How to disable the inArray validator of Zend\Element\Select ?
I can not remove this standard validator select element.
What I'm trying to do is populate a select element so dynamic with ajax. So that way the inArray loses the reference field value.
Does anyone know what is the right way to populate this element with ajax?
It actually does not look like it is possible at this point in time to disable the validator; however, you can override the select element to be able to remove the validator for this specific case:
use Zend\Form\Element\Select;
class MySelect extends Select {
public function getValidator() {
return $this->validator;
Basically the key issue with the current select element is that if the validator does not exist; it will create it. The other option you have here is to set a validator manually; which you should likely be doing is manually creating an InArrayValidator and populating it with the potential options that would be coming from your AJAX call. In which case you would need to add a setter above.
Since version 2.2, Zend Framework provide the ability to disable inArray validator calling:
or passing option to an element:
'disable_inarray_validator' => false
Is there a way perform actions dynamically using Cucumber?
Feature File:
Scenario: Click all the boxes
Given On the checkbox page
When Click checkboxA
And Click checkboxB
Step Definition:
#When("Click checkboxA")
public void clickCheckBoxA()
#And("Click checkboxB")
public void clickCheckBoxB()
In this scenario, there are two very similar step definitions. The reason why there are two different definitions is because each WebElement is defined in the pageObject Class. Is there a way to dynamically pass which checkbox we want to click, rather than having two separate methods performing the same action?
The only way I can think to do this is by passing a selector as a parameter in the feature step and instantiating the webElement within the step definition method. But that seems like bad practice to me.
Click is your step. It should not be unique for each item you may want to click. You should match what you want to click with a regular expression. The following combines your two steps into one.
#When("^Click (.*)$")
public void clickElement(String elementToClick) {
switch (elementToClick) {
case "checkBoxA":;
case "checkBoxB":;
I'd suggest using a smarter regex match (this one is lazy and sloppy) and you could also create a new variable for the element to be clicked, assign its value to your existing element in each case and have a single call to click() after the switch statement.
Regarding your question of doing this "dynamically," you cannot do so in Java (I think you were thinking of having a single line in the example I gave above of;?) because it's a compiled programming language; your code can't be altered at runtime.
I would prefer to use #mike's solution, but in some cases I tend to create a locator as string in POM so that it reduces lines of code in the step definition.
Feature File:
Scenario: Click all the boxes
Given On the checkbox page
When Click checkbox A
And Click checkbox B
private String checkBox = "//input[text()='checkBox%s']";
Step Definition:
#When("Click checkbox (.*)")
public void handleCheckBox(String checkBoxName) {
driver.findElement(By.xpath(String.format(checkBox, checkBoxName))).click();
Sylius 1.0.0-dev
I'm trying to modify the Quantity field of CartItemType.
Following the old docs I have created a new FormType on my Bundle and extends from original in Symfony/Bundle/CartBundle/Form/Type/CartItemType.
My custom CartItemType shows like this:
use Sylius\Bundle\CartBundle\Form\Type\CartItemType as BaseType;
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormBuilderInterface;
class CartItemType extends BaseType
* {#inheritdoc}
public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
->add('quantity', 'hidden', [
'attr' => ['min' => 1, 'max' => 1],
'data' => '1',
'label' => 'sylius.form.cart_item.quantity',
I want you can't buy more than one product quantity per order.
My config seems liike this:
default: Dinamic\Bundle\SyliusRibBundle\Form\Type\CartItemType
When I open some product view i'm getting this error:
The option "product" does not exist. [...] in #SyliusShop/Product/Show/_inventory.html.twig at line 4
Any idea about why this is happening?
Instead of extending CartBundle CartItemType extend using this:
use Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Form\Type\CartItemType as BaseType;
The CoreBundle CartItemType class extends the CartBundle CartItemType, so if you extend the wrong class it will break everything
Don't extend Symfony form types that way - extend Symfony\Component\Form\AbstractType instead, and implement getParent() in your custom type:
public function getParent()
return BaseType::class;
That way, the parent's options will be available to your custom type as well, and everything will be properly rendered/initialized.
Technically, both approaches should work. However, using inheritance will completely override the parent form's behavior, while using getParent() will add your custom behavior to the parent's form.
getParent() will tell Symfony to build the form defined in that method first, and then use that as the base for your own implementation. So when using that, the FormBuilder in your buildForm() method will already contain the complete parent form, ready for your own modifications, the OptionsResolver in your configureOptions() method will already have the parent form's options and defaults defined, etc. which appears to be exactly what you want (otherwise your call to $builder->remove() makes very little sense). When using inheritance, you'll have to take care to do everything the parent form does which you want to do as well, which might very well break when the parent form changes.
Another difference is in Symfony's form extensions. When implementing getParent(), any form extensions applied to the parent form will be applied to your custom form as well. When using inheritance, that won't be the case.
The first point is easy to work with (parent::buildForm() will ensure you have the correct fields, for instance), but the second is not as easy. Generally you want these extensions to apply to your custom form type as well - in this case there's actually a decent chance the error is caused by a form extension not being applied to your custom type.
So basically, use getParent() whenever possible. Use inheritance for form types only if you want to completely override behaviour or you explicitly want form extensions not to apply to your custom type.
I've just recently asked a question ( Refreshing i18n translated string interpolated values in Aurelia ) regarding how to refresh i18n string interpolated values when a select input field (with language ids) changes. I received a great answer, however now I realized that there was another requirement.
It's not only string interpolated values that needs to be refreshed.
In my page-specific templates I have some select fields (custom elements), which gets their option values from injecting a "service" class. That service is responsible for doing the http fetch request, and returning a promise to the select field (custom element).
Now here's the problem. When the global (language) select field from my site-wide nav-bar custom element changes, and i18n refreshing happens using the notification approach proposed in the link above. How would I then also re-fetch my different select input custom elements inside the template, but with the new language id from the language select in the nav-bar?
The only solution I know so far is to do window.location (router.navigate(sameroute) didn't trigger a refresh) and refresh the current page whenever the language select changes, however that's obviously not a great way to handle this.
I'll try to see if I can put together a plunkr, since all this may sound a little confusing.
#chrismbeckett from in gave me this hint:
"For those types of inter-component syncs, use the EventAggregator.
Pub a 'lang-changed' event and let any component do what it needs to
update itself"
So in nav-bar.js i did this:
let payload = { 'lngId': this.appLngId};
this.eventAggregator.publish('lang_changed', payload);
and in the custom element which were to be refreshed I put this inside the attached() function:
this.eventAggregator.subscribe('lang_changed', payload => {
self.myTodos = data;
I made a template and there is a <select dojotype="dijit.form.ComboBox" dojoAttachPoint="selectPageNumber" id="selectPageNumber">tag with id and dojoAttachPoint be "selectPageNumber". I want to populate it with options upon create so I add some code to the postCreate function:
var select = dijit.byId("selectPageNumber");
var select = this.selectPageNumber;
but I always have select being undefined.
What am I doing wrong?
The problem with element has been solved spontaneously and I didn't got the solution. I used neither dojo.addOnLoad nor widgetsInTemplate : true, it just started to work. But I have found the same problem again: when I added another tag I can't get it!
<select class="ctrl2" dojotype="dijit.form.ComboBox" dojoAttachPoint="selectPageNumber" id="selectPageNumber">
<select class="ctrl2" dojotype="dijit.form.ComboBox" dojoAttachPoint="selectPageNumber2" id="selectPageNumber2">
first alert shows that this.selectPageNumber is a valid object and the this.selectPageNumber2 is null.
widgetsInTemplate is set to false.
all the code is within dojo.addOnLoad()
dojo.require() is valid
I am using IBM Rational Application Developer (if it is essential).
WHY it is so different?
Based on your syntax, I am assuming that you are using 1.6. Your question mentions template and postCreate, so i am assuming that you have created a widget that acts as a composite (widgets in the template).
Assuming 1.6, in your widget, have you set the widgetsInTemplate property to true. This will tell the parser that your template has widgets that need to be parsed when creating the widget.
I would remove the id from the select. Having the id means that you can only instantiate your widget once per page. You should use this.selectPageNumber within your widget to access the select widget.
If you are using 1.7 or greater, instead of setting the widgets widgetsInTemplate property, you should use the dijit._WidgetsInTemplateMixin mixin.
Depending on when dijit.byId() is being called, the widget may not have been created yet. Try using dojo.addOnLoad()
dojo.addOnLoad(function() {
var select = dijit.byId("selectPageNumber");
I came close to the solution: it seems like there is a some sort of RAD "caching" that doesn't respond to changes made in html code.
Ways to purge the workspace environment with RAD (based on Eclipse) might be a solution.
i have an input-Element, that should be layouted through a css-class:
class="ok", default or when there is no error by validating this field
class="error", when there is an error by validating this field.
How can i achieve that?
Easiest solution is to foreach through the form elements after you've called isValid and add the class name to each element based on its hasErrors status.
Another solution would be to add a Decorator to the form decorators, which will do the same.