Role table
RoleID Desc
1 primary
2 secondary
3 alternate
UserID Name
1 ann
2 saylor
3 jim
4 ken
5 kathy
Route table
RouteID Name
1 x
2 y
RouteRoleUser table
RouteID RoleID UserID
1 primary ann
1 secondary saylor
1 alternate jim
1 alternate ken
1 alternate kathy
I have a grid which shows the following:
Route | Primary Pumper | Secondary Pumper | Alternate Pumpers (comma separated)
x ann saylor jim, ken, kathy
My requirements are:
Any route can have only one primary user
Any route can have 0 or one secondary user
Any route can have 0 or more alternate users
All users of a route are unique
How can I have the requirements restriction from a db design perspective in the RouteRoleUser table? Currently if I make Route, Role and User as candidate key, it does not
stop anyone to add two primary users for a route.
Is there a better way?
For the "Any route can have N number of (type) user(s)" rule, you could validate this by using an INSTEAD OF INSERT trigger and preventing the insert. I personally handle this type of logic at the application or stored procedure level.
For the "All users of a route are unique" you can enforce this with a UNIQUE constraint on RouteID, UserID.
I have two tables:
Id | OrgId | Name
1 10 Sam
2 10 Dana
3 12 Max
Id is a primary key. OrgId is foreign key to other table.
And second table Cars:
Id | Name | OrgId | PersonId
1 Volvo 10 1
2 BMW 10 2
Here: Id is a primary key. PersonId is a foreign key to People table. OrgId is foreign key to Organization table.
So I have Person which are attached to Organization and I have Cars which are attached to Organization and Person.
I need to guarantee that it will be impossible to attach Car from one Organization to Person from another Organization. The record:
Id | Name | OrgId | PersonId
1 Volvo 12 1
must be impossible because Car belongs to Organization with ID = 12, but Person belongs to Organization with ID = 10.
What is the best way to do it ?
I see two ways:
Foreign key using two fields People (Id + OrgId) <-> Cars (PersonId + OrgId).
But in this case I need to create one additional unique index on the table People ('Id+OrgId`).
Trigger on the table Cars.
What do you recommend to use in this case ?
My first reaction is to look up the organization using the person column. But, that doesn't really fit the situation -- cars are owned by organizations independently of people. So, you might need the organization, even if no person is assigned.
So, add a new key to people:
alter table people add constraint unq_people_orgid_id unique (orgid, id);
Then use this for the foreign key reference in cars:
alter table cars add constraint
foreign key (orgid, personid) references people(orgid, id);
Note that the second key is redundant. But it allows a reference that includes the organization.
I wouldn't use OrgId in your cars table, it violates normalization rules. You can use a query to get the organization information for the car using the PersonId.
I am building an database schema for a project and I am bit stuck on this issue. I have 2 tables:
USER table:
Id Name Contact_ID
1 Arun 2
2 Barath 3
3 Charan 2
4 Dinesh 1
CONTACT table:
ID Name Phone Mail
1 Mahesh 1234
2 Suresh 54321
3 Jayesh 9876
4 Ganesh 98754
Each of the users in USER will have a contact in CONTACT.
If a user has a single contact then I can use a foreign key relationship on Contact_ID in USER and build the relationship between them.
But what if an user in the USER table has multiple contacts in the CONTACT table? I am not sure how to build the relationship between them.
In USER for user Charan there is one contact, contact 2, but what if there is one more, contact 4?
In that case how can I build the many to one relationship?
It looks like you've got it backwards. Your CONTACT table should have a foreign key reference to USER table, rather than USER containing a foreign key reference to CONTACT. For example:
USER table
Id Name
1 Arun
2 Barath
3 Charan
4 Dinesh
ID Name Phone Mail USER_ID
1 Mahesh 1234 1
2 Suresh 54321 2
3 Jayesh 9876 1
4 Ganesh 98754 3
Of course, I just used fake data for the new USER_ID column. As you can see, USER with Id 1 (Arun) has multiple contacts (IDs 1 and 3) in the CONTACT table.
In the relational model (and ER model) tables represent (business/application) relationships/associations. FKs (foreign keys) are called "relationships" by pseudo-relational (& pseudo-ER) methods.
-- user "id" has name "name" and ...
user(id, name, ...)
-- contact "id" has name "name" and ...
contact(id, name, ...)
-- user "uid" has contact "cid"
user_has_contact(uid, cid)
If user_has_contact is N:1 in uid:cid then you can replace user & user_has_contact by:
-- user "id" has ... AND user "id" has contact "cid"
user(id, name, ..., cid)
If user_has_contact is 1:N in uid:cid then you can replace contact & user_has_contact by:
-- contact "id" has ... AND user "uid" has contact "id"
contact(id, name, ..., uid)
You should use the first design for M:M. (You don't actually have to but then the joined tables exhibit problems that normalization would tell you to solve by having the separate tables.) This is called an association/junction/join/many-to-many/bridge table in methods that call FKs "relationships". But like every table it represents a relationship/association on some values. (And hence also any identified entities.) It also handles M:0-or-1 & 0-or-1:M . The other two designs can do that too using NULL.
Regardless of the cardinality of user_has_contact it is probably a good idea to keep the three separate because it is straightforward. (True ER modeling would give the two entity tables & one association table.) But you should realize that there is no need to join them.
A FK tells the DBMS that values for a list of columns in a table must appear as a CK (candidate key) elsewhere. (In SQL, a FK says they appear as a superkey, ie SQL PK (primary key) or UNIQUE NOT NULL, elsewhere.)
(Methods that call FKs "relationships" do so because FKs are associated with relationships like user_has_contact that have be joined into what becomes the referencing table. Also it is those relationships' cardinalities that are called the FKs' cardinalities. But a FK constraint just states a fact; it isn't a relationship/association.)
You need to find & follow references for information modeling & database design.
I am trying to make a constraint that will keep ids unique for specific users.
Each user is a separate entity within the world so 2 people having 1 as id is not a problem. I just don't want one person to have the same id twice.
For example:
This would be acceptable:
User Id
John 1
John 2
Alice 1
Alice 2
This would not be ok:
User Id
John 1
John 1 -- problem
Alice 1
Alice 2
Just add a Unique constraint over both columns to your CREATE TABLE statement:
... -- more columns
username text
,person_id int
,UNIQUE (username, person_id)
That does it. I see that #Hamlet and #Frank already commented likewise.
Creating a unique index on these two columns would also work. This is usually what happens under the covers to enforce the constraint.
In Laravel 4's Eloquent,
i have a table user and a field user.friend_id which is an also an id of a user..
but when i try to create a new user with friend_id = 0, the foreign key fails..
and when friend_id = 1, it succeeds.
I have this in my user's schema builder
what should I be doing here?
should i have just created a pivot table instead?
You should not set default value 0 for a null able foreign key.
Correct way:
When you try to insert a new record, and leave the friend_id blank.
The database takes the default value for the field ie: 0
since it's a foreign key, to maintain relational integrity, it will look for a record having primary key 0. (which naturally does not exist)
Assuming you can have more than one friend, then yes, you should have a pivot table
User table
id | name
1 | Laurence
2 | Ben
3 | Jane
Users_Friend table
user_id | friend_id
1 | 2
1 | 3
This means Laurence is friends with Ben and Jane
I develop simple DB and I have confused with next issue: I have separated entities(tables) for 'Employe', 'Author' and 'Manager'. In table 'Employe' I have column 'Appointment' that can containe some vocation in particular 'Author' and 'Manager' (but it also can containe another vocation for example 'Seller', 'CopyRighter' etc). How can I implement it in my DB? What relationships have I use?
I think you should consider abstracting your vocations into a Role table. Cosider the following structure:
RoleID | RoleName
1 | Author
2 | Manager
3 | Copyrighter
Then your Appointment column of the Employee table will contain a foreign key (RoleID) to this Role table: