Prevent SelectionChanged from evaluating during DataBinding operation - .net-4.0

Have a situation where i need to suppress the SelectionChanged event logic until the DataGridView has completed Binding operations.
I have tried setting a Boolean flag variable to denote binding operations but it basically triggers the DataBindingComplete after each row is added.
Is there a way i can design a Dirty flag for the whole control that way the SelectionChanged event isnt triggered until the full DataSource has been bound to the DataGridView?


Using combo boxes in Visual Basic

What is the best way to deal with a combo box event? In other words, what is the best event handler to use for the case that the user makes a selection from the combo box? I am using a textchanged event, but it seems a bit sloppy. Is there a better way? By the way, my program that I am using it for is a unit converter that converts length.
The textchanged event fires whenever the text inside the combobox changes. every character added to the combobox triggers it, which makes it sloppy.
To avoid performance issues, use either Lostfocus (which fires if the control isn't selected anymore) or the SelectedValue /Selectedindex changed events.
To answer your other question, manipulate the keypress event.
Go to the combobox's keypress event, and type this:
e.handled = true
this will reject any input from user.

event for combobox databinding complete?

I have a combobox on a winform, and need to be able to call a method when the combobox's databinding is complete. I am surprised to see that there is no DataBindingComplete event for the ComboBox control, like there is for the DataGridView.
How can I know when data binding is complete? Is databinding done synchronously for comboboxes? (i.e., if I have the following code, is it guaranteed that data binding will be complete when it hits the second line of code?)
myComboBox.DataSource = foo
You could make a class where you handle all the data access, then as the data is retrieved you can raise an event from that layer to the calling form you use to display your data.
Data Access Layer

Best Event to check when using a DataGridViewCheckBoxCell

I have a DataGridView that contains 1 column defined as a checkbox. I'm not sure which event to use to check whether the cbo has been checked or unchecked. I've been playing with the CellValueChanged event but notice that when I check a box, nothing happens until I do another action. I need the program to react immediately upon checking a box and not waiting until another action is performed.
Any ideas?
It sounds like CurrentCellDirtyStateChanged event is your ticket.
Check out Triggering a checkbox value changed event in DataGridView

What event fires when bound controls are refreshed?

Can you tell me what event fires when individual textboxes that are bound to a data source using the properties pane gets refreshed?
I wish to use this event to populate a few textboxes that are not bound.
It depends on what property control is bound, usually textboxes are bound on Text property, so your "event" is TextChanged event

VB.NET Databound ComboBox need to force update in datasource when selection changes

I have a combobox where the SelectedValue on the combo is bound to a property on a business object.
Everything works fine, but the property that's bound to the SelectedValue on the combo only gets updated when the focus leaves the control. I understand that the property doesn't get updated until the control is validated (loses focus), but I need it to update the datasource as soon as the dropdown is closed.
I know I could probably leave focus from the control on the DropDownClosed event but I'd prefer something a little less kludgy.
What's the best way to immediately update my datasource when the dropdown is closed?
Set the DataSourceUpdateMode to OnPropertyChanged. Here is similar problem:
The way I'd do it is to set (in the events) the OnUpdate of the combo box and put in the
Me.<business object>.Requery