I'm very new to rails, but have a nice project going
I have the following in my model :
def self.get_feeds
sponsorlinks = RssFeed.all
links = sponsorlinks.each do |sponsorlink|
puts sponsorlink.rss_url
feed_urls = ["link1","link2"]
"links" outputs my 2 links to the console as expected but how do I get my two links into feed_urls = ["link1","link2"]
in the expected format?
sponsorlinks = RssFeed.all
links = []
sponsorlinks.each do |sponsorlink|
links << sponsorlink.rss_url
I am currently web scraping a few pages inside a list. I have the following code provided.
pages = {
"https://shop.supervalu.ie/shopping/wine-beer-spirits-lager/c-150302375", #More than one page
"https://shop.supervalu.ie/shopping/wine-beer-spirits-ale/c-150302388", #More than one page
"https://shop.supervalu.ie/shopping/wine-beer-spirits-irish-whiskey/c-150302435", #More than one page
products = []
prices = []
images = []
urls = []
def export_data():
logging.info("exporting data to pandas dataframe")
supervalu = pd.DataFrame({
'img_url' : images,
'url' : urls,
'product' : products,
'price' : prices
logging.info("sorting data by price")
supervalu.sort_values(by=['price'], inplace=True)
output_json = 'supervalu.json'
output_csv = 'supervalu.csv'
output_dir = Path('../../json/supervalu')
output_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
logging.info("exporting data to json")
supervalu.to_json(output_dir / output_json)
logging.info("exporting data to csv")
supervalu.to_csv(output_dir / output_csv)
def get_data(div):
raw_data = div.find_all('div', class_='ga-product')
raw_images = div.find_all('img')
raw_url = div.find_all('a', class_="ga-product-link")
product_data = [data['data-product'] for data in raw_data]
new_data = [d.replace("\r\n","") for d in product_data]
for name in new_data:
new_names = re.search(' "name": "(.+?)"', name).group(1)
for price in new_data:
new_prices = re.search(' "price": ''"(.+?)"', price).group(1)
for image in raw_images:
new_images = image['data-src']
for url in raw_url:
new_url = url['href']
def scrape_page(next_url):
page = requests.get(next_url)
if page.status_code != 200:
logging.error("Page does not exist!")
soup = BeautifulSoup(page.content, 'html.parser')
get_data(soup.find(class_="row product-list ga-impression-group"))
load_more_text = soup.find('a', class_='pill ajax-link load-more').findAll('span')[-1].text
if load_more_text == 'Load more':
next_page = soup.find('a', class_="pill ajax-link load-more").get('href')
logging.info("Scraping next page: {}".format(next_page))
logging.warning("No more next pages to scrape")
for page in pages:
logging.info("Scraping page: {}".format(page))
The main issue that appears is during the try exception handling of the next page. As not all of the pages provided have the the appropriate snippet, a ValueAttribute error will araise hence I have the aforementioned statement closed off in a try exception case. I want to skip the pages that don't have next page and scrape them regardless and continue looping the rest of the pages until a next page arises. All of the pages appear to be looped through but I never get the data exported. If I try the following code:
load_more_text = soup.find('a', class_='pill ajax-link load-more').findAll('span')[-1].text
if load_more_text == 'Load more':
next_page = soup.find('a', class_="pill ajax-link load-more").get('href')
logging.info("Scraping next page: {}".format(next_page))
logging.warning("No more next pages to scrape")
This would be the closest that I have gotten to the desired outcome. The above code works and the data gets exported but not all of the pages get exported because as a result - a new dataframe is created for every time a new next page appears and ends i.e. - code iterarets through the list, finds a next page, next page 'pages' get scraped and a new dataframe is created and deletes the previous data.
I'm hoping that someone would give me some guidance on what to do as I have been stuck on this part of my personal project and I'm not so sure on how I am supposed to overcome this obstacle. Thank you in advance.
I have modified my code as shown below and I have received my desired outcome.
load_more_text = soup.find('a', class_='pill ajax-link load-more')
if load_more_text:
next_page = soup.find('a', class_="pill ajax-link load-more").get('href')
logging.info("Scraping next page: {}".format(next_page))
I am trying to extract userid, rating and review from the following site using selenium and it is showing "Invalid selector error". I think, the Xpath I have tried to define to get the review text is the reason for error. But I am unable to resolve the issue. The site link is as below:
teslamotor review
The code that I have used is following:
#Class for Review webscraping from consumeraffairs.com site
class CarForumCrawler():
def __init__(self, start_link):
self.link_to_explore = start_link
self.comments = pd.DataFrame(columns = ['rating','user_id','comments'])
self.driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path=r'C:/Users/mumid/Downloads/chromedriver/chromedriver.exe')
def extract_data(self):
ids = self.driver.find_elements_by_xpath("//*[contains(#id,'review-')]")
comment_ids = []
for i in ids:
for x in comment_ids:
#Extract dates from for each user on a page
user_rating = self.driver.find_elements_by_xpath('//*[#id="' + x +'"]/div[1]/div/img')[0]
rating = user_rating.get_attribute('data-rating')
#Extract user ids from each user on a page
userid_element = self.driver.find_elements_by_xpath('//*[#id="' + x +'"]/div[2]/div[2]/strong')[0]
userid = userid_element.get_attribute('itemprop')
#Extract Message for each user on a page
user_message = self.driver.find_elements_by_xpath('//*[#id="' + x +'"]]/div[3]/p[2]/text()')[0]
comment = user_message.text
#Adding date, userid and comment for each user in a dataframe
self.comments.loc[len(self.comments)] = [rating,userid,comment]
def save_data_to_file(self):
#we save the dataframe content to a CSV file
self.comments.to_csv ('Tesla_rating-6.csv', index = None, header=True)
def close_spider(self):
#end the session
url = 'https://www.consumeraffairs.com/automotive/tesla_motors.html'
mycrawler = CarForumCrawler(url)
The error that I am getting is as following:
Also, The xpath that I tried to trace is from following HTML
You are seeing the classic error of...
as find_elements_by_xpath('//*[#id="' + x +'"]]/div[3]/p[2]/text()')[0] would select the attributes, instead you need to pass an xpath expression that selects elements.
You need to change as:
user_message = self.driver.find_elements_by_xpath('//*[#id="' + x +'"]]/div[3]/p[2]')[0]
You can find a couple of relevant detailed discussions in:
invalid selector: The result of the xpath expression "//a[contains(#href, 'mailto')]/#href" is: [object Attr] getting the href attribute with Selenium
I want to combine two requests to the Google cloud text-to-speech API in a single mp3 output. The reason I need to combine two requests is that the output should contain two different languages.
Below code works fine for many language pair combinations, but unfortunately not for all. If I request e.g. a sentence in English and one in German and combine them everything works. If I request one in English and one in Japanes I can't combine the two files in a single output. The output only contains the first sentence and instead of the second sentence, it outputs silence.
I tried now multiple ways to combine the two outputs but the result stays the same. The code below should show the issue.
Please run the code first with:
python synthesize_bug.py --t1 'Hallo' --code1 de-De --t2 'August' --code2 de-De
This works perfectly.
python synthesize_bug.py --t1 'Hallo' --code1 de-De --t2 'こんにちは' --code2 ja-JP
This doesn't work. The single files are ok, but the combined files contain silence instead of the Japanese part.
Also, if used with two Japanes sentences everything works.
I already filed a bug report at Google with no response yet, but maybe it's just me who is doing something wrong here with encoding assumptions. Hope someone has an idea.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import argparse
# [START tts_synthesize_text_file]
def synthesize_text_file(text1, text2, code1, code2):
"""Synthesizes speech from the input file of text."""
from apiclient.discovery import build
import base64
service = build('texttospeech', 'v1beta1')
collection = service.text()
data1 = {}
data1['input'] = {}
data1['input']['ssml'] = '<speak><break time="2s"/></speak>'
data1['voice'] = {}
data1['voice']['ssmlGender'] = 'FEMALE'
data1['voice']['languageCode'] = code1
data1['audioConfig'] = {}
data1['audioConfig']['speakingRate'] = 0.8
data1['audioConfig']['audioEncoding'] = 'MP3'
request = collection.synthesize(body=data1)
response = request.execute()
audio_pause = base64.b64decode(response['audioContent'].decode('UTF-8'))
raw_pause = response['audioContent']
ssmlLine = '<speak>' + text1 + '</speak>'
data1 = {}
data1['input'] = {}
data1['input']['ssml'] = ssmlLine
data1['voice'] = {}
data1['voice']['ssmlGender'] = 'FEMALE'
data1['voice']['languageCode'] = code1
data1['audioConfig'] = {}
data1['audioConfig']['speakingRate'] = 0.8
data1['audioConfig']['audioEncoding'] = 'MP3'
request = collection.synthesize(body=data1)
response = request.execute()
# The response's audio_content is binary.
with open('output1.mp3', 'wb') as out:
print('Audio content written to file "output1.mp3"')
audio_text1 = base64.b64decode(response['audioContent'].decode('UTF-8'))
raw_text1 = response['audioContent']
ssmlLine = '<speak>' + text2 + '</speak>'
data2 = {}
data2['input'] = {}
data2['input']['ssml'] = ssmlLine
data2['voice'] = {}
data2['voice']['ssmlGender'] = 'MALE'
data2['voice']['languageCode'] = code2 #'ko-KR'
data2['audioConfig'] = {}
data2['audioConfig']['speakingRate'] = 0.8
data2['audioConfig']['audioEncoding'] = 'MP3'
request = collection.synthesize(body=data2)
response = request.execute()
# The response's audio_content is binary.
with open('output2.mp3', 'wb') as out:
print('Audio content written to file "output2.mp3"')
audio_text2 = base64.b64decode(response['audioContent'].decode('UTF-8'))
raw_text2 = response['audioContent']
result = audio_text1 + audio_pause + audio_text2
with open('result.mp3', 'wb') as out:
print('Audio content written to file "result.mp3"')
raw_result = raw_text1 + raw_pause + raw_text2
with open('raw_result.mp3', 'wb') as out:
print('Audio content written to file "raw_result.mp3"')
# [END tts_synthesize_text_file]ls
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
args = parser.parse_args()
synthesize_text_file(args.t1, args.t2, args.code1, args.code2)
You can find the answer here:
Short answer: It's not clear why it is not working, but Google suggests a workaround to first write the files as .wav, combine and then re-encode the result to mp3.
I have managed to do this in NodeJS with just one function (idk how optimal is it, but at least it works). Maybe you could take inspiration from it
I have used memory-streams dependency from npm
var streams = require('memory-streams');
function mergeAudios(audios) {
var reader = new streams.ReadableStream();
var writer = new streams.WritableStream();
audios.forEach(element => {
if (element instanceof streams.ReadableStream) {
else {
return reader
Input parameter is a list which contain ReadableStream or responce.audioContent from synthesizeSpeech operation. If it is readablestream, it uses pipe operation, if it is audiocontent, it uses write method. At the end all content is passed into an readabblestream.
I'm trying to create a sitemap for my app which features subdomains using the sitemap_generator gem. However, I'm getting an error with my code:
the scheme http does not accept registry part: .foo.com (or bad hostname?)
My sitemap.rb:
SitemapGenerator::Sitemap.default_host = "http://www.foo.com"
SitemapGenerator::Sitemap.sitemaps_host = "http://s3.amazonaws.com/foo/"
SitemapGenerator::Sitemap.public_path = 'tmp/'
SitemapGenerator::Sitemap.sitemaps_path = 'sitemaps/'
SitemapGenerator::Sitemap.adapter = SitemapGenerator::WaveAdapter.new
SitemapGenerator::Sitemap.create do
add '/home'
Customer.find_each do |customer|
SitemapGenerator::Sitemap.default_host = "http://#{customer.user_name}.foo.com"
SitemapGenerator::Sitemap.sitemaps_path = "sitemaps/#{customer.user_name}"
SitemapGenerator::Sitemap.create do
add '/home'
What am I doing wrong?
I'm the author of this gem.
I am fairly certain that the problem is with one of the customer user name's containing a character which is not allowed in a URL. A simple test with simple names works e.g.:
%w(bill mary bob).each do |customer|
SitemapGenerator::Sitemap.default_host = "http://#{customer}.foo.com"
SitemapGenerator::Sitemap.sitemaps_path = "sitemaps/#{customer}"
SitemapGenerator::Sitemap.create do
add '/home'
I am using ActiveResource to manage accessing an external service.
The external service has an URL like:
Here's my Car class:
class Car < ActiveResource::Base
class << self
def element_path(id, prefix_options = {}, query_options = nil)
prefix_options, query_options = split_options(prefix_options) if query_options.nil?
"#{prefix(prefix_options)}#{collection_name}/#{URI.parser.escape id.to_s}#{query_string(query_options)}"
def collection_path(prefix_options = {}, query_options = nil)
prefix_options, query_options = split_options(prefix_options) if query_options.nil?
end end
self.site = "http://api.cars.com/"
self.prefix = "/v1/"
self.format = :json
When I set up my object to get a particular car in rails console:
> car = car.new
> car.get('1234')
I get a URL like this:
How do I get the URL to include the range and range_num elements?
Also, i don't want the .json extension on the end of the URL. I've attempted overriding the element_name and collection_name methods as described here: How to remove .xml and .json from url when using active resource but it doesn't seem to be working for me...
Thanks in advance for any ideas!
Get rid of the forward slash in the URL
"#{prefix(prefix_options)}#{collection_name}/#{URI.parser.escape id.to_s}#{query_string(query_options)}"
"#{prefix(prefix_options)}#{collection_name}#{URI.parser.escape id.to_s}#{query_string(query_options)}"