pyusb assertion error - no usb out endpoint? - usb

I'm trying to program (upload new messages to) a scrolling LED badge via python on Linux instead of via the windows exe. I've got a capture of a successful upload via the windows app that I'll use as a template, but at the moment I'm having trouble writing anything at all to the device.
When I run my script, I get an assertion error, which I assume means that no OUT endpoints have been found. lsusb seems to corroborate this, but I could be mistaken. This is basically straight from the pyusb tutorial with alternate_setting removed from intf because it was causing a pipe error and is apparently not necessary.
intf = usb.util.find_descriptor(cfg, bInterfaceNumber = interface_number,)
ep = usb.util.find_descriptor(
# match the first OUT endpoint
custom_match = \
lambda e: \
usb.util.endpoint_direction(e.bEndpointAddress) == \
assert ep is not None # < assertion error
In case it helps, lsusb -vv for the LED badge:
Any guidance would be much appreciated - I'm entirely new to USB protocol, and not great at python either.


recognize_google gives "recognition request failed: Forbidden" error

I am using an Ubuntu 20.04 Virtual Machine and running the following code :
import speech_recognition as sr
# Initialize recognizer class (for recognizing the speech)
r = sr.Recognizer()
# Reading Audio file as source
# listening the audio file and store in audio_text variable
with sr.AudioFile('I-dont-know.wav') as source:
audio_text = r.listen(source)
# recoginize_() method will throw a request error if the API is unreachable, hence using exception handling
# using google speech recognition
text = r.recognize_google(audio_text)
print('Converting audio transcripts into text ...')
except Exception as ex:
It gives the error message "recognition request failed: Forbidden"
I have also tried generating a key from google cloud and setting its path on the device but still the same error occurs.
If anyone can suggest something, it would be great help. Any alternate and efficient methods for speech to text conversion can also be suggested.

mininet connect to remote ODL controller with python code

I'm new to mininet, I want to see the network topology using opendaylight(carbon) controller. I have tried command:
sudo mn --topo linear,3 --mac \
--controller=remote,ip=,port=6633 \
--switch ovs,protocols=OpenFlow13,stp=1
And the opendaylight can successfully show the whole topology. And Then, I want to show the same result by using python code solely. However, it doesn't work.
from import Mininet
from mininet.node import RemoteController, OVSSwitch
from mininet.log import info, setLogLevel
from mininet.cli import CLI
def RemoteCon():
net = Mininet(controller=RemoteController, switch=OVSSwitch)
c1 = net.addController('c1', ip='',port=6633)
h1 = net.addHost('h1')
h2 = net.addHost('h2')
s1 = net.addSwitch('s1')
net.addLink(s1, h1)
net.addLink(s1, h2)
if __name__ == '__main__':
Oh, by the way, does the switches have default forwarding functionality? Sometimes, I have hosts and switch connected to each other and hosts can ping each other while running above code, h1 cannot ping h2 and vice versa.
Thanks in advance.
I'm assuming you are using the l2switch feature in OpenDaylight.
if you search this forum, you'll find others complaining of inconsistent
connectivity when using l2switch. You are probably hitting bugs, but
after a restart of OpenDaylight, it might be ok. By default, with l2switch
it should learn the links of the topology, and create the flows to allow
all hosts to ping every other host.
as for your python script to run mininet, I don't see anything obvious.
Can you look in the OpenDaylight karaf.log for any clues? Or check the
OVS logs for other clues? If you are just simply not seeing anything
in the topology viewer, then my guess is that the OVS is not connecting
to OpenDaylight at all.
One thing to double check. I don't know how the python script is deciding
which openflow version to use, but maybe it's using 1.0 and that's the
big difference from your command line, which sets it to 1.3?
I see that you missed starting your switch to communicate with the controller. Try
This defines which controller the switch is connected to. Hope this helps.
You should give protocols parameter to addSwitch function as command line:
s1 = net.addSwitch('s1',switch=OVSSwitch,protocols='OpenFlow10')

Spark Streaming: Inputs are received but not processed

I am running a simple SparkStreaming application, that consists in sending messages through a socket server to the SparkStreaming Context and printing them.
This is my code, which I am running in IntelliJ IDE:
SparkConf sparkConfiguration= new SparkConf().setAppName("DataAnalysis").setMaster("spark://IP:7077");
JavaStreamingContext sparkStrContext=new JavaStreamingContext(sparkConfiguration, Durations.seconds(1));
JavaReceiverInputDStream<String> receiveData=sparkStrContext.socketTextStream("localhost",5554);
I am running this application in a standalone cluster mode, with one worker (an Ubuntu VM) and a master (my Windows host).
This is the problem: When I run the application, I see that it successfully connected to the master, but it doesn't print any lines:
it just stays this way permanently.
If I go to the Spark UI, I find that the SparkStreaming Context is receiving inputs, but they are not being processed:
Can someone help me please? Thank you so much.
You need to perform below.
sparkStrContext.start(); // Start the computation
sparkStrContext.awaitTermination(); // Wait for the computation to terminate
Once you do this , you need to post the messages at port 5554 , for this you will first need to run Netcat (a small utility found in most Unix-like systems) as a data server by using and start pushing the stream.
For example , you need to do like below.
# Running Netcat
$ nc -lk 5554
hello world
TERMINAL 2: RUNNING Your streaming program
Time: 1357008430000 ms
hello world
You can check similar example here

How to send multiple identical HTTP POST message instantly

I have people cheating in my game by sending multiple HTTP POST message the game server (php + apache) to gain items. I have fixed that loophole but I want to test if my fix was correct.
I have tried some of the chrome plugin to send POST messages but I cant imitate sending them in the same instant, for example 5 identical POST message all send out less that 100ms to the same IP in between them.
I have a Centos and a windows machine, would appreciate any script or program recommendation.
If you have Python installed (your CentOS machine would), the following will do what you're after using only built-ins. You'll just need to tweak the conn.request line to pass in any body or headers your server requires.
from threading import Thread
import httplib, sys
def doRequest():
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection("")
conn.request("POST", '/some/url')
for i in range(REQUESTS):
t = Thread(target=doRequest)
t.daemon = True

Within a VLC lua interface script, how does one invoke the httpd service?

I've finally managed to figure out how to invoke the VLC executable so that it attempts to run an interface, and debug messages show up in the output when they're included within the script itself.
However, when I use the following code:
require "common"
function test_f()
return 'this is a test'
h = vlc.httpd("localhost", 8090)
a = h:handler("/test",nil,nil,test_f,nil)
VLC blows up. It doesn't start an httpd on that port (or any other that I can determine). It claims permission is denied (and this on a port higher than 1024) and that it can't open the socket. The documentation is rather lackluster and I was hoping someone could shed light on how to use this portion of the API properly (I was going to do a rest service interface, if I can figure this out).