Need COUNT from a more complex query - sql

I usually use COUNT within a subquery to grab the desired number, but in this case I need a little help as the query contains too many arguments.
SELECT a.[QueueID]
,#passedUserID as User_ID
FROM CouponQueue a
JOIN Coupon b
on a.CouponID = b.CouponID
JOIN Listing c
on b.ListingID = c.ListingID
WHERE (a.[User_ID] = #passedUserID)
AND (b.[CouponActive] = 1)
AND (b.[IsDeleted] = 0)
AND (b.[CouponExpire] > DATEADD(dd, -1, GETDATE()) OR b.[CouponExpire] IS NULL)
So lets say this query returns a result of 7 rows. All I need is this number for my VIEW. So I want to limit the ultimate result to a single row so that in the end I get:
[TotalCount] <-- Field name
[7] <-- Result
But not 7 rows of data.. I just need the count from the above query. Still plugging away and trying to learn. I looked at a few other examples but I haven't found one with all the conditions... which is what's messing me up. Please help!
Thank you so much!

Would this work for you?
select count(*) as TotalCOunt from (
SELECT a.[QueueID] /*
,#passedUserID as User_ID */
FROM CouponQueue a
JOIN Coupon b
on a.CouponID = b.CouponID
JOIN Listing c
on b.ListingID = c.ListingID
WHERE (a.[User_ID] = #passedUserID)
AND (b.[CouponActive] = 1)
AND (b.[IsDeleted] = 0)
AND (b.[CouponExpire] > DATEADD(dd, -1, GETDATE()) OR b.[CouponExpire] IS NULL)
) t
You can remove the columns for the count. They are not actually necessary.

Should be able to just add COUNT(*):
SELECT COUNT(*) as TotalCount
FROM CouponQueue a
JOIN Coupon b
on a.CouponID = b.CouponID
JOIN Listing c
on b.ListingID = c.ListingID
WHERE (a.[User_ID] = #passedUserID)
AND (b.[CouponActive] = 1)
AND (b.[IsDeleted] = 0)
AND (b.[CouponExpire] > DATEADD(dd, -1, GETDATE()) OR b.[CouponExpire] IS NULL)
Good luck.

You can put the below sample on your SQL Developer to run for the count:
SELECT count(*) as totalCount (*-open a parentheses - your original query -close the parentheses*)


Combine 2 complex queries into 1

I am trying to figure out if there's a way to combine these 2 queries into a single one. I've run into the limits of what I know and can't figure out if this is possible or not.
This is the 1st query that gets last year sales for each day per location (for one month):
if object_id('tempdb..#LY_Data') is not null drop table #LY_Data
[LocationId] = ri.LocationId,
[LY_Date] = convert(date, ri.ReceiptDate),
[LY_Trans] = count(distinct ri.SalesReceiptId),
[LY_SoldQty] = convert(money, sum(ri.Qty)),
[LY_RetailAmount] = convert(money, sum(ri.ExtendedPrice)),
[LY_NetSalesAmount] = convert(money, sum(ri.ExtendedAmount))
into #LY_Data
from rpt.SalesReceiptItem ri
join #Location l
on ri.LocationId = l.Id
where ri.Ignored = 0
and ri.LineType = 1 /*Item*/
and ri.ReceiptDate between #_LYDateFrom and #_LYDateTo
group by
Then the 2nd query computes a ratio based on the total sales for that month for each day (to be used later):
if object_id('tempdb..#LY_Data2') is not null drop table #LY_Data2
[LocationId] = ly.LocationId,
[LY_Date] = ly.LY_Date,
[LY_Trans] = ly.LY_Trans,
[LY_RetailAmount] = ly.LY_RetailAmount,
[LY_NetSalesAmount] = ly.LY_NetSalesAmount,
[Ratio] = ly.LY_NetSalesAmount / t.MonthlySales
into #LY_Data2
from (
[LocationId] = ly.LocationId,
[MonthlySales] = sum(ly.LY_NetSalesAmount)
from #LY_Data ly
group by
) t
join #LY_Data ly
on t.LocationId = ly.LocationId
I've tried using the first query as a subquery in the 2nd query group-by from clause, but that won't let me select those columns in the outer most select statement (multi part identifier couldn't be bound).
As well as putting the first query into the join clause at the end of the 2nd query with the same issue.
There's probably something I'm missing, but I'm still pretty new to SQL so any help or just a pointer in the right direction would be greatly appreciated! :)
You can try using a Common Table Expression (CTE) and window function:
if object_id('tempdb..#LY_Data') is not null drop table #LY_Data
cte AS
[LocationId] = ri.LocationId,
[LY_Date] = convert(date, ri.ReceiptDate),
[LY_Trans] = count(distinct ri.SalesReceiptId),
[LY_SoldQty] = convert(money, sum(ri.Qty)),
[LY_RetailAmount] = convert(money, sum(ri.ExtendedPrice)),
[LY_NetSalesAmount] = convert(money, sum(ri.ExtendedAmount))
from rpt.SalesReceiptItem ri
join #Location l
on ri.LocationId = l.Id
where ri.Ignored = 0
and ri.LineType = 1 /*Item*/
and ri.ReceiptDate between #_LYDateFrom and #_LYDateTo
group by
[LocationId] = cte.LocationId,
[LY_Date] = cte.LY_Date,
[Ratio] = cte.LY_NetSalesAmount / sum(cte.LY_NetSalesAmount) over (partition by cte.LocationId)
into #LY_Data
from cte
sum(cte.LY_NetSalesAmount) over (partition by cte.LocationId) gives you the sum for each locationId. The code assume that this sum is always non-zero. Otherwise, a divide-by-0 error will occur.
Seems like all you need to do is calculate ratio in the first query.
You can do this with a correlated subquery.
convert(money, sum(ri.ExtendedAmount)/(SELECT sum(ri2.ExtendedAmount)
FROM rpt.SalesReceiptItem ri2
WHERE ri2.LocationId=ri.LocationId
) AS ratio --extended amount/total extended amount for this location

SQL Server how to define other column values based on one column on subquery inner join?

I have a query that uses inner join on the same table and calculates some balance. I am using partition over for this. And depending on the balance value, it is subtracting some dates.
My query works fine, but I have a problem. If I have balance days at the join to be zero at the end, I need all columns with the same BrojDoK (column that the inner join is based on) to be zero.
This is the result what I have so far:
What I need is that in this case, for BrojDok = 648, since the BalanceTotal at the end is 0, I need the BalanceDays for FinID = 5856 also to be zero.
I would like to get something like this:
Can I somehow calculate another column that would do this?
I was looking the update method, but I couldn't manage to do anything with it.
This is my query so far:
S2.FinID, S2.Firma, S2.Konto, S2.Partner,
S2.BrojDok, S2.DatumVal, S2.pot, S2.dug,
S2.Balance, S2.BalanceTotal,
IIF(S2.BalanceTotal > 0,
IIF(S2.BalanceTotal < 1, DATEDIFF(DAY, S2.MinDate, S2.MaxDate),
IIF(S2.BalanceTotal = 0, 0, 0)) AS BalanceDays
S1.FinID, S1.Firma, S1.NazFirme, S1.Konto, S1.NazivKonta,
S1.Partner, S1.NazivPartnera, S1.BrojDok, S1.DatumVal,
S1.pot, S1.dug, S1.Balance, S1.MaxDate, S1.MinDate,
SUM(S1.Balance) OVER (PARTITION BY S1.BrojDok ORDER BY S1.FinID) AS BalanceTotal
t1.FinID, t1.Firma, t1.NazFirme, t1.Konto, t1.NazivKonta,
t1.Partner, t1.NazivPartnera, t1.BrojDok, t1.DatumVal,
SUM(t1.Duguje) AS dug, SUM(t1.Potrazuje) AS pot,
SUM(IIF(t1.[Konto] LIKE '2%', t1.[Duguje] - t1.[Potrazuje], t1.[Potrazuje] -t1.[Duguje])) AS Balance,
MAX(t2.DatumVal) AS MaxDate,
MIN(t2.DatumVal) AS MinDate
tblFinansijskiPodaci t1
tblFinansijskiPodaci t2 ON t1.BrojDok = t2.BrojDok
t1.Firma = 1 AND t1.Konto = 2040 AND t1.Partner = 1102
AND t2.Firma = 1 AND t2.Konto = 2040 AND t2.Partner = 1102
t1.FinID, t1.Firma, t1.NazFirme, t1.Konto, t1.NazivKonta,
t1.Partner, t1.NazivPartnera, t1.BrojDok, t1.DatumVal) AS S1
) AS S2
since the BalanceTotal at the end is 0, I need the BalanceDays for
FinID = 5856 also to be zero.
In this line:
IIF(S2.BalanceTotal = 0, 0, 0)) AS BalanceDays
Replace S2.BalanceTotal with a subquery that checks the BalanceTotal "at the end".
If someone needs something like this, I have found the solution.I just add the column that calculates the MIN OVER PARTITION BY.
In my case:
MIN(S3.BalanceDays) OVER (PARTITION BY S3.BrojDok) AS BalanceDays1

SQL: Filter records based on record creation date and other criteria

I am struggling to find a better solution to pick unique records from my user call data table.
My table structure is as follows:
SELECT [MarketName],
[WebsiteName] ,
[ID] ,
[FromPhone] ,
FROM [dbo].[UserCallData]
There are multiple entries in this table with different and same ID's. I wanted to check if [FromPhone] and [ToPhone] exists multiple times within last 3 months, if yes, I wanted to pick the first record with all columns based on [CreationDate], count the number of occurrences as TotalCallCount and sum the totalCallDuration as a single record. If [FromPhone] and [ToPhone] does not occur multiple times, I wanted to pick all columns as such. I have been able to put up partial query like below. But this doesn't return all columns without including in group by clause and also it doesn't satisfy my entire criteria. Any help on this would be highly appreciated.
select [FromPhone],
count(*) as TotalCallCount ,
sum(CallDuration) as TotalCallDuration
from [dbo].[UserCallData]
where [CreationDate] >= DATEADD(MONTH, -3, GETDATE())
group by [FromPhone],[ToPhone], marketname
having count([FromPhone]) > 1 and count([ToPhone]) >1
Try to use ROW_NUMBER()
;with cte as
select *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY FromPhone, ToPhone ORDER BY CreationDate) as RN
from UserCallData
where CreationDate >= DATEADD(MONTH, -3, GETDATE())
cte_totals as
select C1.FromPhone, C1.ToPhone, COUNT(*) as TotalCallCount, SUM(CallDuration) as TotalCallDuration
from cte C1
where exists(select * from cte C2 where C1.FromPhone = C2.FromPhone and C1.ToPhone = C2.ToPhone and C2.RN > 1)
group by C1.FromPhone, C1.ToPhone
select C1.*, TotalCallCount, TotalCallDuration
from cte C1
inner join cte_totals C2 on C1.FromPhone = C2.FromPhone and C1.ToPhone = C2.ToPhone
where C1.RN = 1
I wrote query right in here so it can have some mistakes or mistypes, but the main idea might be clear.
I'm not entirely sure I've understood the question, but if I have the following may be what you want (or be a useful starting point):
min(ucd.CreationDate) as MinCreationDate,
count(*) as TotalCallCount,
sum(ucd.CallDuration) as TotalCallDuration,
when min(ucd.WebsiteName) = max(ucd.WebsiteName) then min(ucd.WebsiteName)
else '* Various'
end as WebsiteName,
when min(ucd.ID) = max(ucd.ID) then min(ucd.ID)
else '* Various'
end as ID,
when min(ucd.UserID) = max(ucd.UserID) then min(ucd.UserID)
else '* Various'
end as UserID,
when min(ucd.IsAnswered) = max(ucd.IsAnswered) then min(ucd.IsAnswered)
else '* Some'
end as IsAnswered,
when min(ucd.Source) = max(ucd.Source) then min(ucd.Source)
else '* Various'
end as Source
dbo.UserCallData ucd
ucd.CreationDate >= DATEADD(MONTH, -3, GETDATE())
Where we are collapsing rows together, if all the rows agree on a given column (so min(Field) = max(Field)), I return the min(Field) value (which is the same all the others, but avoid problems with needing additional "group by" clauses which would interfere with the other cases). Where they don't all agree, I've returned "* something".
The code assumes that all the columns are text type columns (you haven't said), you may get conversion errors. It also assumes that none of these fields are null. You / we can adapt the code if those assumptions aren't correct. If you aren't able to do that for yourself, let me know about issues, I'll be happy to do what I can.

Group By & Having vs. SubQuery (Where Count is Greater Than 1)

I'm struggling here trying to write a script that finds where an order was returned multiple times by the same associate (count greater than 1). I'm guessing my syntax with the subquery is incorrect. When I run the script, I get a message back that the "SELECT failed.. [3669] More than one value was returned by the subquery."
I'm not tied to the subquery, and have tried using just the group by and having statements, but I get an error regarding a non-aggregate value. What's the best way to proceed here and how do I fix this?
Thank you in advance - code below:
SEL s.saletran
, s.saletran_dt SALE_DATE
, r.saletran_id RET_TRAN
, r.saletran_dt RET_DATE
, ra.user_id RET_ASSOC
FROM salestrans s
JOIN salestrans_refund r
ON r.orig_saletran_id = s.saletran_id
AND r.orig_saletran_dt = s.saletran_dt
AND r.orig_loc_id = s.loc_id
AND r.saletran_dt between s.saletran_dt and s.saletran_dt + 30
JOIN saletran rt
ON rt.saletran_id = r.saletran_id
AND rt.saletran_dt = r.saletran_dt
AND rt.loc_id = r.loc_id
JOIN assoc ra --Return Associate
ON ra.assoc_prty_id = rt.sls_assoc_prty_id
(SELECT count(*)
FROM saletran_refund
) > 1
AND s.saletran_dt between '2015-01-01' and current_date - 1
Based on what you've got so far, I think you want to use this instead:
where r.ORIG_SLTRN_ID in
group by ORIG_SLTRN_ID
having count (*) > 1)
That will give you the ORIG_SLTRN_IDs that have more than one row.
you don't give enough for a full answer but this is a start
group by s.saletran
, s.saletran_dt SALE_DATE
, r.saletran_id RET_TRAN
, r.saletran_dt RET_DATE
, ra.user_id RET_ASSOC
having count(distinct(ORIG_SLTRN_ID)) > 0
this does return more the an one row
run it
SELECT count(*)
FROM saletran_refund

Is it possible to replace the following two SQL selects with just one?

Please, observe:
SELECT TOP 1 #UseFastLane = 1
FROM BackgroundJobService
WHERE IsFastLane = 1;
SELECT TOP 1 bjs.HostName AllocatedAgentHostName,
bjs.ServiceName AllocatedAgentServiceName,
WHEN bjw.WorkStatusTypeId IN ( 2, 3, 4, 10 ) THEN 1
END) AS InProgress
FROM BackgroundJobService bjs
LEFT JOIN BackgroundJobWork bjw
ON bjw.AllocatedAgentHostName = bjs.HostName
AND bjw.AllocatedAgentServiceName = bjs.ServiceName
WHERE bjs.AgentStatusTypeId = 2
AND bjs.IsFastLane = COALESCE(#UseFastLane, 0)
GROUP BY bjs.HostName,
I am using two SQL select statements here. Is it possible to use just one top level SQL select statement, nesting another one within?
You can replace the text AND bjs.IsFastLane = COALESCE(#UseFastLane, 0) with this:
AND bjs.IsFastLane = (SELECT Max(IsFastLane)
FROM BackgroundJobService)
which should give you an equivalent query assuming that there are rows in the BackgroundJobService.
If there might be zero rows in BackgroundJobService then you can wrap the select with a COALESCE function to return 0, like this:
COALESCE((SELECT Max(IsFastLane) FROM BackgroundJobService), 0)