Amazon AWS EC2 Instance - Can't connect with SSH - ssh

This shouldn't be this hard. I cannot connect to new AWS EC2 instance via SSH clients. I am connecting from a Win 7 box.
Instance OS: Debian 6
AMI: debian-squeeze-i386-20121119-e4554303-3a9d-412e-9604-eae67dde7b76-ami-1977f070.1(ami-a121a6c8)
User: tried root and also ec2-user
Using .pem keypair that AWS generated and I downloaded
Confirmed security group and Key Pair Name on instance
SSH port 22 is OPEN: Nmap says so and Telnet gets a welcome reply
Using 3 different clients: all clients connect ok
PuTTY replies: Server refused our key
MindTerm Java browser add-in replies: Authentication failed, permission denied
Bitvise SSH replies: Attempting 'publickey' auth; auth failed;
Rebooted instance, wash, rinse, repeat...
REBUILT new instance and new keypair, wash, rinse, repeat...
Connecting isn't the issue. Why would the instance not accept the .pem file as the password? Is there an additional step I am missing? I followed EVERY frigging guide I could Google. AWS support is a joke. stackoverflow to the rescue...

According to the debian wiki which has documentation on the AMI you are using, the username you need to use to login is 'admin'.

I have had many issues with connecting to EC2 via ssh.
ssh -i the-keypair-filename
- Keypair file must be in same directory.
- I just used terminal to connect.
Make sure you generate or assign the keypair when launching the instance.
Also you can verify the keypair you have set in the AWS Management Console, this is done by selecting the running instance and then looking for "Key Pair Name:".
I hope this is helpful.

My problem was that I didn't add a volume that was expected in the fstab file so the server didn't start fully and the sshd daemon wasn't running.
Check with:
telnet HOST 22
Check the server logs to make sure it starts properly before you waste lots of time like I did.

Amazon Linux AMIs that use ec2-user password are listed at the bottom of this page.
Check that you are using one of those if trying to use ec2-user, or check the documentation for the AMI you are using.

Try using the "admin" username and ignore the username suggested by Amazon.

I had the similar problem and I have solved the issue by following approach.
1) Edited the knife.rb file in my chef folder i.e. :\Users\Administrator\chef-starter\chef-repo.chef\knife.rb as bellow:
knife[:aws_access_key_id] = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
knife[:aws_secret_access_key] = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
knife[:region] = 'ap-southeast-1'
knife[:aws_ssh_key_id] = "ChefUser"
In the command prompt, issued the command to create an ec2-server:
knife ec2 server create -r "role[webserver]" --image ami-abcd1234 --flavor t1.micro -G ChefClient -x root -N server01 -i H:\Chef-files\ChefUser.pem
Note that, even though I had given all the details in the knife.rb file, I had to give the .pem file path in coomand line through -i option. That solved my problem.
Check, if the solution of mine helps you.

Logging in as "ubuntu" worked for me:
ssh -i private_key.pem ubuntu#myubuntuserver
Hope this helps


Jenkins won't use SSH key

I'm sorry to have to ask this question, but I feel like I've tried every answer so far on SO with no luck.
I have my local machine and my remote server. Jenkins is up and running on my server.
If I open up terminal and do something like scp /path/to/file user#server:/path/to/wherever then my ssh works fine without requiring a password
If I run this command inside of my Jenkins job I get 'Host Key Verification Failed'
So I know my SSH is working correctly the way I want, but why can't I get Jenkins to use this SSH key?
Interesting thing is, it did work fine when I first set up Jenkins and the key, then I think I restarted my local machine, or restarted Jenkins, then it stopped working. It's hard to say exactly what caused it.
I've also tried several options regarding ssh-agent and ssh-add but those don't seem to work.
I verified the local machine .pub is on the server in the /user/.ssh folder and is also in the authorized keys file. The folder is owned by user.
Any thoughts would be much appreciated and I can provide more info about my problem. Thanks!
Per Kensters suggestion I did su - jenkins, then ssh server, and it asked me to add to known hosts. So I thought this was a step in the right direction. But the same problem persisted afterward.
Something I did not notice before I can ssh server without password when using my myUsername account. But if I switch to the jenkins user, then it asks me for my password when I do ssh server.
I also tried ssh-keygen -R server as suggested to no avail.
su jenkins
ssh-keyscan YOUR-HOSTNAME >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts
SSH Slaves Plugin doesn't support ECDSA. The command above should add RSA key for ssh-slave.
Host Key Verification Failed
ssh is complaining about the remote host key, not the local key that you're trying to use for authentication.
Every SSH server has a host key which is used to identify the server to the client. This helps prevent clients from connecting to servers which are impersonating the intended server. The first time you use ssh to connect to a particular host, ssh will normally prompt you to accept the remote host's host key, then store the key locally so that ssh will recognize the key in the future. The widely used OpenSSH ssh program stores known host keys in a file .ssh/known_hosts within each user's home directory.
In this case, one of two things is happening:
The user ID that Jenkins is using to run these jobs has never connected to this particular remote host before, and doesn't have the remote host's host key in its known_hosts file.
The remote host key has changed for some reason, and it no longer matches the key which is stored in the Jenkins user's known_hosts file.
You need to update the known_hosts file for the user which jenkins is using to run these ssh operations. You need to remove any old host key for this host from the file, then add the host's new host key to the file. The simplest way is to use su or sudo to become the Jenkins user, then run ssh interactively to connect to the remote server:
$ ssh server
If ssh prompts you to accept a host key, say yes, and you're done. You don't even have to finish logging in. If it prints a big scary warning that the host key has changed, run this to remove the existing host from known_hosts:
$ ssh-keygen -R server
Then rerun the ssh command.
One thing to be aware of: you can't use a passphrase when you generate a key that you're going to use with Jenkins, because it gives you no opportunity to enter such a thing (seeing as it runs automated jobs with no human intervention).

SSH keys setup but still asking for password (but not for 2nd, 3rd, etc. sessions)

The target server is a relatively clean install of Ubuntu 14.04. I generated a new ssh key using ssh-keygen and added it to my server using ssh-copy-id. I also checked that the public key was in the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file on the server.
Even still, I am prompted for a password every time I try to ssh into the server.
I noticed something weird however. After I log into my first session using my password, the next concurrent sessions don't ask for a password. They seem to be using the ssh key properly. I've noticed this behaviour on two different clients (Mint OSX).
Are you sure your SSH key isn't protected by a password? Try the following:
How do I remove the passphrase for the SSH key without having to create a new key?
If that's not the case, it may just be that ssh is having trouble locating your private key. Try using the -i flag to explicitly point out its location.
ssh -i /path/to/private_key
Thank you Samuel Jun for the link to - SSH Public Key Login Troubleshooting !
Just a little caveat:
If you copy your authorized keys file outside your encrypted home directory please make sure your root install is encrypted as well (imho Ubuntu still allows for unencrypted root install coupled with encryption of the home directory).
Otherwise this defeats the whole purpose of using encryption in the first place ;)
If this is happening to you on Windows (I'm on Windows 10)
Try running the program that you're trying to connect via ssh to the server as administrator.
For me I was using powershell with scoop to install a couple of things so that I could ssh straight from it. Anyway... I ran PowerShell as admin and tried connecting again and it didn't ask for my password.
For LinuxSE
Check the SE context with
% ls -dZ ~user/.ssh
Must contain unconfined_u:object_r:ssh_home_t:s0
If not, that was the problem , as root run
# for i in ~user/.ssh ~user/.ssh/*
semanage fcontext -a -t ssh_home_t $i
# restorecon -v -R ~user/.ssh
It looks like it's related to encryption on your home directory and therefore the authorized_keys file cannot be read.
Make sure your ssh public key was copied to the remote host in the right format. If you open the key file to edit it should read 1 line.
Basically, just do ssh-copy-id username#remote. It will take care of the rest.

unable to connect to the aws ec2 instance,Host key verification failed

I had set up a ubuntu instance with rails package and also deployed my app, it is working fine.
But when i try to do SSH I its not allowing me for the remote login and throws errors like host key verification failed.
The problem seem to be persisting, kindly recommend the solution and I have attached a elastic IP to that and I am not able to see the public DNS, my instance is running in singapure region.
You may need to turn off StrictHostChecking by adding this option to ssh command line
-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no
As answered in more detail in your cross posted question on ServerFault:
Basically your ec2 elastic IP has previously been used with another server instance and your ssh client known hosts file does not match the new one for this IP. Remove offending line in known_host file. (More detail on Server Fault answer)
You need to log in to your instance with the private key that you set it to use.
Depending on your instance, the user might vary
ssh -i [private key file] [user]#[host]
Where user could be one of the following in my experience (or possibly others)

how to login to ec2 machine?

I was given some login information for an EC2 machine, basically an plus a username and password.
How do I access the machine? I tried sshing:
but I get a Permission denied, please try again. when I enter the password. Is sshing the right way to access the EC2 machine? (Google hits I found suggested that you could ssh into the machine, but they also used keypairs.) Or is it more likely that the problem is that I was given invalid login credentials?
If you are new to AWS and need to access a brand new EC2 instance via ssh, keep in mind that you also need to allow incoming traffic on port 22.
Assuming that the EC2 instance was created accepting all the default wizard suggestions, access to the machine will be guarded by the default security group, which basically prohibits all inbound traffic. Thus:
Go to the AWS console
Choose Security Groups on the left navigation pane
Choose default from the main pane (it may be the only item in the list)
In the bottom pane, choose Inbound, then Create a new rule: SSH
Click Add rule and then Apply Rule Changes
Next, assuming that you are in possession of the private key, do the following:
$ chmod 600 path/to/mykey.pem
$ ssh -i path/to/mykey.pem
My EC2 instance was created from a Ubuntu 32-bit 12.04 image, whose configuration does not allow ssh access to root, and asks you to log in as ubuntu instead:
$ ssh -i path/to/mykey.pem
Our Amazon AMI says to "Please login as the ec2-user user rather than root user.", so it looks like each image may have a different login user, e.g.
ssh -i ~/.ssh/mykey.pem
In short, try root and it will tell you what user you should login as.
[Edit] I'm supposing that you don't have AWS management console credentials for the account, but if you do, then you can navigate to the EC2->Instances panel of AWS Management Console, right click on the machine name and select "Connect..." A list of the available options for logging in will be displayed. You will (or should) need a key to access an instance via ssh. You should have been given this or else it may need to be generated.
If it's a Windows instance, you may need to use Remote Desktop Connection to connect using the IP or host name, and then you'll also need a Windows account login and password.
The process of connecting to an AWS EC2 Linux instance via SSH is covered step-by-step (including the points mentioned below) in this video.
To correct this particular issue with SSH-ing to your EC2 instance:
The ssh command you ran is not in the correct format. It should be:
ssh -i /path/my-key-pair.pem
Note, you need access to the private key (.pem) file to use in the command above. AWS prompts you to download this file when you first launch your instance. You will need to run the following command to ensure that only your root user has read-access to it:
chmod 400 /path/to/yourKeyFile.pem
Depending on your Linux distribution, the user you need to specify when you run ssh may be one of the following:
For Amazon Linux, the user name is ec2-user.
For RHEL, the user name is ec2-user or root.
For Ubuntu, the user name is ubuntu or root.
For Centos, the user name is centos.
For Fedora, the user name is ec2-user.
For SUSE, the user name is ec2-user or root.
Otherwise, if ec2-user and root don't work, check with your AMI provider.
You need to enable an inbound SSH firewall. This can be done under the Security Groups section of AWS. Full details for this piece can be found here.
For this you need to be have a private key it's like keyname.pem.
Open the terminal using ctrl+alt+t.
change the file permission as a 400 or 600 using command chmod 400 keyname.pem or chmod 600 keyname.pem
Open the port 22 in security group.
fire the command on terminal ssh -i keyname.pem
Indeed EC2 (Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud) does not allow password authentication to their instances (linux machines) by default.
The only allowed authentication method is with an SSH key that is created when you create the instance. During creation they allow you to download the SSH key just once, so if you loose it, then you have to regenerate it.
This SSH key is only for the primary user - usually named
"ec2-user" (Amazon Linux, Red Hat Linux, SUSE Linux)
"root" (Red Hat Linux, SUSE Linux)
"ubuntu" (Ubuntu Linux distribution)
"fedora" (Fedora Linux distribution)
or similar (depending on distribution)
See connection instructions:
If you want to add a new user the recommended way is to generate and add a new SSH key for the new user, but not specify a password (which would be useless anyway since password authentication is not enabled by default).
Managing additional users:
After all if you want to enable password authentication, which lowers down the security and is not recommended, but still you might need to do that for your own specific reasons, then just edit
For example:
sudo vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config
find the line that says:
PasswordAuthentication no
and change it to
PasswordAuthentication yes
Then restart the instance
sudo reboot
After restarting, you are free to create additional users with password authentication.
sudo useradd newuser
sudo passwd newuser
Add the new user to the sudoers list:
sudo usermod -a -G sudo newuser
Make sure user home folder exists and is owned by the user
sudo mkdir /home/newuser
sudo chown newuser:newuser /home/newuser
New you are ready to try and login with newuser via ssh.
Authentication with ssh keys will continue to work in parallel with password authentication.

SSH to AWS Instance without key pairs

1: Is there a way to log in to an AWS instance without using key pairs? I want to set up a couple of sites/users on a single instance. However, I don't want to give out key pairs for clients to log in.
2: What's the easiest way to set up hosting sites/users in 1 AWS instance with different domains pointing to separate directories?
Answer to Question 1
Here's what I did on a Ubuntu EC2:
A) Login as root using the keypairs
B) Setup the necessary users and their passwords with
# sudo adduser USERNAME
# sudo passwd USERNAME
C) Edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config setting
For a valid user to login with no key
PasswordAuthentication yes
Also want root to login also with no key
PermitRootLogin yes
D) Restart the ssh daemon with
# sudo service ssh restart
just change ssh to sshd if you are using centOS
Now you can login into your ec2 instance without key pairs.
1) You should be able to change the ssh configuration (on Ubuntu this is typically in /etc/ssh or /etc/sshd) and re-enable password logins.
2) There's nothing really AWS specific about this - Apache can handle VHOSTS (virtual hosts) out-of-the-box - allowing you to specify that a certain domain is served from a certain directory. I'd Google that for more info on the specifics.
I came here through Google looking for an answer to how to setup cloud init to not disable PasswordAuthentication on AWS. Both the answers don't address the issue. Without it, if you create an AMI then on instance initialization cloud init will again disable this option.
The correct method to do this, is instead of manually changing sshd_config you need to correct the setting for cloud init (Open source tool used to configure an instance during provisioning. Read more at: The configuration file for cloud init is found at:
This file is used for setting up a lot of the configuration used by cloud init. Read through this file for examples of items you can configure on cloud-init. This includes items like default username on a newly created instance)
To enable or disable password login over SSH you need to change the value for the parameter ssh_pwauth. After changing the parameter ssh_pwauth from 0 to 1 in the file /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg bake an AMI. If you launch from this newly baked AMI it will have password authentication enabled after provisioning.
You can confirm this by checking the value of the PasswordAuthentication in the ssh config as mentioned in the other answers.
Recently, AWS added a feature called Sessions Manager to the Systems Manager service that allows one to SSH into an instance without needing to setup a private key or opening up port 22. I believe authentication is done with IAM and optionally MFA.
You can find out more about it here:
su - root
Goto /etc/ssh/sshd_config
vi sshd_config
PermitRootLogin yes
To enable empty passwords, change to yes (NOT RECOMMENDED)
PermitEmptyPasswords no
Change to no to disable tunnelled clear text passwords
PasswordAuthentication yes
Then restart ssh service
root#cloudera2:/etc/ssh# service ssh restart
ssh stop/waiting
ssh start/running, process 10978
Now goto sudoers files (/etc/sudoers).
User privilege specification
yourinstanceuser ALL=(ALL)NOPASSWD:ALL / This is the user by which you are launching instance.
AWS added a new feature to connect to instance without any open port, the AWS SSM Session Manager.
I've created a neat SSH ProxyCommand script that temporary adds your public ssh key to target instance during connection to target instance. The nice thing about this is you will connect without the need to add the ssh(22) port to your security groups, because the ssh connection is tunneled through ssm session manager.
AWS SSM SSH ProxyComand ->
Amazon added EC2 Instance Connect.
There is an official script to automate the process
pip install ec2instanceconnectcli
Then just
mssh <instance id>