In the tutorial there is the following declaration:
-(BOOL)writeToFile:(NSString *)path atomically:(BOOL)useAuxiliaryFile;
I'm interpreting this as writeToFile method returns a BOOL result. It takes 2 parameters. The first is an NSString reference. The second is the result of calling atomically and passing it a BOOL value.
Did I get that right?
The tutorial goes on to say you call the above method like this:
BOOL result = [myData writeToFile:#"/tmp/log.txt" atomically:NO];
which is find. But I wonder if I MUST use "atomically:NO"
Could I have done something like
resultOfAtomically = atomically:NO
BOOL result = [ myData writeToFile:#"/tmp/log.txt" resultOfAtomically ];
assuming I declared resultOfAtomically properly.
Also, does prepending # to "/tmp/log.txt" mean something like "give me the reference NOT the value" ?
The text atomically introduces the second parameter of the writeToFile:atomically: method, it is not a separate function. Therefore, you cannot call simply atomically:NO. This would be correct, however:
BOOL myBool = NO;
BOOL result = [myData writeToFile:#"/tmp/log.txt" atomically:myBool];
When talking about Objective-C methods, you would not call this method "writeToFile", you would call it "writeToFile:atomically:". By this syntax you know that the method expects two parameters (one for each colon).
Here's a way to think about how the method declaration breaks down:
-(BOOL)writeToFile:(NSString *)path atomically:(BOOL)useAuxiliaryFile;
- = defining an instance method (+ would be for a class method).
(BOOL) = returning a boolean value.
write = this method is about writing something (nothing magic, just a friendly word choice - could have been print or something else).
ToFile:(NSString *)path = the first parameter of the method, path, is an NSString pointer and the friendly text "ToFile" (again just a word choice, nothing special) hints that I need to provide a file path for that parameter.
atomically:(BOOL)useAuxiliaryFile; = the second parameter of the method, useAuxiliaryFile, is a boolean and the friendly text "atomically" (still nothing special) hints that the boolean value determines whether or not to write the file atomically.
I would like to modify various variables which exist outside an Objective-C block within it's body.
I know I can directly access and modify a variable using the __block attribute while declaring the variable. So this works:
__block NSMutableString *alertMessage;
void(^appendMessage)(NSMutableString*, NSString*)= ^(NSString *append){
if (!alertMessage)
alertMessage = [NSMutableString new];
if ([append length] > 0)
[alertMessage appendString:#"\n"];
[alertMessage appendString:append];
appendMessage(#"Alert part 1"); //This works fine
However I want to create a block which can perform an operation on a passed variable, enabling me to use the operation on multiple variables outside the block without directly accessing the same. Something like the following:
__block NSMutableString *alertMessage;
__block NSMutableString *otherString;
void(^appendMessage)(NSMutableString*, NSString*)= ^(NSMutableString *string, NSString *append){
if (!string)
string = [NSMutableString new];
if ([append length] > 0)
[string appendString:#"\n"];
[string appendString:append];
//The following do not work as intended
appendMessage(alertMessage, #"Alert Part 1");
appendMessage(otherString, #"Bleh bleh");
I want to be able to use the above block to modify the variables declared before it.
How can I achieve such an operation? Is this even possible?
Your question shows some confusion over values and variables, maybe the following will help.
Modify parameters in Objective-C blocks
In (Objective-)C all parameters to methods/functions/blocks are passed by value, e.g. when in the call f(x) the value of the variable x is passed to f, not the variable itself. This is known as call-by-value.
There are languages which do allow variables to be passed, known as call-by-reference. When used the argument must be a variable and the parameter name within the function is effectively an alias to the supplied variable. This is not supported directly in (Objective-)C.
However you can emulate it in (Objective-)C. It is not commonly used, with one notable exception: many methods use it to return an NSError * value.
You later comment:
What I want to achieve includes object creation, which is essentially what the question now boils down to. "Can I create an object declared outside within a block?". The answer which I have gathered with the help of all the activity here is NO.
You can, it is just a question of whether you should (i.e. is the design right?) and the best way to do it.
The straightforward way to solve your particular issue is to write a function:
NSMutableString *alertMessage;
NSMutableString *otherString;
NSMutableString *(^appendMessage)(NSMutableString *, NSString *) =
^(NSMutableString *string, NSString *append)
if (!string)
string = [NSMutableString new];
if (append.length > 0)
[string appendString:#"\n"];
[string appendString:append];
return string;
alertMessage = appendMessage(alertMessage, #"Alert Part 1");
otherString = appendMessage(otherString, #"Bleh bleh");
If you really (really, really) want to you can instead "pass the variable" by passing its address (using the & operator) and indirection (using the * operator) inside the block to get/set the value:
void (^appendMessage)(NSMutableString **, NSString *) =
^(NSMutableString **stringPtr, NSString *append)
if (!stringPtr) return; // no "variable" passed
NSMutableString *string = *stringPtr; // use indirection to get the value in the passed variable
if (!string)
string = [NSMutableString new];
if (append.length > 0)
[string appendString:#"\n"];
[string appendString:append];
*stringPtr = string; // use indirection to set the passed variable
appendMessage(&alertMessage, #"Alert Part 1"); // pass "variable" by passing its address
appendMessage(&otherString, #"Bleh bleh");
While the above is valid code it is generally not recommended coding practice in Objective-C for simple cases such as yours.
Once you take the address of a variable you need to be concerned over the lifetime of that variable - if you attempt to use the address to access the variable after the variable has been destroyed your program will fail (the dangling pointer problem)
What about __block?
Neither of the above examples use __block anywhere.
When a block references a variable by default it captures the variables value at the time the block is created. The __block attribute changes this to capturing the variable (so its value can be changed by the block) and alters the lifetime of the capture variable if required (so the variable lives at least as long as the capturing block, avoiding the dangling pointer problem).
The __block attribute is not applicable in your situation as you wish to capture different variables based on the call.
The code, as written, seems to confuse operation on object with object creation.
For clarity's sake, you should either pass in a mutable object to be manipulated or you should define a single __block variable whose value will be set by the block (and you do the logic after to figure out where that value should be stuffed).
Passing in something by reference is inherently dangerous to the point of being an anti-pattern (what happens as soon as you try to refactor the code to be asynchronous? At least in the __block case, the code after the block will see nil).
__block NSMutableString *foo = [sourceString mutableCopy];
doIt(#"new stuff"); // appends to `foo`
whereItShouldReallyGo = foo;
I am an absolute beginner in objective-c and just read an overview of the language on cocoadevcentral.
The first section briefly discusses syntax for calling methods and gives two examples; one for calling a method on an object and the second is a method with input being called on an object,
[object method];
[object methodWithInput: input];
Can anyone explain the difference to me, possibly with a simple example?
There is no huge difference between the two and all depends on what you are doing.
Method 1
[object method];
There are two parts to this method.
object this is either an instance of a class or is a class itself all depends on the type of method you are calling whether it be an instance method or a class method. Each are declared differently.
A Class method is declared like + (void)myClassMethod; and would be called like [NSString myClassMethod];
An Instance method would be declared like - (void)myInstanceMethod; and would be called like [myStr myInstanceMethod]; (Where myStr is an instace of NSString)
method The second part is the actual method that you are calling this all that this will do when you call something like [myStr myInstanceMethod]; it will call the implementation of that method so it would call
- (void)myInstanceMethod
NSLog(#"We called our instance method");
Method 2
[object methodWithInput: input];
The only difference here is that we are passing in an argument. So here we have three parts the same first two from method 1 and the argument
input All this is, is the value that you are passing into the method to be used within it.
This type of method would be declared something like - (void)myInstanceMethodWithArgument:(NSString *)str;. Here are just saying that we have an argument of type NSString so when we call this like [str myInstanceMethod:#"Some Random String I want to pass in"]; it will run the following implementation code
- (void)myInstanceMethod:(NSString *)str
NSLog(#"My str value is : %#", str);
Method 3
[object methodWithInput1:input1 andInput2:input2];
Just throwing this in because you my get a little confused later when dealing with multiple arguments. This is exactly the same as method 2 except it has two arguments and not one. This would be declared like - (void)myInstanceMethodWithInput1:(NSString *)str1 andInput2:(NSString *)str2;. Does exactly the same is method 2 except it has multiple arguments that's it nothing to be scared of.
I would recommend that you have a read of the Apple Coding Guidelines for Cocoa. Best of look with learning as it's probably not the easiest language to learn.
Try substituting 'input' for 'argument'..
[object someMethod:(CGFloat )floatArgument];
The type should be there in the brackets, with a dereference operator (*) eg (NSObject *)theArgument if that argument is a pointer.
So basically some methods supply one or more arguments, and some do not, just as with C
When you call method without input data it means that method will work with already existing class's properties.
- (void)someMethod {
self.var_1 = self.var_2 + self.var_3; //or any other implementation
You will call this method like this
[self someMethod];
When you call method with some input data it means that this data will be used in method's implementation
- (void)someMethodWithInputData:(NSInteger)inputData {
self.var_1 = self.var_2 * inputData;
You will call it like this
[self someMethodWithInputData:10];
It's just the difference between saying "I wait" and "I eat an omelette". In some cases you can say what you mean with just a verb. In some cases a sentence needs an object in order to communicate its meaning.
The same thing applies in programming. Sonetimes you're going to need to specify more than just the action. But not always.
I want to know whether there is the way to achieve the following requirement:
First, there is a methodA, which takes an input objA and check whether objA is valid for the method. If it's valid, then it returns an object objB. However, if objA is not valid, it just returns objA itself. Note that even if objA is valid, the returned objB may still be the same with objB.
Then, there is a methodB and in the method, methodA is called. If the input of methodA is valid, the program go on without error. However, if methodA is called with invalid input, then methodB should terminate (a.k.a return with a certain string signaling an error) to prevent future crash.
The current solution that I could think of is to create a (BOOL)methodAInputIsValid:(obj)input and in methodB there is:
if(methodAInputIsValid:input) {
obj objReturn = methodA:input;
//show error warning
//continue doing something with objReturn and finally return some valid thing
A problem of the code is that (BOOL)methodAInputIsValid:(obj)input and methodA:(obj)input share a lot of code in common because there is a validity-test in methodA. So I want to use the validity-test more efficiently so that it will work for methodB and drop the (BOOL)methodAInputIsValid.
Here is one possible application that I could think of:
In a program the user is asked to enter a string that will direct the action of the program. However, the input string may need to be standardized such as converting all letters to lower-case and converting all single quotation to double quotation and auto-complete any missing right parenthesis or quotation marks. However, if the user is just entering nonsense that cannot be standardized, then the program should terminate and warn the user of the problem. The two methods are (BOOL)isStandardizeable:(NSString *)input and (NSString *)standardize:(NSString *)input. Because (NSString *)standardize already returns an NSString *, I can't make it to return another BOOL, right? So the following code is not achievable:
NSString *result = standardize:input;
} else {
NSLog(#"unrecognizable input!");
Can anyone think of a way to do this?
Realistically, I'd just have methodA return nil if the input is not valid. This is a fairly common method to signal failure to a caller. If you really need the "identity" part of the method, just have callers do
id res = [... methodA:input];
if(res == nil)
res = input;
The scenario presents itself where I have an object that stores an outside #selector for later use. By design, I would like to be able to add two kinds of selectors. The simple one, without parameters, like [object add:#selector(doSomething)], and the more complex one, with one parameter, like [object add:#selector(doSomething:)] (mind the colon). Let's say the selector is stored in a variable SEL mySelector.
In the execution, I need to decide between [anotherObject performSelector:mySelector] or [anotherObject performSelector:mySelector withObject:userInfo]].
The way I implemented this decision, is by providing a BOOL flag that redundantly stores whether the performance should be with or without the extra parameter. Yet although I can't find this in the docs, I have the feeling that I should also be able to ask the selector something like -(BOOL)needsParameter. I know, for example, that UIGestureRecognizer's addTarget:action: somehow makes this distinction automatically.
Could someone point me in the right direction?
You can use the NSMethodSignature class for that. For instance,
SEL mySelector = …;
NSMethodSignature *msig = [anotherObject methodSignatureForSelector:mySelector];
if (msig != nil) {
NSUInteger nargs = [msig numberOfArguments];
if (nargs == 2) { // 0 non-hidden arguments
else if (nargs == 3) { // 1 non-hidden argument
else {
Alternatively, you could use NSStringFromSelector() to get the string representation of mySelector and count the number of occurrences of the colon character.
I still cannot understand what does it mean to return an object in a method. What would its value mean?
If I have something like this:
-(ClassName *) methodName: (int) arg {
return arg;
I can't understand how an object can be returned through a method as the above. If someone can help me understand.
You would return an object by returning an object. For example, you could ignore the argument:
- (ClassName *)methodName:(int)arg {
return [[[ClassName alloc] init] autorelease];
You could turn the int into an object:
- (NSNumber *)methodName:(int)arg {
return [NSNumber numberWithInt:arg];
You could use the argument in some calculation to determine some property of the object returned. You could process the argument and return an object indicating the status of the calculation. And so on and so on. There's a practically unlimited range of ways you could return an object from a method. All it requires is that some object be created or accessed and then returned.
The above method returns a pointer to arg which is of type ClassName*.
I assume explaining the question would assume basic knowledge of how functions are called, how passed values are pushed on stack before function call and how return values is returned from a function.
In this specific case your arg variable is part of a class, meaning that it is stored in memory that is part of the object. When you return pointer to it you are pointing to a specific area of memory within the object.
Another option is to return copy of the value. It would mean make a copy and return it.
The difference is that if you return pointer to objects internal variable that object state could be modified from outside.
If you return copy that copy can be modified and the original object will not change.
Not sure if that helps, but you are asking about very basic software development topic which assumes some background knowledge.
Maybe specify what exactly you are looking for?
Think of methods like they are functions in math. In math, sin(180) is equal to 0. sin is the method, 180 is the argument and 0 is the return value of the method. An example of sin in objective-c might go like this:
-(double) sin:(double)angleInDegrees;
double sinValue;
//calculate the return value here and store it in sinValue.
//for example, if angleInDegrees is 180, then set sinValue to 0
return sinValue;
Returning objects is exactly the same. Look at this example:
-(NSString*) sayHelloTo:(NSString*)name;
return [NSString stringWithFormat:#"Hello %#!", name];
If I were to write it like a math function, then sayHelloTo(#"Tom") is equal to #"Hello Tom!". The only difference is that #"Hello Tom!" is an NSString object, not a double.