I am working in Ektron 8.6.
What is the best approach to add some additional options in the ektron workarea.My requirement is like adding an additional option in the settings TAB of a Content.Is it recommended to go and make change in the corresponding physical page? or is there is any alternative approach?
I would see if you could use Metadata to model the new settings you need. That way, no need to change Ektron code, and no coding required.
Another option would be to create a Smart Form for the settings you want, and then add a content selector metadata to link a content to a settings smart form.
I would go with option A if these settings are going to be different on every page (e.g. "ShowLeftHandColumn") or option B if large number of pages are going to share similar settings (e.g. "SalesDepartmentAdvertismentSettings")
I am trying to create some dynamic forms using Piranha CMS. As far as I managed to learn it is not supported right now, so I'm looking for work arounds or alternatives.
What I want to do now is use the editor from the manager for other users. To be more precise: this is how the editor looks like inside my manager when I want to edit a page
I have a text input and a select, both are Fields and there are many more fields to be used.
I want the sys admin to create a page with a list of inputs like this, which right now are usable only by the admin. BUT make this list of inputs available for edit to other users as well. Is it possible?
I'm not sure how to extract this editor or behavior or even if it is possible. The problem is we really need the admin to be able to configure different form inputs for users as it is the main core of our functionality.
Any help/advice is highly appreciated, thank you!
The components in the management UI is not designed to be reused in the front-end application in any way. The edit models in the manager contains a lot of extra meta data since the UI is completely generic. If you want to build an edit UI in your front end application, and you're using MVC or Razor Pages, the simplest way is to.
Get the generic model instead of your strongly typed model, for example api.Pages.GetById(...) instead of api.Pages.GetById<T>(...).
Loop the available fields in your selected region (a region is an ExpandObject which can be casted to an IDictionary<string, object>).
Use the built in support in Razor by calling #Html.EditorFor(...) for the fields.
Using this approach you can easily create your own EditorTemplates for the different types of fields you use that will match the rendering in your client application.
Best regards
This is my first time using Ektron and i'm trying to implement Json-LD schema scripts for each page. I have 68 scripts that I need to implement that are unique for each page.
I thought I would be able to implement these scripts through meta data, but now i'm unsure. Each script is over 1000 characters, the html and meta tag types only allow 500 characters, so i'm assuming i'm in the wrong place. If anyone could shed some light it would be much appreciated.
Ektron's metadata isn't intended for large chunks of data / content. So, yes, you will find limits there.
Here are two things you might try as workarounds.
Most direct:
Use the Ektron Library. Go to the Library tab and click on the Root node and view Properties. Add an extension to allow you to upload your JSON-LD as a file. Use metadata on the content item to reference the uploaded file. Combine the two upon output.
If you want the JSON-LD to be editable within the CMS...
Gaming the platform a bit
Create a new SmartForm definition and include in it a single plain-text, multi-line field (not Rich text). This should hold your JSON-LD. Set up a folder and, if your version supports it (you didn't specify CMS version, so I will assume relatively recent), set the folder to be non-searchable so these things don't come up in site search results. Add a restriction to the folder to only allow the Smart Form definition you just created. Create your JSON-LD there using the plain-text field. You should be able to store up to 1MB.
Same as above, add your JSON-LD as text then use a reference to this item from the content you want to use it.
The metadata in this case (and possibly the library one, though I'd have to test and I don't have an Ektron environment for development anymore) will give you the Content ID for the object holding your JSON-LD. You'll have to make another API call but will give you the solution you appear to want from above.
I am currently investigating the possibilities of different CMSs for a company-site.
Done quite a few projects in classical ASP, ASP.NET, Joomla etc..
I would like to use Umbraco 5 for the first time.
For that project we have a SQL-Table with Job-Opportunities:
like: JobName, Department, Description, etc..
These should be listed on a page. In ASP.NET I would use something like a Repeater, etc.. with PageSize option and automatic paging.
In the Backend (Backoffice in Umbraco, I assume) there has to be an Insert/Edit/Delete Page with the corresponding input boxes, which are maintained by the company employees, not by web-developers.
Which route should I look at? I am completely stuck, is there an example anywhere?
Can I use my own data-tables, or could/should I use the Umbraco content tables for this?
Thank you,
Welcome to Umbraco.
If you choose to use a pre-existing database, you're going to need the following pieces:
an ORM to access read/write the data
a custom hive provider for that data to allow for Umbrace to read it as an entity
a custom tree to allow for editing and adding data in the backoffice
a macro to display the content on the frontend.
is a great place to start.
As you're probably picking up on, this is a lot of work.. so, most importantly: Are you trying to maintain two applications?
If so, do you really need to be able to edit the list in both applications? Your task would be much simpler if you only allowed editing from the other application, and displayed the read-only list using web services.
If not, ditch the custom database. Umbraco 5 is a full EAV/CR system, so unlike some CMS products, you'll be able to represent any rdbs structure you can imagine. The simplest way would be to create a custom document type with those properties to represent a job opportunity, and store those job opportunities on a new node in the content tab.
About document types: http://our.umbraco.org/wiki/how-tos/working-with-document-types
If you used a site template (such as the Document Center template) and wish to use a different template (such as a Team Site), how can you accomplish this? More importantly, how do you do this without losing permissions that have been setup on the document libraries, lists, etc?
This functionality is not available in SP2010. Once a site is setup with a template that is how it is created. That being said, you can simply add the functionality you require to make the site appear to be of another template. By selecting a template, you are simply setting a starting point and not restricted future usage.
We've been using Trac for a while now for our developers only. However we are now opening it up for our (internal) clients. We have a project listing page (based on the default one that comes with Trac). What we'd like to do, is display more information about the project than what is currently available.
I have searched google and here, to see if I can find how to get more information. There seems to be a variable called $project which has .name, .description and .href as attributes.
Is there somewhere, a list of the attributes available? Or perhaps a different solution altogether that will allow us to display more information on the project list page. Such as the number of open tickets etc.
As far as I known, you can use $project.env as well. It is an object, which provides a number of attributes:
More detail is available at env.py
On the project page customization page there is not much variables, indeed. Looking at the source code there is also trac.version, trac.time, but that's all. There is also project.env that may hold more information. I do not have a multiproject setup at hand, so you might be interested to see for yourself what variables are available with TracDeveloper plugin. It dumps variables if enabled and you add debug=true in the URL.