Exponential decay curve fitting in numpy and scipy - numpy

I'm having a bit of trouble with fitting a curve to some data, but can't work out where I am going wrong.
In the past I have done this with numpy.linalg.lstsq for exponential functions and scipy.optimize.curve_fit for sigmoid functions. This time I wished to create a script that would let me specify various functions, determine parameters and test their fit against the data. While doing this I noticed that Scipy leastsq and Numpy lstsq seem to provide different answers for the same set of data and the same function. The function is simply y = e^(l*x) and is constrained such that y=1 at x=0.
Excel trend line agrees with the Numpy lstsq result, but as Scipy leastsq is able to take any function, it would be good to work out what the problem is.
import scipy.optimize as optimize
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
## Sampled data
x = np.array([0, 14, 37, 975, 2013, 2095, 2147])
y = np.array([1.0, 0.764317544, 0.647136491, 0.070803763, 0.003630962, 0.001485394, 0.000495131])
# function
fp = lambda p, x: np.exp(p*x)
# error function
e = lambda p, x, y: (fp(p, x) - y)
# using scipy least squares
l1, s = optimize.leastsq(e, -0.004, args=(x,y))
print l1
# [-0.0132281]
# using numpy least squares
l2 = np.linalg.lstsq(np.vstack([x, np.zeros(len(x))]).T,np.log(y))[0][0]
print l2
# -0.00313461628963 (same answer as Excel trend line)
# smooth x for plotting
x_ = np.arange(0, x[-1], 0.2)
plt.plot(x, y, 'rx', x_, fp(l1, x_), 'b-', x_, fp(l2, x_), 'g-')
Edit - additional information
The MWE above includes a small sample of the dataset. When fitting the actual data the scipy.optimize.curve_fit curve presents an R^2 of 0.82, while the numpy.linalg.lstsq curve, which is the same as that calculated by Excel, has an R^2 of 0.41.

You are minimizing different error functions.
When you use numpy.linalg.lstsq, the error function being minimized is
np.sum((np.log(y) - p * x)**2)
while scipy.optimize.leastsq minimizes the function
np.sum((y - np.exp(p * x))**2)
The first case requires a linear dependency between the dependent and independent variables, but the solution is known analitically, while the second can handle any dependency, but relies on an iterative method.
On a separate note, I cannot test it right now, but when using numpy.linalg.lstsq, I you don't need to vstack a row of zeros, the following works as well:
l2 = np.linalg.lstsq(x[:, None], np.log(y))[0][0]

To expound a bit on Jaime's point, any non-linear transformation of the data will lead to a different error function and hence to different solutions. These will lead to different confidence intervals for the fitting parameters. So you have three possible criteria to use to make a decision: which error you want to minimize, which parameters you want more confidence in, and finally, if you are using the fitting to predict some value, which method yields less error in the interesting predicted value. Playing around a bit analytically and in Excel suggests that different kinds of noise in the data (e.g. if the noise function scales the amplitude, affects the time-constant or is additive) leads to different choices of solution.
I'll also add that while this trick "works" for exponential decay to 0, it can't be used in the more general (and common) case of damped exponentials (rising or falling) to values that cannot be assumed to be 0.


Why does keras (SGD) optimizer.minimize() not reach global minimum in this example?

I'm in the process of completing a TensorFlow tutorial via DataCamp and am transcribing/replicating the code examples I am working through in my own Jupyter notebook.
Here are the original instructions from the coding problem :
I'm running the following snippet of code and am not able to arrive at the same result that I am generating within the tutorial, which I have confirmed are the correct values via a connected scatterplot of x vs. loss_function(x) as seen a bit further below.
# imports
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from tensorflow import Variable, keras
def loss_function(x):
import math
return 4.0*math.cos(x-1)+np.divide(math.cos(2.0*math.pi*x),x)
# Initialize x_1 and x_2
x_1 = Variable(6.0, np.float32)
x_2 = Variable(0.3, np.float32)
# Define the optimization operation
opt = keras.optimizers.SGD(learning_rate=0.01)
for j in range(100):
# Perform minimization using the loss function and x_1
opt.minimize(lambda: loss_function(x_1), var_list=[x_1])
# Perform minimization using the loss function and x_2
opt.minimize(lambda: loss_function(x_2), var_list=[x_2])
# Print x_1 and x_2 as numpy arrays
print(x_1.numpy(), x_2.numpy())
I draw a quick connected scatterplot to confirm (successfully) that the loss function that I using gets me back to the same graph provided by the example (seen in screenshot above)
# Generate loss_function(x) values for given range of x-values
losses = []
for p in np.linspace(0.1, 6.0, 60):
# Define x,y coordinates
x_coordinates = list(np.linspace(0.1, 6.0, 60))
y_coordinates = losses
# Plot
plt.scatter(x_coordinates, y_coordinates)
plt.plot(x_coordinates, y_coordinates)
plt.title('Plot of Input values (x) vs. Losses')
Here are the resulting global and local minima, respectively, as per the DataCamp environment :
4.38 is the correct global minimum, and 0.42 indeed corresponds to the first local minima on the graphs RHS (when starting from x_2 = 0.3)
And here are the results from my environment, both of which move opposite the direction that they should be moving towards when seeking to minimize the loss value:
I've spent the better part of the last 90 minutes trying to sort out why my results disagree with those of the DataCamp console / why the optimizer fails to minimize this loss for this simple toy example...?
I appreciate any suggestions that you might have after you've run the provided code in your own environments, many thanks in advance!!!
As it turned out, the difference in outputs arose from the default precision of tf.division() (vs np.division()) and tf.cos() (vs math.cos()) -- operations which were specified in (my transcribed, "custom") definition of the loss_function().
The loss_function() had been predefined in the body of the tutorial and when I "inspected" it using the inspect package ( using inspect.getsourcelines(loss_function) ) in order to redefine it in my own environment, the output of said inspection didn't clearly indicate that tf.division & tf.cos had been used instead of their NumPy counterparts (which my version of the code had used).
The actual difference is quite small, but is apparently sufficient to push the optimizer in the opposite direction (away from the two respective minima).
After swapping in tf.division() and tf.cos (as seen below) I was able to arrive at the same results as seen in the DC console.
Here is the code for the loss_function that will back in to the same results as seen in the console (screenshot) :
def loss_function(x):
import math
return 4.0*tf.cos(x-1)+tf.divide(tf.cos(2.0*math.pi*x),x)

Why curve fit function does not combine all data points. How to get best fit?

I'm not familiar that how to decide the fitting function? But by looking at the trend of data points I choosed Poisson distribution as my fitting function. Green curve is quite smooth but fitting curve is is far away from first data point having position (0,0.55). I want to get smooth curve using fitting function because it is far away from my actual data points. I tried to increase number of bins but still getting same type of curve. I have doubt that may be I am not choosing proper fitting function or may be I am missing something else?
`def Poisson_fit(x,a):
return (a*np.exp(-x))
def Poisson(x):
return (np.exp(-x))
x_data =np.linspace(0,5,10)
print("x_data: ",x_data)
[0.,0.55555556, 1.11111111, 1.66666667, 2.22222222, 2.77777778, 3.33333333,
3.88888889, 4.44444444, 5.]
hist, bin_edges= np.histogram(x, bins=10, density=True)
print("hist: ",hist)
plt.scatter(x_data, hist,marker='o',color='red')
popt, pcov = optimize.curve_fit(Poisson_fit, x_data, hist)
plt.plot(x_data, Poisson_fit(x_data,*popt), linestyle='--',
marker='.',color='red', label='Fit')
#Second Graph(Find best fit)
In the following graph I have fit two different distributions on data points. For me its hard to judge which is best fit. Should I print error on the fitting function to judge the best fit?
`perr = np.sqrt(np.diag(pcov))`
If all data-points need to coincide with the interpolating fit, splines (e.g. cubic splines) can be used, generally resulting in a reasonably smooth fit (only generally, because what is "reasonably smooth" depends both on the data and the application).
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import CubicSpline
import pylab
x_data = np.linspace(0,5,10)
y_data = np.array([5.41041394e-01,1.42611032e-01,3.44975130e-02,
spline = CubicSpline(x_data, y_data)
plot_x = np.linspace(0,5,1000)
pylab.plot(x_data, y_data, 'b*', label='Data')
pylab.plot(plot_x, spline(plot_x), 'k-', label='Spline')

Estimation of t-distribution by mean of samples does not work

I am trying to create a t-distribution by taking the mean of many samples from a normal distribution (and then estimating the shape with kernel density estimation).
For some reason, I am getting pretty different results when I compare what I get with a proper t-distribution. I don't understand what is going wrong, so I think I am confused about something.
Here is the code:
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import gaussian_kde
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn
inner_sample_size = 10
X = np.arange(-3, 3, 0.01)
results = [
for _ in range(10000)
estimation = gaussian_kde(results)
plt.plot(X, estimation.evaluate(X))
t_samples = np.random.standard_t(inner_sample_size, 10000)
t_estimator = gaussian_kde(t_samples)
plt.plot(X, t_estimator.evaluate(X))
plt.ylabel("Probability density")
And here is the plot I get:
Where the orange line is numpy's own t-distribution, and the blue line is the one estimated by sampling.
Your assumption that the mean of Standard Normals has T distribution is incorrect. In fact, the mean of Standard Normals has Normal Distribution, which explains the shape of your blue graph. To generate one random variable T from a T distribution with k degrees of freedom, you first generate k+1 independent Standard Normals Z_i, i=0,...,k. You then compute
T = Z_0 / sqrt( sum(Z_i^2, i=1 to k)/k ).
The sum of squared Standard Normals sum(Z_i^2, i=1 to k) has Chi-Squared Distribution with k degrees of freedom, so if there is a pre-canned method to generate this, you should use it, since it's likely more efficient.

Locally weighted smoothing for binary valued random variable

I have a random variable as follows:
f(x) = 1 with probability g(x)
f(x) = 0 with probability 1-g(x)
where 0 < g(x) < 1.
Assume g(x) = x. Let's say I am observing this variable without knowing the function g and obtained 100 samples as follows:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.stats import binned_statistic
list = np.ndarray(shape=(200,2))
g = np.random.rand(200)
for i in range(len(g)):
list[i] = (g[i], np.random.choice([0, 1], p=[1-g[i], g[i]]))
plt.plot(list[:,0], list[:,1], 'o')
Plot of 0s and 1s
Now, I would like to retrieve the function g from these points. The best I could think is to use draw a histogram and use the mean statistic:
bin_means, bin_edges, bin_number = binned_statistic(list[:,0], list[:,1], statistic='mean', bins=10)
plt.hlines(bin_means, bin_edges[:-1], bin_edges[1:], lw=2)
Histogram mean statistics
Instead, I would like to have a continuous estimation of the generating function.
I guess it is about kernel density estimation but I could not find the appropriate pointer.
straightforward without explicitly fitting an estimator:
import seaborn as sns
g = sns.lmplot(x= , y= , y_jitter=.02 , logistic=True)
plug in x= your exogenous variable and analogously y = dependent variable. y_jitter is jitter the point for better visibility if you have a lot of data points. logistic = True is the main point here. It will give you the logistic regression line of the data.
Seaborn is basically tailored around matplotlib and works great with pandas, in case you want to extend your data to a DataFrame.

SciPy UnivariateSpline Specifying Axis?

Using scipy.interpolate.interp1d it is possible to pass in a (1080, 4) nd.array and compute an interpolation function for each 'row' in a single command:
spline = interp1d(np.arange(1,5), np.random.random(1080,4), kind='cubic')
I am getting slightly different interpolation results (off the knots) than some existing Fortran code. I believe this is because the SciPy source is using a b-spline and the Fortran code is using splines derived from numerical recipes.
I am attempting to perform the same interpolation using UnivariateSpline with s=0, so InterpolatedUnivariateSpline.
I am able to get this working if I pass the data row by row, i.e. using an iterator to step over all 1080 rows - this is highly inefficient.
spline = UnivariateSpline(np.arange(1,5).reshape(-1,1), np.random.random(1080,4), s=0, k=3)
I am seeing:
failed in converting 2nd argument `y' of dfitpack.fpcurf0 to C/Fortran array
I believe this is an issue getting the multi-dimensional array into Fitpack? Any insight in how to avoid an iterator? Additionally, any insight into a SciPy interpolation function that matches the one described in numerical recipes (section 3.3, p.120) - You have to type the page number, I can not direct link, it is a Flash viewer...
In older version of SciPy (I observed it in 0.14) the splines returned by interp1d were of relatively poor quality. In versions 0.19 and later, interp1d is consistent with other spline routines, and since it accepts vector inputs, I think that answers the question. Here is the comparison of three spline constructors: the latter two only take one row as input.
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d, UnivariateSpline, splrep, splev
x = np.arange(1, 5)
y = np.random.normal(size=(1080, 4))
spl1 = interp1d(x, y, kind='cubic')
spl2 = UnivariateSpline(x, y[123, :], s=0, k=3)
spl3 = splrep(x, y[123, :], s=0, k=3)
t = 2.345
print(spl1(t)[123], spl2(t), splev(t, spl3))
This prints (with my random numbers)
-0.333973049011 -0.333973049011 -0.333973049011