using IN condtion in SQL CE - sql

How we can we pass list of values as parameters in SQLCE?
using the below code works (when directly passing list of values in query)
SqlCeCommand cmd = string.Format("Select VMID from Booking where (VMID in ({0})",
selectedVMs );
SqlCeManager.OpenSqlConnection();//my custom code to open sql connection
sqlCmd = new SqlCeCommand(cmd, SqlCeManager.sqlConn);
But the below code does not work ( when passing the list of values using the parameters).
SqlCeCommand cmd = "Select VMID from Booking where (VMID in (#VMIDs))";
SqlCeManager.OpenSqlConnection();//my custom code to open sql connection
sqlCmd.Parameters.Add("#VMIDs", string.Join(",", selectedVMs));
sqlCmd = new SqlCeCommand(cmd, SqlCeManager.sqlConn);
The error i get is "#IDs : 8,7 - Input string was not in a correct format."
What am i missing here ?


VB.NET Oracle SQL "INSERT INTO" with "RETURNING INTO" gives ORA-00933 Command Not Properly Ended

I need to update some code and as part of this I need to insert a row into a table and obtain the id (primary key) of the row just entered.
Have researched this and I believe I should be using RETURNING INTO and Oracle Parameters. I have used parameters in the past successfully to Insert values.
I have an INSERT statement that runs perfectly from VB.NET, but as soon as I add the text "" RETURNING id INTO :myId" I get ORA-00933 Command Not Properly Ended.
Here is a version of the code.
sql = "INSERT ... RETURNING id INTO :myId"
Dim intRecsAffected As Integer = 0
Dim comm As OracleCommand = New OracleCommand(sql, _conn)
Dim param As OracleParameter
param = New OracleParameter()
param.ParameterName = ":myId"
param.OracleDbType = OracleDbType.Int32
param.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output ' Tried ReturnValue
intRecsAffected = comm.ExecuteNonQuery()
id = comm.Parameters(":myId").Value
Any ideas?
I believe that your syntax is incorrect:
sql = "INSERT ... RETURNING id INTO myId"
Example below:
Actually, realised what was going on. I cut my full SQL as it's quite long and there's some sensitive stuff in there.
The INSERT was using a SELECT rather than VALUES to get the values for the fields. That won't work - I am guessing because an INSERT with SELECT can add multiple rows even though in this case it won't.
Have re-written the SQL to use VALUES and the VB.Net code works fine.
Thanks to all who replied.

String.Format vs Parameter Values SQL Query

I'm trying to figure out if there is a better way to do this
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand
Dim sel As String
Dim obj As New DataHandler
sel = String.Format("SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE Country LIKE '{0}%'", txt_Input.Text)
cmd.CommandText = sel
Me.dgv_Customers.DataSource = obj.SqlDataRetriever(cmd)
Basically what im trying to do is have a textbox that whenever I type a letter, the grid refreshes itself by sending a Query to my SQL server searching for whatever its in the textbox using the LIKE() from SQL. I've been reading about SQL injection and so far everyone suggests to use parameter values (#value) for user input, but if I try to replace the {0} with that it doesn't work. I just wanna make sure that this is a valid way of doing this.
Instead just concatenate the string like below. You should consider using parameterized query to avoid SQL Injection.
sel = "SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE Country LIKE '" + txt_Input.Text + "%'";
Use a parameterized query rather. See This Post
Dim cmd as New SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE Country LIKE #param")
cmd.Parameters.Add("#param", txt_Input.Text +"%")

VB.NET Multiple Selects at once using SQL Server CE

I have an array list which contains ids for some items. I would like to perform a multiple select at once from a SQL Server CE database and using my array list which contains what items id to be selected, something similar when doing for example multiple update in oracle (ODP.NET) as explained here: Oracle bulk updates using ODP.NET
where you can pass an array as a parameter.
I would like to do the same but for a multiple select instead in case of SQL Server CE. Is it possible?
DRAFT about what I would like to do:
SqlCeCommand = SqlCeConnection.CreateCommand()
SqlCeCommand.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE Id=:ids"
SqlCeCommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text
SqlCeCommand.Parameters.Add(":ids", DbType.Int32, ArrayListOfIds, ParameterDirection.Input)
Using reader As System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeDataReader = SqlCeCommand.ExecuteReader()
Using targetDb As Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleBulkCopy = New Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleBulkCopy(con.ConnectionString)
targetDb.DestinationTableName = "MyTable"
targetDb.BatchSize = 100
targetDb.NotifyAfter = 100
targetDb.BulkCopyOptions = Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleBulkCopyOptions.UseInternalTransaction
AddHandler targetDb.OracleRowsCopied, AddressOf OnOracleRowsCopied targetDb.WriteToServer(reader)
End Using
End Using
You should try this approach by constructing your "IN" clause and adding each parameter in a for each loop:
SqlCeCommand = SqlCeConnection.CreateCommand()
SqlCeCommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text
Dim sb As New StringBuilder()
Dim i As Integer = 1
For Each id As Integer In ArrayListOfIds
' IN clause
sb.Append("#Id" & i.ToString() & ",")
' parameter
SqlCeCommand.Parameters.Add("#Id" & i.ToString(), DbType.Int32, id, ParameterDirection.Input)
i += 1
If you're calling a Stored Procedure, you can do this:
Serialize the array to a string of XML, like this:
Call the stored procedure, passing in the string parameter
Parse the string of XML into a local table variable containing the ID's, like this:
Execute whatever queries you need to using the ID's
The links that I referenced might not be the best examples on the web, but the concept of "serialize to XML, pass string parameter, deserialize XML" should work here

Executing stored procedure in

I need to execute a stored function in oracle or sql through
I created a command object. Depending on the database type(oracle or SQL) i am preparing the
Command text as Select functionName(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) from dual; (For Oracle)
Adding the parameter values of the function
Now performing the ExecuteScalar which is not working saying invalid parameter.
This works with ODBC connection string. But ODBC doesn't with 64bit.
My Requirement: Code should execute a user defined stored procedure by taking the values at runtime.
Your command text should be just the Stored procedure name without a select, and make sure you set the command type to stored procedure. Check out this link for example:
Dim cmd As New OracleCommand
cmd.Connection = conn
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
cmd.CommandText = "OracleSP"
Dim p1 As OracleParameter
Dim p2 As OracleParameter
p1 = cmd.Parameters.Add("Param1", OracleType.NVarChar)
p1.Value = "Value1"
p2 = cmd.Parameters.Add("Param2", OracleType.Double)
p2.Value = 10
SQL Server:
cmd.Connection = conn
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
cmd.CommandText = "SqlSP"
cmd.Parameters.Add("#Param1", SqlDbType.Int)
I am not sure about Oracle as I haven't done it (I think it should work) but with Sql server you can use:
to populate the SqlParametersCollection on the command, instead of setting them like I did.
MSDN documentation
After that you can loop thru them and set your values as necessary.

Is it possible to insert an entire VB.NET DataTable into a SQL Server at once

I have a SQLClient.DataSet in VB.NET, and I want to insert the entire thing into a SQL Server table without having to do the following:
For Each dr as Datarow in MyDataset
Dim sc As New SqlCommand("INSERT INTO MyNewTable " & _
"VALUES (#column1, #column2)", MyDBConnection)
sc.Parameters.AddWithValue("#column1", dr.Item(0))
sc.Parameters.AddWithValue("#column2", dr.Item(1))
Since I've got close to a million rows (all pretty skinny, so it's not much space), I obviously don't want to run this loop and generate a million INSERT statements.
I know that one option is to use a linked server when I initially fetch the data, since it's coming from another SQL Server, and just have it to the INSERT from there. However, if I already have the data in my application, is there a more efficient way to bulk insert it? Can I somehow pass the DataTable as a parameter to SQL Server and have it sort it out and insert the rows?
try with SqlBulkCopy
With SQL Server 2008 you can use Table-Valued Parameters:
Dim sc As New SqlCommand(
"INSERT INTO MyNewTable (field1, field2,...)"&
"SELECT field1, field2,... FROM #MyTable;", MyDBConnection)
sc.Parameters.AddWithValue("#MyTable", MyDataset)
Use the SqlDataAdapter's InsertCommand to define your Insert query. Then call the DataAdapter's Update Method with your dataset as a parameter to have it push the data.
Something like:
Dim DA As SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter
Dim Parm As New SqlParameter
DA.InsertCommand = New SqlCommand("Insert Into tbl1(fld0, fld1, fld2) Values(#fld0, #fld1, #fld2)", conn)
Parm = DA.InsertCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter ("#fld0", NVarChar, 50, "fld0"))
Parm = sqlDA.InsertCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter ("#fld1", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50, "fld1"))
Parm = sqlDA.InsertCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter ("#fld2", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50, "fld2"))
DA.Update(dataset1, "tbl1")
You could call .WriteXML() on the DataSet and dump that into the database in one insert.
A way simplier way is to use a table adapter. Then you can use the Fill method to give a datatable as argument :
Dim oStronglyTypedTable As StronglyTypedDataTable = GetTable() 'A custom function that creates your table from wherever you want)
If Not oStronglyTypedTable Is Nothing Then
Using oAdapter As New StronglyTypedTableAdapter
Dim res As Integer = oAdapter.Update(oStronglyTypedTable)
MsgBox(res & " rows have been updated.")
End Using
End If
Do not forget to change your Database "Copy to Output Directory" property to "Do net copy" and set your connection string properly...