Get XLIFF file of a Content in Ektron Workarea through API - ektron

There are already two Questions in SO regarding the same topic.
Which are (Creating XLIFF file of a Content in Ektron,Content export in ektron).
As both the threads doesn't have an end,i am discussing the same topic with little more details here.
I need to generate the XLIFF file of a particular content in the workarea through the API's that is used by ektron for providing the same option.
I have gone through the corresponding workarea files and the corresponding Tables in the Database.
But couldn't figure out whether the XLIFF zip files are stored somewhere or not.Seems like it is not stored in any physical directories.Also it is not stored as XLIFF files in any tables.I need to pull the XLIFF file of a content using API,how can i achieve that?
When i investigated in the workarea files the XLIFF is generated through the following :
depending on the selection of content and Language,
<div class="ektronBorder">
<iframe src="localizationjobs.aspx" height="360" width="100%" title="History"></iframe>
Is there is any way i can generate and store the XLIFF files through API rather than relying on this?

There isn't a "1 function" api to perform both these jobs, however to export to xliff the following code block should help you get started, you'll need to change a few variable names/references:
Ektron.Cms.BusinessObjects.Localization.L10nManager l10nMgr = new Ektron.Cms.BusinessObjects.Localization.L10nManager(this.requestInfoRef);
LocalizationExportJob exportJob = this.CreateExportJob(title, l10nMgr);
exportJob.XliffVersion = xliffVersion;
exportJob.MaxCompressedFileSize = maxCompressedFileSize;
private LocalizationExportJob CreateExportJob(string title, Ektron.Cms.BusinessObjects.Localization.L10nManager l10nMgr)
long[] taxonomyIds = this.GetSelectedLocaleTaxonomyIds();
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(title))
title = this.defaultJobTitle;
if (taxonomyIds != null && 1 == taxonomyIds.Length)
long id = taxonomyIds[0];
Ektron.Cms.API.Content.Taxonomy taxonomyApi = new Ektron.Cms.API.Content.Taxonomy();
Ektron.Cms.TaxonomyRequest req = new Ektron.Cms.TaxonomyRequest();
req.TaxonomyId = id;
req.TaxonomyLanguage = this.commonApi.ContentLanguage;
Ektron.Cms.TaxonomyData data = taxonomyApi.ReadTaxonomy(ref req);
if (data != null)
title = data.TaxonomyName;
LocalizationExportJob job = new LocalizationExportJob(title);
job.SourceLanguageId = this.GetSelectedSourceLanguage();
foreach (long id in taxonomyIds)
job.AddItem(LocalizableCmsObjectType.LocaleTaxonomy, id);
return job;
Unfortunately the Import is much less accessible and is only found in the Ektron business logic. (Embedded in the DLL's)


How to clean existing properties and replace with metadata template on Photoshop (scripting)?

While creating a script that would automate all the different tasks I do when I start working on a new picture on Photoshop, I encountered the following problem.
Manually, I would Ctrl + Alt + Shift + I, click on the template I want and choose the option "Clear existing properties and replace with template properties".
I can't find the way to do precisely this. The best thing I managed to find is something like this : = "test"; = ""; = ""; = ""; = ""; = ""; = ""; = ""; = ""; = ""; = ""; = "";
// etc.
And it actually doesn't really work like the "Clear existing properties and replace with template properties".
I didn't find anything on the Photoshop scripting guide, nor on the internet. Any help would be greatly appreciated !
What I think is the problem is Photoshop separates file-metadata from its activeDocument-metadata. What you see in "File info..." (via Ctrl+Alt+Shift+I) is supposed to represent the file in the filesystem, which metadata is embedded in.
There are several scripting guides to Photoshop scripting. I think the one relevant for you would be "Javascript Tools Guide", specifically the chapter 10 "Scripting Access to XMP Metadata".
Is it important for you to set up the metadata already when creating a new picture? If not, you may want to look at a solution using a customized export script.
It customizes XMP-metadata upon exporting like
Create a basic metadata object:
var meta = new XMPMeta();
Provide a namespaceURI (see XMP specs) known to photoshop along with tag name, and value:
meta.setProperty(XMPConst.NS_XMP, "CreatorTool", app.version);
Save the image temporarily (using other script):
var imgFile = new File(fileName);
Finish saving by adding the metadata-object:
var metaFile = new XMPFile(imgFile.fsName, XMPConst.FILE_UNKNOWN, XMPConst.OPEN_FOR_UPDATE);
if (metaFile.canPutXMP(meta)) { metaFile.putXMP(meta); }
Doing it this way also erases any existing or default metadata.

HTML string to PDF conversion

I need to create various reports in PDF format and email it to specific person. I managed to load HTML template into string and am replacing certain "custom markers" with real data. At the end I have a fulle viewable HTML file. This file must now be printed into PDF format which I am able todo after following this link : My problem is that I do not understand how to determine the number of pages from the HTML file as the pdf renderer requires creating page-by-page.
I know this is an old thread, I would like to leave this answer here. I also used the same tutorial you've mention and here's what I did to make multiple pages. Just modify the drawPDFUsingPrintPageRenderer method like this:
func drawPDFUsingPrintPageRenderer(printPageRenderer: UIPrintPageRenderer) -> NSData! {
let data = NSMutableData()
UIGraphicsBeginPDFContextToData(data,, nil)
printPageRenderer.prepare(forDrawingPages: NSMakeRange(0, printPageRenderer.numberOfPages))
let bounds = UIGraphicsGetPDFContextBounds()
for i in 0...(printPageRenderer.numberOfPages - 1) {
printPageRenderer.drawPage(at: i, in: bounds)
return data
In your custom PrintPageRenderer you can access the numberOfPages to have the total count of the pages

How to check multiple PDF files for annotations/comments?

Problem: I routinely receive PDF reports and annotate (highlight etc.) some of them. I had the bad habit of saving the annotated PDFs together with the non-annotated PDFs. I now have hundreds of PDF files in the same folder, some annotated and some not. Is there a way to check every PDF file for annotations and copy only the annotated ones to a new folder?
Thanks a lot!
I'm on Win 7 64bit, I have Adobe Acrobat XI installed and I'm able to do some beginner coding in Python and Javascript
Please ignore the following suggestion, since the answers already solved the problem.
EDIT: Following Mr. Wyss' suggestion, I created the following code for Acrobat's Javascript console to be run only once at the beginning:
counter = 1;
// Open a new report
var rep = new Report();
rep.size = 1.2;
rep.color =;
rep.writeText("Files WITH Annotations");
Then this code should be applied to all PDFs:
annots = this.getAnnots();
path = this.path;
if (annots) {
rep.color =;
rep.writeText(" ");
rep.writeText(counter.toString()+"- "+path);
rep.writeText(" ");
if (counter% 20 == 0) {
And, at last, one code to be run only once at the end:
//Now open the report
var docRep ="files_with_annots.pdf");
There are two problems with this solution:
1. The "Action Wizard" seems to always apply the same code afresh to each PDF (that means that the "counter" variable, for instance, is meaningless; it will always be = 1. But more importantly, var "rep" will be unassigned when the middle code is run on different PDFs).
2. How can I make the codes that should be run only once run only at the beginning or at the end, instead of running everytime for every single PDF (like it does by default)?
Thank you very much again for your help!
This would be possible using the Action Wizard to put together an action.
The function to determine whether there are annotations in the document would be done in Acrobat JavaScript. Roughly, the core function would look like this:
this.syncAnnotScan() ; // updates all annots
var myAnnots = this.getAnnots() ;
if (myAnnots != null) {
// do something if there are annots
} else {
// do something if there are no annots
And that should get you there.
I am not completely positive, but I think there is also a Preflight check which tells you whether there are annotations in the document. If so, you would create a Preflight droplet, which would sort out the annotated and not annotated documents.
Mr. Wyss is right, here's a step-by-step guide:
In Acrobat XI Pro, go to the 'Tools' panel on the right side
Click on the 'Action Wizard' tab (you must first make it visible, though)
Click on 'Create New Action...', choose 'More tools' > 'Execute Javascript' and add it to right-hand pane > click on 'Execute Javascript' > 'Specify Settings' (uncheck 'prompt user' if you want) > paste this code:
var annots = this.getAnnots();
var fname = this.documentFileName;
fname = fname.replace(",", ";");
var errormsg = "";
if (annots) {
try {
cPath: "/c/folder/"+fname,
bPromptToOverwrite: false //make this 'true' if you want to be prompted on overwrites
} catch(e) {
for (var i in e)
{errormsg+= (i + ": " + e[i]+ " / ");}
cMsg: "Error! Unable to save the file under this name ('"+fname+"'- possibly an unicode string?) See this: "+errormsg,
cTitle: "Damn you Acrobat"
annots = 0;
Save and run it! All your annotated PDFs will be saved to 'c:\folder' (but only if this folder already exists!)
Be sure to enable first Javascript in 'Edit' > 'Preferences...' > 'Javascript' > 'Enable Acrobat Javascript'.
VERY IMPORTANT: Acrobat's JS has a bug that doesn't allow Docs to be saved with commas (",") in their names (e.g., "Meeting with suppliers, May 11th.pdf" - this will get an error). Therefore, I substitute in the code above all "," for ";".

How to Download PDF Links in Column and Save to Common Folder

We have a column that contains links to PDFs that starts on line 4 (e.g B4:B). I am trying to find a way to automatically download the PDF files that are accessed via the links to a folder on Drive. This is what I have so far:
function savePDFs() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var data = sheet.getDataRange().getValues();
for (var i = 3; i < data.length; i++) {
Presumably the above code would write the links starting in column B (index value of [1]) on row 4 (i value of 3) (ie., B4) until the bottom of the data set (eg., data.length()).
I'm now confused about how to access and save the PDF link that are written in the logger to a folder.
Would someone be willing to help me out? I'm currently having to go to each link, click Save Link As... and then navigate to the folder that I'd like to save the linked PDF to. My hope is to modify the above process using code.
Update: I found this bit of code here that may help me out. Note, I changed the PDF link to a currently valid PDF link.
var urlOfThePdf = '';// an example of online pdf file
var folderName = 'GAS';// an example of folder name
function saveInDriveFolder(){
var folder = DocsList.getFolder(folderName);// get the folder
var file = UrlFetchApp.fetch(urlOfThePdf); // get the file content as blob
folder.createFile(file);//create the file directly in the folder
Okay, I'm going to go and noodle with the data that is in the logger to confirm that the data is in properly formatted PDF links, then I'm going to test this new bit of code out. I feel like I'm getting close.
You can't force a download of a file from an apps script, you must try that from an HTMLService and not sure it will work.
For your need I would recommend to create a dedicated folder and you add all the pdf in it and you use the download function of the drive interface to download all files in one clic.
In drive, a file can be put in several folders so the pdf files stay in the original folder but you create a new folder 'PDF for download" for example and you put them in it. To do that from drive interface you have to click on "shift"+Z when file(s) is/are selected.
For you current list of file you just have to add in your loop the add to folder function. You can use this function.
function addFileToFolder(id){
var folderPDF = DriveApp.getFolderById("Id OFFolder to put pdf");
var file = DriveApp.getFileById(id);
EDIT : Function will browse list of url, get the file and make a copy in a dedicated folder on the user drive.
function downloadInDriveFolder(){
var folderID = 'Id of the folder';// put id of the folder
var folder = DriveApp.getFolderById(folderID)// get the folder
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var data = sheet.getDataRange().getValues();
for (var i = 3; i < data.length; i++) {
var blob = UrlFetchApp.fetch(data[i][1]).getContent();
var pdf = DriveApp.createFile(blob);
pdf.setName(data[i][0]);//Put as name of the file the value in col A
Well I figured it out. I was expecting more code, but this does it for me:
function listPDFs() {
var out = new Array();
var row = 3; //row index of 0 = row 1
var column = 4; // column index of 0 = column A
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var data = sheet.getDataRange().getValues();
var folder = DriveApp.getFolderById("this is where you paste your folder id"); // destination folder (this is the 0978SDFSDFKJHSDF078Y98hkyo looking value when you right click your folder and select "Get Link")
for (var i=row ; i<data.length ; i++) {
if(data[i][column] !== "") {
var file = UrlFetchApp.fetch(data[i][column]);
As you can see, I included a row and column variable so that I could easily change these.
I haven't figured out how to assemble them into a merged PDF, but I did figure out that I could sort them by date (which places the top most item first) and then right click and select "Open With...PDF Mergy", which then moves the PDFs into PDF Mergy and merges them up in the correct order. You can find PDF Mergy in the Chrome App Store. If I figure out how to automatically call PDF Mergy from GAS, I'll post that up--but for the time being the above code has saved us a ton of I'm calling it good enough for the time being.

iTextSharp: What is Lost When Copying PDF Content From Another PDF?

I am currently evaluating iTextSharp for potential use in a project. The code that I have written to achieve my goal is making use of PDFCopy.GetImportedPage to copy all of the pages from an existing PDF. What I want to know is what all do I need to be aware of that will be lost from a PDF and/or page when duplicating PDF content like this? For example, one thing that I already noticed is that I need to manually add in any bookmarks and named destinations into my new PDF.
Here's some rough sample code:
using (PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(inputFilename))
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
using (Document document = new Document())
using (PdfCopy copy = new PdfCopy(document, ms))
int n;
n = reader.NumberOfPages;
for (int page = 0; page < n; )
copy.AddPage(copy.GetImportedPage(reader, ++page));
// add content and make further modifications here
// write the content to disk
Basically anything that's document-level instead of page-level will get lost and both Bookmarks and Destinations are document-level. Pull up the PDF spec and look at section 3.6.1 for other entries in the document catalog including Threads, Open and Additional Actions and Meta Data.
You might already have seen these but here are some samples (in Java) of how to merge Named Destinations and how to merge Bookmarks.