Mootools - detecting an instance of a css class - instance

I have a website that I have added some basic Mootools animation to. Here is the page of the website i have a question on:
You will notice that when you mouse over the large images, they fade and a magnifying glass tweens down. Here is the Mootools class called "Magnify" I made for this:
var Magnify = new Class({
Implements : [Options, Events],
options : {
initialize : function (item, image, options)
this.div =;
this.img = $$(image);
this.tweenBackground = new Fx.Tween(this.div,{
this.div.addEvent('mouseenter', this.reveal.bind(this));
this.div.addEvent('mouseleave', this.hide.bind(this));
reveal : function()
this.tweenBackground.start('175px -78px', '175px 90px');
this.img.tween('opacity', .15);
console.log('mouse over');
hide :function ()
this.tweenBackground.start('175px 90px', '175px -78px');
this.img.tween('opacity', 1);
I then need to initialize an instance of the class for each element i want to do this by grabbing the css id.
window.addEvent('domready', function()
var magnify1 = new Magnify('p1', '#p1 img');
var magnify2 = new Magnify('p2', '#p2 img');
var magnify3 = new Magnify('p3', '#p3 img');
var magnify4 = new Magnify('p4', '#p4 img');
What I want to be able to do is simple give each element I want to have this functionality a CSS class of "magnify so I don't have to use individual ID's and add another instance of the Mootools class every time.
If I the element a CSS class and put it into my Mootools class, it breaks. Even if it didn't break, it seems like Mootools would simply make all elements with that CSS class animate at the same time when only one is moused over.
How would I detect which instance of the "magnify CSS class is being moused over? My only thoughts were to find a way to grab all the elements with the "magnify" CSS class, put them into an array and then check to see if the item being hovered over equals one of the items in the array. I don't know how to do that or if that is the best way.
Any help or suggestions would be great! Let me know if you want to see more code or if I can explain something better.

you need to code to patterns more. first of all - you have a relationship of 2 elements - a containing div and an image.
your event is actually on the parent el but you also need to reference and animate the inner element (the image).
your selector is simply div.item-port > img if you want to grab all images. div.item-port > img ! div.item-port will grab the parent divs instead of those that have an image as direct child only. etc.
then you need to decide what element to attach the event to. you have many choices in your markup.
before you even get there, you have a a href which wraps BOTH your elements. that allows you to use a cross-browser :hover pseudo.
you can very easily do in pure css:
div.port-item {
/* defaults you already have and then ... */
background-position: 175px -78px;
-webkit-transition: all 0.2s ease-out 0s;
-moz-transition: all 0.2s ease-out 0s;
-ms-transition: all 0.2s ease-out 0s;
-o-transition: all 0.2s ease-out 0s;
transition: all 0.2s ease-out 0s;
.portfolio-item a:hover div.port-item {
background-position: 175px 90px;
.portfolio-item a:hover img {
opacity: .15; // etc for cross-browser
only if you want to recover when the browser does not support transitions, you should instantiate your js class.
var Magnify = new Class({
Implements: [Options],
options: {
parent: 'div'
initialize: function (images, options) {
this.elements = document.getElements(images);
attachEvents: function () {
var selector = this.options.parent;
this.elements.each(function (el) {
var parent = el.getParent(selector);
parent.set('tween', {
duration: '250',
link: 'cancel'
mouseenter: function () {
this.tween('background-position', '175px 90px');
mouseleave: function () {
this.tween('background-position', '175px -78px');
new Magnify('div.port-item > img');
simplified as much as is feasible, but you get the idea - completely ambiguous from ids and any such repetitive specificity.


Set CSS class dynamically without template

For each component with prefix mycomponent- I would like to add a class with the name of the component. I don't want to have to modify the component in order to do this.
My first thought was to use mixins and somehow add the class in beforeCreate but I haven't managed to add classes dynamically without using the template.
Do I have to use $el.classList.add(this.$ in beforeUpdate or similar? Is there some more Vue-ish way to do it?
Here it is, wrapped up as plugin:
const addComponentNameAsClass = {
install(Vue, options) {
const fn = Vue.prototype.$mount;
Vue.prototype.$mount = function() {
fn.apply(this, arguments);
if (this.$options._componentTag?.startsWith("mycomponent-")) {
// that's all you need
// see it working:
['a', 'b', 'foo', 'whatever'].forEach(type => {
Vue.component('mycomponent-' + type, {
template: '<div><slot /></div>'
new Vue({
el: '#app'
[class^="mycomponent-"] {
border: 1px solid;
margin-bottom: 4px;
padding: 1rem;
.mycomponent-a {
border-color: red;
.mycomponent-b {
border-color: blue;
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<mycomponent-a>I should get a red border.</mycomponent-a>
<mycomponent-b>I should get a blue one.</mycomponent-b>
you should not expect this to work on Vue3. Why? Because whenever you're using internal props starting with _ Vue does not guarantee they'll still be there in the next major version update. But, on the other hand, the name of the component is not saved anywhere else (other than $options._componentTag).
the above won't work if you use components as <MycomponentA></MycomponentA>. However, you can swiftly get around it by running the value of $options._componentTag through a helper function (e.g: kebabCase from lodash).
note on note: if you want the added class to always be kebab-case, you'll have run the value passed to .classList.add() through kebabCase, as well). Otherwise, <MycomponentA> will add MycomponentA class and <mycomponent-a> will add mycomponent-a class, for obvious reasons.
Ref. "Vue-ish way": whatever the end goal of applying this "component" class is, chances are it can be achieved cleaner.
The very idea of placing classes denominating component type doesn't feel Vue-ish at all.
It feels WordPress-ish and Angular-ish. To me, at least.

how to update the height of a textarea in vue.js when updating the value dynamically?

Working with Vue.js, I do use a simple way to set dynamically the height of a text area that resizes when typing. But I am not able to do it when the component mounts or the value updates.
I have already try, but it has the same problem.
I have created a sandbox that shows the problem, when typing the box it updates, but not when the value changes dynamically
Live example:
You need a triggerInput() method:
triggerInput() {
this.$nextTick(() => {
this.$refs.resize.$el.dispatchEvent(new Event("input"));
to use whenever you're changing the value programatically, triggering the resize logic used on <textarea> on "real" input events.
Updated codesandbox.
Note: Without the $nextTick() wrapper, the recently changed value will not have been applied yet and, even though the input is triggered, the element has not yet been updated and the resize happens before value has changed, resulting in the old height and looking like it didn't happen.
Not really feeling the answers posted here. Here is my simple solution:
watch: {
message: function(newItem, oldItem) {
let { messageInput } = this.$refs;
const lineHeightInPixels = 16;
// Reset messageInput Height
// Calculate number of lines (soft and hard)
const height =;
const scrollHeight = messageInput.scrollHeight; = height;
const count = Math.floor(scrollHeight / lineHeightInPixels);
this.$nextTick(() => {
<style scoped>
textarea {
height: auto;
line-height: 16px;

Custom attribute not working on dynamic content

I'm using w2ui grid, and the template column generated like so:
{ field: 'TableCards', caption: 'Table cards', size: '10%', sortable: true ,
render:function(record, index, column_index) {
let html = '';
if (record.TableCards) {
record.TableCards.forEach(function(card) {
html += `<div class="card-holder" style="width: 12%; display: inline-block; padding: 0.5%;">
<div class="poker-card blah" poker-card data-value="${card.value}"
style="width: 30px;height: 30px">
return html;
poker-card as u can see is a custom attribute. and it's not get rendered in the grid.
any other way?
You can use the TemplatingEngine.enhance() on your dynamic HTML.
See this article for a complete example:
Important note: based on how your custom attribute is implemented, you may need to call the View's lifecycle hooks such as .attached()
This happened to me, when using library aurelia-material, with their attribute mdl.
See this source where the MDLCustomAttribute is implemented, and now see the following snippet, which shows what I needed to do in order for the mdl attribute to work properly with dynamic HTML:
private _enhanceElements = (elems) => {
for (let elem of elems) {
let elemView = this._templEngine.enhance({ element: elem, bindingContext: this});
//we will now call the View's lifecycle hooks to ensure proper behaviors...
//if we wouldn't do this, for example MDL attribute wouldn't work, because it listens to .attached()

Declare variable in sass for color web changer [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Define variables in Sass based on classes
(1 answer)
Closed 6 years ago.
i am making color changer for my web, is it possible to make variable like this :
.red { $color: red; $background: red; }
.green { $color: green; $background: green; }
.blue { $color: blue; $background: blue; }
There's nothing inherently wrong with your SASS here - at least in principle - but syntatically it's a tad skewed. Also, what your trying to do though requires so client side run-time code for it to be implemented.
First up though you don't actually need the variables - but we'll run with it. So change your sass to
$red: #ff1a1a;
$green: #5cd65c;
$blue: #1a75ff;
.blue { background-color: $blue; }
.green { background-color: $green }
.red { background-color: $red }
assuming this generates a CSS file and your importing this into your HTML page you'll need a little bit of Javascript to apply the appropriate colour class to the element you want to take on this property.
Assuming you have 3 elements ( buttons ) with unique ID's, which when clicked will change the background colour of an element id=foo you could have something like
var changeColor = function(col) {
document.getElementById("foo").className = col
function() {
}, false);
function() {
}, false);
// ... etc etc for each color button you have
This is far from clean or modularised code, but hopefully it outlines the principle of the process which you need to follow
Here's a working codePen with the example:

Video.js Classes to Hide Video While Loading

I'm trying to hide a video while it's loading (e.g. the black window with just a loading spinner). The only class I've found that sort of made sense is the .vjs-has-started one but the loading screen still shows with the following CSS. I also didn't see anything in the javascript api that meets this need (sorry if I missed something).
.video-js {
display: none;
visibility: hidden;
.video-js.vjs-has-started {
display: block;
visibility: visible;
I've also tried adding .vjs-playing into the mix both in place of an in conjunction with .vjs-has-started. Any thoughts on getting this to work or a answer about why it won't currently would help. If I need to I can work on adding this to video.js if it's not already there but I first wanted to get your definitive answer on the current state of video.js for this functionality.
I added the vjs-waiting class to be able to accomplish this now vjs-waiting can be used in css to show and hide the content see the pull-request for more details.
.vjs-waiting {
visibility: hidden;
background: transparent;
.vjs-loading-spinner {
display: none !important;
Reference -
You could use the vjs-waiting
.vjs-waiting {visibility: hidden;}
Hey I have been struggling with this too, Docs are not intuitive at all!
Im implementing Video JS in React Hooks, so I solved with loadingSpinner set to false;
useEffect(() => {
let player = videojs('my-player',{
autoplay: 'muted',
sources: [
src: videoUrl, // m3u8 format
type: "application/x-mpegURL"
controlBar: false,
loadingSpinner: false
return () => {
}, [])
Hope it helps! =)