Parsing a JSON of unknown Structure Objective-C - objective-c

I am trying to parse this json and am not sure of parsing this because the keys like "vis-progress-control" might change and I am trying to build a general code which parses this type of a json. I am sure that "type" key will be present in the json structure.
NSDictionary *dict = [sData JSONValue];
NSArray *items = [dict valueForKeyPath:#"assets"];
NSLog(#"%#", items);
for (NSString *key in [[dict objectForKey:#"assets"]allKeys]) {
for (NSString *subKey in [[[dict objectForKey:#"assets"] objectForKey:key]allKeys]) {
NSLog(#"Value at subkey:%# is %#\n",subKey,[[[dict objectForKey:#"assets"]objectForKey:key]objectForKey:subKey]);
I am using the SBJson Library on Github. My actual issue is How do I access "direction", "degrees" etc when I do not know the "vjs-progress-holder" key?
I have also a widgets array nested within a widgets array. How do I get these values as well?

Read about tree traversal. Sounds like you want to traverse the "tree" of nodes and when you find a particular leaf value you will then traverse back up one level and know the parent is the container you want.
So the idea is that once it's parsed from the JSON, forget it's JSON because now it's just a tree in arrays and dictionaries. Traverse it by getting all the keys in the dictionary via allKeys (returns an array of keys) and then iterate through them getting the associated values (using something like (psuedo code):
for ( NSString * key in allkeysarray) {
NSString * val = [dict objectForKey: key];
if ( [val isEqualToString: #"gradient"] )
// now you know that this dictionary is the one you're looking for so you can maybe break out of this loop and just use the keys you know reference these values.
hopefully that's enough to get you going.

Assuming I'm understanding your objective here, it seems like you want to do something like this?
NSDictionary *outerDict = [sData JSONValue];
NSDictionary *assets = outerDict[#"assets"];
for (NSDictionary *asset in [assets allValues]) {
NSString *type = asset[#"type"];
if ([type isEqualToString:#"gradient"]) {
float degrees = [asset[#"degrees"] floatValue];
// and read whatever other values you need for gradients
if ([type isEqualToString:#"image"]) {
// and read the appropriate values for images here...
So I'll make a different assumption here, which is that you want an array of gradients. So then that looks basically like this:
NSDictionary *outerDict = [sData JSONValue];
NSDictionary *assets = outerDict[#"assets"];
NSMutableArray *gradients = [NSMutableArray array];
for (NSDictionary *asset in [assets allValues]) {
NSString *type = asset[#"type"];
if ([type isEqualToString:#"gradient"]) {
// Add this asset to the list of gradients:
[gradients addObject:asset];
if ([type isEqualToString:#"image"]) {
// do something similar for images
Then, after having done that, if you would like to read the "degrees" field for the 4th gradient, for example, you will find it at gradients[3][#"degrees"]


NSMutableDictionary keyEnumerator or NSArray?

I have an NSMutableDictionary with a structure like:
Main Dictionary > Unknown Dictionary > Dictionaries 1,2,4,5,6...
My question is what is the best way to retrieve the Unknown Dictionary key and set it as a variable? This is what I've tried:
NSEnumerator *enumerator = [myMutableDict keyEnumerator];
id aKey = nil;
while ( (aKey = [enumerator nextObject]) != nil) {
id value = [myMutableDict objectForKey:aKey]; // changed to `aKey`
NSLog(#"%#: %#", aKey, value); // tip via rmaddy
What goes into objectForKey: if you don't know the name of the object in the key?
The other thought I had was to populate an NSArray, then pulling each of the keys out somehow.
for (NSString *object in myMutableDict)
myArray = [myArray arrayByAddingObject:MainDict];
If anyone can suggest a better way to get the object (unknown) from an NSMutableDictionary I'm interested to learn.
You can enumerate dictionaries like this:
NSDictionary * someDictionary = ... however you set your dictionary;
[someDictionary enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(id key, id obj, BOOL *stop) {
NSLog(#"Key: %#", key);
NSLog(#"Object: %#", obj);
and set:
*stop = YES;
when you find the object you're looking for.
I'm not entirely sure if I understand your question correctly. I assume you have a "main" dictionary with exactly one (unknown) key that maps to another dictionary, which you want to retrieve. This would be a simple and concise way to do this:
NSDictionary *unknownDictionary = mainDictionary[mainDictionary.allKeys.firstObject];
(Yes, some people won't like the dot syntax here, but I find it easier to read in this case. You might also want to add some error checking, for the case that mainDictionary is empty etc.)

What is the best way to build a one-to-many relationship?

I have an array of Videos objects with, among other things, the properties id and tags.
I want to build a dictionary whose key is a tag and whose value is an array of id's.
For example, some Video objects might look like this:
Video{ id:1, tags:[funny,political,humor] }
Video{ id:2, tags:[political,america] }
I want the result dictionary to look like this:
VideosWithTags["funny":[1]; "political":[1,2]; "humor":[1]; "america":[2]]
Is there a standard algorithm to accomplish this?
Currently I'm doing something like this:
for (NSDictionary *video in videos)
NSNumber *videoId = [video objectForKey:#"id"];
NSArray *tags = [video objectForKey:#"tags"];
for (NSString *tag in tags)
NSMutableArray *videoIdsForTag = nil;
if ([videosAndTags objectForKey:tag] != nil) //same tag with videoIds already exists
videoIdsForTag = [videosAndTags objectForKey:tag];
[videoIdsForTag addObject:videoId];
//add the updated array to the tag key
[videosAndTags setValue:videoIdsForTag forKey:tag];
else //tag doesn't exist yet, create it and add the videoId to a new array
NSMutableArray *videoIds = [NSMutableArray array];
[videoIds addObject:videoId];
//add the new array to the tag key
[videosAndTags setObject:videoIds forKey:tag];
You can make this look a little cleaner by using the new literal syntax.
I think you could benefit by making your if branches do less work. e.g. You would be better of trying to retrieve the videoIds array then if it doesn't exist - create it and add it to the videosAndTags object and then the code after this point can be consistent with no duplication of logic
for (NSDictionary *video in videos) {
NSNumber *videoId = video[#"id"];
NSArray *tags = video[#"tags"];
for (NSString *tag in tags) {
NSMutableArray *videoIds = videosAndTags[tag];
if (!videoIds) {
videoIds = [NSMutableArray array];
videosAndTags[tag] = videoIds;
// This is the only line where I manipulate the array
[videoIds addObject:videoId];
NSArray* videos =
#[#{ #"id" : #1, #"tags" : #[ #"funny", #"political", #"humor" ] },
#{ #"id" : #2, #"tags" : #[ #"political", #"america" ] } ];
NSMutableDictionary* videosAndTags = [NSMutableDictionary new];
// find distinct union of tags
NSArray* tags = [videos valueForKeyPath: #"#distinctUnionOfArrays.tags"];
// for each unique tag
for( NSString* tag in tags )
// filter array so we only have ones that have the right tag
NSPredicate* p = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat: #"tags contains %#", tag];
videosAndTags[ tag ] = [[videos filteredArrayUsingPredicate: p] valueForKeyPath: #"id"];
Here is another approach using NSPredicate and valueForKeyPath.
I don't used them often, but sometimes they can prove to be useful.
(I think they call this the Functional Programming style of things, but I am not so sure)
NSPredicate reference
Key Value Coding

Ways to replace massive if statement with alternative construct in Objective-C

I have a fairly lengthy if statement. The if statement examines a string "type" to determine what type of object should be instantiated. Here's a sample...
if ( [type rangeOfString:#"coin-large"].location != NSNotFound )
... create large coin ...
mgr = gameLayer.coinLargeMgr;
else if ( [type rangeOfString:#"coin-small"].location != NSNotFound )
mgr = gameLayer.coinLargeMgr;
... more else statements ...
myObject = [mgr getNewObject];
The "else-if" statements continue for other object types which stand at about 20 right now and that number is likely to increase. This works quite well but in terms of maintenance and efficiency I think it could be improved. My leading candidate right now is to create an NSDictionary keyed on the object type string (coin-small, coin-large, etc.) and with the value of the manager object that should be tied to that type. The idea being that this would be a quick look for the type of object I need to create. Not sure this is the best approach, continuing to look at other options but am curious what folks here might have done for a similar problem. Any help/feedback is greatly appreciated.
You can use an NSDictionary filled with ObjC 'Blocks' to do a switch-like statement which executes the desired code. So make a dictionary with your string keys mapped to a block of code to execute when each is found:
NSDictionary *dict = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
^{ NSLog(#"found key1"); }, #"key1",
^{ NSLog(#"found key2"); }, #"key2",
You'll probably prepare this dictionary only once at some early stage like in a constructor or a static initializer so that it is ready when your later code executes.
Then instead of your if/else block, slice out the string key from whatever intput you are receiving (or maybe you won't need to slice it, whatever):
NSString *input = ...
NSRange range = ...
NSString *key = [input substringWithRange:range];
And do the (fast) dictionary lookup for the code to execute. Then execute:
void (^myBlock)(void) = [dict objectForKey:key];
The dictionary approach would be easily doable. Assuming the various managers have been boiled down to specific instances when you create the dictionary, it'd be just the same as almost any object-oriented language:
NSDictionary *stringsToManagers =
[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
#"coin-large", gameLayer.coinLargeMgr,
#"coin-small", gameLayer.coinSmallMgr,
// this is assuming that type may contain multiple types; otherwise
// just use [stringsToManagers objectForKey:string]
for(NSString *string in [stringsToManagers allKeys])
if([type rangeOfString:string].location != NSNotFound)
[[stringsToManagers objectForKey:string] addNewObject];
// or get it and store it wherever it should go
If all the managers do is vend appropriate objects, the more object-oriented approach might be:
NSDictionary *stringsToClasses =
[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
#"coin-large", [LargeCoin class],
#"coin-small", [SmallCoin class],
// this is assuming that type may contain multiple types; otherwise
// just use [stringsToManagers objectForKey:string]
for(NSString *string in [stringsToManagers allKeys])
if([type rangeOfString:string].location != NSNotFound)
id class = [stringsToManagers objectForKey:string];
id newObject = [[class alloc] init];
// this is exactly the same as if, for example, you'd
// called [[LargeCoin alloc] init] after detecting coin-large
// within the input string; you should obviously do something
// with newObject now
That could save you having to write any managers if your program structure otherwise fits.

Retrieving values from json using objective-c

I am currently trying to work with json and objective-c however having a bit of difficulty. The following is the json that is being returned
sethostname = (
msgs = "Updating Apache configuration\nUpdating cPanel license...Done. Update succeeded.\nBuilding global cache for cpanel...Done";
status = 1;
statusmsg = "Hostname Changed to:";
warns = (
I am able to check that the response is coming back and the key is sethostname however no matter what I try I cannot get for example the value of status or statusmsg. Can anyone point me in the right location. The following is basic code I am using to check that sethostname is returned.
NSError *myError = nil;
NSDictionary *res = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:response options:NSJSONReadingMutableLeaves error:&myError];
NSLog([res description]);
NSArray *arr;
arr = [res allKeys];
if ([arr containsObject:#"sethostname"])
When in doubt, write down the structure of your JSON data. For example:
sethostname = (
msgs = "Updating Apache configuration\nUpdating cPanel license...Done. Update succeeded.\nBuilding global cache for cpanel...Done";
status = 1;
statusmsg = "Hostname Changed to:";
warns = (
(which is in NeXTSTEP property list format, actually) means that you have a top-level dictionary. This top-level dictionary contains a key called sethostname whose value is an array. This array is comprised of dictionaries, each dictionary having a set of keys: msgs, status, statusmsg, warns. msgs has a string value, status has a number value, statusmsg has a string value,warns` has an array value:
dictionary (top-level)
sethostname (array of dictionaries)
dictionary (array element)
msgs (string)
status (number)
statusmsg (string)
warns (array)
??? (array element)
Having understood this structure, your code should look like:
NSError *myError = nil;
NSDictionary *res = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:response options:NSJSONReadingMutableLeaves error:&myError];
if (!res) { // JSON parser failed }
// dictionary (top-level)
if (![res isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]) {
// JSON parser hasn't returned a dictionary
// sethostname (array of dictionaries)
NSArray *setHostNames = [res objectForKey:#"sethostname"];
// dictionary (array element)
for (NSDictionary *setHostName in setHostNames) {
// status (number)
NSNumber *status = [setHostName objectForKey:#"status"];
// statusmsg (string)
NSString *statusmsg = [setHostName objectForKey:#"statusmsg"];
Why not use the simplest JSON method - [myString jsonValue];
It's part of this JSON framework for objective-c
I don't think if ([arr containsObject:#"sethostname"]) is going to work, because the results array is not going to contain that exact object. It might contain an object with the same content, but it won't be the SAME object.
As jtbandes wrote, you need to log the actually output. NSLog both res and arr and see what you have.

How do I traverse a multi dimensional NSArray?

I have array made from JSON response.
NSLog(#"%#", arrayFromString) gives the following:
meta = {
code = 200;
response = {
groups = (
items = (
categories = (
icon =
id = 4bf58dd8d48988d163941735;
and so on...
This code
NSArray *arr = [NSArray arrayWithObject:[arrayFromString valueForKeyPath:#"response.groups.items"]];
gives array with just one element that I cannot iterate through. But if I write it out using NSLog I can see all elements of it.
At the end I would like to have an array of items that I can iterate through to build a datasource for table view for my iPhone app.
How would I accomplish this?
I have resolved my issue by getting values from the nested array (objectAtIndex:0):
for(NSDictionary *ar in [[arrayFromString valueForKeyPath:#"response.groups.items"] objectAtIndex:0]) {
NSLog(#"Array: %#", [ar objectForKey:#"name"]);
First, the data structure you get back from the JSON parser is not an array but a dictionary: { key = value; ... } (curly braces).
Second, if you want to access a nested structure like the items, you need to use NSObject's valueForKeyPath: method. This will return an array of all items in your data structure:
NSLog(#"items: %#", [arrayFromString valueForKeyPath:#"response.groups.items"]);
Note that you will loose the notion of groups when retrieving the item objects like this.
Looking at the JSON string you posted, response.groups.items looks to be an array containing one item, a map/dictionary containing one key, "categories." Logging it out to a string is going to traverse the whole tree, but to access it programmatically, you have to walk the tree yourself. Without seeing a more complete example of the JSON, it's hard to say exactly what the right thing to do is here.
Traversing an object graph like this is not that simple; there are multiple different approaches (depth-first, breadth-first, etc,) so it's not necessarily something for which there's going to be a simple API for you to use. I'm not sure if this is the same JSON library that you're using, but, for instance, this is the code from a JSON library that does the work of generating the string that you're seeing. As you can see, it's a bit involved -- certainly not a one-liner or anything.
You could try this, which I present without testing or warranty:
void __Traverse(id object, NSUInteger depth)
NSMutableString* indent = [NSMutableString string];
for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < depth; i++) [indent appendString: #"\t"];
id nextObject = nil;
if ([object isKindOfClass: [NSDictionary class]])
NSLog(#"%#Dictionary {", indent);
NSEnumerator* keys = [(NSDictionary*)object keyEnumerator];
while (nextObject = [keys nextObject])
NSLog(#"%#\tKey: %# Value: ", indent, nextObject);
__Traverse([(NSDictionary*)object objectForKey: nextObject], depth+1);
NSLog(#"%#}", indent);
else if ([object isKindOfClass: [NSArray class]])
NSEnumerator* objects = [(NSArray*)object objectEnumerator];
NSLog(#"%#Array (", indent);
while (nextObject = [objects nextObject])
__Traverse(nextObject, depth+1);
NSLog(#"%#)", indent);
NSLog(#"%#%#",indent, object);
void Traverse(id object)
__Traverse(object, 0);