Switch off I18n/Globalize3 fallbacks per Rails model basis - fallback

Is it possible to switch off I18n/Globalize3 fallbacks per Rails model basis? I.e. some models use fallback, some don't.

Yes, it is possible by overriding the globalize_fallbacks method in your model. Take for example a post model with translated title and content:
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
translates :title, :content
# Disable fallbacks for this model
def globalize_fallbacks(locale)
You simply specify that the requested locale can only fallback to itself, no matter what is defined in your global configuration.


Implementing Form Objects in Hanami

In Uncle Bob's clean architecture, which Hanami is inspired by, Form Objects guard the boundary between Interactors and our delivery mechanism (typically an http endpoint).
In the Hanami docs, bounary guarding is done using params blocks in Actions (see here). This seems to couple validation to the http delivery mechanism. It seems more natural to me that Form Objects (or params black which accomplish the same thing) would live in delivery-mechanism-agnostic Interactors.
Unfortunately, I cannot figure out if Hanami supports such a design. I found a similar question on the Hanami forum, but it has no answer.
To clarify, below is a snippet of code demonstrating the kind of thing I want to do, but using Virtus and ActiveModel::Validations rather than Hanami facilities. For those familiar with Trailblazer, its contract block within its operations (its term for Interactor) is another example.
Finally, am I misunderstanding something about the intended use of Hanami? Hanami supports Interactors, so it seems like this should be possible...
require 'hanami/model'
require 'active_model'
require 'virtus'
class PersonForm
include Virtus.model
include ActiveModel::Validations
attribute :name, String
attribute :age, Integer
validates :name, :age, presence: true
def each
attributes.each {|a| yield a}
class Person
include Hanami::Entity
attributes :name, :age
# Code like this would then live inside of an Interactor, which
# can accept a params hash.
jonah_form = PersonForm.new({name: 'Jonah', age: '99'})
jonah = Person.new(jonah_form) if jonah_form.valid?
p jonah #=> <Person:0x007fbdde1edcc0 #id=nil #name="Jonah" #age=99>
# do stuff with our jonah entity
sorry for missing this question.
The params act as validator to save developers to create and instantiate another class. In Ruby Community this is a problem.
DSL to the rescue for this compromise.
If you prefer to have a concrete form object, instead of using Virtus and ActiveModel, you can just include Hanami::Validations and have the same behavior.

Where would I store static/constant values in a rails application?

I have rails app and am wondering the best place to store the constants?
For example:
and then in a few controllers and views:
arr_used = [HELLO_EVERYONE]
It depends on where you need to access them.
If you need to use them throughout your application, you can put them in environment.rb
# environment.rb
# other global config info
If you need to access them only inside a specific class, you can define them in that model.
class Test < ActiveRecord::Base
The second case (where the constant is defined in the Test class), can also be accessed outside of the Test class, only it needs to be referenced as Test::HELLO_EVERYONE.
This may be helpful in cases where you have a list of items relevant to the domain of that object (like a list of US states) that you might use in a view (e.g. select_tag :address, :state, options_for_select(Address::STATES)). Although I might consider wrapping this inside of a class method instead of exposing the internal structure of the class.
class Address< ActiveRecord::Base
STATES = ["AL", "AK", "AZ", "AR", ...]
def self.states

Virtual attribute not moved to the model hash inside params

I'm having a problem in my Rails 3.2 app where a virtual attribute sent restfully via JSON is not in the right place in the params hash. Well, it isn't where I expect. It remains to be seen if my expectations are correct. :)
I have a model using the standard virtual attribute pattern, like this:
class Track < ActiveRecord::Base
def rating
# get logic removed for brevity
def rating=(value)
# set logic
def as_json(options={}) # so my method is in the JSON when I use respond_with/to_json
super(options.merge(methods: [:rating]))
The JSON sent to my controller looks like this:
{"id":1,"name":"Icarus - Main Theme 2","rating":2}
To be clear, name and id are not virtual, rating is.
I end up with this in the params hash, after rails does its magic:
{"id"=>"1", "name"=>"Icarus - Main Theme 2", "rating"=>2, "track"=>{"id"=>"1", "name"=>"Icarus - Main Theme 2"}}
As you can see, id and name make it to the nested :track hash, but rating does not. Is this expected behavior? It breaks the (somewhat) standard practice of using the nested hash in the controller because the nested hash does not contain all the parameters I need.
Track.update(params[:id], params[:track]) # :track is missing rating
Thanks for your help!
I recently ran into this gotcha as well. The problem is, the params wrapper is looking at your model Track.attribute_names to determine how to map the data into a :track => {params} hash. If you don't have a model associated, the default will be to wrap the params based on the controller name, and include all of the values:
class SinglesController < ApplicationController
def create
#params[:single] will contain all of your attributes as it doesn't
# have an activerecord model to look at.
#track_single = Track.new(params[:single])
You can call wrap_parameters in your controller to tell action controller what attributes to include when its wrapping your params, like so:
class TracksController < ApplicationController
wrap_parameters :track, :include => :rating
#other controller stuff below
See more here: http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActionController/ParamsWrapper.html
Maybe if you assign the rating virtual attribute inside the nested hash like this:
def as_json(options={})
super(options.merge(:track => {:methods => #rating}))
It would behave the way you expected.
Just ran across this problem and figured out a pretty decent solution. Add the following to your ApplicationController
wrap_parameters exclude: [:controller, :action, :format] + ActionController::ParamsWrapper::EXCLUDE_PARAMETERS
This way, everything is nested under your resource (except for stuff Rails adds to the params hash) and you won't ever have to append to a controller specific call of wrap_parameters again. :D

devise after create hook

Is there a hook or callback that I can implement so that right after the user is created, I would like to invoke some custom code ?
I tried after_confirmation hook in the user model but that didn't work.
Use the standard after_create callback provided by Rails.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
after_create :do_something
def do_something
puts "Doing something"
Using a callback is perfectly legit if you're dealing with the internal state of the model you created.
After creating a User, I needed to create default a Team. It's preferable to avoid using callbacks to deal with other objects.
“after_*” callbacks are primarily used in relation to saving or persisting the object. Once the object is saved, the purpose (i.e. responsibility) of the object has been fulfilled, and so what we usually see are callbacks reaching outside of its area of responsibility, and that’s when we run into problems.
From this awesome blog post.
In this case it's better to act on the controller, where you can add your functionality directly, or delegate to a service for an even cleaner solution:
# shell
rails g devise:controllers users
# config/routes.rb
devise_for :users, controllers: { registrations: "users/registrations" }
# app/controllers/users/registrations_controller.rb
class Users::RegistrationsController < Devise::RegistrationsController
after_action :create_default_team, only: :create
def create_default_team
Team.create_default(#user) if #user.persisted?
I'm using Rails 4 with Devise 3.5 with confirmable and had to do this due to various surprises.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
# don't use after_create, see https://github.com/plataformatec/devise/issues/2615
after_commit :do_something, on: :create
def do_something
# don't do self.save, see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/22567358/
self.update_column(:my_column, "foo")

Rails 3 route scoping and/or nesting

I am having trouble scoping routes that I don't want to nest.
I have the following routes:
resources :foos
resources :bars
resources :bazs do
resources :hellos
resources :worlds
The foo, bar, and baz models all belong_to a user model. I don't want to nest another layer, but I do want to have a prefix in my url that corresponds to a user's permalink attribute (similar to each github repo prefixed by a username). So I have a before filter on all of my controllers
def get_scope
#user = User.find_by_permalink(params[:permalink])
Modified to_param thanks to #cowboycoded
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
def to_param
I wrapped those routes with
scope ":permalink", :as => :user do
#nested routes here
Now everything works fine as long as I pass #user to every non-index route. It doesn't seem very dry to have to go back to all of my views and replace (#foo) with (#user, #foo) when it is already scoped.
Unless I am mistaken, the to_param method simply replaces :id so that urls such as /users/:id appear as users/permalink instead of users/1. I attempted to use this :id in my scope, but it conflicts with foo's :id param and breaks everything. Maybe there is a connection to paths that I am missing?
Thanks for any suggestions that you may have!
Have you tried using the to_param method in your model? This will allow you to override the default and use something other than id, and will work with the URL helpers
Example from documentation:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
def to_param # overridden
user = User.find_by_name('Phusion')
user_path(user) # => "/users/Phusion"
I'm not sure how well this plays with scope, since I haven't tried it, but I guess its worth a shot.