SQL Where clause with dynamic IN() operator - sql

I have a query which should be later used to build an SSRS-2008 report.
This query is going to be used as a generic template for many reports.
Because of that, the query have lots of parameters in it, and each report should configure the parameters accordingly in the Report Builder.
After this long intro, my issue is that:
In the query's WHERE clause the parameters are with IN() operator, for example:
WHERE Users IN(#p1) AND ...
the #p1 in one report can be specific users (e.g. WHERE Users IN(121,154,151) ), and in different report it can be all users . In that case ,and this is my question, what is the value that the parameter #p1 should get ?
I know I can use different data set in order to retrieve all the users and put it in the parameter, but I want to avoid that (due to performance issues and keep the query as generic as possible) and want to know if there is any other options ? (something like IN('% %') )
Thank you.

First of all I like your picture which is full of love and wish you a happy life.
After that you may find This same question of mine about list-like parameters useful, I asked it a couple of days ago and came up with pretty nice and various solutions.
hope it helps.

You can do this by just changing the parameters
#p1 = "SELECT users FROM table"


Regexp search SQL query fields

I have a repository of SQL queries and I want to understand which queries use certain tables or fields.
Let's say I want to understand what queries use the email field, how can I write it?
Example SQL query:
users.email as email_user
,users.email as email_user_too
,email as email_user_too_2
email as email_user_too_3,
back_email as wrong_email -- wrong field
from users
So to state the problem more accurately, you are sorting through a list of SQL queries [as text], and you now need to find the queries that use certain fields using SQL & RegEx (Regular Expressions) in PostgreSQL. (please tag the question so that StackOverflow indexes your question correctly, more importantly, readers have more context about the question)
PostgreSQL has Regular Expression support OOTB (Out Of The Box). So we skip exploring other ways to do this. (If you are reading this as Microsoft SQL Server person, then I strongly suggest you to have a read of this brilliant article on Microsoft's website on defining a Table-Valued UDF (User Defined Function))
The simplest way I could think of to approach your problem, is to throw away what we don't want out of the query text first, and then filter out what's left.
This way, after throwing away the stuff you don't need, you will be left with a set of "tokens" that you can easily filter, and I'm putting token in quotes since we are not really parsing the SQL language, but if we did that would be the first step: to extract tokens.. (:
Take this query for example:
With Queries (
, QueryText
) As (
values (1, 'select
users.email as email_user
,users.email as email_user_too
,email as email_user_too_2,
email as email_user_too_3,
back_email as wrong_email -- wrong field
from users')
Select QueryText
, found
From (
Select Id
, QueryText
, regexp_split_to_table (QueryText, '(--[\s\w]+|select|from|as|where|[ \s\n,])') As found
From Queries
) As Result
Where found != ''
And found = 'back_email'
I have sourced the concept of a "query repository" with a WITH statement for ease of doing the pseudo-code.
I have also selected few words/characters to split QueryText with. Like select, where etc. We don't need these in our 'found' set.
And in the end, as you can see above, I simply used found as what's left and filtered it with the field name you are looking for. (Assuming that you know the field you are looking for)
You could improve upon the RegEx I did, or change the method as you wish to make it better. But I think the general concept addresses what you need to achieve. One problem I can see with my solution right off the bat is the fact that you can search for anything really, not just names of the selected fields - which begs the question, why use RegEx, and not Like statements? But again, as I mentioned, you can improve upon the RegEx and address specific requirements you may have. Using Like might limit you in that direction. (In other words, only you know what's good for you. I can't say that from here.)
You can play with the query online here: db-fiddle query and use https://regex101.com/ for testing your RegEx.
Disclaimer I'm not a PostgreSQL developer. There must be other, perhaps better ways of doing this. (:

how to update field names automatically after updating SQL

I am changing the command text for a data set inside the .rdl ffile:
I would like to know how can I update the resulting fields that are returned by the select statement:
I know that these fields must be automatically generated, so I was wondering if it's possible to update them right after editing the SQL code inline??
Usually when someone wants to have a look at the data in command text they are wanting it for reference to an end user(from what I have seen). You may want to amend it but ultimately with reporting your first goal should be: "What am I doing this for?" If your goal is dynamic creation at runtime then I would avoid this and offer a few other suggestions:
Procertize it. Making a stored procedure if you have the know how in SQL Server is a convenient and fast way to get what you want and you can optimize it if you know what you are doing with your SQL FU to get good results. The downside would be if you work with multiple environments you have to deploy your code for the TSQL as well as the RDL file.
Use an expression to build the dataset at runtime. In cases where I have been told that the query itself was not properly optimized by other developers they have mentioned doing this. I myself do not always see the advantage of doing this versus just having your predicate construction work well with good indexing on the source engine. Regardless you can build your dataset at runtime. It would be similar to hitting 'fx' next to the text and then putting in something like this(assuming you have a variable named #Start):
="Select thing
from table
Where >= " & Parameters!Start.Value
Again I have not really seen if this is really that much faster than:
Select thing
from table
Where >= #Start
But it is there if you just want to build it dynamically.
You can try to build your expression dynamically from parameters being PART of the select statement. SSRS is all about the 'expressions' and what you can do with them. Once you jump in and learn how they apply to everything you can go nuts so to speak on using them. A general rule though is the more of them you use and rely on the slower your reports will become.
I hope some of this may help, I would ask first is something dynamic due to a need to be event driven or is performance related.

Beginner SQL section: avoiding repeated expression

I'm entirely new at SQL, but let's say that on the StackExchange Data Explorer, I just want to list the top 15 users by reputation, and I wrote something like this:
DisplayName, Id, Reputation, Reputation/1000 As RepInK
RepInK > 10
ORDER BY Reputation DESC
Currently this gives an Error: Invalid column name 'RepInK', which makes sense, I think, because RepInK is not a column in Users. I can easily fix this by saying WHERE Reputation/1000 > 10, essentially repeating the formula.
So the questions are:
Can I actually use the RepInK "column" in the WHERE clause?
Do I perhaps need to create a virtual table/view with this column, and then do a SELECT/WHERE query on it?
Can I name an expression, e.g. Reputation/1000, so I only have to repeat the names in a few places instead of the formula?
What do you call this? A substitution macro? A function? A stored procedure?
Is there an SQL quicksheet, glossary of terms, language specification, anything I can use to quickly pick up the syntax and semantics of the language?
I understand that there are different "flavors"?
Can I actually use the RepInK "column" in the WHERE clause?
No, but you can rest assured that your database will evaluate (Reputation / 1000) once, even if you use it both in the SELECT fields and within the WHERE clause.
Do I perhaps need to create a virtual table/view with this column, and then do a SELECT/WHERE query on it?
Yes, a view is one option to simplify complex queries.
Can I name an expression, e.g. Reputation/1000, so I only have to repeat the names in a few places instead of the formula?
You could create a user defined function which you can call something like convertToK, which would receive the rep value as an argument and returns that argument divided by 1000. However it is often not practical for a trivial case like the one in your example.
Is there an SQL quicksheet, glossary of terms, language specification, anything I can use to quickly pick up the syntax and semantics of the language?
I suggest practice. You may want to start following the mysql tag on Stack Overflow, where many beginner questions are asked every day. Download MySQL, and when you think there's a question within your reach, try to go for the solution. I think this will help you pick up speed, as well as awareness of the languages features. There's no need to post the answer at first, because there are some pretty fast guns on the topic over here, but with some practice I'm sure you'll be able to bring home some points :)
I understand that there are different "flavors"?
The flavors are actually extensions to ANSI SQL. Database vendors usually augment the SQL language with extensions such as Transact-SQL and PL/SQL.
You could simply re-write the WHERE clause
where reputation > 10000
This won't always be convenient. As an alternativly, you can use an inline view:
a.DisplayName, a.Id, a.Reputation, a.RepInK
DisplayName, Id, Reputation, Reputation/1000 As RepInK
ORDER BY Reputation DESC
) a
a.RepInK > 10
Regarding something like named expressions, while there are several possible alternatives, the query optimizer is going to do best just writing out the formula Reputation / 1000 long-hand. If you really need to run a whole group of queries using the same evaluated value, your best bet is to create view with the field defined, but you wouldn't want to do that for a one-off query.
As an alternative, (and in cases where performance is not much of an issue), you could try something like:
DisplayName, Id, Reputation, RepInk
SELECT DisplayName, Id, Reputation, Reputation / 1000 as RepInk
FROM Users
) AS table
WHERE table.RepInk > 10
ORDER BY Reputation DESC
though I don't believe that's supported by all SQL dialects and, again, the optimizer is likely to do a much worse job which this kind of thing (since it will run the SELECT against the full Users table and then filter that result). Still, for some situations this sort of query is appropriate (there's a name for this... I'm drawing a blank at the moment).
Personally, when I started out with SQL, I found the W3 schools reference to be my constant stopping-off point. It fits my style for being something I can glance at to find a quick answer and move on. Eventually, however, to really take advantage of the database it is necessary to delve into the vendors documentation.
Although SQL is "standarized", unfortunately (though, to some extent, fortunately), each database vendor implements their own version with their own extensions, which can lead to quite different syntax being the most appropriate (for a discussion of the incompatibilities of various databases on one issue see the SQLite documentation on NULL handling. In particular, standard functions, e.g., for handling DATEs and TIMEs tend to differ per vendor, and there are other, more drastic differences (particularly in not support subselects or properly handling JOINs). If you care for some of the details, this document provides both the standard forms and deviations for several major databases.
You CAN refer to RepInK in the Order By clause, but in the Where clause you must repeat the expression. But, as others have said, it will only be executed once.
There are good answers for the technical problem already, so I'll only address some of the rest of your questions.
If you're just working with the DataExplorer, you'll want to familiarize yourself with SQL Server syntax since that's what it's running. The best place to find that, of course, is MSDN's reference.
Yes, there are different variations in SQL syntax. For example, the TOP clause in the query you gave is SQL Server specific; in MySQL you'd use the LIMIT clause instead (and these keywords don't necessarily appear in the same spot in the query!).

Consolidated: SQL Pass comma separated values in SP for filtering

I'm here to share a consolidated analysis for the following scenario:
I've an 'Item' table and I've a search SP for it. I want to be able to search for multiple ItemCodes like:
- Table structure : Item(Id INT, ItemCode nvarchar(20))
- Filter query format: SELECT * FROM Item WHERE ItemCode IN ('xx','yy','zz')
I want to do this dynamically using stored procedure. I'll pass an #ItemCodes parameter which will have comma(',') separated values and the search shud be performed as above.
Well, I've already visited lot of posts\forums and here're some threads:
Dynamic SQL might be a least complex way but I don't want to consider it because of the parameters like performance,security (SQL-Injection, etc..)..
Also other approaches like XML, etc.. if they make things complex I can't use them.
And finally, no extra temp-table JOIN kind of performance hitting tricks please.
I've to manage the performance as well as the complexity.
T-SQL stored procedure that accepts multiple Id values
Passing an "in" list via stored procedure
I've reviewed the above two posts and gone thru some solutions provided, here're some limitations:
This will require me to 'declare' the parameter-type while passing it to the SP, it distorts the abstraction (I don't set type in any of my parameters because each of them is treated in a generic way)
This is a structured approach but it increases complexity, required DB-structure level changes and its not abstract as above.
Well, this seems to match-up with my old solutions. Here's what I did in the past -
I created an SQL function : [GetTableFromValues] (returns a temp table populated each item (one per row) from the comma separated #ItemCodes)
And, here's how I use it in my WHERE caluse filter in SP -
SELECT * FROM Item WHERE ItemCode in (SELECT * FROM[dbo].[GetTableFromValues](#ItemCodes))
This one is reusable and looks simple and short (comparatively of course). Anything I've missed or any expert with a better solution (obviously 'within' the limitations of the above mentioned points).
Thank you.
I think using dynamic T-SQL will be pragmatic in this scenario. If you are careful with the design, dynamic sql works like a charm. I have leveraged it in countless projects when it was the right fit. With that said let me address your two main concerns - performance and sql injection.
With regards to performance, read T-SQL reference on parameterized dynamic sql and sp_executesql (instead of sp_execute). A combination of parameterized sql and using sp_executesql will get you out of the woods on performance by ensuring that query plans are reused and sp_recompiles avoided! I have used dynamic sql even in real-time contexts and it works like a charm with these two items taken care of. For your satisfaction you can run a loop of million or so calls to the sp with and without the two optimizations, and use sql profiler to track sp_recompile events.
Now, about SQL-injection. This will be an issue if you use an incorrect user widget such as a textbox to allow the user to input the item codes. In that scenario it is possible that a hacker may write select statements and try to extract information about your system. You can write code to prevent this but I think going down that route is a trap. Instead consider using an appropriate user widget such as a listbox (depending on your frontend platform) that allows multiple selection. In this case the user will just select from a list of "presented items" and your code will generate the string containing the corresponding item codes. Basically you do not pass user text to the dynamic sql sp! You can even use slicker JQuery based selection widgets but the bottom line is that the user does not get to type any unacceptable text that hits your data layer.
Next, you just need a simple stored procedure on the database that takes a param for the itemcodes (for e.g. '''xyz''','''abc'''). Internally it should use sp_executesql with a parameterized dynamic query.
I hope this helps.

How can I make MS Access Query Parameters Optional?

I have a query that I would like to filter in different ways at different times. The way I have done this right now by placing parameters in the criteria field of the relevant query fields, however there are many cases in which I do not want to filter on a given field but only on the other fields. Is there any way in which a wildcard of some sort can be passed to the criteria parameter so that I can bypass the filtering for that particular call of the query?
If you construct your query like so:
PARAMETERS ParamA Text ( 255 );
SELECT t.id, t.topic_id
FROM SomeTable t
WHERE t.id Like IIf(IsNull([ParamA]),"*",[ParamA])
All records will be selected if the parameter is not filled in.
Note the * wildcard with the LIKE keyword will only have the desired effect in ANSI-89 Query Mode.
Many people mistakenly assume the wildcard character in Access/Jet is always *. Not so. Jet has two wildcards: % in ANSI-92 Query Mode and * in ANSI-89 Query Mode.
ADO is always ANSI-92 and DAO is always ANSI-89 but the Access interface can be either.
When using the LIKE keyword in a database object (i.e. something that will be persisted in the mdb file), you should to think to yourself: what would happen if someone used this database using a Query Mode other than the one I usually use myself? Say you wanted to restrict a text field to numeric characters only and you'd written your Validation Rule like this:
NOT LIKE "*[!0-9]*"
If someone unwittingly (or otherwise) connected to your .mdb via ADO then the validation rule above would allow them to add data with non-numeric characters and your data integrity would be shot. Not good.
Better IMO to always code for both ANSI Query Modes. Perhaps this is best achieved by explicitly coding for both Modes e.g.
NOT LIKE "*[!0-9]*" AND NOT LIKE "%[!0-9]%"
But with more involved Jet SQL DML/DDL, this can become very hard to achieve concisely. That is why I recommend using the ALIKE keyword, which uses the ANSI-92 Query Mode wildcard character regardless of Query Mode e.g.
NOT ALIKE "%[!0-9]%"
Note ALIKE is undocumented (and I assume this is why my original post got marked down). I've tested this in Jet 3.51 (Access97), Jet 4.0 (Access2000 to 2003) and ACE (Access2007) and it works fine. I've previously posted this in the newsgroups and had the approval of Access MVPs. Normally I would steer clear of undocumented features myself but make an exception in this case because Jet has been deprecated for nearly a decade and the Access team who keep it alive don't seem interested in making deep changes to the engines (or bug fixes!), which has the effect of making the Jet engine a very stable product.
For more details on Jet's ANSI Query modes, see About ANSI SQL query mode.
Back to my previous exampe in your previous question. Your parameterized query is a string looking like that:
qr = "Select Tbl_Country.* From Tbl_Country WHERE id_Country = [fid_country]"
depending on the nature of fid_Country (number, text, guid, date, etc), you'll have to replace it with a joker value and specific delimitation characters:
qr = replace(qr,"[fid_country]","""*""")
In order to fully allow wild cards, your original query could also be:
qr = "Select Tbl_Country.* From Tbl_Country _
WHERE id_Country LIKE [fid_country]"
You can then get wild card values for fid_Country such as
qr = replace(qr,"[fid_country]","G*")
Once you're done with that, you can use the string to open a recordset
set rs = currentDb.openRecordset(qr)
I don't think you can. How are you running the query?
I'd say if you need a query that has that many open variables, put it in a vba module or class, and call it, letting it build the string every time.
I'm not sure this helps, because I suspect you want to do this with a saved query rather than in VBA; however, the easiest thing you can do is build up a query line by line in VBA, and then creating a recordset from it.
A quite hackish way would be to re-write the saved query on the fly and then access that; however, if you have multiple people using the same DB you might run into conflicts, and you'll confuse the next developer down the line.
You could also programatically pass default value to the query (as discussed in you r previous question)
Well, you can return non-null values by passing * as the parameter for fields you don't wish to use in the current filter. In Access 2003 (and possibly earlier and later versions), if you are using like [paramName] as your criterion for a numeric, Text, Date, or Boolean field, an asterisk will display all records (that match the other criteria you specify). If you want to return null values as well, then you can use like [paramName] or Is Null as the criterion so that it returns all records. (This works best if you are building the query in code. If you are using an existing query, and you don't want to return null values when you do have a value for filtering, this won't work.)
If you're filtering a Memo field, you'll have to try another approach.