Sencha Touch 2.1 calling another view based on MVC - sencha-touch-2

Using ST 2.1 and MVC I am trying to call another view. Shouldn't I have a view and a controller for each panel? If needed of course. I think a static about page will not need a controller.
So my layout would be.
Here is my overall project structure.
My app.js calls Main.js. This is my main view and controller. My Main view extends Container. On the Main view I have created a titlebar with left and right buttons and a title. Then I created a panel that holds my main buttons. Then I created a toolbar at the bottom that just has an image.
I want my Main container to change the panel in the middle but keep the top and bottom bars. Each of my views is a panel with various things on them. I can get the overall screen to change but it takes my titlebar and toolbar with it.
I hope this is enough info. Thanks, Donnie

If you want to change just the panel you have to put that panel as item into parent panel. When you want to change this panel with other panel or anything else just get reference of parent panel and remove existing content before adding new panel.
var p = Ext.getCmp("myPanel");
var pp = Ext.getCmp("parentPanel");
var newPanel = Ext.create('Ext.panel', {html : "some content"});
pp.remove(p, true);
PS - I haven't tested this code, its just guideline.


XAML Xamarin Forms navigation drawer sample code for iOS/Android

Does anyone know how a navigation drawer similar to the one in the Sonos app can be implemented? I have checked both Android and iOS versions of the app and see that the navigation drawer has been implemented in the same way for both platforms.
The two key things that I like and want to implement are:
the slide out drawer is below the navigation bar. When it slides out, the navigation bar is still visible
it appears as if it is the drawer that slides out, rather than the detail view moving to the right. I've noticed that the default master detail page slides out in a different way and it's not what we want.
Have a look at the images below so see I mean.
Although not technically a good practice, if you put a MasterDetailPage into a NavigationPage, it will slide out like in the above pictures. Here's how you do that:
In the App.cs constructor or your app's OnStart() method:
MainPage = new NavigationPage(new MyMasterDetailPage()) {
Title = "Your Title"
Create a new MasterDetailPage called MyMasterDetailPage.
In the constructor, add the following code:
Detail = new HomePage();
Master = new MenuPage()
Title = "Menu"
You then need to create a ContentPage for both HomePage and MenuPage.
One issue that you will run into if you use this method, is that if you don't call MyMasterDetailPage as the first page upon opening the app, the three horizontal bars on the NavigationBar won't appear, which will make it hard for users to tell there is a drawer. So if you need users to go to a login page or another page before your MasterDetailPage, you may want to find another implementation.

How to show navigation page button on all views Xamarin Forms

I am working with Xamarin Forms and I am using MasterDetailPage and NavigationPage and everything is working. Now, I need to configure the page button (three bars on the left) to be visible on all views.
I have a MasterDetailPage with a menu and the user clicks a menu its navigate to other pages. First page (homepage) look like that:
<home:HomePage />
When the user clicks in menu inside masterdetailpage or other menus outside masterdetailpage it performs a navigation:
The three bars page button is visible only on the first view, when I navigate to others views, that button disapears.
But, I want something like that:
The page back button showns automatically when i navigate to other pages and it's fine.
How to let the three bars page button visible to all views and maintain the back page button?
I am using the following code to navigate between views:
await Navigation.PushAsync(MyNewPage());
Your master detail page has to handle the navigation to the detail pages for it to work correctly.
Connect the menu listview:
ListView.ItemSelected += OnItemSelected;
In the OnItemSelected event.
{MasterDetailPage}.Detail.Navigation.PushAsync(new MyNewPage());
Here is an example of master detail navigation:
async void OnItemSelected(object sender, SelectedItemChangedEventArgs e)
var item = e.SelectedItem as MasterPageItem;
if (item != null)
NavigationPage nextDetailPage = null;
await Task.Run(() =>
nextDetailPage = new NavigationPage((Page)Activator.CreateInstance(item.TargetType));
Detail = nextDetailPage;
masterPage.ListView.SelectedItem = null;
IsPresented = false;
This is not possible, as you can't have two buttons on the left side. And as many applications I have seen, no app supports this kind of UI. Unless you write custom navigation bar and put it on top of every page.
You can create a stack of detail pages in your main MasterDetailPage. So whenever you want to push a new page, instead you can just set page as Detail and put old Detail in your own stack.
For Android you can wrap back button event to pop page from stack, but on iOS there is no back button, so you will have to create some sort of back button in detail page's toolbar.
I think that you will have to write a Custom Renderer to achieve what you want.
But if you want only to keep the hamburger button, without the back button, you can navigate to your pages using this code:
Detail = new NavigationPage(new MyNewPage());

Show panel at DROP position

I'm using a panel with border layout in which west region contains the tree and center region contains the panel which is extending from a panel with column layout. The tree is loading data from json (draggable). Items is adding to the panel at the center region when the user drops the node form tree. But for adding the itms in panel i'm using panel.add method which is always adding at the last position. But i want to add it wherever the user dropped it.
Tried with panel.add(droppeditem).showAt(e.getXY())
But it's giving the error as
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'translatePoints' of undefined.
Can anybody help me to achieve this
I had the same error with a context menu on a tree panel. When I added the context menu view to the refs inside my controller with an xtype and an autoCreate set to true it fixed the problem. It is almost like the object (context menu) was not getting instantiated.
var contextMenu = this.getPortletMenuContext();
I was getting the same error above until I added:
{ ref: 'portletMenuContext', selector: 'portletmenucontext', xtype: 'portletmenucontext', autoCreate: true }
To my refs inside my controller.

Appcelerator - barImage hides the title text

When I create a new window in Appcelerator I need to change the background image. This is done by setting “barImage”. The window itself is a child of a navigation group and has its own children. When I use the “barImage” parameter it hides the nav bar title text on the initial load of the window. If I navigate to its child window and then back the title text is displayed in the nav bar.
var sectionWindow = Titanium.UI.createWindow({
title:’My Sub Page',
How can I get the title text to consistently display?
I believe there are known issues with the barImage in the 1.7.2 release, please check the 1.8x CI builds where the issue has been addressed

Titanium Appcelerator Custom Buttons

I'm new with Appcelerator and I encountered an annoying problem regarding layout.
I have to do a menu bar that is very easy to do with plain html (ul>li>a and that's all). The problem is that it seems that all button-related functions are not... customizable. I want buttons to be displayed as plain text, not buttons.
The first thought was to use labels (instead of buttons). But... Is this a right way? I need a menu bar, not a text paragraph! Besides that, the menu is somehow flexible, not like labels.
This is one (of many!) things i tried:
var menu_color = Titanium.UI.createButton({
title:Ti.Locale.getString("menu_color") || "Color",
I also added borderWidth:0 (no effect) and backgroundColor:none/transparent with no luck.
Help? :)
I usually use views when I need to create what you described above.
For example:
I use a view with a vertical layout, then add my child views. The child views then have listeners for the click or whatever event.
This allows you to have more control over the formatting. A side effect of this is you will need to create your own "press" ui cue in some cases.
var demo = {win : Ti.UI.currentWindow};
//Create the container view
demo.vwMain = Ti.UI.createView({height:100, layout:'vertical', backgroundColor:'yellow'});;
demo.fakebutton1 = Ti.UI.createView({height:40, backgroundColor:'blue',left:25,right:25,borderRadius:5,borderColor:'#000'});
demo.fakebutton2 = Ti.UI.createView({top:5,height:40, backgroundColor:'green',left:25,right:25,borderRadius:5,borderColor:'#000'});
demo.fakebutton1.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
alert('Clicked fake button 1');
demo.fakebutton2.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
alert('Clicked fake button 2');
create a view with layout property is set to vertical and add label or button which you want.View is like in HTML.Hope you understand.