Issue in making appear all database table field names - sql

I have this code which i use in order to make appear all the names of a table of a database.
It used to work... but suddenly it won't make appear anything..
Could you please take a look?
I'm working with SQL.
$section = "SELECT * FROM forma";
$res = odbc_exec($connection, $section) or die(odbc_error());
$firstrow = false;
while ($row = odbc_fetch_array($res)){
if (!$firstrow) {
foreach ($row as $column => $value) {
echo "<label> " . $column . "</label>";
echo "<input type='checkbox' name='data[]' value='" . $column . "' /><br/><br/>";
$firstrow = true;

This is a fairly nasty way of retrieving the column names for a table. What it is doing is reading all the data in the table, ignoring the result set and only using it for the column names. What is happening however is that the table is empty and so nothing is being returned at all.
You need to amend the query to look at the meta data rather than the table itself. You will need to rework it. This SQL will retrieve the column names for that table for you...
Select Columns.Name
From Sys.Columns
Where Object_Name(Columns.Object_id) = 'forma'
Order By Columns.Column_Id;
After that you will need to rejig your code to take advantage of it.


With PHRETS v2, Can I Sort the Data Fields Alphabetically? (Had this when using V1)

This code works in terms of retrieving data:
$config = new \PHRETS\Configuration;
$rets = new \PHRETS\Session($config);
$connect = $rets->Login();
$system = $rets->GetSystemMetadata();
echo "Server Name: " . $system->getSystemDescription();
$property_classes = ['Property'];
foreach ($property_classes as $pc) {
// generate the DMQL query
$query = "(BedroomsTotal=1+),(MlsStatus=ACT,PND)";
$results = $rets->Search('Property', $pc, $query);
file_put_contents('MyFolder/Property_' . $pc . '.csv', $results->toCSV());
} //end for each property class
I would like to know how to sort the fields alphabetically, in order to keep fields in a predicable order, which could also be used in an SQL CREATE TABLE statement. I had this ability with v1.
I would also like to be able to loop through the data fields with a FOR EACH kind of statement, in order to create a customized field delimiter; a custom delimiter helps with avoiding import errors in cases where the delimiter also appears within the metadata, such as quotes and commas within remarks section.
Any help is much appreciated. :)

fetch image and text from database using joomla 2.5

i have one one issue in fetch image and text from database by module what to do for this issue and i add my table name and field name #__home_service_item this is my table name in that table two field one is image and image_name than i have one error for that question i display my error
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in C:\wamp\www\Joomla_2.5.8-Stable-Full_Package\modules\mod_home\tmpl\default.php on line 40
please give me any clue for that problem i also add my code
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
$items = $params->get('items', 1);
$db =& JFactory::getDBO();
$query = "SELECT id
FROM #__home_service_item
WHERE published = '1'
$db->setQuery( $query, 0 , $items );
$rows = $db->loadObjectList();
foreach($rows as $row)
echo 'ID: '.$row->id.' </br>';
please give one clue
do print_r($rows) and see if any records are returning from the database. I think that you have a problem with your query. If there are no results returning try enclosing your foreach statement with in a try catch or ignore warnings.
Also try to set $db->setQuery($query); instead of $db->setQuery( $query, 0 , $items );
If you just need one row result use $db->loadResult();

sql update codeigniter

I am using codeIgniter..
I want to update a table column is_close when id=$ticket_id of my table= tbl_tickets.
I am doing this :-
and I have also done this :-
$sql = "UPDATE tbl_tickets SET is_close={1} WHERE id='$title_id'";
both are not working,i.e., my table is not updating the value to 1 and also no error is being shown in the broswer. :(
Edited: Included my model part :
function setClosePost($title_id){
$sql = "UPDATE tbl_tickets SET is_close=0 WHERE id='$title_id'";
// $data=array(
// 'is_close'=>1
// );
// $this->db->where('id',$title_id);
// $this->db->update('tbl_tickets',$data);
My controller :-
function closePost(){
first of all use a get method to check if ticket_id is exist or not.
another thing is always use return in your functions in models so you can check them by if(function_name){...}else{...}
then if your get method returned data correctly try
Model Method
public function set_closed($ticket_id){
)); // pass fields in array
$this->db->update('tbl_tickets'); // table name
return true;
then check that in your controller
if($this->Ticket_model->set_closed($ticket_id) == true){
echo 'ticket set to closed correctly';
echo 'there is some error on updating database'.$this->db->error(); // to checkout db error .
First, check $title_id before passing:
Then, try do "select a row with this id" before updating and after.
$query = $this->db->get_where('tbl_tickets', array('id' => $id));
foreach ($query->result() as $row)
$query = $this->db->get_where('tbl_tickets', array('id' => $id));
foreach ($query->result() as $row)
Then, give your table structure.
Just try like this
$sql = "UPDATE tbl_tickets SET is_close='1' WHERE id=".$title_id;
just try like this
**function edit($close,$id) {
$sql = "UPDATE tbl_tickets SET is_close= ? WHERE id = ? ";
$this->db->query($sql, array($close,$id));
To handle this type of errors, i mean if reflection is not happen in database, then use below steps to resolve this type of error.
1) use $this->db->last_query() function to print query, using this we can make sure our variable have correct value (should not null or undefined), using that we can make sure also SQL query is valid or not.
2) If SQL query is valid then open phpmyadmin & fire same query into phpmyadmin, it will return error if query columns or table names are invalid.
Use this way, its best way to cross check our SQL queries issues.
I hope it will work.
You are trying to update integer(INT) type value, just cross check with your column datatype if that is varchar then you have to put value in a single or double quote.
Like this
$data=array('is_close'=> '1');

How can I tell if I'm at the last result when using WHILE so that I can omit a comma from my output?

I know I can do what I need to do by getting a total records count and if I'm at the last record, don't display a comma but there has to be a better way.
I'm trying to build an SQL statement programatically using values from MySQL.
The code:
$fql="SELECT ";
$result = mysql_query("SELECT field FROM fb_aa_fields WHERE fql_table = '$query'", $conn);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
$get_field = "".$row{'field'}."";
$fql = $fql."$get_field, ";
$fql = $fql."FROM ".$query." WHERE owner=".$get_uid."";
It outputs this:
SELECT aid, can_upload, cover_object_id, cover_pid, created, description, edit_link, link, location, modified, modified_major, name, object_id, owner, photo_count, size, type, video_count, visible, FROM album WHERE owner=522862206
The problem is the last comma between "visible" and "FROM". How would you suggest is the best way to make that comma go away?
It's less of a pain to detect whether you're at the first element than the last. You could do like
$i = 0;
while($row =...) {
if ($i++) $fql .= ',';
$fql .= $row['field'];
Or, possibly better, defer tacking on fields to the string til the end. There's a built-in function called implode, that you can use to insert the commas between them.
$fields = array();
while($row =...) {
$fields[] = $row['field'];
$fql .= implode(',', $fields);

getting data from 2 different table with JOIN sql. Codeigniter

I use codeigniter, and I need to get data from 2 different table. for now it returns data only from works_image table. how can I get data from both 2 table ?
thanks a lot!!
$this->db->select('works_image.*', 'works.*');
$this->db->from('works_image', 'works');
$this->db->join('works', ' = works_image.id_work');
$result = $this->db->get();
foreach ($result->result() as $row) {
echo " # " . $row->id . " - " . $row->thumb . " - " . $row->wname . "";
As long as you're doing a SELECT * (Why is this a bad idea?), you shouldn't need to specify tables with the call to select(). It will select all fields by default.
$this->db->from('works_image', 'works');
$this->db->join('works', ' = works_image.id_work');
$result = $this->db->get();
Should work fine.
Instead, what you really should be doing, is specifying exactly which fields you need:
$this->db->select(',, works_image.id_work,,'); // (or whichever fields you're interested in)
$this->db->from('works_image', 'works');
$this->db->join('works', ' = works_image.id_work');
$result = $this->db->get();
This way you can be sure that (a) you're not pulling unnecessary data from your DB, and (b) your code won't break if/when you modify your DB schema.
This post should answer your question:
In short, you need to rewrite your select statement from
$this->db->select('works_image.*', 'works.*');
to this:
$this->db->select('works_image.*, works.*');
Note that this was the first result on Google for 'CodeIgniter join'. Try Googling your questions first. You can often get yourself a faster answer :)
You should be to write below code
$this->db->select('works_image.*', 'works.*');
$this->db->join('works', ' = works_image.id_work');
$result = $this->db->get();
foreach ($result->result() as $row) {
echo " # " . $row->id . " - " . $row->thumb . " - " . $row->wname . "
I think that you get your result