Intellisense - Iterate list using different key other than Up/Down Arrows - intellisense

I was wondering if its possible to customize the behavior of IntelliSense in VS 2012. I also have Resharper installed if that can do it. My desire is to minimize the amount of movement of my hands from the core keys. Typically when IntelliSense comes up I start typing and it narrows the list down to say 3-4 items. Then I need to move my right hand to the Down Arrow Key. I was wondering if I could use the Space key to cycle through the short list of 3-4 items and then hit Enter or ; to select the value I wanted. I can always keep typing the item I want but sometimes that will take 6+ keystrokes since the names are similar. Anyway just wondering as I would think that would be an improvement in speed.


Access custom right-click menus

I have written an app that makes extensive use of custom right-click menus on an Access form. The code works great and the user loves it, but lately I am having trouble making it work properly.
In earlier versions of Access it worked well, but newer version seem much more limited in how many items can be put in such menus. The documentation is silent on the matter, and nobody in any newsgroup has had any useful ideas, but I regularly get random error about stack space, out of memory, and general lockups when populating the menus. Doing a C&R used to help, but now even that is not enough, and some menus I can no longer populate at all.
I tried building an app that just built menus until it crashed, to get some idea of what the limits may be, and I am well below what that indicated, but the experimental app had nothing else, while the real app has a great deal else.
Is there any information on how much stuff can be put into these menus, and what the menus share space with? There may be something I can do another way to make more room for the menus. I tried moving all code out of the form, leaving only event stubs that called routines in standard code modules, but that did not help.
And how are they stored/activated? The app is MUCH slower to load when it has these menus, even though no code is running on start-up.
********** Edited to add this:
I use VBA to create a menu, like this:
Application.CommandBars.Add "RCStat", msoBarPopup, False, False
then add it to a control. like this:
Application.CommandBars.cboStat.ShortcutMenuBar = "RCStat"
I add controls (only popups and buttons) like this:
Application.CommandBars.Controls.Add(type:=msoControlButton, Parameter:="StatKod = 77")
It runs perfectly and the menu items work exactly as expected, except that it bombs after adding some number of controls. It doesn't seem to matter where I add them, just the total number of added controls hits some undefined threshold, and the app crashes.
I got the original code from Getz, Litwin and Gilbert, 2000 edition. Back then, it worked great. But as the versions advance and the app accumulates data, it is becoming less and less functional. However, there are only around 10,000 records, and the app itself is less than 100MB - nowhere close to any of Access's upper size limits.
I've done quite a bit of work with shortcut menus, and created the Access Shortcut Tool about 5 years ago, but have never attempted a menu with so many controls although some have 3 or 4 levels.
I am not aware of any restrictions on the number of elements in the commandbars collection, but I find that shortcut menus with too many options, like lists and combo boxes with too many items, are difficult for users to navigate. I generally break these up into segments and use buttons in the form header to display the appropriate menu. Sorry I'm unable to provide anything more helpful.
We have a commercial product, Total Access Components, that includes as one of its 30 components a right click popup menu that can include icons and font styles.
Here's the info for the popup menu control:
There's a free trial if you want to try it.

RedisInsight: Configuring graph visual display/results?

Is there a way to configure the display of RedisGraph results in RedisInsight.
May be an option to edit the CSS directly is good too.
The reasons :
The color of the nodes is awful
The font-size is too small
nice to be able to change color of nodes with property value X
it will be good to be able to specify the default-property that will be displayed instead of node ID. Also on mouse-over too. (i know i can changed but it becomes tedious to do it for every result).
same for relationships
ERR: If some of the nodes in the result does not have the property you want to switch to (for display), then the 'switch' does not work i.e. all nodes still display IDs
for my screen it just happen that the +/- zoom is hidden i.e. I have to scroll back and forth. It will be good if we can use the keyboard to zoomin/zoomout
once you select something you have to click outside of the graph area to be able to scroll, supper annoying
command history on the query editor would be nice
ability to pin the result-area so that the new result does not spawn yet another area .. it is nice to have the option for multiple result-areas, but the normal interaction is refining queries rather than writing new query every time. (tabs would have been better)
if possible select-area to zoom will be nice. (by holding mouse down and selecting area )
!! double-click outside a node, may Zoom, instead of doing nothing
!! local zoom/search : typing in search-bar (there is space for it after +/-) to zoomin on the node with that have property and/or value f.e. val:3 , word:test , ...
Posting this here because couldn't find a place to give feedback on RedisInsight !

VoiceOver left and right arrow keys are reserved for predefined behavior. How to override?

For VoiceOver, the left and right arrow keys seemed to be reserved for 2 things:
By default, the left and right arrow keys put focus on the letter of
whatever the focus is on.
If you turn on quick-nav (left and right arrow key), the left and
right arrow keys are used to go through the entire content of the
page, whether focusable or not.
So what is the consensus on whether specific keys should be overriden? In this example, the overriden feature does not work as expected because VoiceOver has a predefined behavior for the left and right arrow keys.
NOTE: This issue only occurs for VoiceOver + Safari. You can try it with this example of accessible tabs (which with VO and Safari is not accessible).
So what is the consensus on whether specific keys should be overriden?
I am providing general advice as I do not know your use-case (you show tabs but there could be other components you are working on).
It is perfectly acceptable to over-ride keys with custom functionality that improves your website / web app (in fact it is encouraged) with a big caveat!
There needs to be an easy way to both switch shortcut keys on and off and give the user the option to change the key bindings to what they want via an options menu or similar.
Old advice used to be that there are 'safe' shortcut keys you could use, but a lot of users change their key bindings to meet there needs (it isn't just screen readers but all assistive devices you need to consider) and new screen readers are introduced that use different sets of keys, making this advice obsolete and a bad practice.
Also consider adding some guidance (if your design allows) on the shortcut keys you have implemented to make it easier for people to use certain elements of your site as you cannot assume someone will automatically know what keys to use where.

Need a keyboard with specific keys

Okay, I've seen the webpage that shows you how to enter a decimal key on the number pad, but that's pretty complicated for one button, and the problem I have involves multiple buttons. See, I have a program that involves typing in functions like "x + 5". My problem right now is that the user has to go through three different keyboards just to enter that kind of function. I need to know if it's possible to set up a keyboard that will have specific keys in it. Is there a way to do this that's simpler than the decimal key method?
You'll have to create a custom keyboard if none of the apple keyboards toots your flute.
The easiest way to do this is to create a view and add lots of buttons with their own titles and background images and, most importantly, actions. You'll also need a delegate.
To be more official, there are numerous online tutorials (and lots of SO questions).

Is there a way to 'lock' the last item in a ListView to always show?

I am listing folders and folder sizes in a ListView for a VB.NET WinForm program I'm writing. I would like to total the folder sizes in the last entry of the ListView and 'lock' it show it always shows (even if scrolling through the list.
Is there a way to do this? I'd really like to avoid adding another control on the Windows Form to display the total.
Space is somewhat of an issue as I'm trying to keep this window small enough to work in a min screen resolution of 800x600 (I know, waaaaay not the standard, but I want to make this available to even those in the elderly community with problematic eyesight.
There appears to be ways to do this in Webforms and WPF, but not in Winforms. You should probably use a text box. Any attempt to hack in a fixed totals row would most certainly be far more effort than the benefit obtained. It is certainly beyond my capabilities. Even the custom control shops like Telerik don't seem to do this.
If you're concerned about space, make the gridview a little smaller to accomodate the text box.