Why won't my variable set to an instance of an object? - vb.net

The program is a booking system (amongst other things) for a holiday letting company. I am working on the screen where you can see properties and ammend them or add more (etc)
Okay so It works fine in my other cases, but this one it just doesn't want to accept...I expect it's something stupid. Basically In the initial loading of the entire program I filled the Data Tables with the relevant info and then accessed them when needs be, in this case I am in the Form Properties and want to access Bookings (Which were made in FrmBookings) to see when the property is next booked to have guests in.
Dim Intcounter As Integer = 0
Dim NumberBookingRecords As Integer = BookingsNumRecs
Dim PropertyName As String
Dim PropertyFromBookings As String
PropertyName = DTProperties(Intcounter)("Property Name").ToString
PropertyFromBookings = (DTBookings(NumberBookingRecords)("Property").ToString)
If PropertyName = PropertyFromBookings Then
lblDateOfArrival.Text = (DTBookings(NumberBookingRecords)("Arrival").ToString)
Intcounter = Intcounter + 1
If Not NumberBookingRecords = 0 Then
NumberBookingRecords = NumberBookingRecords - 1
End If
End If
Loop Until Intcounter >= intNumPropertyRecs
However when I get to PropertyFromBookings = (DTBookings(NumberBookingRecords)("Property").ToString)
it tells me that it could not be set to an instance of an object...no matter what I try an access from DTBookings I get the same response.
This is in the initial load form at the opening of the program
Dim FSBookings As New FileStream(strFileNameBookings, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Read)
If FileLen(strFileNameBookings) > 0 Then
BookingsNumRecs = DTBookings.Rows.Count
intCurrRec = 1
End If
blnStopAuto = True
blnStopAuto = False

Based on your code sample, DTBookings() is a function call. There are two possibilties here. Either:
The result of that function is Nothing, and when you try to use a Nothing as if there were an actual object there, (in this case, when trying to look up the ("Property") indexer) you'll get that exception, or ...
The result of the ("Property") index returns Nothing, in which case you'll get that exception when you try to call the .ToString() method.


VB.Net | Is there a way to reference a dynamic amount of variables as arguments to function/sub?

I'm trying to pass a dynamic amount of variables to a Sub by using ByRef;
Essentially I'm trying to create a module that I can easily import into my projects and make handling the file saving/loading process automated.
The Sub/Function would take a number of variables as references and then loop through them changing each one's value.
I realize I'm missing a crucial point in how visual basic's syntax works but I haven't been able to figure out what I need to do.
The code I've written for this is:
Public Sub LoadSaveToVars(ByRef KeyNamesAndVars() As Object, ByVal FileLoc As String = "")
If isEven(KeyNamesAndVars.Length) Then
Dim Contents As String = My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText(FileLoc)
Dim isOnName As Boolean = True
Dim CurrentVal As String = ""
For i = 0 To KeyNamesAndVars.Length - 1
If isOnName Then
CurrentVal = GetStringValue(KeyNamesAndVars(i), Contents) 'Get the value of the key with the key name in the array
isOnName = False
KeyNamesAndVars(i) = CurrentVal 'Set the variable referenced in the array to the value
isOnName = True
End If
Throw New ArgumentOutOfRangeException("The key names and variables supplied are not even.", "Error loading to variables!")
End If
End Sub
And here's how I try to use this function:
Dim TestVar1 As String = ""
Dim TestVar2 As String = ""
LoadSaveToVars({"key1", TestVar1, "key2", TestVar2})
To keep this question clean I did not include the other functions, but I did make a poor attempt at drawing what I want to happen: https://gyazo.com/eee34b8dff766401f73772bb0fef981a
In the end, I want TestVar1 to be equal to "val1" and TestVar2 to be equal to "val2" and to be able to extend this to a dynamic number of variables. Is this possible?

vb.net form linq nullreferenceexception

I'm working on a Sindows Forms application to help keep inventory of some scanners. I'm using Linq2Sql, each table has an id column. On my repair history form. I'm trying to use the serial number from the inventory table so it goes to the database and looks up the sID from the table and it returns the correct value, but when I go to send all the entered data to the history table it gets a null reference exception.
Dim db As New DataClasses1DataContext
Dim rep As Scanner_Repair_History
Dim scan = (From Scanner_Inventory In db.Scanner_Inventories Where scannerid.Text = Scanner_Inventory.SN Select Scanner_Inventory.SID).FirstOrDefault
rep.SID = scan
rep.Date_Broken = datebroke.Value
rep.Description = description.Text
rep.Send_Date = senddate.Text
rep.Recieve_Date = recievedate.Text
rep.Cost = cost.Text
rep.PlantID = plantid.Text
rep.BID = brokenid.Text
rep.RMAnumber = rmanum.Text
is that me but you didn't instanciate your "rep" variable
You don't have a defined object for placement with a 'new' keyword but I am also curious if it is a system.type.
Update based on Jinx88909
You may be returning an entire POCO Object that may be null and have a null property. You can adjust this most times by doing a null condition if you are using .NET 4.5 and up. '?.' operator.
Dim db As New DataClasses1DataContext
'I need to be a new object and not instantiated as Nothing
Dim rep As New Scanner_Repair_History
'You have the potential for a nothing value here as 'FirstOrDefault' includes a potential Nothing'.
'I would get the entire object and then just a property of it after the fact
Dim scan = (From Scanner_Inventory In db.Scanner_Inventories Where scannerid?.Text = Scanner_Inventory?.SN Select Scanner_Inventory).FirstOrDefault?.Sid
If scan IsNot Nothing Then
rep.SID = scan 'Could you maybe want scan.Id or something similar?
rep.Date_Broken = datebroke.Value
rep.Description = description.Text
rep.Send_Date = senddate.Text
rep.Recieve_Date = recievedate.Text
rep.Cost = cost.Text
rep.PlantID = plantid.Text
rep.BID = brokenid.Text
rep.RMAnumber = rmanum.Text
Console.WriteLine("I got nothing for you with the inputs you put in!")
End If

Searching Strings from a split list

Attempting to split and store strings from a listbox and search then search the contents of the text file I have stored them to, hopefully sorting them in different categories,
firstly I am getting an "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." error with this
Dim variable As String = Nothing
If listArray.SelectedIndex > 0 Then
variable = listArray.Items(listArray.SelectedIndex)
End If
Dim part As String() = variable.Split(New Char() {","c})
Dim line As String
For Each line In part
and secondly, would this be the right code to use for searching those separated strings?
For count As Integer = 0 To Logbook.listArray.Items.Count - 1
Dim searchIndex As String = Logbook.listArray.Items(count).ToString
If searchIndex.Contains(indexSearch.Text) Then
Logbook.listArray.SetSelected(0, True)
End If
I'm pretty new to StackOverflow, my apologies if i'm not up to date with the website etiquette.
am getting an "Object reference not set to an instance of an object."
I guess you don't know that the first item is at index 0 and that SelectedIndex returns -1 if there is no item selected. That's why following code throws that exception:
Dim variable As String = Nothing
If listArray.SelectedIndex > 0 Then
variable = listArray.Items(listArray.SelectedIndex)
End If
Dim part As String() = variable.Split(New Char() {","c}) ' <--- variable Nothing if first item selected
Then you just have to use <> -1 or >= 0:
Dim variable As String = Nothing
If listArray.SelectedIndex >= 0 Then
variable = listArray.Items(listArray.SelectedIndex)
End If
According to the second part of the question(always ask only once), you haven't provided enough informations to understand what you want and what doesn't work with your code.

Null Reference Exception on Dictionary

I know that a null reference exception generally occurs when accessing an item in a collection that doesn't exist. However, in this case, one is being thrown despite me explicitly creating this item mere lines beforehand. I have scoured my code and cannot find the source of this error (the code is very basic ATM as I have just begun the process of restructuring a solution made for a client.
Background info:
PhotoJobs is a custom class that holds all of the properties of a specific manufacturing Job
These are all held in a Public Dictionary(of string, PhotoJob) which is held in the MainForm class.
A ("temp") photojob is created within this dictionary to handle the addition of new jobs as data is added (this appears to be the source of the error.
Private Sub AddJob_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
MainForm.photoJobs.Add("temp", New PhotoJob())
pctBox.AllowDrop = True
End Sub
Public Sub pctbox_drop(sender As Object, e As DragEventArgs) Handles pctBox.DragDrop
Dim pics As String() = CType(e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.FileDrop), String()) 'Gets the data from the file drop
If MainForm.photoJobs("temp").imageList.Count = 0 Then
MainForm.photoJobs("temp").imageList = pics.ToList 'Gets the data from the file drop
For i = 0 To MainForm.photoJobs("temp").imageList.Count - 1
If Not MainForm.photoJobs("temp").imageList.Contains(pics(i)) Then
End If
End If
MainForm.photoJobs("temp").photoID = CType(formatID(MainForm.photoJobs("temp").imageList(0)), String)
txtPhotoID.Text = MainForm.photoJobs("temp").photoID
Select Case MainForm.photoJobs("temp").imageList.Count
Case 0
MsgBox("Please ensure that you are dropping image files")
Case 1
lblImageNumber.Text = txtPhotoID.Text
Case 2
txtPhotoID.Text = txtPhotoID.Text & "(2)"
lblImageNumber.Text = txtPhotoID.Text
Case 3
txtPhotoID.Text = txtPhotoID.Text & "(3)"
lblImageNumber.Text = txtPhotoID.Text
Case 4
txtPhotoID.Text = txtPhotoID.Text & "(4)"
lblImageNumber.Text = txtPhotoID.Text
End Select
spinCounter.Value = 1
spinCounter.Minimum = 1
spinCounter.Maximum = MainForm.photoJobs("temp").imageList.Count
pctBox.ImageLocation = MainForm.photoJobs("temp").imageList(0)
End Sub
The error gets called on the If MainForm.photoJobs("temp").imageList.Count = 0 Then line.
On a second, minor note, is it fairly typical for clients to ask for "just one more little thing" that results in you having to make a major overhaul to an application, or have I just got unlucky? (slightly rhetorical)
Ensure that imageList is not null, as you declare a new PhotoJob but don't set any values in it.
When dealing with a NullReferenceException, you're not looking at something missing from a collection, it means you tried to access a member of a object which is null. This can sometimes be a side effect of an item not in a collection, if that collection returns null, but if a value does not exist in a Dictionary, you get a KeyNotFoundException
Please make sure that 'imageList' has 'count' property more than 0. Means just check that the list does have elements in it by executing theses lines before executing loop.
Dim pics As String() =CType(e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.FileDrop),String())
If MainForm.photoJobs("temp").imageList.Count > 0 Then
For i = 0 To MainForm.photoJobs("temp").imageList.Count - 1
If Not MainForm.photoJobs("temp").imageList.Contains(pics(i)) Then
End If
'Gets the data from the file drop
MainForm.photoJobs("temp").imageList = pics.ToList
End If
Well this is embarrassing...
The solution was simply that I was missing new when I declared the list it used to read Public Property imageList as list(of string) can't believe I did that... Hey ho, thanks for all of your help guys.

Access a form's control by name

not sure whether the title of this post is accurate.
I'm trying to access windows form controls and their properties by "composing" their name within a loop, but I can't seem to find the related documentation. Using VB.net. Basically, say I have the following:
Dim myDt As New DataTable
Dim row As DataRow = myDt.NewRow()
row.Item("col01") = Me.label01.Text
row.Item("col02") = Me.label02.Text
row.Item("colN") = Me.labelN.Text
I'd like to write a for loop instead of N separate instructions.
While it's simple enough to express the left-hand side of the assignments, I'm stumped when it comes to the right-hand side:
For i As Integer = 1 to N
row.Item(String.format("col{0:00}", i)) = ???
' ??? <- write "label" & i (zero-padded, like col) and use that string to access Me's control that has such name
As an extra, I'd like to be able to pass the final ".Text" property as a string as well, for in some cases I need the value of the "Text" property, in other cases the value of the "Value" property; generally speaking, the property I'm interested in might be a function of i.
You could use the ControlsCollection.Find method with the searchAllChildren option set to true
For i As Integer = 1 to N
Dim ctrl = Me.Controls.Find(string.Format("label{0:00}", i), True)
if ctrl IsNot Nothing AndAlso ctrl.Length > 0 Then
row.Item(String.format("col{0:00}", i)) = ctrl(0).Text
End If
An example on how to approach the problem using reflection to set a property that you identify using a string
Dim myLabel As Label = new Label()
Dim prop as PropertyInfo = myLabel.GetType().GetProperty("Text")
prop.SetValue(myLabel, "A Label.Text set with Reflection classes", Nothing)
Dim newText = prop.GetValue(myLabel)