mpi process ids - process

I would like to get the process ids of an mpi application which I start with mpirun/mpiexec tools.
For example I run my code with lets say 8 processes and want to get the process ids of all these 8 processes right at the beginning of the execution to give to another tool as an input.
What would be the right way to do this?

I don't believe that there is any MPI library routine which will return the pid of the o/s process which is running an MPI process. To be absolutely precise I don't think that the MPI standard requires there to be a one:one mapping between MPI processes and o/s processes, nor any other cardinality of mapping, though I don't think I've ever used an MPI implementation where there wasn't a one:one mapping between the different views of processes.
All that aside, why not simply use getpid if you are on Linux machine ? Each MPI process should get its own pid. I guess there is a Windows system call which does the same thing but I don't know much about Windows.


Does kernel spawn some processes (not user process) that keep running in background?

I'm learning the concepts of operating system. This is part I've learned: kernel is key piece of os that does lots of critical things such as memory management, job scheduling etc.
This is part what I'm thinking and get confused: to have os operating as expected, in a sense kernel needs to keep running, perhaps in the background, so it is always able to respond to different system calls and interrupts. In order to achieve this, I think of two completely different approaches:
kernel actually spawns some processes purely on its behalf, not user process, and keep them running in background (like daemon)? These background processes will handle housekeeping stuff without acknowledgement from user or user process. I call this approach as "kernel is running on its own"
There is no kernel process at all. Every process we can find in os are all user processes. Kernel is nothing but a library (piece of code, along with some key data structures like page tables etc) shared among all these user processes. In each process's address space, some portion of kernel will be loaded so that when any interrupt or system call occurs, mode is elevated to kernel mode. Pieces of kernel code loaded into user process's address space will be executed so that kernel can handle the event. When kernel does that, it is still in the context of current user process. In this approach, there exists only user processes, but kernel will periodically run within the context of each user process (but in a different mode).
This is a conceptual question that has confused me for a while. Thanks in advance!
The answer to your question is mostly no. The kernel doesn't spawn kernel mode processes. At boot, the kernel might start some executables but they run in user mode as a privileged user. For example, the Linux kernel will start systemd as the first user mode process as the root user. This process will read configuration files (written by your distribution's developers like Ubuntu) and start some other processes like the X Server for graphics and basic input (from keyboard, mouse, etc).
Your #1 is wrong and your #2 is also somewhat wrong. The kernel isn't a library. It is code loaded in the top half of the virtual address space. The bottom half of the VAS is very big (several tens of thousands of GB) so user mode processes can become very big as long as you have physical RAM or swap space to back the memory they require. The top half of the VAS is shared between processes. For the bottom half, every process has theoretical access to all of it.
The kernel is called on system call and on interrupt. It doesn't run all the time like a process. It simply is called when an interrupt or syscall occurs. To make it work with more active processes than there are processor cores, timers will be used. On x86-64, each core has one local APIC. The local APIC has a timer that you can program to throw an interrupt after some time. The kernel will thus give a time slice to each process, choose one process in the list and start the timer with its corresponding time slice. When the timer throws an interrupt, the kernel knows that the time slice of that process is over and that it might be time to let another process take its place on that core.
First of all, A library can have its own background threads.
Secondly, the answer is somewhere between these approaches.
Most Unix-like system are built on a monolithic kernel (or hybrid one). That means the kernel contains all its background work in kernel threads in a single address space. I wrote in more details about this here.
On most Linux distributions, you can run
ps -ef | grep '\[.*\]'
And it will show you kernel threads.
But it will not show you "the kernel process", because ps basically only shows threads. Multithreaded processes will be seen via their main thread. But the kernel doesn't have a main thread, it owns all the threads.
If you want to look at processes via the lens of address spaces rather than threads, there's not really a way to do it. However, address spaces are useless if no thread can access them, So you access the actual address space of a thread (if you have permission) via /proc/<pid>/mem. So if you used the above ps command and found a kernel thread, you can see its address space using this approach.
But you don't have to search - you can also access the kernel's address space via /proc/kcore.
You will see, however, that these kernel threads aren't, for the most part, core kernel functionality such as scheduling & virtual memory management. In most Unix kernels, these happen during a system call by the thread that made the system call while it's running in kernel mode.
Windows, on the other hand, is built on a microkernel. That means that the kernel launches other processes and delegates work to them.
On Windows, that microkernel's address space is represented by the "System" service. The other processes - file systems, drivers etc., and other parts of what a monolithic kernel would comprise e.g. virtual memory management - might run in user mode or kernel mode, but still in a different address space than the microkernel.
You can get more details on how this works on Wikipedia.
Thirdly, just to be clear, that none of these concepts is to be confused with "system daemon", which are the regular userspace daemons that an OS needs in order to function, e.g. systemd, syslog, cron, etc..
Those are generally created by the "init" process (PID 1 on Unix systems) e.g. systemd, however systemd itself is created by the kernel at boot time.

When to use full system FS vs syscall emulation SE with userland programs in gem5?

Since syscall emulation is much easier to setup, I'm wondering what are the advantages of using the full system emulation when running an userland program.
Or in other words, what interesting aspects are modeled in the full system but not syscall emulation mode, and when are they significant?
It is mentioned in the docs at: that full system is
Realistic: you're getting the actual Linux thread scheduler to schedule your threads
Is this the only advantage, or are there any other advantage for users that are optimizing their applications or investigating micro-architecture?
I also suspect that the MMU simulation is another important feature that is only modeled properly in full system mode, and could affect program performance.
Full system mode should be preferred (when it is possible to use it). There are benefits to using it, primarily fidelity in the simulation which is not possible with system call emulation mode. (The kernel interactions with an application can be important depending on the study that a researcher is trying to conduct.) Also, the user does not need to worry about implementing (or debugging) the system call implementation.
With that said, system call emulation mode can be useful under the right conditions. It is faster to run application code because there is no kernel running in the background. There is also no system noise if you want to mitigate it entirely. Arguably, it is easier to bootstrap a new device model as well. You can work on the model without driver support and make magic happen though fake interfaces. (It saves you having to model the bare-metal interface perfectly or having to write your own device driver.)
Your comments about dynamic linking and multi-threading support are related. If dynamic linking is fixed, you should be able to use your system's pthreads library and can forget about linking with m5threads entirely. The pthread library support has existed in the simulator for a while now (the system calls necessary for it to work properly).
However, there's a caveat to the threading implementation. You need to preallocate enough thread contexts at the start of simulation (by invoking with the -n option on the script).
To elaborate, there is no operating system running in the background to schedule threads on the processors. (I use the terms threads and processors very loosely here.) To obviate the scheduling problem, you have to preallocate enough processors so that the threads can be created on calls to clone/execve. There is a constraint that you can never have more threads than processors (unlike a real system where the operating system can schedule them as it pleases).
The configuration scripts probably do not behave how a researcher would want them to behave for a multi-threaded workload. The researcher would need to verify that the caches were configured correctly and that they are sharing certain cache levels like a real machine would do. If the application calls clone/execve many times, it may not be possible to cause the generated configuration to behave realistically.
Your last statement about modeling accelerators is incorrect. The AMD GFX8 model does use system call emulation mode. (Also, we developed a NIC model which was never publicly released.) It involves creating a fake driver and manipulating it through the same ioctl interfaces that a real driver would use. Linux treats everything like a file so the driver is opened through the open system call interface and you can capture it there. There are other things which you might need to do (like map mmio ranges in the configuration), but the driver interface is the main piece. The application interacts with the driver and the driver interacts with the accelerator model.
Advantages of SE:
sometimes easier to setup benchmarks, if all syscalls you need are implemented (see also, see also), and if you have just the right cross compiler, which of course no one has documented properly which one that is.
SE runs Dhrystone about 2x That benchmark makes no syscalls (except for information before / after the actual benchmark runs)
it is easier to get greater visibility and control of what the application is doing since the kernel is not running in parallel. E.g. stats will be just for the application, GDB will be just for the application: thread-aware gdb for the Linux kernel
Disadvantages of SE:
in practice, harder to setup benchmarks, because it is too fragile / has too many restrictions.
If your content does not work immediately out of the box, it is easier to just create or download a full system image and go for that instead, which is much more reliable.
Here is a sample minimal working Ubuntu setup if you are still interested: How to compile and run an executable in gem5 syscall emulation mode with
less representative, since no actual OS is running
no dynamic linking for ARM as of June 2018: How to run a dynamically linked executable syscall emulation mode in gem5?
if you want to evaluate an accelerator like a GPU, you will have to create some slightly custom interface for it, since there is no kernel driver running on top the the kernel as usual.
Brandon has pointed out in his answer that this has in fact been done before:
So my recommendation is:
try SE first. If it works, great. If it doesn't, try to fix it quickly, since most problems are trivial. Having the SE setup will save you a lot of time over full system, and it is often representative enough.
otherwise, use FS mode. It is just simpler to setup, more representative, and the performance hit is acceptable for most.
You could also use SE first, and then go to FS to further validate only your most important SE results, since FS is slower and you can therefore validate less different setups.

What are processes that take no input and produce no output?

I am doing some old review questions from my Operating Systems class and can't seem to find the answer to this anywhere. I was thinking that one of such processes might be a Zombie process. Thanks in advance!
All the processes that are typically in a computer system have three phases: input, processing, and output. Yet, there are some processes that cannot take any input and do not produce any output. Can you give the generic name of those processes and give an example of two of them? How can we communicate with such processes because there is no input or output?
Many operating systems have a NULL process executes when no other process is executable. That process does nothing. It cannot do input/output because it needs to be executable all the time.

What is it like to run programs at ISA level?

In a computer system, the ISA level is lower than the OS level. The OS level is built upon the ISA level.
At the OS level, different programs run in different processes.
A program can run before another program finishes running, by context switching.
Programs in different processes do not affect each other.
Assume there is no OS and there is only one cpu core in the computer system. At the ISA level, there does not exist the concept of process. what is it like to run different programs?
must a program start to run after the previous program finishes running?
can the previous finished program affect the following program, in an untended or intended way?
The question "what is it like" sounds like a question about how the processor feels about running the instructions it is given. It just runs them.
It is not true entirely that there wouldn't be a concept of a process on ISA level. Processors may have hardware support for task switching, so they might actually know about them. Of course the OS will still be running the show.
Simply put, at the ISA level the software meets the hardware. So the single core CPU will just churn instructions and command peripherals from a preset memory location onwards until it's turned off or halts otherwise. Is there some other specific question about "what is it like"?

Is the Operating System a process?

I am just now learning about OSes and I stumbled upon this question from my class' lecture notes. In our class, we define a process as a program in execution and I know that an OS is itself a program. So by this definition, an OS is a process.
At the same time processes can be switched in or out via a context switch, which is something that the OS manages and handles. But what would handle the OS itself when it isn't running?
Also if it is a process, does the OS have a process control block associated with it?
There was an older question on this site that I looked at, but I felt as if the answers weren't clear enough to really outline WHY the OS is/isn't a process so I thought I'd ask again here.
First of all, an OS is multiple parts. The core piece is the kernel, which is not a process. It is a framework for running processes. In practice, a process is more than just a "program in execution". On a system with an MMU, a process is usually run in its own virtual address space. The kernel however, is usually mapped into all processes. It's always there.
Other ancillary parts of the OS exist to make it usuable. The OS may have processes that it runs as part of its management. For example, Linux has many kernel threads that are independently scheduled tasks. But these are often not crucial to the OS's operation.
Short answer: No.
Here's as good a definition of "Operating System" as any:
An operating system (OS) is system software that manages computer
hardware and software resources and provides common services for
computer programs. The operating system is a component of the system
software in a computer system. Application programs usually require an
operating system to function.
Even "system-level processes" (like "init" on Linux, or "svchost.exe" on Windows) rely on the "operating system" ... but are not themselves the operating system.
Agreeing to some of the comments above/below.
OS is not a process. However there are few variants in design that give the opposite illusion.
For eg: If you are running a FreeRTOS, then there is no such thing as a separate OS address space and Process address space, every thing runs as a single process, the FreeRTOS framework provides API's that allow Synchronization of different tasks.
Operating System is just a set of API's (system calls) and utilities that help to achieve Multi-processing, Resource sharing etc. For eg: schedule() is a core OS function that handles the multi-processing capabilities of the OS.
In that sense, OS is not a process. Although it attaches to every process that runs on the CPU, otherwise how will the process make use of the OS's API.
It is more like soul for the body (hardware), if you will.
It is just not one process but a set of (kernel) processes required to run user processes in the system. PID 0 being the parent of all processes providing scheduler/swapping functionality to the rest of the kernel/user processes, but it is not the only process. These kernel processes (with the help of kernel drivers) provide accessor functionality (through system calls) to the user processes.
It depends upon what you are calling the "operating system".
It depends upon what operating system you are talking about.
That said and at the risk of gross oversimplification, most of what one calls "the operating system" is generally executed from user processes while in kernel mode. The entry into kernel occurs either through an interrupt, trap or fault.
To do a context switch usually either a process causes a fault entering kernel mode to so something (like write to the disk). While in kernel mode, the process realizes it would have to wait so it yields by switching the context to another process. The other common way is a timer causes an interrupt, that forces the process into kernel mode. The process then determines who should be executed next, and switches the process context.
Some operating systems do have their own kernel process that function but that is increasingly rare.
Most operating system have components that have their own processes.