Hyperlink visited color - xaml

How to change color of hyperlink after clicking on hyperlink (visited state).
I create hyperlink dynamically with next code:
I use Paragraph into RichTextBox in XAML
I fill this TShortName object in code behind with:
And finally I populate data (hyperlink) with:
private Hyperlink GetNameUrlAsLink(string hp)
var hl = new Hyperlink
NavigateUri = new Uri(hp),
TargetName = "_blank",
Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(currentAccentColorHex),
FontSize = 20,
return hl;
As a result, I get hyperlink with accent color (currentAccentColorHex). But I need to change that color when I click on link because it becomes white which is not appropriate for me at all.
Best regards

try this
Dim scb As New SolidColorBrush()
scb.Color = Colors.Green
myHyperlinkButton.Background = scb


Keep Anchored Buttons Below Autosized Label

I have a Windows form with an image, a label that contains an error message, and a "Close" button:
The error message could be very short or very long depending on what the error is. When it's long, I want the window to grow in height to display the whole message. Using the label's Anchor and MaximumSize properties and the form's AutoSize property, I was able to get the Label to expand to the maximum width and then expand vertically until the message is displayed. Setting the button's Anchor property to Bottom, Right locks the button to the bottom right corner as intended but the form only expands far enough to display the label and not enough for the button too. So the button is displayed behind the label and can't be seen:
I'd like to know how I can stretch the form to fully contain the text of the label and still leave room at the bottom for the anchored button to produce something like this:
Add 3 panels to your form docked left, bottom and fill. Set the properties as indicated in the image below.
Then set the Label's maximum width to a fixed value in the properties or you can calculate it at run-time:
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Me.Label1.MaximumSize = New Size(Me.panelFill.Width, 0)
End Sub
The easiest way is to build the layout with 3 docked panels, like this (hope you can adjust for your needs):
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace Samples
static class Program
static void Main()
var form = new Form { Padding = new Padding(8), AutoSizeMode = AutoSizeMode.GrowAndShrink, AutoSize = true, Font = new Font("Consolas", 9, FontStyle.Bold) };
var contentPanel = new Panel { Dock = DockStyle.Fill, Parent = form, AutoSizeMode = AutoSizeMode.GrowAndShrink, AutoSize = true };
var imagePanel = new Panel { Dock = DockStyle.Left, Parent = form };
var buttonPanel = new Panel { Dock = DockStyle.Bottom, Parent = form };
var image = new PictureBox { BackColor = Color.Red, Width = 32, Height = 32, Parent = imagePanel };
imagePanel.Width = image.Width + 8;
var button = new Button { Top = 8, AutoSize = true, BackColor = Color.Green, ForeColor = Color.White, Text = "Test", Parent = buttonPanel };
button.Left = buttonPanel.DisplayRectangle.Right - button.Width;
buttonPanel.Height = button.Height + 8;
button.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Right | AnchorStyles.Bottom;
var label = new Label { Dock = DockStyle.Fill, BackColor = Color.Blue, ForeColor = Color.White, MaximumSize = new Size(300, 0), AutoSize = true, Parent = contentPanel };
label.Text = #"The error message could be very short or very long depending on what the error is. When it's long, I want the window to grow in height to display the whole message. Using the label's Anchor and MaximumSize properties and the form's AutoSize property, I was able to get the Label to expand to the maximum width and then expand vertically until the message is displayed. Setting the button's Anchor property to Bottom, Right locks the button to the bottom right corner as intended but the form only expands far enough to display the label and not enough for the button too. So the button is displayed behind the label and can't be seen:";

Background Image Is Other Image Vb.net [duplicate]

In my C# Form I have a Label that displays a download percentage in the download event:
this.lblprg.Text = overallpercent.ToString("#0") + "%";
The Label control's BackColor property is set to be transparent and I want it to be displayed over a PictureBox. But that doesn't appear to work correctly, I see a gray background, it doesn't look transparent on top of the picture box. How can I fix this?
The Label control supports transparency well. It is just that the designer won't let you place the label correctly. The PictureBox control is not a container control so the Form becomes the parent of the label. So you see the form's background.
It is easy to fix by adding a bit of code to the form constructor. You'll need to change the label's Parent property and recalculate it's Location since it is now relative to the picture box instead of the form. Like this:
public Form1() {
var pos = label1.Parent.PointToScreen(label1.Location);
pos = pictureBox1.PointToClient(pos);
label1.Parent = pictureBox1;
label1.Location = pos;
label1.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
Looks like this at runtime:
Another approach is to solve the design-time problem. That just takes an attribute. Add a reference to System.Design and add a class to your project, paste this code:
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Windows.Forms.Design; // Add reference to System.Design
class PictureContainer : PictureBox {}
You can just use
label1.Parent = pictureBox1;
label1.BackColor = Color.Transparent; // You can also set this in the designer, as stated by ElDoRado1239
You can draw text using TextRenderer which will draw it without background:
private void pictureBox1_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
overallpercent.ToString("#0") + "%",
new Point(10, 10),
When overallpercent value changes, refresh pictureBox:
You can also use Graphics.DrawString but TextRenderer.DrawText (using GDI) is faster than DrawString (GDI+)
Also look at another answer here and DrawText reference here
For easy for your design.
You can place your label inside a panel. and set background image of panel is what every image you want. set label background is transparent
After trying most of the provided solutions without success, the following worked for me:
label1.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Standard
label1.Parent = pictureBox1
label1.BackColor = Color.Transparent
You most likely not putting the code in the load function. the objects aren't drawn yet if you put in the form initialize section hence nothing happens.
Once the objects are drawn then the load function runs and that will make the form transparents.
private void ScreenSaverForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
label2.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Standard;
label2.Parent = pictureBox1;
label2.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
One way which works for everything, but you need to handle the position, on resize, on move etc.. is using a transparent form:
Form form = new Form();
form.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None;
form.BackColor = Color.Black;
form.TransparencyKey = Color.Black;
form.Owner = this;
form.Controls.Add(new Label() { Text = "Hello", Left = 0, Top = 0, Font = new Font(FontFamily.GenericSerif, 20), ForeColor = Color.White });
Using Visual Studio with Windows Form you may apply transparency to labels or other elements by adding using System.Drawing; into Form1.Designer.cs This way you will have Transparency available from the Properties panel ( in Appearance at BackColor ). Or just edit code in Designer.cs this.label1.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Transparent;

How can I cause values assigned to PdfFormField TextFields to be black instead of gray?

I am generating a PDF that populates the PDFFormFields with the values inputted by the user in a Sharepoint 2010 WebPart, like so:
PdfPCell cellPaymentAmountTextBox = new PdfPCell()
CellEvent = new DynamicTextbox("textBoxPaymentAmount"),
Phrase = new Phrase(boxPaymentAmount.Text, timesRoman9Font)
("boxPaymentAmount" is a Textbox control on the WebPart)
It's working pretty well, except that the values inputted appear gray instead of black on the PDF file:
How can I get these to be black instead of gray?
I am using a font that is declared as black, not gray:
Font timesRoman9Font = FontFactory.GetFont(FontFactory.TIMES_ROMAN, 9, BaseColor.BLACK);

iTextsharp font color different in PDF

I'm creating a PDF with images and text. Text can be of varying color. I convert the color from the HTML color code to get me a System.Drawing.Color object but the color turns out differently in the generated PDF. In one particular instance, the html code is 3C3C3C and it comes out as 3C403E. I check the color by using a color picker to get the color in the PDF.
var color = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#3C3C3C);
iTextSharp.text.Font font = font = FontFactory.GetFont(FontFactory.HELVETICA);
font.Color = new BaseColor(color);
// boxValue is a string
Phrase phrase = new Phrase(boxValue, font);
ColumnText columnText = new ColumnText(canvas);
columnText.Leading = lineHeight;
columnText.SetLeading(lineHeight, 0);
columnText.Alignment = alignment;
It turns out that it does save the actual color in the PDF. I discovered this by using a PDF inspector and do see the correct values used.
public static BaseColor stringToBaseColor(string code)
Color color = ColorFromString(code);
BaseColor b = new BaseColor(color);
return ColorToBaseColor(color);
public static BaseColor ColorToBaseColor(Color color)
return new BaseColor(color);
public static Color ColorFromString(string code)
string[] colors = code.Split(',');
List<int> myInts = Array.ConvertAll(colors, s => int.Parse(s)).ToList();
return Color.FromArgb(myInts[0], myInts[1], myInts[2]);

Cannot set individual icon heading using SharpKML

Using SharpKML library from VB (VS2010), I can create kml files with a custom icon for each placemark. The placemarks are created in a loop and I want to set the icon's heading property for each placemark.
'Define the style for the icon
Dim kmlStyle As New SharpKml.Dom.Style
kmlStyle.Id = "ShipIcon"
kmlStyle.Icon = New SharpKml.Dom.IconStyle
kmlStyle.Icon.Icon = New SharpKml.Dom.IconStyle.IconLink(New System.Uri("http://www.mysite.com/mapfiles/ship4.png"))
kmlStyle.Icon.Scale = 1
Poscommand.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Ships"
PosReader = Poscommand.ExecuteReader()
While PosReader.Read()
'Add placemark for position
kmlPosPoint = New SharpKml.Dom.Point
kmlPosPoint.Coordinate = New SharpKml.Base.Vector(PosReader("Lat"), PosReader("Lon"))
kmlPosPlaceMark = New SharpKml.Dom.Placemark
kmlPosPlaceMark.Geometry = kmlPosPoint
kmlPosPlaceMark.Name = "My Name"
kmlPosPlaceMark.StyleUrl = New System.Uri("#ShipIcon", UriKind.Relative)
'SET icon.heading HERE??? How to access icon heading property for this placemark only???
End While
Can anybody help me set the icon heading for an individual placemark using SharpKML?
The Heading is actually a property of IconStyle and not Icon (Icon is a child property of IconStyle and only specifies the URL to the icon image.
In your code above it would be (from memory):
kmlStyle.Icon.Heading = 90;
Because you are using a common style for all items I believe you can override just parts of a Style like this inside your loop (please post the result if you test):
kmlPosPlaceMark.StyleUrl = New System.Uri("#ShipIcon", UriKind.Relative);
Style s = new Style();
s.Icon = new IconStyle();
s.Icon.Heading = 90;
kmlPosPlaceMark.StyleSelector = s;
If that doesn't work you might have to create and set a style per Placemark, but i am pretty sure that is not the case. Again, please post back and let us know how you make out.