Using drag events to move scroll bar in Sencha Touch 2.0 - sencha-touch

I have an app I have deployed to the iOS and Android stores. Now I am taking the same thing and building a version that also works on the desktop in Chrome/Safari. For this I used the code in this thread
to fix the scrolling and now need to figure out how to fix the scroll bar to support dragging and dropping. Any pointers on how this could be accomplished - am going to try to figure it out, but if someone has done it before that would help.
I initially tried to go down the ExtJS path for the desktop app, but found that there are enough differences between the two frameworks that it becomes pretty expensive to develop and maintain, so want to put out a V1 out there quickly and then figure out how to handle this in the long term if I have enough interest to put out one for IE and FireFox - and with desktop based controls.

Normally the scroll bar in sencha touch will be hide by default and fade out after you finish dragging a long list or a panel... If you want to make your scroll bar always visible you can set this in your css or scss file:
.x-tabpanel .x-scroll-indicator {
opacity: 0.5 !important;
z-index: 0; // Make scroll bar draggable
Maybe I'm understand your question wrongly but hope it helps :)


Owl Carousel Enable Window Srcolling

When in mobile view using Owl Carousel (Version 2 ) some of my sliders take up near the whole screen.
The carousel uses touch to slide left and right fine however when doing so the user cannot scroll the page up and down which makes it difficult to navigate the to the rest of the page.
Is there a way so that while sliding the scrolling for the page is still active?
Seems i had the touch-action property set to none disabling scrolling and zooming etc when touching on the items within the slide. I had to remove the below although i don't think this is default and i added it in at some point for some reason that i can't remember.
.owl-item {
touch-action: none;

swift adding zoom to container view

I have a page view controller embedded inside a container view in order to swipe between images. But now I am trying to add a touch that will make the image go full screen "lightbox" with zoom available and also swipe through the images while in full screen mode.
I can get it to work, and messing around with auto layout seems to be much work consider I have a lot of other stuff in that VC.
So does anyone know a good image slider from github written in swift? - without the need of cocopods.
It's easy enough to write one yourself. In full-screen mode, use another UIPageViewController, because it already has the swipe left & right support built in. browser scroll emulation does not feel natural

I am creating a site in pure, I wanted to have 1 page with sections where the user has possibility either click on links and scroll to anchors or scroll sequentially to get to sections. I used initially scrollview, but its behavior was not was not similar to browser scroll - I tried many options. I implemented my own scroll with Scrollsync, modifier and transition but it still does not feel similar to browser scroll. But the main problem that on Laptop and Desktop PC - I need to set different scrollscale to function normally. Here is the app:
Can anybody give a direction to solve the problem with syncscale and maybe how to make scroll similar to browser native scroll.
P.S. I keep mobile view separately from desktop, so window.width should be more than 500 to see the desktop view where I have this problem. Thank you in advance!

Durandal dialog scrolling on overflow

Using version 2.1.0 of durandal I found a problem I am not able to fix it seems.
I'm using a dialog but the content is too big for the screen, the buttons - which are at the bottom of the screen - kind of fall off, under the screen.
This mostly comes from the fact that I use visible bindings using knockout the show and hide elements on the dialog making durandal position it wrong and/or not showing a scrollbar for the dialog/screen when it overflows.
Does anyone know how to solve this by either getting a scrollbar or repositioning it on the screen?
I have tried the reposition method but to no success.
Moreover I tried both of these:
Responsive dialog
Durandal modal dialog
Both did not help out and I'm still stuck on this.
Anyone got any idea how to get the scrollbar on the dialog or on the screen so I can actually see my buttons by scrolling? Or is there a better way to get around this?
I'm not sure this is what you want
.modal-body {
max-height: calc(100vh - 210px);
overflow-y: auto;

How to create a Controller to simulate the Springboard feature of the iPhone within your own application

I am trying to design a feature in my application for the iPhone that simulates the Springboard feature (Main menu of the iPhone that allows you to view more apps), or the way Weather application works that allows you to flip between views.
Does anyone have any samples of this how I would go about doing this. It's seems very trivial but I am wondering if I am missing something that is already available either as an Apple example or someone who did a tutorial on this.
The image below show how the user would use it.
alt text
As they slide their finger to the right (or left) the other image would begin to show up. And it would animate smoothly. The faster you swiped your finger the faster it would move to the next view.
Update: The other feature is that it should mimic the same feel when you slide your hand across the display that is snaps to the current view into place. It should not keep sliding across if there is more than 1 view to the direction you swiping your finger.
I've seen other applications use this so that is why I am asking.
This is accomplished using the UIScrollView with the pagingEnabled property set to true. Just add each of your views, adjust the contentSize, and it will automatically "page" to the width of the screen across the content.
There is a sample app (with code) with exactly this functionality on the iPhone developer site on (I believe it's called "PageControl".) - I'd suggest checking it out.
I'm writing an app that uses a similar UI. As NilObject recommended, we're using a UIScrollView with pagingEnabled=YES.
You may also be interested in this example code involving just two child views. I'm trying it out now; it's an interesting technique but I've had to write some additional special-casing code for some odd situations that resulted.
There's also another question on this site that asks about creating a grid of icons like the home screen.
I would check out Joe Hewitt's code from the Three20 project for this. It provides a nice interface and further refinement of the UIScrollView implemented as TTScrollView and TTScrollViewDelegate, TTScrollViewDataSource.