Amazon S3 multipart upload ETag generation method [duplicate] - amazon-s3

Files uploaded to Amazon S3 that are smaller than 5GB have an ETag that is simply the MD5 hash of the file, which makes it easy to check if your local files are the same as what you put on S3.
But if your file is larger than 5GB, then Amazon computes the ETag differently.
For example, I did a multipart upload of a 5,970,150,664 byte file in 380 parts. Now S3 shows it to have an ETag of 6bcf86bed8807b8e78f0fc6e0a53079d-380. My local file has an md5 hash of 702242d3703818ddefe6bf7da2bed757. I think the number after the dash is the number of parts in the multipart upload.
I also suspect that the new ETag (before the dash) is still an MD5 hash, but with some meta data included along the way from the multipart upload somehow.
Does anyone know how to compute the ETag using the same algorithm as Amazon S3?

Say you uploaded a 14MB file to a bucket without server-side encryption, and your part size is 5MB. Calculate 3 MD5 checksums corresponding to each part, i.e. the checksum of the first 5MB, the second 5MB, and the last 4MB. Then take the checksum of their concatenation. MD5 checksums are often printed as hex representations of binary data, so make sure you take the MD5 of the decoded binary concatenation, not of the ASCII or UTF-8 encoded concatenation. When that's done, add a hyphen and the number of parts to get the ETag.
Here are the commands to do it on Mac OS X from the console:
$ dd bs=1m count=5 skip=0 if=someFile | md5 >>checksums.txt
5+0 records in
5+0 records out
5242880 bytes transferred in 0.019611 secs (267345449 bytes/sec)
$ dd bs=1m count=5 skip=5 if=someFile | md5 >>checksums.txt
5+0 records in
5+0 records out
5242880 bytes transferred in 0.019182 secs (273323380 bytes/sec)
$ dd bs=1m count=5 skip=10 if=someFile | md5 >>checksums.txt
2+1 records in
2+1 records out
2599812 bytes transferred in 0.011112 secs (233964895 bytes/sec)
At this point all the checksums are in checksums.txt. To concatenate them and decode the hex and get the MD5 checksum of the lot, just use
$ xxd -r -p checksums.txt | md5
And now append "-3" to get the ETag, since there were 3 parts.
If you uploaded with aws-cli via aws s3 cp then you most likely have a 8MB chunksize. According to the docs, that is the default.
If the bucket has server-side encryption (SSE) turned on, the ETag won't be the MD5 checksum (see the API documentation). But if you're just trying to verify that an uploaded part matches what you sent, you can use the Content-MD5 header and S3 will compare it for you.
md5 on macOS just writes out the checksum, but md5sum on Linux/brew also outputs the filename. You'll need to strip that, but I'm sure there's some option to only output the checksums. You don't need to worry about whitespace cause xxd will ignore it.
Code Links
A Gist I wrote with a working script for macOS.
The project at s3md5.

Based on answers here, I wrote a Python implementation which correctly calculates both multi-part and single-part file ETags.
def calculate_s3_etag(file_path, chunk_size=8 * 1024 * 1024):
md5s = []
with open(file_path, 'rb') as fp:
while True:
data =
if not data:
if len(md5s) < 1:
return '"{}"'.format(hashlib.md5().hexdigest())
if len(md5s) == 1:
return '"{}"'.format(md5s[0].hexdigest())
digests = b''.join(m.digest() for m in md5s)
digests_md5 = hashlib.md5(digests)
return '"{}-{}"'.format(digests_md5.hexdigest(), len(md5s))
The default chunk_size is 8 MB used by the official aws cli tool, and it does multipart upload for 2+ chunks. It should work under both Python 2 and 3.

bash implementation
python implementation
The algorithm literally is (copied from the readme in the python implementation) :
md5 the chunks
glob the md5 strings together
convert the glob to binary
md5 the binary of the globbed chunk md5s
append "-Number_of_chunks" to the end of the md5 string of the binary

Here's yet another piece in this crazy AWS challenge puzzle.
FWIW, this answer assumes you already have figured out how to calculate the "MD5 of MD5 parts" and can rebuild your AWS Multi-part ETag from all the other answers already provided here.
What this answer addresses is the annoyance of having to "guess" or otherwise "divine" the original upload part size.
We use several different tools for uploading to S3 and they all seem to have different upload part sizes, so "guessing" really wasn't an option. Also, we have a lot of files that were historically uploaded when part sizes seemed to be different. Also, the old trick of using an internal server copy to force the creation of an MD5-type ETag also no longer works as AWS has changed their internal server copies to also use multi-part (just with a fairly large part size).
How can you figure out the object's part size?
Well, if you first make a head_object request and detect that the ETag is a multi-part type ETag (includes a '-<partcount>' at the end), then you can make another head_object request, but with an additional part_number attribute of 1 (the first part). This follow-on head_object request will then return you the content_length of the first part. Viola... Now you know the part size that was used and you can use that size to re-create your local ETag which should match the original uploaded S3 ETag created when the object was uploaded.
Additionally, if you wanted to be exact (perhaps some multi-part uploads were to use variable part sizes), then you could continue to call head_object requests with each part_number specified and calculate each part's MD5 from the returned parts content_length.
Hope that helps...

Not sure if it can help:
We're currently doing an ugly (but so far useful) hack to fix those wrong ETags in multipart uploaded files, which consists on applying a change to the file in the bucket; that triggers a md5 recalculation from Amazon that changes the ETag to matches with the actual md5 signature.
In our case:
File: bucket/Foo.mpg.gpg
ETag obtained: "3f92dffef0a11d175e60fb8b958b4e6e-2"
Do something with the file (rename it, add a meta-data like a fake header, among others)
Etag obtained: "c1d903ca1bb6dc68778ef21e74cc15b0"
We don't know the algorithm, but since we can "fix" the ETag we don't need to worry about it either.

Same algorithm, java version:
(BaseEncoding, Hasher, Hashing, etc comes from the guava library
* Generate checksum for object came from multipart upload</p>
* </p>
* AWS S3 spec: Entity tag that identifies the newly created object's data. Objects with different object data will have different entity tags. The entity tag is an opaque string. The entity tag may or may not be an MD5 digest of the object data. If the entity tag is not an MD5 digest of the object data, it will contain one or more nonhexadecimal characters and/or will consist of less than 32 or more than 32 hexadecimal digits.</p>
* Algorithm follows AWS S3 implementation:</p>
private static String calculateChecksumForMultipartUpload(List<String> md5s) {
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
for (String md5:md5s) {
String hex = stringBuilder.toString();
byte raw[] = BaseEncoding.base16().decode(hex.toUpperCase());
Hasher hasher = Hashing.md5().newHasher();
String digest = hasher.hash().toString();
return digest + "-" + md5s.size();

According to the AWS documentation the ETag isn't an MD5 hash for a multi-part upload nor for an encrypted object:
Objects created by the PUT Object, POST Object, or Copy operation, or through the AWS Management Console, and are encrypted by SSE-S3 or plaintext, have ETags that are an MD5 digest of their object data.
Objects created by the PUT Object, POST Object, or Copy operation, or through the AWS Management Console, and are encrypted by SSE-C or SSE-KMS, have ETags that are not an MD5 digest of their object data.
If an object is created by either the Multipart Upload or Part Copy operation, the ETag is not an MD5 digest, regardless of the method of encryption.

In an above answer, someone asked if there was a way to get the md5 for files larger than 5G.
An answer that I could give for getting the MD5 value (for files larger than 5G) would be to either add it manually to the metadata, or use a program to do your uploads which will add the information.
For example, I used s3cmd to upload a file, and it added the following metadata.
$ aws s3api head-object --bucket xxxxxxx --key noarch/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm
"AcceptRanges": "bytes",
"ContentType": "binary/octet-stream",
"LastModified": "Sat, 19 Sep 2015 03:27:25 GMT",
"ContentLength": 14540,
"ETag": "\"2cd0ae668a585a14e07c2ea4f264d79b\"",
"Metadata": {
"s3cmd-attrs": "uid:502/gname:staff/uname:xxxxxx/gid:20/mode:33188/mtime:1352129496/atime:1441758431/md5:2cd0ae668a585a14e07c2ea4f264d79b/ctime:1441385182"
It isn't a direct solution using the ETag, but it is a way to populate the metadata you want (MD5) in a way you can access it. It will still fail if someone uploads the file without metadata.

Here is the algorithm in ruby...
require 'digest'
# PART_SIZE should match the chosen part size of the multipart upload
# Set here as 10MB
PART_SIZE = 1024*1024*10
class File
def each_part(part_size = PART_SIZE)
yield read(part_size) until eof?
file ='<path_to_file>')
hashes = []
file.each_part do |part|
hashes << Digest::MD5.hexdigest(part)
multipart_hash = Digest::MD5.hexdigest([hashes.join].pack('H*'))
multipart_etag = "#{multipart_hash}-#{hashes.count}"
Thanks to Shortest Hex2Bin in Ruby and Multipart Uploads to S3 ...

node.js implementation -
const fs = require('fs');
const crypto = require('crypto');
const chunk = 1024 * 1024 * 5; // 5MB
const md5 = data => crypto.createHash('md5').update(data).digest('hex');
const getEtagOfFile = (filePath) => {
const stream = fs.readFileSync(filePath);
if (stream.length <= chunk) {
return md5(stream);
const md5Chunks = [];
const chunksNumber = Math.ceil(stream.length / chunk);
for (let i = 0; i < chunksNumber; i++) {
const chunkStream = stream.slice(i * chunk, (i + 1) * chunk);
return `${md5(Buffer.from(md5Chunks.join(''), 'hex'))}-${chunksNumber}`;

And here is a PHP version of calculating the ETag:
function calculate_aws_etag($filename, $chunksize) {
- calculate Amazon AWS ETag used on the S3 service
- $filename : path to file to check
- $chunksize : chunk size in Megabytes
- ETag (string)
$chunkbytes = $chunksize*1024*1024;
if (filesize($filename) < $chunkbytes) {
return md5_file($filename);
} else {
$md5s = array();
$handle = fopen($filename, 'rb');
if ($handle === false) {
return false;
while (!feof($handle)) {
$buffer = fread($handle, $chunkbytes);
$md5s[] = md5($buffer);
$concat = '';
foreach ($md5s as $indx => $md5) {
$concat .= hex2bin($md5);
return md5($concat) .'-'. count($md5s);
$etag = calculate_aws_etag('path/to/myfile.ext', 8);
And here is an enhanced version that can verify against an expected ETag - and even guess the chunksize if you don't know it!
function calculate_etag($filename, $chunksize, $expected = false) {
- calculate Amazon AWS ETag used on the S3 service
- $filename : path to file to check
- $chunksize : chunk size in Megabytes
- $expected : verify calculated etag against this specified etag and return true or false instead
- if you make chunksize negative (eg. -8 instead of 8) the function will guess the chunksize by checking all possible sizes given the number of parts mentioned in $expected
- ETag (string)
- or boolean true|false if $expected is set
if ($chunksize < 0) {
$do_guess = true;
$chunksize = 0 - $chunksize;
} else {
$do_guess = false;
$chunkbytes = $chunksize*1024*1024;
$filesize = filesize($filename);
if ($filesize < $chunkbytes && (!$expected || !preg_match("/^\\w{32}-\\w+$/", $expected))) {
$return = md5_file($filename);
if ($expected) {
$expected = strtolower($expected);
return ($expected === $return ? true : false);
} else {
return $return;
} else {
$md5s = array();
$handle = fopen($filename, 'rb');
if ($handle === false) {
return false;
while (!feof($handle)) {
$buffer = fread($handle, $chunkbytes);
$md5s[] = md5($buffer);
$concat = '';
foreach ($md5s as $indx => $md5) {
$concat .= hex2bin($md5);
$return = md5($concat) .'-'. count($md5s);
if ($expected) {
$expected = strtolower($expected);
$matches = ($expected === $return ? true : false);
if ($matches || $do_guess == false || strlen($expected) == 32) {
return $matches;
} else {
// Guess the chunk size
preg_match("/-(\\d+)$/", $expected, $match);
$parts = $match[1];
$min_chunk = ceil($filesize / $parts /1024/1024);
$max_chunk = floor($filesize / ($parts-1) /1024/1024);
$found_match = false;
for ($i = $min_chunk; $i <= $max_chunk; $i++) {
if (calculate_aws_etag($filename, $i) === $expected) {
$found_match = true;
return $found_match;
} else {
return $return;

The short answer is that you take the 128bit binary md5 digest of each part, concatenate them into a document, and hash that document. The algorithm presented in this answer is accurate.
Note: the multipart ETAG form with the hyphen will change to the form without the hyphen if you "touch" the blob (even without modifying the content). That is, if you copy, or do an in-place copy of your completed multipart-uploaded object (aka PUT-COPY), S3 will recompute the ETAG with the simple version of the algorithm. i.e. the destination object will have an etag without the hyphen.
You've probably considered this already, but if your files are less than 5GB, and you already know their MD5s, and upload parallelization provides little to no benefit (e.g. you are streaming the upload from a slow network, or uploading from a slow disk), then you may also consider using a simple PUT instead of a multipart PUT, and pass your known Content-MD5 in your request headers -- amazon will fail the upload if they don't match. Keep in mind that you get charged for each UploadPart.
Furthermore, in some clients, passing a known MD5 for the input of a PUT operation will save the client from recomputing the MD5 during the transfer. In boto3 (python), you would use the ContentMD5 parameter of the client.put_object() method, for instance. If you omit the parameter, and you already knew the MD5, then the client would be wasting cycles computing it again before the transfer.

Working algorithm implemented in Node.js (TypeScript).
* Generate an S3 ETAG for multipart uploads in Node.js
* An implementation of this algorithm:
* Author: Richard Willis <>
import fs from 'node:fs';
import crypto, { BinaryLike } from 'node:crypto';
const defaultPartSizeInBytes = 5 * 1024 * 1024; // 5MB
function md5(contents: string | BinaryLike): string {
return crypto.createHash('md5').update(contents).digest('hex');
export function getS3Etag(
filePath: string,
partSizeInBytes = defaultPartSizeInBytes
): string {
const { size: fileSizeInBytes } = fs.statSync(filePath);
let parts = Math.floor(fileSizeInBytes / partSizeInBytes);
if (fileSizeInBytes % partSizeInBytes > 0) {
parts += 1;
const fileDescriptor = fs.openSync(filePath, 'r');
let totalMd5 = '';
for (let part = 0; part < parts; part++) {
const skipBytes = partSizeInBytes * part;
const totalBytesLeft = fileSizeInBytes - skipBytes;
const bytesToRead = Math.min(totalBytesLeft, partSizeInBytes);
const buffer = Buffer.alloc(bytesToRead);
fs.readSync(fileDescriptor, buffer, 0, bytesToRead, skipBytes);
totalMd5 += md5(buffer);
const combinedHash = md5(Buffer.from(totalMd5, 'hex'));
const etag = `${combinedHash}-${parts}`;
return etag;
I've published this to npm
npm install s3-etag
import { generateETag } from 's3-etag';
const etag = generateETag(absoluteFilePath, partSizeInBytes);
View project here:

A version in Rust:
use crypto::digest::Digest;
use crypto::md5::Md5;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::prelude::*;
use std::iter::repeat;
fn calculate_etag_from_read(f: &mut dyn Read, chunk_size: usize) -> Result<String> {
let mut md5 = Md5::new();
let mut concat_md5 = Md5::new();
let mut input_buffer = vec![0u8; chunk_size];
let mut chunk_count = 0;
let mut current_md5: Vec<u8> = repeat(0).take((md5.output_bits() + 7) / 8).collect();
let md5_result = loop {
let amount_read = input_buffer)?;
if amount_read > 0 {
chunk_count += 1;
md5.result(&mut current_md5);
} else {
if chunk_count > 1 {
break format!("{}-{}", concat_md5.result_str(), chunk_count);
} else {
break md5.result_str();
fn calculate_etag(file: &String, chunk_size: usize) -> Result<String> {
let mut f = File::open(file)?;
calculate_etag_from_read(&mut f, chunk_size)
See a repo with a simple implementation:

Regarding chunk size, I noticed that it seems to depend of number of parts.
The maximun number of parts are 10000 as AWS documents.
So starting on a default of 8MB and knowing the filesize, chunk size and parts can be calculated as follows:
while flsz/chunk_size>10000:
Parts have to be up-rounded

Extending Timothy Gonzalez's answer:
Identical files will have different etag when using multipart upload.
It's easy to test it with WinSCP, because it uses multipart upload.
When I upload multiple indentical copies of the same file to S3 via WinSCP then each has different etag. When I download them and calculate md5, then they are still indentical.
So from what I tested different etags doesn't mean that files are different.
I see no alternative way to obtain any hash for S3 files without downloading them first.
This is true for multipart uploads. For not-multipart it should still be possible to calculate etag locally.

I have a solution for iOS and macOS without using external helpers like dd and xxd. I have just found it, so I report it as it is, planning to improve it at a later stage. For the moment, it relies on both Objective-C and Swift code. First of all, create this helper class in Objective-C:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#interface AWS3MD5Hash : NSObject
- (NSData *)dataFromFile:(FILE *)theFile startingOnByte:(UInt64)startByte length:(UInt64)length filePath:(NSString *)path singlePartSize:(NSUInteger)partSizeInMb;
- (NSData *)dataFromBigData:(NSData *)theData startingOnByte:(UInt64)startByte length:(UInt64)length;
- (NSData *)dataFromHexString:(NSString *)sourceString;
#import "AWS3MD5Hash.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define SIZE 256
#implementation AWS3MD5Hash
- (NSData *)dataFromFile:(FILE *)theFile startingOnByte:(UInt64)startByte length:(UInt64)length filePath:(NSString *)path singlePartSize:(NSUInteger)partSizeInMb {
char *buffer = malloc(length);
NSURL *fileURL = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:path];
NSNumber *fileSizeValue = nil;
NSError *fileSizeError = nil;
[fileURL getResourceValue:&fileSizeValue
NSInteger __unused result = fseek(theFile,startByte,SEEK_SET);
if (result != 0) {
return nil;
NSInteger result2 = fread(buffer, length, 1, theFile);
NSUInteger difference = fileSizeValue.integerValue - startByte;
NSData *toReturn;
if (result2 == 0) {
toReturn = [NSData dataWithBytes:buffer length:difference];
} else {
toReturn = [NSData dataWithBytes:buffer length:result2 * length];
return toReturn;
- (NSData *)dataFromBigData:(NSData *)theData startingOnByte: (UInt64)startByte length:(UInt64)length {
NSUInteger fileSizeValue = theData.length;
NSData *subData;
if (startByte + length > fileSizeValue) {
subData = [theData subdataWithRange:NSMakeRange(startByte, fileSizeValue - startByte)];
} else {
subData = [theData subdataWithRange:NSMakeRange(startByte, length)];
return subData;
- (NSData *)dataFromHexString:(NSString *)string {
string = [string lowercaseString];
NSMutableData *data= [NSMutableData new];
unsigned char whole_byte;
char byte_chars[3] = {'\0','\0','\0'};
NSInteger i = 0;
NSInteger length = string.length;
while (i < length-1) {
char c = [string characterAtIndex:i++];
if (c < '0' || (c > '9' && c < 'a') || c > 'f')
byte_chars[0] = c;
byte_chars[1] = [string characterAtIndex:i++];
whole_byte = strtol(byte_chars, NULL, 16);
[data appendBytes:&whole_byte length:1];
return data;
Now create a plain swift file:
AWS Extensions.swift
import UIKit
import CommonCrypto
extension URL {
func calculateAWSS3MD5Hash(_ numberOfParts: UInt64) -> String? {
do {
var fileSize: UInt64!
var calculatedPartSize: UInt64!
let attr:NSDictionary? = try FileManager.default.attributesOfItem(atPath: self.path) as NSDictionary
if let _attr = attr {
fileSize = _attr.fileSize();
if numberOfParts != 0 {
let partSize = Double(fileSize / numberOfParts)
var partSizeInMegabytes = Double(partSize / (1024.0 * 1024.0))
partSizeInMegabytes = ceil(partSizeInMegabytes)
calculatedPartSize = UInt64(partSizeInMegabytes)
if calculatedPartSize % 2 != 0 {
calculatedPartSize += 1
if numberOfParts == 2 || numberOfParts == 3 { // Very important when there are 2 or 3 parts, in the majority of times
// the calculatedPartSize is already 8. In the remaining cases we force it.
calculatedPartSize = 8
if mainLogToggling {
print("The calculated part size is \(calculatedPartSize!) Megabytes")
if numberOfParts == 0 {
let string = self.memoryFriendlyMd5Hash()
return string
let hasher = AWS3MD5Hash.init()
let file = fopen(self.path, "r")
defer { let result = fclose(file)}
var index: UInt64 = 0
var bigString: String! = ""
var data: Data!
while autoreleasepool(invoking: {
if index == (numberOfParts-1) {
if mainLogToggling {
//print("Siamo all'ultima linea.")
data = file!, startingOnByte: index * calculatedPartSize * 1024 * 1024, length: calculatedPartSize * 1024 * 1024, filePath: self.path, singlePartSize: UInt(calculatedPartSize))
bigString = bigString + MD5.get(data: data) + "\n"
index += 1
if index == numberOfParts {
return false
return true
}) {}
let final = MD5.get(data bigString)) + "-\(numberOfParts)"
return final
} catch {
return nil
func memoryFriendlyMd5Hash() -> String? {
let bufferSize = 1024 * 1024
do {
// Open file for reading:
let file = try FileHandle(forReadingFrom: self)
defer {
// Create and initialize MD5 context:
var context = CC_MD5_CTX()
// Read up to `bufferSize` bytes, until EOF is reached, and update MD5 context:
while autoreleasepool(invoking: {
let data = file.readData(ofLength: bufferSize)
if data.count > 0 {
data.withUnsafeBytes {
_ = CC_MD5_Update(&context, $0, numericCast(data.count))
return true // Continue
} else {
return false // End of file
}) { }
// Compute the MD5 digest:
var digest = Data(count: Int(CC_MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH))
digest.withUnsafeMutableBytes {
_ = CC_MD5_Final($0, &context)
let hexDigest = { String(format: "%02hhx", $0) }.joined()
return hexDigest
} catch {
print("Cannot open file:", error.localizedDescription)
return nil
struct MD5 {
static func get(data: Data) -> String {
var digest = [UInt8](repeating: 0, count: Int(CC_MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH))
let _ = data.withUnsafeBytes { bytes in
CC_MD5(bytes, CC_LONG(data.count), &digest)
var digestHex = ""
for index in 0..<Int(CC_MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH) {
digestHex += String(format: "%02x", digest[index])
return digestHex
// The following is a memory friendly version
static func get2(data: Data) -> String {
var currentIndex = 0
let bufferSize = 1024 * 1024
//var digest = [UInt8](repeating: 0, count: Int(CC_MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH))
// Create and initialize MD5 context:
var context = CC_MD5_CTX()
while autoreleasepool(invoking: {
var subData: Data!
if (currentIndex + bufferSize) < data.count {
subData = data.subdata(in: Range.init(NSMakeRange(currentIndex, bufferSize))!)
currentIndex = currentIndex + bufferSize
} else {
subData = data.subdata(in: Range.init(NSMakeRange(currentIndex, data.count - currentIndex))!)
currentIndex = currentIndex + (data.count - currentIndex)
if subData.count > 0 {
subData.withUnsafeBytes {
_ = CC_MD5_Update(&context, $0, numericCast(subData.count))
return true
} else {
return false
}) { }
// Compute the MD5 digest:
var digest = Data(count: Int(CC_MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH))
digest.withUnsafeMutableBytes {
_ = CC_MD5_Final($0, &context)
var digestHex = ""
for index in 0..<Int(CC_MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH) {
digestHex += String(format: "%02x", digest[index])
return digestHex
Now add:
#import "AWS3MD5Hash.h"
to your Objective-C Bridging header. You should be ok with this setup.
Example usage
To test this setup, you could be calling the following method inside the object that is in charge of handling the AWS connections:
func getMd5HashForFile() {
let credentialProvider = AWSCognitoCredentialsProvider(regionType: AWSRegionType.USEast2, identityPoolId: "<INSERT_POOL_ID>")
let configuration = AWSServiceConfiguration(region: AWSRegionType.APSoutheast2, credentialsProvider: credentialProvider)
configuration?.timeoutIntervalForRequest = 3.0
configuration?.timeoutIntervalForResource = 3.0
AWSServiceManager.default().defaultServiceConfiguration = configuration
AWSS3.register(with: configuration!, forKey: "defaultKey")
let s3 = AWSS3.s3(forKey: "defaultKey")
let headObjectRequest = AWSS3HeadObjectRequest()!
headObjectRequest.bucket = "<NAME_OF_YOUR_BUCKET>"
headObjectRequest.key = self.latestMapOnServer.key
let _: AWSTask? = s3.headObject(headObjectRequest).continueOnSuccessWith { (awstask) -> Any? in
let headObjectOutput: AWSS3HeadObjectOutput? = awstask.result
var ETag = headObjectOutput?.eTag!
// Here you should parse the returned Etag and extract the number of parts to provide to the helper function. Etags end with a "-" followed by the number of parts. If you don't see this format, then pass 0 as the number of parts.
ETag = ETag!.replacingOccurrences(of: "\"", with: "")
print("headObjectOutput.ETag \(ETag!)")
let mapOnDiskUrl = self.getMapsDirectory().appendingPathComponent(self.latestMapOnDisk!)
let hash = mapOnDiskUrl.calculateAWSS3MD5Hash(<Take the number of parts from the ETag returned by the server>)
if hash == ETag {
print("They are the same.")
print ("\(hash!)")
return nil
If the ETag returned by the server does not have "-" at the end of the ETag, just pass 0 to calculateAWSS3MD5Hash. Please comment if you encounter any problems. I am working on a swift only solution, I will update this answer as soon as I finish. Thanks

I just saw that the AWS S3 Console 'upload' uses an unusual part (chunk) size of 17,179,870 - at least for larger files.
Using that part size gave me the correct ETag hash using the methods described earlier. Thanks to #TheStoryCoder for the php version.
Thanks to #hans for his idea to use head-object to see the actual sizes of each part.
I used the AWS S3 Console (on Nov28 2020) to upload about 50 files ranging in size from 190MB to 2.3GB and all of them had the same part size of 17,179,870.

I liked Emerson's leading answer above - especially the xxd part - but I was too lazy to use dd so I went with split, guessing at an 8M chunk size because I uploaded with aws s3 cp:
$ split -b 8M large.iso XXX
$ md5sum XXX* > checksums.txt
$ sed -i 's/ .*$//' checksums.txt
$ xxd -r -p checksums.txt | md5sum
99a090df013d375783f0f0be89288529 -
$ wc -l checksums.txt
80 checksums.txt
It was immediately obvious that both parts of my S3 etag matched my file's calculated etag.
This has been working nicely:
$ ll large.iso
-rw-rw-r-- 1 user user 669134848 Apr 12 2021 large.iso
$ etag large.iso
$ type etag
etag is a function
etag ()
split -b 8M --filter=md5sum $1 | cut -d' ' -f1 | pee "xxd -r -p | md5sum | cut -d' ' -f1" "wc -l" | paste -d'-' - -

All the other answers assume a standard and regular part size. But that assumption may not be true. Across the console and various SDKs there are different defaults. And the low-level API does allow a lot of variety.
S3 multi-part uploads can have parts of any size (within a min and max for non-last parts).
Even the non-last parts can be different sizes.
When you upload they don't have to be consecutive part numbers.
If you do a multi-part upload with only 1 part, the etag is the more complicated version, not the simple MD5
etags tend to be wrapped in double-quotes. I don't know why. But that's just a thing that might trip you up.
So we need find find out how many parts there are, and how big they are.
You cannot reliably get the part count from boto3's Object.parts_count attribute. I don't know if the same is true of other SDKs.
The get_object_attributes API documentation claims that it returns a list of parts and sizes. But when I tested those fields were missing. Even for multi-part uploads that were not completed.
Even if you assume equal part sizes (except the last part), you cannot deduce part size from content length and part count. e.g. if a 90MB file has 3 parts, was that 30MBx3, or 40MB+40MB+10MB?
Let's assume that you have a local file and you want to check whether it matches the content of the object in S3.
(And assume that you've already checked whether the lengths differ, because that's a faster check.)
Here's a python3 script to do that. (I chose python just because that's what I'm familiar with.)
We use head_object to get the e-tag. With the e-tag we can deduce whether it was a single-part upload or multi-part, and how many parts.
We use head_object passing in PartNumber, calling that for each part, to get the length of each part. You could use multiprocessing to speed that up. (Noting that boto3's client should not be passed between processes.)
import boto3
from hashlib import md5
def content_matches(local_path, bucket, key) -> bool:
client = boto3.client('s3')
resp = client.head_object(Bucket=bucket, Key=key)
remote_e_tag = resp['ETag']
total_length = resp['ContentLength']
if '-' not in remote_e_tag:
# it was a single-part upload
m = md5()
# you could read from the file in chunks to avoid loading the whole thing into memory
# the chunks would not have to match any SDK standard. It can be whatever you want.
# (The MD5 library will act as if you hashed in one go)
with open(file, 'rb') as f:
local_etag = f'"md5("'
return local_etag == remote_e_tag
# multi-part upload
# to find the number of parts, get it from the e-tag
# e.g. 123-56 has 56 parts
num_parts = int(remote_e_tag.strip('"').split('-')[-1])
print(f"Assuming {num_parts=} from {remote_e_tag=}")
md5s = []
with open(local_path, 'rb') as f:
sz_read = 0
for part_num in range(1,num_parts+1):
resp = client.head_object(Bucket=bucket, Key=key, PartNumber=part_num)
sz_read += resp['ContentLength']
local_data_part =['ContentLength'])
assert len(local_data_part) == resp['ContentLength'] # sanity check
assert sz_read == total_length, "Sum of part sizes doesn't equal total file size"
digests = b''.join(m.digest() for m in md5s)
digests_md5 = md5(digests)
local_etag = f'"{digests_md5.hexdigest()}-{len(md5s)}"'
return remote_e_tag == local_etag
And a script to test it with all those edge cases:
import boto3
from pprint import pprint
from hashlib import md5
from main import content_matches
MB = 2 ** 20
bucket = 'mybucket'
key = 'test-multi-part-upload'
local_path = 'test-data'
# first upload the object
s3 = boto3.resource('s3')
obj = s3.Object(bucket, key)
mpu = obj.initiate_multipart_upload()
parts = []
part_sizes = [6 * MB, 5 * MB, 5] # deliberately non-standard and not consistent
upload_part_nums = [1,3,8] # test non-consecutive part numbers for upload
with open(local_path, 'wb') as fw:
with open('/dev/random', 'rb') as fr:
for (part_num, part_size) in zip(upload_part_nums, part_sizes):
part = mpu.Part(part_num)
data =
print(f"Uploading part {part_num}")
resp = part.upload(Body=data)
'ETag': resp['ETag'],
'PartNumber': part_num
resp = mpu.complete(MultipartUpload={
'Parts': parts
assert content_matches(local_path, bucket, key)

"#wim Any idea how to calculate the ETag when SSE is enabled?"
in my testing, multipart+SEE-C, the Etag is valid.
can be calculated from the individual Etag returned for each part.
and this is easy to prove.
let's say we have a multipart upload with SEE-C, with 10 parts.
take the 10 Etags, put them in a file, and run "xxd -r -p checksums.txt | md5sum", the calculdated value with match the value returned from aws
etag parts
1330e1275b556ab6702bca9438f62c15 -
ae55d3ddf52e33d45140a5be6dacb925 -
16dc956e05962b84ad9cd74a05e86797 -
64be66992a5110c4b1151a8249258a1a -
4926df0200fe24499524176d6a85e347 -
2b6655c3506481eb1fae6b2e2e7c4b8b -
a02e9dbd49039eaf4d6de1fddc5e1a30 -
afb7bc1f6e0c1f23671cb7116f3b0c63 -
dddf3a1ab192f26bb483a3e2778bab13 -
adb8b2b761640418856853f3810ac45a -
etag_from_aws = c68db040f8a36c164259bcca40c36410-10
etag_calculated = c68db040f8a36c164259bcca40c36410-10

Till now there is not solution to match normal file ETag and Multipart file ETag and MD5 of local file.


With c++ S3 SDK, ListObjecsV2 with Minio returning no results

Below is some code which puts an object into an s3 bucket, fetches it back, and then tries to list the bucket. The put and get both work fine, but listing the bucket returns no keys (but doesn't error). I can list the bucket using the golang api and the same parameters (bucket name and empty prefix). Why won't it list the bucket?
Aws::SDKOptions opts;
opts.loggingOptions.logLevel = Aws::Utils::Logging::LogLevel::Debug;
Aws::Auth::AWSCredentials credentials;
Aws::Client::ClientConfiguration config;
Aws::S3::S3Client client;
config.endpointOverride = "localhost:5553";
config.scheme = Aws::Http::Scheme::HTTP;
config.verifySSL = false;
client = Aws::S3::S3Client(credentials, config);
const char* bucket = "buck";
const char* key = "buck/key";
// Putting works!
Aws::S3::Model::PutObjectRequest pRequest;
auto stream = Aws::MakeShared<Aws::StringStream>("tag", "some data");
Aws::S3::Model::PutObjectOutcome pOutcome = client.PutObject(pRequest);
if (!pOutcome.IsSuccess())
printf("put failed S3 because %s: %s\n",
printf("object put\n");
// Getting works!
Aws::S3::Model::GetObjectRequest gRequest;
Aws::S3::Model::GetObjectOutcome gOutcome = client.GetObject(gRequest);
if (!gOutcome.IsSuccess())
printf("get failed S3 because %s: %s\n",
printf("object got\n");
char buf[1000];
memset(buf, 0, 1000);
gOutcome.GetResult().GetBody().read(buf, 1000);
printf("object say '%s'\n", buf);
Aws::S3::Model::ListObjectsV2Request request;
Aws::S3::Model::ListObjectsV2Outcome outcome = client.ListObjectsV2(request);
if (!outcome.IsSuccess())
printf("Failed to list files from S3 because %s: %s\n",
printf("num keys returned %d\n", outcome.GetResult().GetKeyCount());
for (const Aws::S3::Model::Object& obj : outcome.GetResult().GetContents())
printf("Callback %s", obj.GetKey().c_str());
I'm using minio as my object store, but with amazon s3 it works fine
looking at the difference in http requests and reading the code, it looks like you need to set m_useVirtualAddressing to true in the S3Client.
Ok... who knew.
My client says
client = Aws::S3::S3Client(credentials, config, Aws::Client::AWSAuthV4Signer::PayloadSigningPolicy::Never, false); stream reader reads from a .accdb and .xml file without an error [duplicate]

How can I test whether a file that I'm opening in C# using FileStream is a "text type" file? I would like my program to open any file that is text based, for example, .txt, .html, etc.
But not open such things as .doc or .pdf or .exe, etc.
In general: there is no way to tell.
A text file stored in UTF-16 will likely look like binary if you open it with an 8-bit encoding. Equally someone could save a text file as a .doc (it is a document).
While you could open the file and look at some of the content all such heuristics will sometimes fail (eg. notepad tries to do this, by careful selection of a few characters notepad will guess wrong and display completely different content).
If you have a specific scenario, rather than being able to open and process anything, you should be able to do much better.
I guess you could just check through the first 1000 (arbitrary number) characters and see if there are unprintable characters, or if they are all ascii in a certain range. If the latter, assume that it is text?
Whatever you do is going to be a guess.
As others have pointed out there is no absolute way to be sure. However, to determine if a file is binary (which can be said to be easier than determining if it is text) some implementations check for consecutive NUL characters. Git apparently just checks the first 8000 chars for a NUL and if it finds one treats the file as binary. See here for more details.
Here is a similar C# solution I wrote that looks for a given number of required consecutive NUL. If IsBinary returns false then it is very likely your file is text based.
public bool IsBinary(string filePath, int requiredConsecutiveNul = 1)
const int charsToCheck = 8000;
const char nulChar = '\0';
int nulCount = 0;
using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(filePath))
for (var i = 0; i < charsToCheck; i++)
if (streamReader.EndOfStream)
return false;
if ((char) streamReader.Read() == nulChar)
if (nulCount >= requiredConsecutiveNul)
return true;
nulCount = 0;
return false;
To get the real type of a file, you must check its header, which won't be changed even the extension is modified. You can get the header list here, and use something like this in your code:
using(var stream = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
using(var reader = new BinaryReader(stream))
// read the first X bytes of the file
// In this example I want to check if the file is a BMP
// whose header is 424D in hex(2 bytes 6677)
string code = reader.ReadByte().ToString() + reader.ReadByte().ToString();
if (code.Equals("6677"))
//it's a BMP file
I have a below solution which works for me.This is general solution which check all types of Binary file.
/// <summary>
/// This method checks whether selected file is Binary file or not.
/// </summary>
public bool CheckForBinary()
Stream objStream = new FileStream("your file path", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
bool bFlag = true;
// Iterate through stream & check ASCII value of each byte.
for (int nPosition = 0; nPosition < objStream.Length; nPosition++)
int a = objStream.ReadByte();
if (!(a >= 0 && a <= 127))
break; // Binary File
else if (objStream.Position == (objStream.Length))
bFlag = false; // Text File
return bFlag;
public bool IsTextFile(string FilePath)
using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(FilePath))
int Character;
while ((Character = reader.Read()) != -1)
if ((Character > 0 && Character < 8) || (Character > 13 && Character < 26))
return false;
return true;

Upload of Media via VMware API results in larger transferred size than file size

We're utilizing the V Cloud API to interact with virtual machines (create machines, perform actions, switch media, etc). One requested function is to be able to upload media (specifically ISO's) to a particular a catalog. The API guide (pg 67) is fairly straightforward, and our multi-part requests to the URL that is provided when the upload starts go off without a hitch.
Note: We have to declare the file size before starting the upload
The only thing that seems amiss during the upload itself is that the "transferred size" ends up being larger than the "file size" at the end of the process. This is somewhat odd because our content-range never exceeds the expected file size (we assume that the meta data is being included without us having a say). Once this transferred size exceeds the file size, the status of the file upload changes to "Error" but still returns a 200 OK
"name": "J Small 4",
"description": "",
"files": [{
"name": "file",
"totalSize": 50696192,
"status": "Error",
"link": "",
"transferredSize": 54293177
"id": "urn:vcloud:media:1cec68ef-f22e-4ec7-ae5d-dfbc4f7137d9",
"catalogId": "urn:vcloud:catalogitem:19dbfdd8-ea70-4355-abc7-96e34dccb869"
Not sure where to even start debugging this since all the API calls come back with 200 OK, the .ISO file seems to be fine, our content-range headers never go outside the established file size, and the meta-data seems to be out of our control in terms of editing or measuring it.
Hoping some soul has experienced this issue before and can provide some insight into working towards a solution
It turns out the issue wasn't with the vmware at all, but how we were chunking up the media file. We initially used FileReader() to chunk up the file and send it over to the VMware API.
Theoretically, we were choosing the chunk size and could then generate and set the content range, but in reality we were choosing the content-range but the content-length was different than the chunk size. We're still not entirely sure why it happened (maybe extra meta data being added on) but we found a solution.
The fix: We eliminated FileReader() altogether and just put the file slices directly into a blob (you can see below)
$scope.parseMediaFile = function(url, file, catalogId) {
$scope.uploadingMediaFile = true;
var fileSize = file.size;
var chunkSize = 1024 * 1024 * 5; // bytes
var offset = 0;
var self = this; // we need a reference to the current object
var chunkReaderBlock = null;
var chunkNum = 0;
if (fileSize < chunkSize) {
chunkSize = fileSize;
chunkReaderBlock = function(_offset, length, _file) {
var blob = _file.slice(_offset, length + _offset);
var beginRange = _offset;
var endRange = _offset + length;
if(endRange > _file.size) {
endRange = _file.size
var contentRange = beginRange + "-" + endRange;
vdcServices.uploadMediaFile(url, blob, fileSize, contentRange).then(
function(resp) {
vdcServices.getUploadStatus($, catalogId).then(function(resp) {
var uploaded =[0].transferredSize;
$scope.mediaPercentLoaded = $scope.trunc((uploaded / fileSize) * 100);
if (endRange == _file.size) {
chunkReaderBlock(_offset+length, chunkSize, file);
}, function(err) {
$scope.errorMsg = err;
chunkReaderBlock(_offset-length, chunkSize, file);
function(err) {
$scope.errorMsg = err;
// Starts the read with the first block
if (offset < fileSize) {
chunkReaderBlock(offset, chunkSize, file)
Doing so allowed us to actually control the content-length, and since we can identify when the number of bytes transferred is equal to the file size we could then complete the process.

What is the algorithm to compute the Amazon-S3 Etag for a file larger than 5GB?

Files uploaded to Amazon S3 that are smaller than 5GB have an ETag that is simply the MD5 hash of the file, which makes it easy to check if your local files are the same as what you put on S3.
But if your file is larger than 5GB, then Amazon computes the ETag differently.
For example, I did a multipart upload of a 5,970,150,664 byte file in 380 parts. Now S3 shows it to have an ETag of 6bcf86bed8807b8e78f0fc6e0a53079d-380. My local file has an md5 hash of 702242d3703818ddefe6bf7da2bed757. I think the number after the dash is the number of parts in the multipart upload.
I also suspect that the new ETag (before the dash) is still an MD5 hash, but with some meta data included along the way from the multipart upload somehow.
Does anyone know how to compute the ETag using the same algorithm as Amazon S3?
Say you uploaded a 14MB file to a bucket without server-side encryption, and your part size is 5MB. Calculate 3 MD5 checksums corresponding to each part, i.e. the checksum of the first 5MB, the second 5MB, and the last 4MB. Then take the checksum of their concatenation. MD5 checksums are often printed as hex representations of binary data, so make sure you take the MD5 of the decoded binary concatenation, not of the ASCII or UTF-8 encoded concatenation. When that's done, add a hyphen and the number of parts to get the ETag.
Here are the commands to do it on Mac OS X from the console:
$ dd bs=1m count=5 skip=0 if=someFile | md5 >>checksums.txt
5+0 records in
5+0 records out
5242880 bytes transferred in 0.019611 secs (267345449 bytes/sec)
$ dd bs=1m count=5 skip=5 if=someFile | md5 >>checksums.txt
5+0 records in
5+0 records out
5242880 bytes transferred in 0.019182 secs (273323380 bytes/sec)
$ dd bs=1m count=5 skip=10 if=someFile | md5 >>checksums.txt
2+1 records in
2+1 records out
2599812 bytes transferred in 0.011112 secs (233964895 bytes/sec)
At this point all the checksums are in checksums.txt. To concatenate them and decode the hex and get the MD5 checksum of the lot, just use
$ xxd -r -p checksums.txt | md5
And now append "-3" to get the ETag, since there were 3 parts.
If you uploaded with aws-cli via aws s3 cp then you most likely have a 8MB chunksize. According to the docs, that is the default.
If the bucket has server-side encryption (SSE) turned on, the ETag won't be the MD5 checksum (see the API documentation). But if you're just trying to verify that an uploaded part matches what you sent, you can use the Content-MD5 header and S3 will compare it for you.
md5 on macOS just writes out the checksum, but md5sum on Linux/brew also outputs the filename. You'll need to strip that, but I'm sure there's some option to only output the checksums. You don't need to worry about whitespace cause xxd will ignore it.
Code Links
A Gist I wrote with a working script for macOS.
The project at s3md5.
Based on answers here, I wrote a Python implementation which correctly calculates both multi-part and single-part file ETags.
def calculate_s3_etag(file_path, chunk_size=8 * 1024 * 1024):
md5s = []
with open(file_path, 'rb') as fp:
while True:
data =
if not data:
if len(md5s) < 1:
return '"{}"'.format(hashlib.md5().hexdigest())
if len(md5s) == 1:
return '"{}"'.format(md5s[0].hexdigest())
digests = b''.join(m.digest() for m in md5s)
digests_md5 = hashlib.md5(digests)
return '"{}-{}"'.format(digests_md5.hexdigest(), len(md5s))
The default chunk_size is 8 MB used by the official aws cli tool, and it does multipart upload for 2+ chunks. It should work under both Python 2 and 3.
bash implementation
python implementation
The algorithm literally is (copied from the readme in the python implementation) :
md5 the chunks
glob the md5 strings together
convert the glob to binary
md5 the binary of the globbed chunk md5s
append "-Number_of_chunks" to the end of the md5 string of the binary
Here's yet another piece in this crazy AWS challenge puzzle.
FWIW, this answer assumes you already have figured out how to calculate the "MD5 of MD5 parts" and can rebuild your AWS Multi-part ETag from all the other answers already provided here.
What this answer addresses is the annoyance of having to "guess" or otherwise "divine" the original upload part size.
We use several different tools for uploading to S3 and they all seem to have different upload part sizes, so "guessing" really wasn't an option. Also, we have a lot of files that were historically uploaded when part sizes seemed to be different. Also, the old trick of using an internal server copy to force the creation of an MD5-type ETag also no longer works as AWS has changed their internal server copies to also use multi-part (just with a fairly large part size).
How can you figure out the object's part size?
Well, if you first make a head_object request and detect that the ETag is a multi-part type ETag (includes a '-<partcount>' at the end), then you can make another head_object request, but with an additional part_number attribute of 1 (the first part). This follow-on head_object request will then return you the content_length of the first part. Viola... Now you know the part size that was used and you can use that size to re-create your local ETag which should match the original uploaded S3 ETag created when the object was uploaded.
Additionally, if you wanted to be exact (perhaps some multi-part uploads were to use variable part sizes), then you could continue to call head_object requests with each part_number specified and calculate each part's MD5 from the returned parts content_length.
Hope that helps...
Not sure if it can help:
We're currently doing an ugly (but so far useful) hack to fix those wrong ETags in multipart uploaded files, which consists on applying a change to the file in the bucket; that triggers a md5 recalculation from Amazon that changes the ETag to matches with the actual md5 signature.
In our case:
File: bucket/Foo.mpg.gpg
ETag obtained: "3f92dffef0a11d175e60fb8b958b4e6e-2"
Do something with the file (rename it, add a meta-data like a fake header, among others)
Etag obtained: "c1d903ca1bb6dc68778ef21e74cc15b0"
We don't know the algorithm, but since we can "fix" the ETag we don't need to worry about it either.
Same algorithm, java version:
(BaseEncoding, Hasher, Hashing, etc comes from the guava library
* Generate checksum for object came from multipart upload</p>
* </p>
* AWS S3 spec: Entity tag that identifies the newly created object's data. Objects with different object data will have different entity tags. The entity tag is an opaque string. The entity tag may or may not be an MD5 digest of the object data. If the entity tag is not an MD5 digest of the object data, it will contain one or more nonhexadecimal characters and/or will consist of less than 32 or more than 32 hexadecimal digits.</p>
* Algorithm follows AWS S3 implementation:</p>
private static String calculateChecksumForMultipartUpload(List<String> md5s) {
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
for (String md5:md5s) {
String hex = stringBuilder.toString();
byte raw[] = BaseEncoding.base16().decode(hex.toUpperCase());
Hasher hasher = Hashing.md5().newHasher();
String digest = hasher.hash().toString();
return digest + "-" + md5s.size();
According to the AWS documentation the ETag isn't an MD5 hash for a multi-part upload nor for an encrypted object:
Objects created by the PUT Object, POST Object, or Copy operation, or through the AWS Management Console, and are encrypted by SSE-S3 or plaintext, have ETags that are an MD5 digest of their object data.
Objects created by the PUT Object, POST Object, or Copy operation, or through the AWS Management Console, and are encrypted by SSE-C or SSE-KMS, have ETags that are not an MD5 digest of their object data.
If an object is created by either the Multipart Upload or Part Copy operation, the ETag is not an MD5 digest, regardless of the method of encryption.
In an above answer, someone asked if there was a way to get the md5 for files larger than 5G.
An answer that I could give for getting the MD5 value (for files larger than 5G) would be to either add it manually to the metadata, or use a program to do your uploads which will add the information.
For example, I used s3cmd to upload a file, and it added the following metadata.
$ aws s3api head-object --bucket xxxxxxx --key noarch/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm
"AcceptRanges": "bytes",
"ContentType": "binary/octet-stream",
"LastModified": "Sat, 19 Sep 2015 03:27:25 GMT",
"ContentLength": 14540,
"ETag": "\"2cd0ae668a585a14e07c2ea4f264d79b\"",
"Metadata": {
"s3cmd-attrs": "uid:502/gname:staff/uname:xxxxxx/gid:20/mode:33188/mtime:1352129496/atime:1441758431/md5:2cd0ae668a585a14e07c2ea4f264d79b/ctime:1441385182"
It isn't a direct solution using the ETag, but it is a way to populate the metadata you want (MD5) in a way you can access it. It will still fail if someone uploads the file without metadata.
Here is the algorithm in ruby...
require 'digest'
# PART_SIZE should match the chosen part size of the multipart upload
# Set here as 10MB
PART_SIZE = 1024*1024*10
class File
def each_part(part_size = PART_SIZE)
yield read(part_size) until eof?
file ='<path_to_file>')
hashes = []
file.each_part do |part|
hashes << Digest::MD5.hexdigest(part)
multipart_hash = Digest::MD5.hexdigest([hashes.join].pack('H*'))
multipart_etag = "#{multipart_hash}-#{hashes.count}"
Thanks to Shortest Hex2Bin in Ruby and Multipart Uploads to S3 ...
node.js implementation -
const fs = require('fs');
const crypto = require('crypto');
const chunk = 1024 * 1024 * 5; // 5MB
const md5 = data => crypto.createHash('md5').update(data).digest('hex');
const getEtagOfFile = (filePath) => {
const stream = fs.readFileSync(filePath);
if (stream.length <= chunk) {
return md5(stream);
const md5Chunks = [];
const chunksNumber = Math.ceil(stream.length / chunk);
for (let i = 0; i < chunksNumber; i++) {
const chunkStream = stream.slice(i * chunk, (i + 1) * chunk);
return `${md5(Buffer.from(md5Chunks.join(''), 'hex'))}-${chunksNumber}`;
And here is a PHP version of calculating the ETag:
function calculate_aws_etag($filename, $chunksize) {
- calculate Amazon AWS ETag used on the S3 service
- $filename : path to file to check
- $chunksize : chunk size in Megabytes
- ETag (string)
$chunkbytes = $chunksize*1024*1024;
if (filesize($filename) < $chunkbytes) {
return md5_file($filename);
} else {
$md5s = array();
$handle = fopen($filename, 'rb');
if ($handle === false) {
return false;
while (!feof($handle)) {
$buffer = fread($handle, $chunkbytes);
$md5s[] = md5($buffer);
$concat = '';
foreach ($md5s as $indx => $md5) {
$concat .= hex2bin($md5);
return md5($concat) .'-'. count($md5s);
$etag = calculate_aws_etag('path/to/myfile.ext', 8);
And here is an enhanced version that can verify against an expected ETag - and even guess the chunksize if you don't know it!
function calculate_etag($filename, $chunksize, $expected = false) {
- calculate Amazon AWS ETag used on the S3 service
- $filename : path to file to check
- $chunksize : chunk size in Megabytes
- $expected : verify calculated etag against this specified etag and return true or false instead
- if you make chunksize negative (eg. -8 instead of 8) the function will guess the chunksize by checking all possible sizes given the number of parts mentioned in $expected
- ETag (string)
- or boolean true|false if $expected is set
if ($chunksize < 0) {
$do_guess = true;
$chunksize = 0 - $chunksize;
} else {
$do_guess = false;
$chunkbytes = $chunksize*1024*1024;
$filesize = filesize($filename);
if ($filesize < $chunkbytes && (!$expected || !preg_match("/^\\w{32}-\\w+$/", $expected))) {
$return = md5_file($filename);
if ($expected) {
$expected = strtolower($expected);
return ($expected === $return ? true : false);
} else {
return $return;
} else {
$md5s = array();
$handle = fopen($filename, 'rb');
if ($handle === false) {
return false;
while (!feof($handle)) {
$buffer = fread($handle, $chunkbytes);
$md5s[] = md5($buffer);
$concat = '';
foreach ($md5s as $indx => $md5) {
$concat .= hex2bin($md5);
$return = md5($concat) .'-'. count($md5s);
if ($expected) {
$expected = strtolower($expected);
$matches = ($expected === $return ? true : false);
if ($matches || $do_guess == false || strlen($expected) == 32) {
return $matches;
} else {
// Guess the chunk size
preg_match("/-(\\d+)$/", $expected, $match);
$parts = $match[1];
$min_chunk = ceil($filesize / $parts /1024/1024);
$max_chunk = floor($filesize / ($parts-1) /1024/1024);
$found_match = false;
for ($i = $min_chunk; $i <= $max_chunk; $i++) {
if (calculate_aws_etag($filename, $i) === $expected) {
$found_match = true;
return $found_match;
} else {
return $return;
The short answer is that you take the 128bit binary md5 digest of each part, concatenate them into a document, and hash that document. The algorithm presented in this answer is accurate.
Note: the multipart ETAG form with the hyphen will change to the form without the hyphen if you "touch" the blob (even without modifying the content). That is, if you copy, or do an in-place copy of your completed multipart-uploaded object (aka PUT-COPY), S3 will recompute the ETAG with the simple version of the algorithm. i.e. the destination object will have an etag without the hyphen.
You've probably considered this already, but if your files are less than 5GB, and you already know their MD5s, and upload parallelization provides little to no benefit (e.g. you are streaming the upload from a slow network, or uploading from a slow disk), then you may also consider using a simple PUT instead of a multipart PUT, and pass your known Content-MD5 in your request headers -- amazon will fail the upload if they don't match. Keep in mind that you get charged for each UploadPart.
Furthermore, in some clients, passing a known MD5 for the input of a PUT operation will save the client from recomputing the MD5 during the transfer. In boto3 (python), you would use the ContentMD5 parameter of the client.put_object() method, for instance. If you omit the parameter, and you already knew the MD5, then the client would be wasting cycles computing it again before the transfer.
Working algorithm implemented in Node.js (TypeScript).
* Generate an S3 ETAG for multipart uploads in Node.js
* An implementation of this algorithm:
* Author: Richard Willis <>
import fs from 'node:fs';
import crypto, { BinaryLike } from 'node:crypto';
const defaultPartSizeInBytes = 5 * 1024 * 1024; // 5MB
function md5(contents: string | BinaryLike): string {
return crypto.createHash('md5').update(contents).digest('hex');
export function getS3Etag(
filePath: string,
partSizeInBytes = defaultPartSizeInBytes
): string {
const { size: fileSizeInBytes } = fs.statSync(filePath);
let parts = Math.floor(fileSizeInBytes / partSizeInBytes);
if (fileSizeInBytes % partSizeInBytes > 0) {
parts += 1;
const fileDescriptor = fs.openSync(filePath, 'r');
let totalMd5 = '';
for (let part = 0; part < parts; part++) {
const skipBytes = partSizeInBytes * part;
const totalBytesLeft = fileSizeInBytes - skipBytes;
const bytesToRead = Math.min(totalBytesLeft, partSizeInBytes);
const buffer = Buffer.alloc(bytesToRead);
fs.readSync(fileDescriptor, buffer, 0, bytesToRead, skipBytes);
totalMd5 += md5(buffer);
const combinedHash = md5(Buffer.from(totalMd5, 'hex'));
const etag = `${combinedHash}-${parts}`;
return etag;
I've published this to npm
npm install s3-etag
import { generateETag } from 's3-etag';
const etag = generateETag(absoluteFilePath, partSizeInBytes);
View project here:
A version in Rust:
use crypto::digest::Digest;
use crypto::md5::Md5;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::prelude::*;
use std::iter::repeat;
fn calculate_etag_from_read(f: &mut dyn Read, chunk_size: usize) -> Result<String> {
let mut md5 = Md5::new();
let mut concat_md5 = Md5::new();
let mut input_buffer = vec![0u8; chunk_size];
let mut chunk_count = 0;
let mut current_md5: Vec<u8> = repeat(0).take((md5.output_bits() + 7) / 8).collect();
let md5_result = loop {
let amount_read = input_buffer)?;
if amount_read > 0 {
chunk_count += 1;
md5.result(&mut current_md5);
} else {
if chunk_count > 1 {
break format!("{}-{}", concat_md5.result_str(), chunk_count);
} else {
break md5.result_str();
fn calculate_etag(file: &String, chunk_size: usize) -> Result<String> {
let mut f = File::open(file)?;
calculate_etag_from_read(&mut f, chunk_size)
See a repo with a simple implementation:
Regarding chunk size, I noticed that it seems to depend of number of parts.
The maximun number of parts are 10000 as AWS documents.
So starting on a default of 8MB and knowing the filesize, chunk size and parts can be calculated as follows:
while flsz/chunk_size>10000:
Parts have to be up-rounded
Extending Timothy Gonzalez's answer:
Identical files will have different etag when using multipart upload.
It's easy to test it with WinSCP, because it uses multipart upload.
When I upload multiple indentical copies of the same file to S3 via WinSCP then each has different etag. When I download them and calculate md5, then they are still indentical.
So from what I tested different etags doesn't mean that files are different.
I see no alternative way to obtain any hash for S3 files without downloading them first.
This is true for multipart uploads. For not-multipart it should still be possible to calculate etag locally.
I have a solution for iOS and macOS without using external helpers like dd and xxd. I have just found it, so I report it as it is, planning to improve it at a later stage. For the moment, it relies on both Objective-C and Swift code. First of all, create this helper class in Objective-C:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#interface AWS3MD5Hash : NSObject
- (NSData *)dataFromFile:(FILE *)theFile startingOnByte:(UInt64)startByte length:(UInt64)length filePath:(NSString *)path singlePartSize:(NSUInteger)partSizeInMb;
- (NSData *)dataFromBigData:(NSData *)theData startingOnByte:(UInt64)startByte length:(UInt64)length;
- (NSData *)dataFromHexString:(NSString *)sourceString;
#import "AWS3MD5Hash.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define SIZE 256
#implementation AWS3MD5Hash
- (NSData *)dataFromFile:(FILE *)theFile startingOnByte:(UInt64)startByte length:(UInt64)length filePath:(NSString *)path singlePartSize:(NSUInteger)partSizeInMb {
char *buffer = malloc(length);
NSURL *fileURL = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:path];
NSNumber *fileSizeValue = nil;
NSError *fileSizeError = nil;
[fileURL getResourceValue:&fileSizeValue
NSInteger __unused result = fseek(theFile,startByte,SEEK_SET);
if (result != 0) {
return nil;
NSInteger result2 = fread(buffer, length, 1, theFile);
NSUInteger difference = fileSizeValue.integerValue - startByte;
NSData *toReturn;
if (result2 == 0) {
toReturn = [NSData dataWithBytes:buffer length:difference];
} else {
toReturn = [NSData dataWithBytes:buffer length:result2 * length];
return toReturn;
- (NSData *)dataFromBigData:(NSData *)theData startingOnByte: (UInt64)startByte length:(UInt64)length {
NSUInteger fileSizeValue = theData.length;
NSData *subData;
if (startByte + length > fileSizeValue) {
subData = [theData subdataWithRange:NSMakeRange(startByte, fileSizeValue - startByte)];
} else {
subData = [theData subdataWithRange:NSMakeRange(startByte, length)];
return subData;
- (NSData *)dataFromHexString:(NSString *)string {
string = [string lowercaseString];
NSMutableData *data= [NSMutableData new];
unsigned char whole_byte;
char byte_chars[3] = {'\0','\0','\0'};
NSInteger i = 0;
NSInteger length = string.length;
while (i < length-1) {
char c = [string characterAtIndex:i++];
if (c < '0' || (c > '9' && c < 'a') || c > 'f')
byte_chars[0] = c;
byte_chars[1] = [string characterAtIndex:i++];
whole_byte = strtol(byte_chars, NULL, 16);
[data appendBytes:&whole_byte length:1];
return data;
Now create a plain swift file:
AWS Extensions.swift
import UIKit
import CommonCrypto
extension URL {
func calculateAWSS3MD5Hash(_ numberOfParts: UInt64) -> String? {
do {
var fileSize: UInt64!
var calculatedPartSize: UInt64!
let attr:NSDictionary? = try FileManager.default.attributesOfItem(atPath: self.path) as NSDictionary
if let _attr = attr {
fileSize = _attr.fileSize();
if numberOfParts != 0 {
let partSize = Double(fileSize / numberOfParts)
var partSizeInMegabytes = Double(partSize / (1024.0 * 1024.0))
partSizeInMegabytes = ceil(partSizeInMegabytes)
calculatedPartSize = UInt64(partSizeInMegabytes)
if calculatedPartSize % 2 != 0 {
calculatedPartSize += 1
if numberOfParts == 2 || numberOfParts == 3 { // Very important when there are 2 or 3 parts, in the majority of times
// the calculatedPartSize is already 8. In the remaining cases we force it.
calculatedPartSize = 8
if mainLogToggling {
print("The calculated part size is \(calculatedPartSize!) Megabytes")
if numberOfParts == 0 {
let string = self.memoryFriendlyMd5Hash()
return string
let hasher = AWS3MD5Hash.init()
let file = fopen(self.path, "r")
defer { let result = fclose(file)}
var index: UInt64 = 0
var bigString: String! = ""
var data: Data!
while autoreleasepool(invoking: {
if index == (numberOfParts-1) {
if mainLogToggling {
//print("Siamo all'ultima linea.")
data = file!, startingOnByte: index * calculatedPartSize * 1024 * 1024, length: calculatedPartSize * 1024 * 1024, filePath: self.path, singlePartSize: UInt(calculatedPartSize))
bigString = bigString + MD5.get(data: data) + "\n"
index += 1
if index == numberOfParts {
return false
return true
}) {}
let final = MD5.get(data bigString)) + "-\(numberOfParts)"
return final
} catch {
return nil
func memoryFriendlyMd5Hash() -> String? {
let bufferSize = 1024 * 1024
do {
// Open file for reading:
let file = try FileHandle(forReadingFrom: self)
defer {
// Create and initialize MD5 context:
var context = CC_MD5_CTX()
// Read up to `bufferSize` bytes, until EOF is reached, and update MD5 context:
while autoreleasepool(invoking: {
let data = file.readData(ofLength: bufferSize)
if data.count > 0 {
data.withUnsafeBytes {
_ = CC_MD5_Update(&context, $0, numericCast(data.count))
return true // Continue
} else {
return false // End of file
}) { }
// Compute the MD5 digest:
var digest = Data(count: Int(CC_MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH))
digest.withUnsafeMutableBytes {
_ = CC_MD5_Final($0, &context)
let hexDigest = { String(format: "%02hhx", $0) }.joined()
return hexDigest
} catch {
print("Cannot open file:", error.localizedDescription)
return nil
struct MD5 {
static func get(data: Data) -> String {
var digest = [UInt8](repeating: 0, count: Int(CC_MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH))
let _ = data.withUnsafeBytes { bytes in
CC_MD5(bytes, CC_LONG(data.count), &digest)
var digestHex = ""
for index in 0..<Int(CC_MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH) {
digestHex += String(format: "%02x", digest[index])
return digestHex
// The following is a memory friendly version
static func get2(data: Data) -> String {
var currentIndex = 0
let bufferSize = 1024 * 1024
//var digest = [UInt8](repeating: 0, count: Int(CC_MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH))
// Create and initialize MD5 context:
var context = CC_MD5_CTX()
while autoreleasepool(invoking: {
var subData: Data!
if (currentIndex + bufferSize) < data.count {
subData = data.subdata(in: Range.init(NSMakeRange(currentIndex, bufferSize))!)
currentIndex = currentIndex + bufferSize
} else {
subData = data.subdata(in: Range.init(NSMakeRange(currentIndex, data.count - currentIndex))!)
currentIndex = currentIndex + (data.count - currentIndex)
if subData.count > 0 {
subData.withUnsafeBytes {
_ = CC_MD5_Update(&context, $0, numericCast(subData.count))
return true
} else {
return false
}) { }
// Compute the MD5 digest:
var digest = Data(count: Int(CC_MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH))
digest.withUnsafeMutableBytes {
_ = CC_MD5_Final($0, &context)
var digestHex = ""
for index in 0..<Int(CC_MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH) {
digestHex += String(format: "%02x", digest[index])
return digestHex
Now add:
#import "AWS3MD5Hash.h"
to your Objective-C Bridging header. You should be ok with this setup.
Example usage
To test this setup, you could be calling the following method inside the object that is in charge of handling the AWS connections:
func getMd5HashForFile() {
let credentialProvider = AWSCognitoCredentialsProvider(regionType: AWSRegionType.USEast2, identityPoolId: "<INSERT_POOL_ID>")
let configuration = AWSServiceConfiguration(region: AWSRegionType.APSoutheast2, credentialsProvider: credentialProvider)
configuration?.timeoutIntervalForRequest = 3.0
configuration?.timeoutIntervalForResource = 3.0
AWSServiceManager.default().defaultServiceConfiguration = configuration
AWSS3.register(with: configuration!, forKey: "defaultKey")
let s3 = AWSS3.s3(forKey: "defaultKey")
let headObjectRequest = AWSS3HeadObjectRequest()!
headObjectRequest.bucket = "<NAME_OF_YOUR_BUCKET>"
headObjectRequest.key = self.latestMapOnServer.key
let _: AWSTask? = s3.headObject(headObjectRequest).continueOnSuccessWith { (awstask) -> Any? in
let headObjectOutput: AWSS3HeadObjectOutput? = awstask.result
var ETag = headObjectOutput?.eTag!
// Here you should parse the returned Etag and extract the number of parts to provide to the helper function. Etags end with a "-" followed by the number of parts. If you don't see this format, then pass 0 as the number of parts.
ETag = ETag!.replacingOccurrences(of: "\"", with: "")
print("headObjectOutput.ETag \(ETag!)")
let mapOnDiskUrl = self.getMapsDirectory().appendingPathComponent(self.latestMapOnDisk!)
let hash = mapOnDiskUrl.calculateAWSS3MD5Hash(<Take the number of parts from the ETag returned by the server>)
if hash == ETag {
print("They are the same.")
print ("\(hash!)")
return nil
If the ETag returned by the server does not have "-" at the end of the ETag, just pass 0 to calculateAWSS3MD5Hash. Please comment if you encounter any problems. I am working on a swift only solution, I will update this answer as soon as I finish. Thanks
I just saw that the AWS S3 Console 'upload' uses an unusual part (chunk) size of 17,179,870 - at least for larger files.
Using that part size gave me the correct ETag hash using the methods described earlier. Thanks to #TheStoryCoder for the php version.
Thanks to #hans for his idea to use head-object to see the actual sizes of each part.
I used the AWS S3 Console (on Nov28 2020) to upload about 50 files ranging in size from 190MB to 2.3GB and all of them had the same part size of 17,179,870.
I liked Emerson's leading answer above - especially the xxd part - but I was too lazy to use dd so I went with split, guessing at an 8M chunk size because I uploaded with aws s3 cp:
$ split -b 8M large.iso XXX
$ md5sum XXX* > checksums.txt
$ sed -i 's/ .*$//' checksums.txt
$ xxd -r -p checksums.txt | md5sum
99a090df013d375783f0f0be89288529 -
$ wc -l checksums.txt
80 checksums.txt
It was immediately obvious that both parts of my S3 etag matched my file's calculated etag.
This has been working nicely:
$ ll large.iso
-rw-rw-r-- 1 user user 669134848 Apr 12 2021 large.iso
$ etag large.iso
$ type etag
etag is a function
etag ()
split -b 8M --filter=md5sum $1 | cut -d' ' -f1 | pee "xxd -r -p | md5sum | cut -d' ' -f1" "wc -l" | paste -d'-' - -
All the other answers assume a standard and regular part size. But that assumption may not be true. Across the console and various SDKs there are different defaults. And the low-level API does allow a lot of variety.
S3 multi-part uploads can have parts of any size (within a min and max for non-last parts).
Even the non-last parts can be different sizes.
When you upload they don't have to be consecutive part numbers.
If you do a multi-part upload with only 1 part, the etag is the more complicated version, not the simple MD5
etags tend to be wrapped in double-quotes. I don't know why. But that's just a thing that might trip you up.
So we need find find out how many parts there are, and how big they are.
You cannot reliably get the part count from boto3's Object.parts_count attribute. I don't know if the same is true of other SDKs.
The get_object_attributes API documentation claims that it returns a list of parts and sizes. But when I tested those fields were missing. Even for multi-part uploads that were not completed.
Even if you assume equal part sizes (except the last part), you cannot deduce part size from content length and part count. e.g. if a 90MB file has 3 parts, was that 30MBx3, or 40MB+40MB+10MB?
Let's assume that you have a local file and you want to check whether it matches the content of the object in S3.
(And assume that you've already checked whether the lengths differ, because that's a faster check.)
Here's a python3 script to do that. (I chose python just because that's what I'm familiar with.)
We use head_object to get the e-tag. With the e-tag we can deduce whether it was a single-part upload or multi-part, and how many parts.
We use head_object passing in PartNumber, calling that for each part, to get the length of each part. You could use multiprocessing to speed that up. (Noting that boto3's client should not be passed between processes.)
import boto3
from hashlib import md5
def content_matches(local_path, bucket, key) -> bool:
client = boto3.client('s3')
resp = client.head_object(Bucket=bucket, Key=key)
remote_e_tag = resp['ETag']
total_length = resp['ContentLength']
if '-' not in remote_e_tag:
# it was a single-part upload
m = md5()
# you could read from the file in chunks to avoid loading the whole thing into memory
# the chunks would not have to match any SDK standard. It can be whatever you want.
# (The MD5 library will act as if you hashed in one go)
with open(file, 'rb') as f:
local_etag = f'"md5("'
return local_etag == remote_e_tag
# multi-part upload
# to find the number of parts, get it from the e-tag
# e.g. 123-56 has 56 parts
num_parts = int(remote_e_tag.strip('"').split('-')[-1])
print(f"Assuming {num_parts=} from {remote_e_tag=}")
md5s = []
with open(local_path, 'rb') as f:
sz_read = 0
for part_num in range(1,num_parts+1):
resp = client.head_object(Bucket=bucket, Key=key, PartNumber=part_num)
sz_read += resp['ContentLength']
local_data_part =['ContentLength'])
assert len(local_data_part) == resp['ContentLength'] # sanity check
assert sz_read == total_length, "Sum of part sizes doesn't equal total file size"
digests = b''.join(m.digest() for m in md5s)
digests_md5 = md5(digests)
local_etag = f'"{digests_md5.hexdigest()}-{len(md5s)}"'
return remote_e_tag == local_etag
And a script to test it with all those edge cases:
import boto3
from pprint import pprint
from hashlib import md5
from main import content_matches
MB = 2 ** 20
bucket = 'mybucket'
key = 'test-multi-part-upload'
local_path = 'test-data'
# first upload the object
s3 = boto3.resource('s3')
obj = s3.Object(bucket, key)
mpu = obj.initiate_multipart_upload()
parts = []
part_sizes = [6 * MB, 5 * MB, 5] # deliberately non-standard and not consistent
upload_part_nums = [1,3,8] # test non-consecutive part numbers for upload
with open(local_path, 'wb') as fw:
with open('/dev/random', 'rb') as fr:
for (part_num, part_size) in zip(upload_part_nums, part_sizes):
part = mpu.Part(part_num)
data =
print(f"Uploading part {part_num}")
resp = part.upload(Body=data)
'ETag': resp['ETag'],
'PartNumber': part_num
resp = mpu.complete(MultipartUpload={
'Parts': parts
assert content_matches(local_path, bucket, key)
"#wim Any idea how to calculate the ETag when SSE is enabled?"
in my testing, multipart+SEE-C, the Etag is valid.
can be calculated from the individual Etag returned for each part.
and this is easy to prove.
let's say we have a multipart upload with SEE-C, with 10 parts.
take the 10 Etags, put them in a file, and run "xxd -r -p checksums.txt | md5sum", the calculdated value with match the value returned from aws
etag parts
1330e1275b556ab6702bca9438f62c15 -
ae55d3ddf52e33d45140a5be6dacb925 -
16dc956e05962b84ad9cd74a05e86797 -
64be66992a5110c4b1151a8249258a1a -
4926df0200fe24499524176d6a85e347 -
2b6655c3506481eb1fae6b2e2e7c4b8b -
a02e9dbd49039eaf4d6de1fddc5e1a30 -
afb7bc1f6e0c1f23671cb7116f3b0c63 -
dddf3a1ab192f26bb483a3e2778bab13 -
adb8b2b761640418856853f3810ac45a -
etag_from_aws = c68db040f8a36c164259bcca40c36410-10
etag_calculated = c68db040f8a36c164259bcca40c36410-10
Till now there is not solution to match normal file ETag and Multipart file ETag and MD5 of local file.

Etag definition changed in Amazon S3

I've used Amazon S3 a little bit for backups for some time. Usually, after I upload a file I check the MD5 sum matches to ensure I've made a good backup. S3 has the "etag" header which used to give this sum.
However, when I uploaded a large file recently the Etag no longer seems to be a md5 sum. It has extra digits and a hyphen "696df35ad1161afbeb6ea667e5dd5dab-2861" . I can't find any documentation about this changing. I've checked using the S3 management console and with Cyberduck.
I can't find any documentation about this change. Any pointers?
You will always get this style of ETag when uploading an multipart file. If you upload the whole file as a single file, then you will get an ETag without the -{xxxx} suffix.
Bucket Explorer will show the unsuffixed ETag for a multipart file up to 5Gb.
The ETag for an object created using the multipart upload api will contain one or more non-hexadecimal characters and/or will consist of less than 16 or more than 16 hexadecimal digits.
Amazon S3 calculates Etag with a different algorithm (not MD5 Sum, as usually) when you upload a file using multipart.
This algorithm is detailed here :
"Calculate the MD5 hash for each uploaded part of the file,
concatenate the hashes into a single binary string and calculate the
MD5 hash of that result."
I just develop a tool in bash to calculate it, s3md5 :
For example, to calculate Etag of a file foo.bin that has been uploaded using multipart with chunk size of 15 MB, then
# s3md5 15 foo.bin
Now you can check integrity of a very big file (bigger than 5GB) because you can calculate the Etag of the local file and compares it with S3 Etag.
Also in python...
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import binascii
import hashlib
import os
# Max size in bytes before uploading in parts.
AWS_UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE = 20 * 1024 * 1024
# Size of parts when uploading in parts
# note: 2022-01-27 bitnami-minio container uses 5 mib
AWS_UPLOAD_PART_SIZE = int(os.environ.get('AWS_UPLOAD_PART_SIZE', 5 * 1024 * 1024))
def md5sum(sourcePath):
Function: md5sum
Purpose: Get the md5 hash of a file stored in S3
Returns: Returns the md5 hash that will match the ETag in S3
filesize = os.path.getsize(sourcePath)
hash = hashlib.md5()
if filesize > AWS_UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE:
block_count = 0
md5bytes = b""
with open(sourcePath, "rb") as f:
block =
while block:
hash = hashlib.md5()
block =
md5bytes += binascii.unhexlify(hash.hexdigest())
block_count += 1
hash = hashlib.md5()
hexdigest = hash.hexdigest() + "-" + str(block_count)
with open(sourcePath, "rb") as f:
block =
while block:
block =
hexdigest = hash.hexdigest()
return hexdigest
Here is an example in Go:
func GetEtag(path string, partSizeMb int) string {
partSize := partSizeMb * 1024 * 1024
content, _ := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
size := len(content)
contentToHash := content
parts := 0
if size > partSize {
pos := 0
contentToHash = make([]byte, 0)
for size > pos {
endpos := pos + partSize
if endpos >= size {
endpos = size
hash := md5.Sum(content[pos:endpos])
contentToHash = append(contentToHash, hash[:]...)
pos += partSize
parts += 1
hash := md5.Sum(contentToHash)
etag := fmt.Sprintf("%x", hash)
if parts > 0 {
etag += fmt.Sprintf("-%d", parts)
return etag
This is just an example, you should handle errors and stuff
Here's a powershell function to calculate the Amazon ETag for a file:
$blocksize = (1024*1024*5)
$startblocks = (1024*1024*16)
function AmazonEtagHashForFile($filename) {
$lines = 0
[byte[]] $binHash = #()
$md5 = [Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm]::Create("MD5")
$reader = [System.IO.File]::Open($filename,"OPEN","READ")
if ((Get-Item $filename).length -gt $startblocks) {
$buf = new-object byte[] $blocksize
while (($read_len = $reader.Read($buf,0,$buf.length)) -ne 0){
$lines += 1
$binHash += $md5.ComputeHash($buf,0,$read_len)
$binHash=$md5.ComputeHash( $binHash )
else {
$lines = 1
$binHash += $md5.ComputeHash($reader)
$hash = [System.BitConverter]::ToString( $binHash )
$hash = $hash.Replace("-","").ToLower()
if ($lines -gt 1) {
$hash = $hash + "-$lines"
return $hash
If you use multipart uploads, the "etag" is not the MD5 sum of the data (see What is the algorithm to compute the Amazon-S3 Etag for a file larger than 5GB?). One can identify this case by the etag containing a dash, "-".
Now, the interesting question is how to get the actual MD5 sum of the data, without downloading? One easy way is to just "copy" the object onto itself, this requires no download:
s3cmd cp s3://bucket/key s3://bucket/key
This will cause S3 to recompute the MD5 sum and store it as "etag" of the just copied object. The "copy" command runs directly on S3, i.e., no object data is transferred to/from S3, so this requires little bandwidth! (Note: do not use s3cmd mv; this would delete your data.)
The underlying REST command is:
PUT /key HTTP/1.1
x-amz-copy-source: /buckey/key
x-amz-metadata-directive: COPY
Copying to s3 with aws s3 cp can use multipart uploads and the resulting etag will not be an md5, as others have written.
To upload files without multipart, use the lower level put-object command.
aws s3api put-object --bucket bucketname --key remote/file --body local/file
This AWS support page - How do I ensure data integrity of objects uploaded to or downloaded from Amazon S3? - describes a more reliable way to verify the integrity of your s3 backups.
Firstly determine the base64 encoded md5sum of the file you wish to upload:
$ md5_sum_base64="$( openssl md5 -binary my-file | base64 )"
Then use the s3api to upload the file:
$ aws s3api put-object --bucket my-bucket --key my-file --body my-file --content-md5 "$md5_sum_base64"
Note the use of the --content-md5 flag, the help for this flag states:
--content-md5 (string) The base64-encoded 128-bit MD5 digest of the part data.
This does not say much about why to use this flag, but we can find this information in the API documentation for put object:
To ensure that data is not corrupted traversing the network, use the Content-MD5 header. When you use this header, Amazon S3 checks the object against the provided MD5 value and, if they do not match, returns an error. Additionally, you can calculate the MD5 while putting an object to Amazon S3 and compare the returned ETag to the calculated MD5 value.
Using this flag causes S3 to verify that the file hash serverside matches the specified value. If the hashes match s3 will return the ETag:
"ETag": "\"599393a2c526c680119d84155d90f1e5\""
The ETag value will usually be the hexadecimal md5sum (see this question for some scenarios where this may not be the case).
If the hash does not match the one you specified you get an error.
A client error (InvalidDigest) occurred when calling the PutObject operation: The Content-MD5 you specified was invalid.
In addition to this you can also add the file md5sum to the file metadata as an additional check:
$ aws s3api put-object --bucket my-bucket --key my-file --body my-file --content-md5 "$md5_sum_base64" --metadata md5chksum="$md5_sum_base64"
After upload you can issue the head-object command to check the values.
$ aws s3api head-object --bucket my-bucket --key my-file
"AcceptRanges": "bytes",
"ContentType": "binary/octet-stream",
"LastModified": "Thu, 31 Mar 2016 16:37:18 GMT",
"ContentLength": 605,
"ETag": "\"599393a2c526c680119d84155d90f1e5\"",
"Metadata": {
"md5chksum": "WZOTosUmxoARnYQVXZDx5Q=="
Here is a bash script that uses content md5 and adds metadata and then verifies that the values returned by S3 match the local hashes:
set -euf -o pipefail
# assumes you have aws cli, jq installed
# change these if required
return_dir="$( pwd )"
cd "$tmp_dir" || exit
mkdir "$test_dir"
cd "$test_dir" || exit
wget "$test_file_url"
md5_sum_hex="$( md5sum $file_name | awk '{ print $1 }' )"
md5_sum_base64="$( openssl md5 -binary $file_name | base64 )"
echo "$file_name hex = $md5_sum_hex"
echo "$file_name base64 = $md5_sum_base64"
echo "Uploading $file_name to s3://$s3_bucket/$s3_dir/$file_name"
aws \
--profile "$aws_profile" \
--region "$aws_region" \
s3api put-object \
--bucket "$s3_bucket" \
--key "$s3_key" \
--body "$file_name" \
--metadata md5chksum="$md5_sum_base64" \
--content-md5 "$md5_sum_base64"
echo "Verifying sums match"
s3_md5_sum_hex=$( aws --profile "$aws_profile" --region "$aws_region" s3api head-object --bucket "$s3_bucket" --key "$s3_key" | jq -r '.ETag' | sed 's/"//'g )
s3_md5_sum_base64=$( aws --profile "$aws_profile" --region "$aws_region" s3api head-object --bucket "$s3_bucket" --key "$s3_key" | jq -r '.Metadata.md5chksum' )
if [ "$md5_sum_hex" == "$s3_md5_sum_hex" ] && [ "$md5_sum_base64" == "$s3_md5_sum_base64" ]; then
echo "checksums match"
echo "something is wrong checksums do not match:"
cat <<EOM | column -t -s ' '
$file_name file hex: $md5_sum_hex s3 hex: $s3_md5_sum_hex
$file_name file base64: $md5_sum_base64 s3 base64: $s3_md5_sum_base64
echo "Cleaning up"
cd "$return_dir"
rm -rf "$test_dir"
aws \
--profile "$aws_profile" \
--region "$aws_region" \
s3api delete-object \
--bucket "$s3_bucket" \
--key "$s3_key"
Here is C# version
string etag = HashOf("file.txt",8);
source code
private string HashOf(string filename,int chunkSizeInMb)
string returnMD5 = string.Empty;
int chunkSize = chunkSizeInMb * 1024 * 1024;
using (var crypto = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider())
int hashLength = crypto.HashSize/8;
using (var stream = File.OpenRead(filename))
if (stream.Length > chunkSize)
int chunkCount = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)stream.Length/(double)chunkSize);
byte[] hash = new byte[chunkCount*hashLength];
Stream hashStream = new MemoryStream(hash);
long nByteLeftToRead = stream.Length;
while (nByteLeftToRead > 0)
int nByteCurrentRead = (int)Math.Min(nByteLeftToRead, chunkSize);
byte[] buffer = new byte[nByteCurrentRead];
nByteLeftToRead -= stream.Read(buffer, 0, nByteCurrentRead);
byte[] tmpHash = crypto.ComputeHash(buffer);
hashStream.Write(tmpHash, 0, hashLength);
returnMD5 = BitConverter.ToString(crypto.ComputeHash(hash)).Replace("-", string.Empty).ToLower()+"-"+ chunkCount;
else {
returnMD5 = BitConverter.ToString(crypto.ComputeHash(stream)).Replace("-", string.Empty).ToLower();
return returnMD5;
To go one step beyond the OP's question.. chances are, these chunked ETags are making your life difficult in trying to compare them client-side.
If you are publishing your artifacts to S3 using the awscli commands (cp, sync, etc), the default threshold at which multipart upload seems to be used is 10MB. Recent awscli releases allow you to configure this threshold, so you can disable multipart and get an easy to use MD5 ETag:
aws configure set default.s3.multipart_threshold 64MB
Full documentation here:
A consequence of this could be downgraded upload performance (I honestly did not notice). But the result is that all files smaller than your configured threshold will now have normal MD5 hash ETags, making them much easier to delta client side.
This does require a somewhat recent awscli install. My previous version (1.2.9) did not support this option, so I had to upgrade to 1.10.x.
I was able to set my threshold up to 1024MB successfully.
Based on answers here, I wrote a Python implementation which correctly calculates both multi-part and single-part file ETags.
def calculate_s3_etag(file_path, chunk_size=8 * 1024 * 1024):
md5s = []
with open(file_path, 'rb') as fp:
while True:
data =
if not data:
if len(md5s) == 1:
return '"{}"'.format(md5s[0].hexdigest())
digests = b''.join(m.digest() for m in md5s)
digests_md5 = hashlib.md5(digests)
return '"{}-{}"'.format(digests_md5.hexdigest(), len(md5s))
The default chunk_size is 8 MB used by the official aws cli tool, and it does multipart upload for 2+ chunks. It should work under both Python 2 and 3.
Improving on #Spedge's and #Rob's answer, here is a python3 md5 function that takes in a file-like and does not rely on being able to get the file size with os.path.getsize.
# Function : md5sum
# Purpose : Get the md5 hash of a file stored in S3
# Returns : Returns the md5 hash that will match the ETag in S3
def md5sum(file_like,
multipart_threshold=8 * 1024 * 1024,
multipart_chunksize=8 * 1024 * 1024):
md5hash = hashlib.md5()
filesize = 0
block_count = 0
md5string = b''
for block in iter(lambda:, b''):
md5hash = hashlib.md5()
md5string += md5hash.digest()
filesize += len(block)
block_count += 1
if filesize > multipart_threshold:
md5hash = hashlib.md5()
md5hash = md5hash.hexdigest() + "-" + str(block_count)
md5hash = md5hash.hexdigest()
return md5hash
Of course, the multipart upload of files could be common issue. In my case, I was serving static files through S3 and the etag of .js file was coming out to be different from the local file even while the content was the same.
Turns out that even while the content was the same, it was because the line endings were different. I fixed the line endings in my git repository, uploaded the changed files to S3 and it works fine now.
I built on r03's answer and have a standalone Go utility for this here:
Example usage:
$ dd if=/dev/zero bs=1M count=10 of=10M_file
$ calc_s3_etag 10M_file
$ calc_s3_etag -chunksize=15 10M_file
The python example works great, but when working with Bamboo, they set the part size to 5MB which is NON STANDARD!! (s3cmd is 15MB) Also adjusted to use 1024 to calculate bytes.
Revised to work for bamboo artifact s3 repos.
import hashlib
import binascii
# Max size in bytes before uploading in parts.
AWS_UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE = 20 * 1024 * 1024
# Size of parts when uploading in parts
AWS_UPLOAD_PART_SIZE = 5 * 1024 * 1024
# Function : md5sum
# Purpose : Get the md5 hash of a file stored in S3
# Returns : Returns the md5 hash that will match the ETag in S3
def md5sum(sourcePath):
filesize = os.path.getsize(sourcePath)
hash = hashlib.md5()
if filesize > AWS_UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE:
block_count = 0
md5string = ""
with open(sourcePath, "rb") as f:
for block in iter(lambda:, ""):
hash = hashlib.md5()
md5string = md5string + binascii.unhexlify(hash.hexdigest())
block_count += 1
hash = hashlib.md5()
return hash.hexdigest() + "-" + str(block_count)
with open(sourcePath, "rb") as f:
for block in iter(lambda:, ""):
return hash.hexdigest()