How to make a dragable items list in windows phone like home page tiles of phone - xaml

I am working on a windows phone app. I want to make a list whose items are draggable anywhere horizontally or vertically. List items are of image types.
Basically I want this like windows phone main page that contains tiles. When we hold a tile for some time it popups and can be draggable to anywhere in page.

have a look at Blend Interaction behaviours. I did a sample a while back


What scrolling / list control is used on Windows 10 store?

I'm playing around with Windows Universal App development. When looking at the Windows 10 Store App, I noticed a scrolling list control as shown in the below screenshot. Clicking the right arrow will shift right by a certain number of elements. Likewise on the other side, clicking the left arrow will shift back.
Is the scrolling control in the Store App a standard control or something custom made?
I'm aware of things like the ScrollViewer, but that just adds a scroll bar.
I created this by the following:
Grid with 3 columns with widths 3*, 94*, 3*
First column contains Button stretched vertically and horizontally to fill the grid and a ListView
Second column contains nothing
Third column contains Button stretched vertically and horizontally to fill the grid and a ListView
Button clicks fire events to calculate how many places to scroll left or right and then uses ListView.ScrollIntoView to scroll the items into view

.Net Form Layout - create Chat UI like facebook or google hangouts

I want to create an application and chatting is involved. I am currently struggling to format existing controls or to create a control with the following conditions:
a container is docked to the main form's bottom
inside of that container, a button can be used to toggle a chat
component (e.g. text edit) to become either visible or invisible
if visible, the chat component is aligned with the button that was
pressed but does not force a resize on the container of the button
So basically I want to achieve a facebook or google hangouts like chat layout in that can also scale dynamically according to the current window size. Nevertheless it should always stick to the bottom.
Please keep in mind that this question is not about making the chat work but only the layout/design problem I am facing.
My current approach is the following:
FlowLayoutPanel docked to bottom with buttons
RichEdit as placeholders to simulate the chat component
My current layout
Is there an easier way to do what I want to do?
Set the anchors to the bottom of the page/panel.
On the designer, click the control you want to edit, find the Anchor property and change it to bottom (and left/right/top, whatever you'd like).

What is the windows phone app image asset that is displayed when in the list of open apps

I'm starting with developing on Windows phone 8.1. I've been working with the different image assets for logos and tiles, but have not been able to identify the one that is displayed when you go to the list of open apps (i.e. pressing and holding the back key). In this view there is a logo of the app in the bottom-left corner that I don't know from where it comes. I'm trying to change the background color of it, but is none of the ones define in the manifest. I've seen apps that have this image with a specific background color (i.e. not transparent) like the one in the screenshot below. So, there must be a way to do it, but I'm not able to find where or how.
That would be the application icon you set in your WMAppManifest.xml. You can find this under your project's Properties folder. You can set icon from the UI (App icon) or by editing the XML block itself.
<IconPath IsRelative="true" IsResource="false">Assets\ApplicationIcon.png</IconPath>
This is the same icon that is shown in phone's app list. If image has transparency, phone's selected accent color is shown as "background". If not, well.. then it won't be transparent :).

disabling Windows phone map control

My quesiton is: i have a windows phone 8 app - it has a Map Control on a page that shows the user's position.
We want to allow the user to disable the map control so it looks greyed out and disbaled and doesnt update (to save bandwith etc)
What would be the best way of doing this?
I would simply draw a control with semitransparent background on top of the map. thus all touch events would be stuck in the control, but the map would be visible under it still.

Detect whether a Windows 8 Store App has a touch screen

There are certain elements of Win 8 Store App UI that change based on whether the user has a touch screen. For example, a ScrollViewer, when rendered on a non-touch screen shows a vertical scrollbar. On a touch screen, the scrollbar is hidden.
I would like to tailor my application UI, adding extra controls, for non-touch screen users. Does anyone know if it is possible to detect whether a user has a touch screen?
You can use the Windows.Devices.Input namespace to detect various capabilities (touch, keyboard, mouse, etc.). For example, the TouchCapabilities class has a TouchPresent property you could check to see if there's a digitizer available.
Take a look at the Input: Device capabilities sample to see them in action.
If you are using HTML/JS you can query it like this
var touchCapabilities = new Windows.Devices.Input.TouchCapabilities();
var isTouchCapable = touchCapabilities.touchPresent;