Adding Stationary New Items/Shapes To UI - Windows Store App - xaml

I'm sure this issue must have a very straightforward answer but I can't seem to find it. Any help is much appreciated.
Whenever a new item is added to the UI, either at runtime or dynamically once the program is running, it slides into view to reach its position (with inertia). Only when it reaches that point are certain properties applied: like transform properties or opacity values. For example, if a rectangle set to 50% opacity is added when a button is tapped, it will slide onto the screen about 30 points from its actual position at 100% opacity, reach the correct position and then change to the correct 50% opacity.
I would like to be able to turn off this default behavior so the rectangle appears immediately at the correct position with all the properties set.

I've found that I'm asking two separate questions and that both have been answered on this site (links below).
Individual objects can be targeted using the Transitions property under Miscellaneous in Visual Studio 2012.
How to remove EntranceThemeTransition from object or container in Windows 8 Store Apps?
RenderTransform occurs after EntranceThemeTransition on a TextBlock


'Pause' Display while control elements are updated (VB.Net)

So, I am kind of asking a question for a hypothetical situation here.
I am producing a Windows Form App made to show multiple windows of data on the screen at the same time. To accomplish this, I have decided to put a Table Layout Panel in the main form to act as a container for all of the data windows I will open.
The width and height of each cell of the Table Layout Panel will change depending on how many windows are open. For example, if just one window is open, it takes up 100% of the width and height of the container area. Alternatively if 3 windows are open, all the windows will have a size equal to 50% of the container's width and height.
Now let's assume each of these Windows have 20 different control elements, which are all used to help the user search through the data shown in each window. Additionally, all of these elements dynamically resize and relocate themselves as the dimensions of the window they are in change.
With all of these moving elements, when a screen is added or removed it can be assumed that there will be a good deal of glitching going on on the screen that may alarm the user. Thus we get to my question.
Is there a way to 'pause' the display of a Windows Form Application so that the user doesn't see everything on change modifying itself? I can't seem to find anything like while looking online so that is why I am asking here.

Automatically adjusting winform and controls to screen size

I created a winform application. The size of each screen is 1361, 768 in pixels. This worked great for larger screens and/or laptops. But now I have to move my application to 10inch screen tablets, which means my application does not fit.
I have never had to deal with this issue before, how can auto adjust each form size and adjust all of the controls and panels when viewing on smaller screens?
I am using VS 2012.
Making forms fully scalable in WinForms is possible, but it takes a bit of work. The good news is that most of this work is done at design-time, arranging the controls properly so that everything is done for you automatically by the framework. It's drudgery, but it isn't difficult. Rejoice that you don't have to write the scaling code by hand, form-by-form, like you did with VB 6.
There are four fundamental properties that you will need to acquaint yourself with:
The last two should be quite familiar web developers who know CSS—they do the same thing here. Padding controls the inner margin around a control, while margin controls the outer margin. You will need to set these correctly to ensure that your controls can "breathe", because the automatic scaling code is just going to jam them up against one another.
The "standard" margins around a control in a Windows desktop application are approximately 12–15 pixels. You should make sure that you leave at least this much room. Then add additional margins/padding as you see fit to separate things. I keep these layout specifications bookmarked for reference. This is another good reference.
The next step is to instruct the layout manager how you want the controls to be arranged and resized. The key to this is to think in terms of container controls and child controls. The form itself is a container control, and you can set its child controls to either Anchor or Dock within its boundaries. One or more of those child controls can itself be a container control, and its child controls can be Anchored or Docked within its borders. The nesting is virtually unlimited, but for your own sanity and reasonable redraw performance, you'll want to keep it to a reasonable minimum.
A good way of doing this is to use the two provided invisible layout helpers, FlowLayoutPanel and TableLayoutPanel. Personally, I don't find the former very useful very often, at least not for standard Windows applications. But the TableLayoutPanel is invaluable.
Generally what I will do is fill my entire form with a TableLayoutPanel (margins = 0, dock = fill). Then I will add individual controls (or sometimes another nested TableLayoutPanel) to its cells. Those child controls will have their margins set appropriately, and will have either their Anchor or Dock properties set, depending on whether I want that control to have a fixed size or resize dynamically.
Before you get the hang of how these properties interact and how it all works, you'll probably need to play around with your layout a bit. Make a backup of your forms and then just dig in. Or, you might find it easier to start designing each form from scratch (you can still copy-and-paste individual controls in order to preserve their other properties). Eventually, it will all start making sense to you, and you'll be up and going in a jiffy.
The great thing is, once this is all set up, all you have to do is ensure that your form is resizable. Then, whether the user manually resizes it or uses the maximize/restore button, it'll automatically fill their screen size. This also works well for all DPI settings, which is another common Achilles' heel of WinForms devs.
Try to get the resolutions variables to adjust your screens, there is an answer to get these variables using the Screen class
Getting Screen Resolution
DevExpress has a great control call the Layout Control. This control helps to maintain consistent whitespace between controls as the form is resized. It does take a little study to use the control effectively but once you understand how to use this control the results are consistent and you are able to speed through form design.

Virtual basic Full screen resizing

I'm making a full screen application in visual basic and is having some issues with full screen and control resizing.
I've looked around both google, stack overflow and youtube for answers but none seems to be working for me. What I have worked my way to is that i need to use anchor or docking or something like that if I am not all incorrect
Picture examples:
The main window in my editor.
When the program runs in maximized screen
Resolution of the program is 800x600 as its going to be made for a screen with that resolution.
You probably want to use anchor points. You can anchor a control to any side, all sides, or any combinations of sides in its container (the form, usually). When the form is resized, the control is automatically sized accordingly. You can also use the form's resize event and change the size or location of the controls manually when the form size changes.

How to apply UI virtualization to ScrollViewer in WinRT

Is it possible to apply UI virtualization to ScrollViewer in WinRT. In my application I am creating a line chart with the help of Polyline(Polyline embedded inside a scrollviewver). But in the current case, If it come more than 500 points. It blocks the UI during the time of interacting with the Map. So what I am trying to achieve is to apply kind of UI virtualization to scroll view. If anyone had any idea to solve this please help me.
The way I would handle a Polyline is I would break its data into sections, perhaps screen-wide ones (assuming horizontal-only scrolling), put a Canvas inside of the ScrollViewer, make the size (Width) of the Canvas the total size of the chart and put a few (say 5) Polyline controls in it and then on the ViewChanged event update the Polyline controls' Canvas.Left and Points properties to correspond to the area around the current view port of the ScrollViewer. That should give you smooth scrolling. Just don't add/remove or update the controls on each ViewChanged and only update Canvas.Left and Points when you need to - that is when you don't have a Polyline ready to display next to the current view port.

live tiles in Windows Phone and Grids

I'm trying to create a live tile for my application, using a user control.
The user control contains a grid, an image and a rectangle filled with color.
Now here comes the funny part.
I want the rectangle to act as a background for the tile's title, and the image to fill the rest of the tile. And i said to myself, well, lets put some rows in that grid and set the like you usually set them in a WPF/SL application.
I then write the entire thing in a WBM and save it to isostore.
The problem is, the parser seems to ignore the presence of grid's rows. regardless of what I try, the rectangle is not shown, and the image covers the full tile, when it should only cover the first row. It is as if the grid didn't even existed.
Another funny aspect is that it doesn't matter if I use rows or columns, the result is the same.
Any ideas?
Are you using the following method?
Dynamic LiveTile - adding background image?
I recently implemented a Live Tile using a Grid with Rows and Columns for layout of some TextBlocks. I encountered similar challenges, so I placed the control that I was using for my Live Tile on a blank page in my app to better see what was happening. Does the control render correctly when displayed on a page (versus being rendered to a WriteableBitmap)?
Another idea. Instead of trying to position the Rectangle relative to the tile's Title, why not leave the Title property blank and put the same text in a TextBlock within the user control?
If you are careful about the font and positioning of the TextBlock, the text on the resulting background image can appear indistinguishable from text displayed from the Title property. I decided to follow this strategy myself. I found the font information in the following answer:
Font size and family for a tile's title
Otherwise, could you post an example of the XAML you are using?