Develop Silverlight 4 application with SL5 runtime installed - silverlight-4.0

We are developing an application for Silverlight 4 as target system. All development machines currently have SL5 runtime installed.
In the past this worked quite good. But now we stumbled over some issues. (For example: Bindings for Style Setters are supported in SL5 but not SL4. But if you put such a binding in your XAML the compiler doesn't complain and on the dev machines (with SL5 installed) it runs. But on the productive machines with SL4 you get a runtime error.... )
Is there a way to ensure, that all we do is SL4 compliant without deinstall SL5 and install SL4?

I may be wrong here, but our development environment was exactly like yours. We did not run into problems. When you target system as SL4, even if you put SL5 tags, compiler should have complaint since it is compiling against the SL4 not against your default setting. We never had to uninstall SL5 in our development environment.


WCF Common Language Runtime detected an invalid program on windows XP

I have a windows forms application running on .NET 4 that communicates with a WCF web service. The application is compiled to run with X86 as the platform target. The application was deployed on a network of hundreds of computers, and there are only a couple, that happen to have a windows XP version installed (Microsoft Windows Embedded POSReady 2009, service pack 3 to be more precise) that launch the error "Common Language Runtime detected an invalid program" upon calling the constructor of the WCF proxy class object. In order to isolate the problem, I created a small console application that the only thing it does is to call the constructor of the web service proxy class, like:
ItesWebServiceClient m_webService = new ItesWebServiceClient("BasicHttpBinding_IItesWebService");
And the exception is then thrown:
stacktrace output
The same console app runs on all other computers, even the ones with the same windows version.
We've already tried repairing and re-installing .Net framework on the failing computers but so far nothing fixes it. I also used the PEVerify tool to validate MSIL and ran the code in debug mode (no optimizations) as suggested on other posts.
Is there something I'm missing? could there be a key .Net framework component or hot fix that needs to be installed?
Ok it turns out that the person who was re-installing the .Net framework on the machines was always installing the .net client profile version. Uninstalling that version and installing the full .net 4 version solved it.

Setting up cross platform development for Mono/ARM

I'm going to develop and compile C#/Mono app on Windows 7 with Visual Studio and then run this app at Linux device. I googled a lot, but one point is still confusing me - how should I set up my development environment. I have Mono for Windows installed on my laptop and now there are two possibilities:
create regular windows c#/net project which will use references from Windows\MS.NET framework, build this project using msbuild, copy and run this app on Linux
create Mono target for VS, create project which will use references from ProgFiles(x86)\Mono\lib, build this project using xbuild etc.
Which way I should choose? It seems to me, that option #2 is more preferable, but I do not understand why.
None of your solutions is very good. I would choose a 3rd one:
Develop your code with Linux, using MonoDevelop IDE.
There are many reasons why this option is the best, such as:
Mono for Windows is suboptimal: You will find some things don't work (which do work on Linux) or things that are much slower than normal.
Mono is not 100% compatible with MS.NET: Some things are unsupported in Mono (e.g. System.Management) or have too many bugs to be considered stable (e.g. WCF). So it's better that you test on Mono as soon as possible, i.e. while developing and debugging locally.
MonoDevelop is still a very good IDE which can compete with VS in some areas (e.g. Code Completion).
Well, I use myself mono on Linux/ARM and I do all my development under Visual Studio, just compiling for AnyCPU and taking a bit of care on what to use.
You can even debug your program on the target machine from Visual Studio using MonoDebugger, it starts to work decently.

Bumped my application's target framework down to .NET 2.0 so it would work on stock Win 7 machines, side effects?

My end users cannot install .NET framework on their systems due to restrictions they face, so I was looking for another solution to where they could use my software.
I ended up bumping the target Framework down to 2.0 from 4.5.1 and it worked with no issues on their computers.
HOWEVER, I get a bunch of "warnings" in Visual Studio about
Warning 12 The primary reference "Microsoft.ReportViewer.WinForms, could not be resolved because it has an indirect dependency on the framework assembly
though it doesn't stop the program from compiling or running.
I distribute the program by placing the output of my debug folder in a share folder on a server so they can run it without installing.
Will there be any consequences to using an older target framework? What's the highest framework I can use in order to avoid installing it, in other words, what's the highest framework that comes stock with Windows 7?

How to develop IronPython applications on Mono?

I might need to write some GUI application that runs on .Net (and Windows), while what I can work with is Mono (on Ubuntu and/or Gentoo). I am very familiar with Python; in addition, I understand that the Mono Windows.Forms assemblies seem to be satisfactorily usable (I've run successfully .Net applications using Windows.Forms).
What are the steps I would have to take to have an environment where I can develop stand-alone IronPython on a GNU/Linux maching? Also, I would very much appreciate some .Net-Mono compatibility pointers (e.g. things I should know or avoid).
I'm not looking for an IDE; I'm quite at ease using vim for my editing purposes, and I don't mind building GUIs programmatically.
Note: what I'm actually asking, is help with the following:
I obviously have to install IronPython; so I make sure my Mono packages are installed, then I run the IronPython installer (using Mono, obviously) just like I would on Windows? Will this make the IronPython assemblies available to Mono? If not, how can I do that? Ubuntu 9.10 has a package for IronPython, but it's not the latest version; at the same time, for compatibility purposes, I can't upgrade the Ubuntu installation. I can't find an ebuild for Gentoo.
Do I have to install any more assemblies?
After I successfully install IronPython, how do I create a .Net/Mono executable from my IronPython sources? Is there a “proper” way?
Is there a way to “embed” the IronPython (and any other required) assemblies in the final .exe?
Check Windows Forms section on IronPython Cookbook for hints about creating Windows Forms applications.
As to the environment, I would write the app in Mono and check it works on Windows. I would set up two virtual machines and any source control system to transfer sources between them.
The key part is to write and run tests so you can verify it works on both platforms. So you cannot use just GNU/Linux machine to be sure. But I think you can install Windows 7 for 30-days trial period.
I used to write WinForms tests so here is link to my blog and several other articles:
GUIAT blog
Acceptance Testing .NET Applications using IronPython
Functional Testing of GUI Applications
IronPython says it requires Reflection.Emit and lightweight code generation. FAQ iOS tends to frown on that kind of thing. So if you want to do iOS, you may be out of luck.

How to make apps portable?

Is it possible to make an application portable?
It is portable - build your .exe and copy it on your flash drive. Assuming it will be run where there is .net framework, there is no problem!
EDIT: A similar topic here: Writing USB Drive Portable Applications in C#
"portable" has more than one meaning, but if you mean a program that could also run on linux or mac than you need to think mono. Specifically, look at their migration analyzer.
Depends on what you mean by "portable". Certainly, you can build them without external dependencies on things like config files, registry settings, etc. You'll still need the .NET runtime installed on the target computer, though.
I seem to recall that you can use to write Silverlight apps; once compiled, this should be fairly portable (onto all Silverlight / Moonlight enabled browsers).
Of course, if you talk about web apps, the client (html) should already be portable, regardless of the server.
Whether it's a desktop application or a web application, the .Net framework needs to be installed on the machine that the app is run on. Generally, the .Net framework is installed with Windows.
It has to be the same version of the .Net framework as the app was developed in (1.0, 1.1, 2.0, 3.0, 3.5). Which version of the framework is installed depends on the version of Windows.
Just a thought!
Maybe you can make your app executable the normal way (with setup) and then make it into a portable application online using service described at
You can try to use the online portable app "converter" Cameyo to do it. Just install the Cameyo app, launch it, then install the application you made.
You must use VS 2015. Make all your reference dll's to be local copied. Build your solution (with no deploy file extension (publish-> options->deployment))and merge the exe file with your dll with ilmerge ( ) (download ILmerge-GUI too) from the Microsoft web site. And have good luck