Windows app certification kit 2.2 fails to find any apps to validate - windows-8

I'm running windows 8 and visual studio express for windows 8.
I have created an app and had it successfully submitted to the app store.
I am now working on a second app and getting ready to submit it. However, I just updated to the latest win8 SDK and to Windows app certification kit 2.2. Ever since I updated, I have been unable to run the cert kit.
Whenever I run the cert kit as part of the 'create app packages' I get the following error. I find it interesting that my first app gets the same behavior.
The {0} cannot continue testing since the specified Windows Store App was not found. Please verify the packagefullname is correct.
So, I try running the Windows App Certification kit 2.2 in stand-alone mode. When I select to certify windows store app, it thinks for a bit and then returns with an empty list of applications.
I found the following link wack doesn't see my app and followed the steps but still no joy.

Can you please confirm that you are using the RTM build of Windows 8? This was a bug discovered in pre-RTM builds that should have been fixed for RTM.


Titanium Studio with Windows Phone Plugin: Titanium SDK does not support the Windows platform

I want to do Windows Phone development with Titanium Studio.
I followed in order to get the Windows plugin. After a required restart of the software, the Windows option apears in the Deployment Targets when creating a new project.
Unfortunately, for all Titanium SDK Versions I have installed, 3.5.1.GA, 3.5.0.GA, 3.4.0.GA, 3.3.0.GA, I am getting an error like "Titanium SDK v3.5.1.GA does not support the Windows platform".
So I basically cannot create projects for Windows Phone.
I am using Titanium Studio 3.4.1 and followed the installation tutorial, though I deleted the SDK path after setting it (it is the default path, setting a value caused an error message, also I left the publisher GUID and Windows Store Certificate empty, since I just want to develop and don't have publishing credentials yet).
How can I create an app that runs on Windows Phone, too?
I add some images to show the problem better. In the last step, I don't have the possibility to create a Windows project in Titanium Studio.
2nd edit:
As per Eduard's answer, I skipped and had to do it. Now I got Titanium SDK 4.1.0.v2015... and I get the option.
Unfortunately, it still does not work.
So I also need to update Titanium Studio.
Well, I guess mobile development has to be buggy and cumbersome, at least that is my experience so far with various (cross-platform) products.
Try opening the solution generated in Visual Studio to attempt packaging the .sln to .appxupload to upload it to the Windows Store. Hopefully that will serve as work around until Titanium has full support for Windows (very likely 4.0.0 or 4.1.0 Titanium SDKs).

iPhone build does not work after migrating project from worklight 6.0 to 6.1

I created a hybrid worklight application having iPhone as the target environment using Worklight Studio 6.0. The application has 1 html file which has HelloWorld written in it.
I then migrated my worklight project to Worklight Studio 6.1. The application builds successfully, but while running the application, the application hangs at the splash screen and does not show the HTML page.
Is there any step that I am missing in the migration activity for iOS?
This actually sounds very much likely a recently fixed APAR: PI21872 ON IOS, INSTALLING THE SAME APPLICATION TWICE (WITHOUT unistall) would perform FREEZE AT THE APPLICATION START-UP.
While the APAR title does not match your problem description, it does match the issue that was resolved internally.
Either take a look at IBM Fix Central and install the latest available there, or
Open a PMR and request the latest available Worklight iFix
Verify that your issue is then resolved.
Also, since you say you have only "hello world" in your application, you could just create a new project in 6.1 instead?

Windows App Certification Kit - packagefullname bug W8 Store

When I want to certify my application (Metro application) with the Windows App Certification Kit, I click on store and when the Windows App Certification Kit is launched it goes into preparing to validate app and then I get the error message:
The Windows App Certification Kit experienced the following failure while validating your app.
The {0} cannot continue testing since the specified Windows App store was was not found. Please verify that the packagefullname is correct"
How can the packagefulname not be correct since I am not the one that typed it? I use the GUI in VS 2012.
When launch the command Get-AppxPackage > out.txt in power shell I can see that my app has a package full name so even when I try to launch the command prompt
.\appcert.exe test -apptype metrostyle –packagefullname XXXXXXXXXX_neutral__823pgb98jhb94 -reportoutputpath c:\temp\MyWACKReport.xml
It says that the package full name must be specified with is the case so I really don't understand. What can I do so that my application can pass Windows App Certification.
My machine: Windows 8 Pro x64 with VS 2012 ultimate
Did you install the application prior to running the certification kit?
It is somewhat annoying that appcert.exe can't install a package itself. (Which is why we developed some tooling to do that for us, hopefully we'll open-source it soon...)

Windows Metro Application Certification Failing on RTM

We created a XAML C# Project on Windows8(RTM ) but it failed to get certified using Windows App Cert Kit
But this failure occurred on RTM Machine we were able to pass the test on Preview Release.
Just to ensure this might be happening due to RTM we created a Sample Grid Layout Project and checked using the Certification Kit but even this failed .
Please Help...
I had this exact problem. There are changes between RTM and Release Preview, including version number changes that will automatically trigger a fail in the WACK test tool.
Basically, you need to recompile your project code using RTM Visual Studio on an RTM copy of Windows 8. you'll want to update any of your references as well if you're using third-party components.

Windows App Certification Kit - "did not detect any new application" , ClickOnce

I have a Windows Desktop App ( WPF + c++ ).
I have just made a ClickOnce installer. I built it on Windows 7, but I want to certify the App for the Windows Store, so I'm running the Windows App Certification kit on Windows 8.
The installer works fine, it installs my application and puts an icon on Windows 8 start screen. My Application runs fine. I then uninstalled it ready to run the certification.
When I try to Certify it, the Application Compatibility Kit fails to install it ( a couple of windows flash open and closed SO fast I can't read them, I DON'T experience the installer dialog which would normally require some interaction from me).
Then the kit pops a dialog:
The Windows App Certification Kit did not detect any new applications
as a result of your installation. testing cannot continue unless an
application is successfully installed).
Previously a had a MSI installer that did seem to work with the compatibility kit (the app failed certification, but for legitimate reasons). Now I can't get the compatibility kit to even install my ClickOnce application. How can I certify my desktop app?
Edit Desktop apps are indeed possible in the store. See this.
ClickOnce applications are not eligible for Windows 7 and Windows 8 Software Logo program.