RichTextBlock overflow, keep paragraphs together on one page (in one overflow control) - xaml

I am printing RichTextBlock contents, using RichTextOverflow for pagination, it's working great but I would like to keep paragraphs together on one page, and now sometimes I have page breaks in middle of paragraph.
Here is the example :
Paragraph 3 should be on the next page, it seems that ITextParagraphFormat.KeepTogether is just what I need but don't know how to get that for RichTextBlock.

If you put your paragraph inside TextBlock/RTB inside InlineUIContainer it will be treated as a single element and will carry over to the next page unbroken if needed. This approach may have some side effects, but I believe it should work for printing.

After all I made a method that will "push" paragraphs that are broken on two pages on to a next page, I am not very happy about this solution but I didn't found another way
public static void BreakBeforeLastParagraph(RichTextBlockOverflow rto)
if (!rto.HasOverflowContent)
var pageBreak = rto.ContentEnd.Offset;
var brokenPar = rto.ContentSource.Blocks.FirstOrDefault(pr => pr.ElementStart.Offset <= pageBreak && pr.ElementEnd.Offset >= pageBreak);
if (brokenPar != null)
double spacerSize = pageBreak - brokenPar.ElementStart.Offset;
var spacer = new Paragraph();
spacer.Margin = new Windows.UI.Xaml.Thickness(0,spacerSize, 0,0);
rto.ContentSource.Blocks.Insert(rto.ContentSource.Blocks.IndexOf(brokenPar), spacer);


Header in a XWPFDocument is only on the last page when adding section breaks

I am trying to create a word document using Apache POI. This document includes images, and I need to flip the page with the image to be landscape oriented, while keeping the rest of the document portrait oriented. However, I also need to use a header (and a footer, but I assume it is gonna work the same way as headers do).
The code I am using:
val document = XWPFDocument()
// the header I need to be on every page
// some text before the image
var par = document.createParagraph()
var run = par.createRun()
run.setText("I am text")
// add the image, flip the page with the image onto landscape
par = document.createParagraph()
val pageSize = par.ctp.addNewPPr().addNewSectPr().addNewPgSz() // this creates new section, so I can get the pageSize
pageSize.orient = STPageOrientation.LANDSCAPE
pageSize.h = BigInteger.valueOf(595 * 20) // unit used TWIPS (Twentieth of an Imperial Point)
pageSize.w = BigInteger.valueOf(842 * 20)
run = par.createRun()
val decodedByteArray = Base64.getDecoder().decode(PLACEHOLDER_IMAGE.substringAfter(','))
// some text after the image
par = document.createParagraph()
run = par.createRun()
run.setText("Me too")
val out = FileOutputStream("Output.docx")
The resulting document however has the header only after the last section break. I am aware, that every section has its' own header/footer, and that you can set the header to be the same as the previous, but the header I need seems to be always the last header, and I have no idea how to make it stick to the front of the document, where it can be used by the following sections.
Image of the resulting document
So my question is: How can I make the header appear on every page, while keeping the page formatting as is? If there is a way to make the individual pages, with the images, flip orientation without inserting section breaks, that would be a solution aswell.
In my attempts to solve this, I've been able to put data only into the header in the last section, but never have I managed to actually get my hands on the headers in the previous sections, or on the default header. Notice, that the header in the code I'm creating is set as default, but the real default header is empty and I haven't been able to access it.
NOTE: This is not the actual project, here I've only isolated the problem into a much simpler code without giving any real thought to coding style, etc.
The problem is that sections not only have separate page settings but have separate header/footer settings too.
XWPFDocumnet.createHeader creates a header which reference gets stored in document body section properties. If you create a paragraph having own section properties - a section break paragraph - then the section properties in this section break paragraph also needs a reference to a header, else the section above that section break paragraph has no header.
Best solution I can think of is to always take a copy of the document body section properties to be the section properties of additional section break paragraphs. Then only change what needs to be changed. So the copy contains needed references to headers and/or footeres already.
The following complete example shows that. The method createSectionbreak always takes a copy of the document body section properties, except there are none. Then it creates new section properties for the section break paragraph. The method setPageSizeLandscape then changes the page size.
The code is Java code. Me not using Kotlin. But the principle shold be clear also from that.
import org.apache.poi.xwpf.usermodel.*;
import org.apache.poi.wp.usermodel.HeaderFooterType;
public class CreateWordSectionsPageSizeHeader {
static org.openxmlformats.schemas.wordprocessingml.x2006.main.CTSectPr getDocumentBodySectPr(XWPFDocument document) {
org.openxmlformats.schemas.wordprocessingml.x2006.main.CTDocument1 ctDocument = document.getDocument();
org.openxmlformats.schemas.wordprocessingml.x2006.main.CTBody ctBody = ctDocument.getBody();
org.openxmlformats.schemas.wordprocessingml.x2006.main.CTSectPr ctSectPrDocumentBody = ctBody.getSectPr();
return ctSectPrDocumentBody;
static XWPFParagraph createSectionbreak(XWPFDocument document) {
XWPFParagraph sectionBreakParagraph = document.createParagraph();
org.openxmlformats.schemas.wordprocessingml.x2006.main.CTSectPr ctSectPrDocumentBody = getDocumentBodySectPr(document);
if (ctSectPrDocumentBody != null) {
org.openxmlformats.schemas.wordprocessingml.x2006.main.CTSectPr ctSectPrNewSect = (org.openxmlformats.schemas.wordprocessingml.x2006.main.CTSectPr)ctSectPrDocumentBody.copy();
} else {
return sectionBreakParagraph;
static void setPageSizeLandscape(XWPFParagraph sectionBreakParagraph) {
if (sectionBreakParagraph.getCTP().getPPr() == null) return;
if (sectionBreakParagraph.getCTP().getPPr().getSectPr() == null) return;
org.openxmlformats.schemas.wordprocessingml.x2006.main.CTSectPr ctSectPr = sectionBreakParagraph.getCTP().getPPr().getSectPr();
org.openxmlformats.schemas.wordprocessingml.x2006.main.CTPageSz ctPageSz = ctSectPr.getPgSz();
if (ctPageSz == null) ctPageSz = ctSectPr.addNewPgSz();
// paper format letter
ctPageSz.setH(java.math.BigInteger.valueOf(12240)); //12240 Twips = 12240/20 = 612 pt = 612/72 = 8.5"
ctPageSz.setW(java.math.BigInteger.valueOf(15840)); //15840 Twips = 15840/20 = 792 pt = 792/72 = 11"
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
XWPFDocument document = new XWPFDocument();
XWPFParagraph paragraph;
XWPFRun run;
// create header start
XWPFHeader header = document.createHeader(HeaderFooterType.DEFAULT);
paragraph = header.getParagraphArray(0);
if (paragraph == null) paragraph = header.createParagraph();
run = paragraph.createRun();
// create header end
// create body content
paragraph = document.createParagraph();
run = paragraph.createRun();
run.setText("Text in section 1");
// create section break
paragraph = createSectionbreak(document);
// create section break end
paragraph = document.createParagraph();
run = paragraph.createRun();
run.setText("Text in section 2");
// create body content end
FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream("./CreateWordSectionsPageSizeHeader.docx");

vuejs: mounted issues with coordinates of elements and svg

I have three columns, two with divs and the central one with an svg. I made a method that calculate the top() of each paragraph inside the divs to get the position and then draw an arrow in the svg. The problem is that when I use that method the first time I open my component, I get all zeroes, probably because the paragraph aren't really drawn (they have no coordinates) yet. I tried in mounted(), which should be the right place to do that. I use it also in updated() in case I reload my json with new data.
Am I missing something trivial?
The code I use to get the coordinates is like this:
drawLine(index1, index2) {
//var plist1 = this.$refs['p_list1'];
//var plist2 = this.$refs['p_list2'];
var plist1 = document.getElementsByClassName('p_list1');
var plist2 = document.getElementsByClassName('p_list2');
if (plist1.length == 0 && plist2.length == 0) return;
var svg = document.createElementNS('', 'line');
//const start = this.$refs['startpos'].getBoundingClientRect().top;
const start = document.getElementById('startpos').getBoundingClientRect().top;
const r1 = plist1[index1].getBoundingClientRect();
const r2 = plist2[index2].getBoundingClientRect();
index1 and index2 comes from a loop where I get which paragraph I have to connect with an arrow (also where the nextThick is)
Here is a simple example of the issue:
Note: it's badly shown, but if you press "DO" and then switch tab, you'll see that the arrow aren't correct. If you switch tab and then press DO, it will work.
Put your calculation methods in a $nextTick function to allow parents and children to fully render.
If that does not work, as a debug step, try using a setTimeout method to delay the calculation.
After understanding that the problem was linked to how tabs are built, I tried making that specific tab lazy and it worked.
<b-tab lazy ...
I don't know how tabs are normally built, but I suppose the dom is put together without having a real coordinate system and when it's made visible, I don't have any event to read to update the svg.

Illustrator variables - dynamically line up two text strings next to each other when autogenerating

I am automating the generation of several thousand labels in Adobe Illustrator. The use of the VariableImporter script has made easy work of it so far, but now I have reached an issue where I am stumped. The original plan worked great, until the powers that be requested that one line of text have a bold text string, followed by a normal weight text string. Before, when the font weights were the same I could have connected the two strings of text in the CSV file prior to loading them into the drawing, and they would have came out lying right next to each other. This is now no longer possible and I can't think of a solution that is not incredibly fussy.
I don't know illustrator very well, so I am thinking I could just be unaware of some setting that would stick an object next to another one even as the other one moves.
Okay here is the way I figured out how to do this with help from Adobe forums and from Vasily.
First of all, use InDesign if possible. It is better at performing a Data Merge and can do this without your scripting.
Write out <variable1> <variable2> which is formatted as needed on the same line of text.
You will need to have the variables that you are putting in there somewhere in the illustration. Recommended to put it in a hidden layer behind everything.
replace variable1 and variable2 with the names of your variables where the functions getVariableContents() are called in this script
var idoc = app.activeDocument;
var vars = idoc.variables;
var replace1 = /<variable1>/g;
var replace2 = /<variable2>/g;
// author CarlosCanto on adobe forums
function getVariableContents(variableName) {
var idoc = app.activeDocument;
var ivar = idoc.variables.getByName(variableName);
return ivar.pageItems[0].contents;
var replaceWith1 = getVariableContents('variable1'), result;
var replaceWith2 = getVariableContents('variable2'), result;
// regex_changeContentsOfWordOrString_RemainFormatting.jsx
// regards pixxxel schubser
function exchangeWords(s, replacer) {
var s = s;
var replacer = replacer;
var atfs = activeDocument.textFrames;
for (var i = atfs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
atf = atfs[i];
while (result = s.exec(atf.contents)) {
try {
aCon = atf.characters[result.index];
aCon.length = result[0].length;
aCon.contents = aCon.contents.replace(s, replacer);
} catch (e) {};
run the script
There is a way to accomplish this by having a script do some processing during the course of your batch output, and an organizational system which adds some overhead to your file, in terms of adding more text boxes and possibly an extra layer to your document. But - here's what you can have: a hidden layer with all your variables there in separate single point-text objects, and a layer with your regular template objects such as any point text or area-text objects. Your art text objects will need to be re-worked to contain a string with multiple variable placeholders like this: "Hello, <FirstName> <LastName>". The placeholders can be styled, and a processing script would then need to replace the <placeholder> words with your real variable values. Where are the varible values? They are going to be populating into your hidden layer which has your separate text objects and the script would need to read the contents of each of those to put into the <placeholders>. ~~Those same text fields can be styled as you wish, and the script could apply the same styles to your text when it is replaced in the main text body.~~ -actually this won't be necessary of your routine backs up the original text frame with the placeholder in it, therefore preserving the styling, but it may be necessary if you are going to instead use an external text file to keep your original text in. And of course, it will need to make a backup of the original text with all the <placeholders> so that it will reset the text for every new dataset during your batch process.
However, this is much easier done in Indesign, can you not use ID for your task?
I modified script from #tucker-david-grebitus's answer. So now it gets all textual variables and replaces all their names edged by percent symbol
for (var i = activeDocument.variables.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) {
var variable = activeDocument.variables[i];
if (variable.kind !== VariableKind.TEXTUAL || !variable.pageItems.length) {
var search = new RegExp('%' + + '%', 'g');
var value = variable.pageItems[0].contents;
for (var j = activeDocument.textFrames.length - 1; j >= 0; j -= 1) {
var textFrame = activeDocument.textFrames[j];
textFrame.contents = textFrame.contents.replace(search, value);

Splitting at a specific point in PDFBox

I would like to split to generate a new pdf by concatenating certain individual pages, but the last page has to be split at a certain point (i.e. all content above a limit to be included and everything below to be excluded - I only care about the ones having their upper left corner above a line). Is that possible using PDFbox?
One way to achieve the task, i.e. to split a page at a certain point (i.e. all content above a limit to be included and everything below to be excluded) would be to prepend a clip path.
You can use this method:
void clipPage(PDDocument document, PDPage page, BoundingBox clipBox) throws IOException
PDPageContentStream pageContentStream = new PDPageContentStream(document, page, true, false);
pageContentStream.addRect(clipBox.getLowerLeftX(), clipBox.getLowerLeftY(), clipBox.getWidth(), clipBox.getHeight());
COSArray newContents = new COSArray();
COSStreamArray contents = (COSStreamArray) page.getContents().getStream();
for (int i = 0; i < contents.getStreamCount()-1; i++)
page.setContents(new PDStream(new COSStreamArray(newContents)));
to clip the given page along the given clipBox. (It first creates a new content stream defining the clip path and then arranges this stream to be the first one of the page.)
E.g. to clip the content of a page along the horizontal line 650 units above the bottom, do this:
PDPage page = ...
PDRectangle cropBox = page.findCropBox();
clipPage(document, page, new BoundingBox(
cropBox.getLowerLeftY() + 650,
For a running example look here:

iText Pdf Header Removal for particular page

I'm generating a PDF with iText, in that I'm displaying a header and footer.
Now i want to remove header for a particular page.
For eg: If I'm generating a 50 pages pdf, for the final 50th I don't want to show header,
how could this be achieved?
Here's my code where I'm generating footer (header part removed).
public class HeaderAndFooter extends PdfPageEventHelper {
public void onEndPage (PdfWriter writer, Document document) {
Rectangle rect = writer.getBoxSize("art");
switch(writer.getPageNumber() % 2) {
case 0:
case 1:
Element.ALIGN_CENTER, new Phrase(String.format("%d", writer.getPageNumber())),
300f, 62f, 0);
Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
You can use a 2-pass approach:
1st pass : generate the PDF file without header
2nd pass : stamp the header on all but the last page
Have a look at this example taken from the iText book. You'll just have to adapt the second pass by only going through the N-1 first pages:
int n = reader.getNumberOfPages() - 1;
instead of
int n = reader.getNumberOfPages();
I was also in need to do the same. I want to share how I resolved this issue.
The Idea is, for the automatic generation of header footer, we set page event on PDFWriter like:
HeaderAndFooter event= new HeaderAndFooter(); //HeaderAndFooter is the implementation of PdfPageEventHelper class
writer.setPageEvent(event);// writer is the instance of PDFWriter
So, before the content of the last page, We can remove the event:
It works for me without any error or exception.