Multiple Input Hidden Field Elements using Zend Form - zend-form

I am encountering a requirement where I need to use multiple hidden field elements. The values for these elements are stored in an array. What would be the best possible approach to build that in the zend form.
id[] = array('1', '2', '3', ....);
This values for id[] is dynamically generated.
And the html part for my case would look something like this
<input type="hidden" name="ids[]" value="id[0]" />
<input type="hidden" name="ids[]" value="id[1]" />
<input type="hidden" name="ids[]" value="id[2]" />
and so on.
How can a create multiple input hidden field elements, which I later want to use it in my controller by using the populate method.
In case if anyone has an idea how to approach this, would be really helpful.
P.S. Im using Zend Framework 2

It sounds like you're running into a use-case anticipated by Form Collections.
\Zend\Form has baked in support for managing this kind of relational structure.
The gist of it is that you create a Fieldset which can hold a collection of identifiers for your related entity.
While the documentation doesn't demonstrate with hidden elements, there's no reason you can't create a fieldset full of hidden elements. Take a careful look at the "Category" fieldset in the documentation.


Vue 2 - How / is it possible to create a unique layout during a v-for loop?

I am trying to create a questionnaire. I have an array of questions. Each question is an object. During the loop the <component :is> checks the component property inside the question object. If the property equals an Input for example then an input will be shown and so on.
This works for simple questions. However the last question requires a more complex layout. Here 'Please add items' needs to have two inputs and an add button. Once pressed a table will appear with each row displaying the values passed into the fields from above. At the moment I can't do this as I am looping though a sub set of questions.
There could be 1000+ questions eventually and I am not sure whether creating a component for each question is the right approach?
I know my current approach isn't right some how but I am completely stuck how to approach this. Is there a way of looping through data and providing unique layouts for each question? The data structure isn't set in stone so feel free to change it.
Within the v-for, you can wrap the elements in a <template>, and then just use v-if to determine which element is displayed.
For example :
<template v-for="question in question.questions" :key="">
<Input v-if="quetion.type === 'text'" :question="question" />
<Radio v-if="quetion.type === 'choice'" :question="question" />

Selenium - Search for an element within element

Hi I want to hold element references in files somewhere. and then in run time search for elements withing referenced elements in Selenium how to do that.
For example- a Frame contains multiple text boxes -and multiple frames of similar properties exist where the textboxes are also duplicate. Something like I wanna reference the text box under a particular frame. But i wanna predefine the frame. and the specify that search under that frame[Something like Aliases in Testcomplete]
For Example - similar concept exist in Cheezy's Page-Objects. but not quite.
if you have a structure like this:
<div class='some class'>
<input class='input-button' value='submit'>Submit</input>
<div class='some class2'>
<input class='input-button' value='submit'>Submit</input>
and you want to find the first 'Submit' which is within the 'some class' div, you can do this:
parent_element = driver.find_element(:xpath, "//div[#class='some class']")
child_element = parent_element.find_element(:xpath, ".//input")
p.s. this is ruby code.

How do I select a particular dynamic div, using Selenium when I don't have a unique id or name?

Only the content of the div is unique. So, in the following dynamically generated html, only "My Article-1245" is unique:
<div class="col-md-4 article">
My Article-1245
<p>O ephemeral text! Here today, gone tomorrow. Not terribly important, but necessary</p>
How do I select the edit/delete link of this specific div, using Selenium? assertText/verifyText requires an element locator, but I do not have any unique id/name (out of my control). There will be many such div blocks, with other content text, all dynamically generated.
Any help would be appreciated.
If text 'My Article' appears each time, you may use following:
//For Delete
driver.findElement(By.xpath("//h2[contains(text(),'My Article-')]/a[text()='Delete']"));
//For Edit
driver.findElement(By.xpath("//h2[contains(text(),'My Article-')]/a[text()='Edit']"));
Hope it meets your requirement :)
Matching by text is always a bad automated testing concept. If you want to keep clean and reliable test scripts, then :
Contact your web dev to add unique identifiers to the elements
Suck it up, and create selectors based on what's there.
You are able to create a CSS selector based on what you want.
What you should do is create the selector using parent-child relationships:
driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("div.article:nth-child(X) a[href^='delete']"));
As I am ignorant of your appp, this is also assuming that all of your article classes are under the same parent. You would substitute X with the number of the div you want to refer to. e.g.:
<div id="someparent">
<div class="...article" />
<div class="...article" />

how to use a hidden input field to store a blog post's set of tags

I have some slightly funky UI for inputting tags for a blog post: as tags are entered into an input field they are wrapped into spans that make them look nice by surrounding them in a stylized box, the end result comes out to be something like this:
Now, this input field (call it field 1)is not part of the form that gets submitted to the controller (I'm using RoR btw) for two reasons: it contains extraneous html tags, besides the actual tags; also if it was part of the form pressing enter would submit the form instead of triggering the js that wraps the entered tag into a span.
So what I'm doing is when each tag is entered, I copy its value (via js) to a hidden input field that IS part of the tag entry form, and when submitted would contain only the tag values and nothing else. The question is: What should I use as delimiter to separate the tags in the hidden input field. Currently I'm using ';' but if a tag itself contains ; that'd cause problems.
I'm also open to suggestions about the general method of how to keep track of the tags entered into 'field 1'
Thanks a lot,
I would recommend just adding a hidden input for each tag.
<input type="hidden" name="post[tags][]" value="tag_name" />
<input type="hidden" name="post[tags][]" value="tag_name" />
<input type="hidden" name="post[tags][]" value="tag_name" />
then in rails
def tags=(value)
tag_array = [*value]
# then just filter these out.
I use a similar method with the tokenInput jQuery plugin. But in my case I've placed it inside the form. I solved the problems that you mentioned by capturing the keypress event and preventing it for that input and I ignore the search input value.
The one thing that I really like about keeping it inside the form is how it is managed afterward. I place the hidden tag, name, and a remove 'x' in a span (like you mentioned) and then just remove this tag when the 'x' is clicked. I like this because the name and the hidden_tag are removed at the same time.
Just one other tip. If you can, pass the tag_id in the hidden field. This way you don't have to add the tags attribute add all: <input type="hidden" name="post[tag_ids][]" value="tag_name" />.

Refining my Dojo/Dijit NumberTextBox numeric validation

I have the following code:
<input type="text" dojoType="dijit.form.NumberTextBox" size=8
id="orgNumberOfStudents" name="orgNumberOfStudents"
required="true" invalidMessage="Integer between 0 and 100,000"
1) How do I set the width of the box? Do I have to do it in a style tag or a CSS? Is the traditional "input size" tag ignored?
2) The above sample shows the error when I type in a non-numeric value. But if I tab over the field and don't fill in anything, it's still blank. Is there a quick way to enforce the validation when I click the submit button? Do I need a Dijit submitt button? Do I need to write more JavaScript to make this happen? How does the required="true" actually occur?
(One get-around is to set the value to 0, but I'd rather force the user enter a value rather than just defaulting it).
Neal Walters
You should be able to use both CSS and traditional INPUT attributes like "maxLength" on your NumberTextBox by passing them in to the Widget's constructor. maxLength is available on all dijit.form.TextBox subclasses, but is probably less useful here since you have control over things like min/max and the actual number format.
Yes, you can always write your own JS to test "isValid()" on your widget instance before submission, e.g. in an HTML FORM onSubmit handler, or you could use dijit.form.Form which will check validity for you. The widget itself is only responsible for visual representation of its own validity, according to the options chosen.