Is there a way to see the grid results expanded in LinqPad? - linqpad

LINQPad is great for quickly looking for results with its awesome "Dump" method.
However, when I am looking on a dictionary that holds an array (or an object), I see it like that:
To actually see the value in each row, I have to click "Value", which opens a new tab. I'd really like a way to see all the values expanded in one view.
Is that possible?

It is, but it requires some coding on your part.
You'll have to implement an extension for LINQPad, and in that extension implement the ICustomMemberProvider interface. You can just put this code right along in your assembly. If it is in the LINQPad namespace, LINQPad will pick it up and use it.
For more info, see the LINQPad FAQ at

I found it what I was looking for. I had to switch to "Results to rich text" (CTRL+SHIFT+T). However, at that view I still couldn't see the values properly:
However, that turned out to be because I did .Dump(0) instead of just .Dump(). Wit that fixed, I was able to expand the dictionary and see the whole picture:


IntelliJ Plugin Development: LookupElement with class preview

For a custom language I created a CompletionContributor. Everything works fine. But I'm limited to the information I can display (only in the list or the bottom "advertisement" and only 1 line).
When trying to auto-complete on a java class name it will display more information on the selected line in a small side window. I would like to exploit that mechanism but I really don't know how it is done.
When looking at the options provided, I can use a custom LookupElementRenderer but there is no method in LookupElementPresentation related to the right window.
Any idea how it is done?
Are you referring to documentation popup which may be displayed if the corresponding setting (Setting->Editor->General->Code completion->Show the documentation popup in) is turned on?
If you want the feature to work for your language you have to use lang.documentationProvider extension point.

IntelliJ Idea - search for a value in debugger

I need to know if it is possible to search for a value in debugger in IntelliJ Idea.
Example: you have a huge object tree and you need to find string variable that is set to same particular value.
Is there any way to do that?
Expand this tree so that you see all those strings, and start typing what you search for. The speed search should do the rest. To get to the next/previous results press the down/up arrows respectively.
Sorry to disappoint you, I don't think that this option exists.
The quick search will only look for values in expanded objects.
You can use some other tool to create a memory dump of this object, and look for your data there.
In the "Find action ..." menu, you select "Fully expand tree node" or use Numpad *

Saving a position while coding?

Back in olden times, I used to code with an editor that allowed you to mark where you were in the code with a keypress. You could jump to another point in the same or another file to check a reference or somesuch. When you were ready, you could hit another keypress and return to the point you saved.
I've long since migrated to Dreamweaver and wanted this functionality. Does it exist in DW? If so, I missed that part of the manual. If not, any suggestions on an editor that DOES have that functionality?
There is no official way to do it, but you could use the code collapse feature to create something like a bookmark. Collapse the single line and DW will have a mark at that line number until you clear it.

Is there an easy way to make a code TextBox?

Is there an easy way to make a code TextBox?
I'm trying to make my own limited/specialized version of XAMLPad.
Displaying the current XAML object tree in the top display is simple enough, using XamlReader.Parse() ... But I'd like the actual XAML code in the bottom window to show up in its appropriate colors.
Here is an example of something similar to what I want.
The above example looks pretty authentic, with the little expander/collapser thingies on the left side as well as close-to-standard coloration of XAML tokens.
I believe that this doesn't have to be created from scratch, so I'm asking SO if anyone knows where I might find automated support for this type of "code" display.
Kaxaml uses ICSharpCode.TextEditor, the text editor component from SharpDevelop.
Have a look at sharpdevelop - we use it for an internal iron python editor

How to use multiple tabs when tagging to a function in Vim

I use ctags with my Vim and I rely heavily on C-] and C-T to tag back and froth between various functions in my project.
But if the function is in a different file, I'd like Vim to automatically open it in a new tab instead of the current tab. If I pop my tag stack using the C-T, I'd like it go back to the original tab where I pressed by C-] instead of changing the file in the current tab. I don't like to have the same file opened in multiple tabs in Vim. This is the normal behavior for most IDEs and I am wondering if there is a way to do this in Vim?
nmap <C-Enter> <C-w><C-]><C-w>T
Does this help ? You could probably figure out something similar for the way back.
Well, we need to decide what would be the wanted behaviour. We can go back to the original tab (not sure how, still investigating) but then the above given mapping is gonna open a new tab next time. So you'll end up with a lot of tabs after a while.
Or we can do <C-w>C, which will close the opened tab and take us back to the original one. I, personally, prefer this way of working (that way I don't lose my position in the file)
I go to the function I want, make my corrections there then return to the original file from which I started.
Let me know, what would you like (this didn't fit in comments so I put the answer here).
This might point you in the right direction:
So, this is a feature I would like to see as well.
I'm not sure if it's possible.
What I usually do is
:tag somepartsoffunction*
and press tab to use globbing to easily find tag.
Sure, it's not an ideal solution, but it works most of the time.
Unfortunately, with VIM tabbing isn't totally integrated since it's a new feature since 7.0. Most people I know that use VIM weren't even aware of tabs until I told them, so with that, I have a feeling there is no way to do it right now.
(I would love to be proven wrong)