows hangs loading forever.
Nothing is show on console. Is there anyway to capture the error?
Looks like it's stuck in a forever loop.
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output of build
╭─ ♥ 22:14 |  E:            code
╰─ npm run build
> vue-project#0.0.0 build
> npm run build:icons && vue-tsc --noEmit && vite build
> vue-project#0.0.0 build:icons
> tsc -b src/#iconify && node src/#iconify/build-icons.js
Bundled icons from E:\_Development\_repos\hiperstream\hiperstreamCloudPlatform\cloud-platform\code\node_modules\#iconify-json\mdi\icons.json
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vite v3.2.2 building for production...
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output of preview
╰─ npm run preview
> vue-project#0.0.0 preview
> vite preview --port 5050
➜ Local:
➜ Network: use --host to expose
The page on browser after build and preview
You can't serve your vue build with live Server
This question is already Answered here How to run production site after build vue cli
The problem was happening because, as I expected, the application was in a infinite loop.
The application firstly was using dynamic routes created using vite-plugin-pages
This was generating some problems during build, then I manually wrote the routes. Unfortunally I did forget to add the basic permissions to vue #casl
meta: {action:'read', subject:'Auth'},

Vue Transition not working when attempting to toggle between svgs. Working with vue transitions

Simple as the title suggests, I'm not sure why the transition is not working to toggle between both svgs.
What am I missing here? I wrapped the svgs in divs, but that didn't help at all.
Any advise would be greatly appreciated.
<div id="icon">
<transition name="fade" mode="out-in"><div v-if="show"
#click="show = !show">
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body {
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.fade-enter-active, .fade-leave-active {
transition: opacity .5s
.fade-enter, .fade-leave-to {
opacity: 0
You are missing a key.
When toggling between elements that have the same tag name, you must tell Vue that they are distinct elements by giving them unique key attributes. Otherwise, Vue’s compiler will only replace the content of the element for efficiency. Even when technically unnecessary though, it’s considered good practice to always key multiple items within a component.
Enter/Leave & List Transitions
export default {
data() {
return {
show: false,
body {
align-items: center;
background-color: white;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: center;
height: 100vh;
.fade-enter-active, .fade-leave-active {
transition: opacity .5s
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opacity: 0
<div id="icon">
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<div v-if="show" key="one" #click="show = !show">
<div v-else key="two" #click="show = !show">

missing observation panel data, bring forward value 20 periods

Here's to read in a DataFrame like the one I'm looking at
'period' : [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22,
23, 25, 26],
'id' : [1285, 1285, 1285, 1285, 1285, 1285, 1285, 1285, 1285, 1285, 1285,
1285, 1285, 1285, 1285, 1285, 1285, 1285, 1285, 1285],
'pred': [-1.6534775, -1.6534775, -1.6534775, -1.6534775, -1.6534775,
-1.6534775, -1.6534775, -1.6534775, -1.6534775, -1.6534775,
-1.6534775, -1.6534775, -1.6534775, -1.6534775, -1.6534775,
-1.6534775, -1.6534775, -1.6534775, -1.6534775, -1.6534775],
'ret' : [ None, -0.02222222, -0.01363636, 0. , -0.02764977,
None, -0.00909091, -0.01376147, 0.00465116, None,
0.01869159, 0. , 0. , None , -0.00460829,
0.00462963, 0.02304147, 0. , None, -0.00050756]})
Which will look like this when read in.
period id pred ret
0 1 1285 -1.653477 NaN
1 2 1285 -1.653477 -0.022222
2 3 1285 -1.653477 -0.013636
3 4 1285 -1.653477 0.000000
4 5 1285 -1.653477 -0.027650
5 8 1285 -1.653477 NaN
6 9 1285 -1.653477 -0.009091
7 10 1285 -1.653477 -0.013761
8 11 1285 -1.653477 0.004651
9 13 1285 -1.653477 NaN
10 14 1285 -1.653477 0.018692
11 15 1285 -1.653477 0.000000
12 16 1285 -1.653477 0.000000
13 19 1285 -1.653477 NaN
14 20 1285 -1.653477 -0.004608
15 21 1285 -1.653477 0.004630
16 22 1285 -1.653477 0.023041
17 23 1285 -1.653477 0.000000
18 25 1285 -1.653477 NaN
19 26 1285 -1.653477 -0.000508
pred is 20 period prediction and consequently I want to do is bring the returns back 20 days. (but do it in a flexible way.)
Here's the lag function I have presently
def lag(df, col, lag_dist=1, ref='period', group='id'):
df = df.copy()
new_col = 'lag'+str(lag_dist)+'_'+col
df[new_col] = df.groupby(group)[col].shift(lag_dist)
# set NaN values that differ from specified
df[new_col] = (df.groupby(group)[ref]
return df[new_col]
but when I run
df['fut20_ret'] = lag(df, 'ret', -20, 'period')
I get
period id pred gain fee prc ret fut20_ret
0 1 1285 -1.653478 0.000000 0.87 1.000000 NaN NaN
1 2 1285 -1.653478 -0.022222 0.87 0.977778 -0.022222 NaN
2 3 1285 -1.653478 -0.035556 0.87 0.964444 -0.013636 NaN
3 4 1285 -1.653478 -0.035556 0.87 0.964444 0.000000 NaN
4 5 1285 -1.653478 -0.062222 0.87 0.937778 -0.027650 NaN
6 8 1285 -1.653478 -0.022222 0.87 0.977778 NaN NaN
7 9 1285 -1.653478 -0.031111 0.87 0.968889 -0.009091 NaN
8 10 1285 -1.653478 -0.044444 0.87 0.955556 -0.013761 NaN
9 11 1285 -1.653478 -0.040000 0.87 0.960000 0.004651 NaN
10 13 1285 -1.653478 -0.048889 0.87 0.951111 NaN NaN
11 14 1285 -1.653478 -0.031111 0.87 0.968889 0.018692 NaN
12 15 1285 -1.653478 -0.031111 0.87 0.968889 0.000000 NaN
13 16 1285 -1.653478 -0.031111 0.87 0.968889 0.000000 NaN
15 19 1285 -1.653478 -0.035556 0.87 0.964444 NaN NaN
16 20 1285 -1.653478 -0.040000 0.87 0.960000 -0.004608 NaN
17 21 1285 -1.653478 -0.035556 0.87 0.964444 0.004630 NaN
18 22 1285 -1.653478 -0.013333 0.87 0.986667 0.023041 NaN
19 23 1285 -1.653478 -0.013333 0.87 0.986667 0.000000 NaN
How can I modify my lag function so that it works properly? It's close but I'm struggling on the last little bit.

SQL query is not working (Error in rsqlite_send_query)

This is what the head of my data frame looks like
> head(d19_1)
SMZ SIZ1_diff SIZ1_base SIZ2_diff SIZ2_base SIZ3_diff SIZ3_base SIZ4_diff SIZ4_base SIZ5_diff SIZ5_base
1 1 -620 4170 -189 1347 -35 2040 82 1437 244 1533
2 2 -219 831 -57 255 -4 392 8 282 14 297
3 3 -426 834 -162 294 -134 379 -81 241 -22 221
4 4 -481 676 -142 216 -114 267 -50 158 -43 166
5 5 -233 1711 -109 584 54 913 71 624 74 707
6 6 -322 1539 -79 512 -50 799 23 532 63 576
Total_og Total_base %_SIZ1 %_SIZ2 %_SIZ3 %_SIZ4 %_SIZ5 Total_og Total_base
1 11980 12648 14.86811 14.03118 1.715686 5.706333 15.916504 11980 12648
2 2156 2415 26.35379 22.35294 1.020408 2.836879 4.713805 2156 2415
3 1367 2314 51.07914 55.10204 35.356201 33.609959 9.954751 1367 2314
4 790 1736 71.15385 65.74074 42.696629 31.645570 25.903614 790 1736
5 5339 5496 13.61777 18.66438 5.914567 11.378205 10.466761 5339 5496
6 4362 4747 20.92268 15.42969 6.257822 4.323308 10.937500 4362 4747
The datatype of the data frame is as below str(d19_1)
> str(d19_1)
'data.frame': 1588 obs. of 20 variables:
$ SMZ : int 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
$ SIZ1_diff : int -620 -219 -426 -481 -233 -322 -176 -112 -34 -103 ...
$ SIZ1_base : int 4170 831 834 676 1711 1539 720 1396 998 1392 ...
$ SIZ2_diff : int -189 -57 -162 -142 -109 -79 -12 72 -36 -33 ...
$ SIZ2_base : int 1347 255 294 216 584 512 196 437 343 479 ...
$ SIZ3_diff : int -35 -4 -134 -114 54 -50 16 4 26 83 ...
$ SIZ3_base : int 2040 392 379 267 913 799 361 804 566 725 ...
$ SIZ4_diff : int 82 8 -81 -50 71 23 36 127 46 75 ...
$ SIZ4_base : int 1437 282 241 158 624 532 242 471 363 509 ...
$ SIZ5_diff : int 244 14 -22 -43 74 63 11 143 79 125 ...
$ SIZ5_base : int 1533 297 221 166 707 576 263 582 429 536 ...
$ Total_og : int 11980 2156 1367 790 5339 4362 2027 4715 3465 4561 ...
$ Total_base: int 12648 2415 2314 1736 5496 4747 2168 4464 3278 4375 ...
$ %_SIZ1 : num 14.9 26.4 51.1 71.2 13.6 ...
$ %_SIZ2 : num 14 22.4 55.1 65.7 18.7 ...
$ %_SIZ3 : num 1.72 1.02 35.36 42.7 5.91 ...
$ %_SIZ4 : num 5.71 2.84 33.61 31.65 11.38 ...
$ %_SIZ5 : num 15.92 4.71 9.95 25.9 10.47 ...
$ Total_og : int 11980 2156 1367 790 5339 4362 2027 4715 3465 4561 ...
$ Total_base: int 12648 2415 2314 1736 5496 4747 2168 4464 3278 4375 ...
When I run the below query, it is returning me the below error and I don't know why. I don't have any column in table
d20_1 <- sqldf('SELECT *, CASE
WHEN SMZ BETWEEN 1 AND 110 THEN "Baltimore City"
WHEN SMZ BETWEEN 111 AND 217 THEN "Anne Arundel County"
WHEN SMZ BETWEEN 218 AND 405 THEN "Baltimore County"
WHEN SMZ BETWEEN 406 AND 453 THEN "Carroll County"
WHEN SMZ BETWEEN 454 AND 524 THEN "Harford County"
WHEN SMZ BETWEEN 1667 AND 1674 THEN "York County"
END Jurisdiction
FROM d19_1')
Error in rsqlite_send_query(conn#ptr, statement) :
table d19_1 has no column named <NA>
Your code works correctly for me:
d19_1 <- structure(list(SMZ = 1:6, SIZ1_diff = c(-620L, -219L, -426L,
-481L, -233L, -322L), SIZ1_base = c(4170L, 831L, 834L, 676L,
1711L, 1539L), SIZ2_diff = c(-189L, -57L, -162L, -142L, -109L,
-79L), SIZ2_base = c(1347L, 255L, 294L, 216L, 584L, 512L), SIZ3_diff = c(-35L,
-4L, -134L, -114L, 54L, -50L), SIZ3_base = c(2040L, 392L, 379L,
267L, 913L, 799L), SIZ4_diff = c(82L, 8L, -81L, -50L, 71L, 23L
), SIZ4_base = c(1437L, 282L, 241L, 158L, 624L, 532L), SIZ5_diff = c(244L,
14L, -22L, -43L, 74L, 63L), SIZ5_base = c(1533L, 297L, 221L,
166L, 707L, 576L), Total_og = c(11980L, 2156L, 1367L, 790L, 5339L,
4362L), Total_base = c(12648L, 2415L, 2314L, 1736L, 5496L, 4747L
), X._SIZ1 = c(14.86811, 26.35379, 51.07914, 71.15385, 13.61777,
20.92268), X._SIZ2 = c(14.03118, 22.35294, 55.10204, 65.74074,
18.66438, 15.42969), X._SIZ3 = c(1.715686, 1.020408, 35.356201,
42.696629, 5.914567, 6.257822), X._SIZ4 = c(5.706333, 2.836879,
33.609959, 31.64557, 11.378205, 4.323308), X._SIZ5 = c(15.916504,
4.713805, 9.954751, 25.903614, 10.466761, 10.9375), Total_og.1 = c(11980L,
2156L, 1367L, 790L, 5339L, 4362L), Total_base.1 = c(12648L, 2415L,
2314L, 1736L, 5496L, 4747L)), .Names = c("SMZ", "SIZ1_diff",
"SIZ1_base", "SIZ2_diff", "SIZ2_base", "SIZ3_diff", "SIZ3_base",
"SIZ4_diff", "SIZ4_base", "SIZ5_diff", "SIZ5_base", "Total_og",
"Total_base", "X._SIZ1", "X._SIZ2", "X._SIZ3", "X._SIZ4", "X._SIZ5",
"Total_og.1", "Total_base.1"), row.names = c(NA, -6L), class = "data.frame")
sqldf('SELECT *, CASE
WHEN SMZ BETWEEN 1 AND 110 THEN "Baltimore City"
WHEN SMZ BETWEEN 111 AND 217 THEN "Anne Arundel County"
WHEN SMZ BETWEEN 218 AND 405 THEN "Baltimore County"
WHEN SMZ BETWEEN 406 AND 453 THEN "Carroll County"
WHEN SMZ BETWEEN 454 AND 524 THEN "Harford County"
WHEN SMZ BETWEEN 1667 AND 1674 THEN "York County"
END Jurisdiction
FROM d19_1')

Use AWK on multi FASTA file to add new column based on contig header

I have a multi FASTA file that needs to be parsed so Glimmer multi-extract script can process it. It is composed of many contigs each with it's own header that starts with ">". What I need is to add each header as a new column, the problem is I don't know very much about the linux bash or awk for that matter.
orf00002 1741 461
orf00003 3381 1747
orf00001 426 2648
orf00002 2710 4581
orf00003 4569 5480
orf00004 6990 6133
orf00006 9180 7108
orf00007 10201 9209
orf00008 11663 10203
orf00009 12489 11680
orf00010 13153 12473
orf00011 14382 13225
orf00013 14715 15968
orf00014 19868 16410
orf00001 2995 637
orf00002 2497 1166
orf00003 2984 2529
I need to have each contig header added as a first column along with a tab delimiter.
>contig-7 orf00002 1741 461
>contig-7 orf00003 3381 1747
>Wcontig-11112 orf00001 426 2648
>Wcontig-11112 orf00002 2710 4581
>Wcontig-11112 orf00003 4569 5480
>Wcontig-11112 orf00004 6990 6133
>Wcontig-11112 orf00006 9180 7108
>Wcontig-11112 orf00007 10201 9209
>Wcontig-11112 orf00008 11663 10203
>Wcontig-11112 orf00009 12489 11680
>Wcontig-11112 orf00010 13153 12473
>Wcontig-11112 orf00011 14382 13225
>Wcontig-11112 orf00013 14715 15968
>Wcontig-11112 orf00014 19868 16410
>Wcontig-1674000002 orf00001 2995 637
>Wcontig-1674000002 orf00002 2497 1166
>Wcontig-1674000002 orf00003 2984 2529
Also, after adding the new column I have to erase all the headers, so it would end up looking like this
>contig-7 orf00002 1741 461
>contig-7 orf00003 3381 1747
>Wcontig-11112 orf00001 426 2648
>Wcontig-11112 orf00002 2710 4581
>Wcontig-11112 orf00003 4569 5480
>Wcontig-11112 orf00004 6990 6133
>Wcontig-11112 orf00006 9180 7108
>Wcontig-11112 orf00007 10201 9209
>Wcontig-11112 orf00008 11663 10203
>Wcontig-11112 orf00009 12489 11680
>Wcontig-11112 orf00010 13153 12473
>Wcontig-11112 orf00011 14382 13225
>Wcontig-11112 orf00013 14715 15968
>Wcontig-11112 orf00014 19868 16410
>Wcontig-1674000002 orf00001 2995 637
>Wcontig-1674000002 orf00002 2497 1166
>Wcontig-1674000002 orf00003 2984 2529
Awk can be really handy to solve this problem:
awk '{if($1 ~ /contig/){c=$1}else{print c"\t"$0}}' <yourfile>