link_to Helper Modifications - ruby-on-rails-3

Inside of a rails app that I am working, I modified the link_to helper slightly:
def link_to(*args, &block)
args[1] = params[:client_id].present? ? "#{args[1]}?client_id=#{params[:client_id]}" : args[1]
I did this so I wouldn't have to add the :client_id => params[:client_id] every time I wrote a link_to inside of the app. Well, I have kind of pigeon holed myself with the following problem...
If I have this link_to:
<%= link_to "Continue to billing info", add_product_path(:product_id =>, :class => 'btn' %>
Using my link_to helper creates a link, like so:
I am at a slight loss on how to modify my helper so that the link will work as normal while including the :client_id param...

You want to add your parameter to the link url, not to the link itself. Maybe you should rewrite the url_for helper, which is the helper used by all of the url helpers ( )


pass parameters as POST through path

I currently have the following link:
<%= link_to 'New campus', new_campus_path(:university_id => %>
and the url I get is:
How can I pass the parameter as POST?
I tried adding method => :post, but no luck there. I appreciate any help. Thanks.
The method parameter of link_to should work - what exactly was wrong with it?
<%= link_to 'New campus', new_campus_path(:university_id =>, method: :post %>
Alternatively, you can try button_to
<%= button_to 'New campus', new_campus_path(:university_id =>, method: :post %>
Edit: in both of these cases, the paremeter will still be added to the query string, but as long as the HTTP verb is correct, this shouldn't make a difference for rails, because access to both is done through the params hash.
If it's really important to not include the parameter, you can create the form yourself and add a hidden field:
<%= form_tag new_campus_path, method: :post %>
<%= hidden_field_tag :university_id, %>
<%= submit_tag 'New campus' %>
<% end %>
I don't think there's a shortcut for this in rails
Edit 2: As an aside, if I'm guessing correctly, this link is supposed to open a form for creating a new campus with a default university selected. If that's the case, you should really be using GET, because it's just a read action that doesn't cause any side effects.
You can use JQuery. Like this :
$("#my_link").click(function() {
type: 'POST',
url: '/campus/new?university_id=1'
You can see the doc here : and here :

RoR: form_for action button doesn't respond

I'm coding the project from Ruby on Rails Tutorial: Learn Rails by Example and am having trouble with the following and unfollowing features.
I have a piece of HTML in one of my pages that looks like this:
<%= form_for =>,
:remote => true do |f| %>
<div><%= f.hidden_field :followed_id %></div>
<div class="actions"><%= f.submit "Follow" %></div>
<% end %>
My RelationshipsController has a create method, but it is never called. The same applies to my 'unfollow' html and corresponding destroy method. Is there something I need to add to my project to let Rails know that the method should call the create method, or is that automatic?
Thanks in advance.
RelationshipsController has a create method
Is it create or build?
Show us the controller code. Since you use "remote=> true" you probably need to change the "respond_to" code in there and create a js.erb file.

Ajax Callbacks in Rails 3 with Prototype, not jQuery

I'm upgrading an app from Rails 2 to 3 and am reworking all of the remote functions to use Unobtrusive Javascript. Where I'm struggling is handling ajax callbacks in UJS.
There are a lot of resources I've found that show how to implement these callbacks with jQuery, but not much for prototype. Perhaps you can help me figure this out.
In Rails 2, I had this:
<% remote_form_for #foo, {:loading => "loading_function()", :complete => "complete_function()" } do |f| %>
<% end %>
In Rails 3, I have this:
<%= form_for #foo, :remote => true do |f| %>
<% end %>
From what I've figured out so far (which may be wrong), I need to attach my old loading/complete functions to the form so that they'll be fired by the handleRemote function in Rails.js. I'm just not sure how to go about that.
Again, I'm doing this in Prototype. So answers specific to that framework are appreciated.
The answer is the following:
<%= form_for #foo, :remote => true do |f| %>
<% end %>
<script type='text/javascript'>
$('edit_foo').observe('ajax:before', loading_function());
$('edit_foo').observe('ajax:complete complete_function());
Try this link. Yes, it is JQuery, but JQuery and Prototype do not differ the way how things work together. Here is a code fragment that adds a new task directly in the index page - and it uses Prototype:
<%= form_for(#task, :remote => true) do |f| %>
<%= f.label 'Add a new task: ' %>
<%= f.text_field :name %>
<%= f.submit %>
<% end %>
<div id='newform'>
<%= render :partial => "newform", :locals => { :#task => } %>
page.insert_html :after, 'tablehead', :partial => #task
page.replace_html 'newform',:partial => "newform", :locals => { :#task => }
Edit: you need to add "format.js" to our create method of the task controller
For people with a similar issue, it may also help to look at the source code for the remote helpers in the Rails 2.3.x source code.
In my case, I wanted to figure out what to do with the ':update' parameter, as in:
remote_form_for(#obj, :update => "new_obj", :before => "some js code") do |f|
I had to find the update functionality in the remote_function code.
For my specific issue, it looks like it's impossible to get the equivalent of :update with Rails 3 UJS helpers. The rails.js in Rails 3 wraps :remote => true requests with the Ajax.Request(...), whereas the :update function in Rails 2 wraps Ajax requests with Ajax.Updater(...). For people looking to replace the :update feature from Rails 2, I see 2 options:
Switch to jquery-rails, so that you can access the response from the Ajax request, with code like this:
$("#elem").bind("ajax:complete", function(et, e){
Write your own Prototype based code to grab the form and submit it via ajax, using Ajax.Updater(...) instead of Ajax.Request. Do NOT use :remote => true, since this will attempt to use Ajax.Request.
Side note: I played around with the callback object provided in the ajax:complete event
$('new_obj').observe('ajax:complete', function(request){;
The request object doesn't appear to contain the response anywhere in it. It is pretty massive, though, so I could be wrong. Hopefully this will help someone else trying to upgrade from Rails 2 to 3, though.
There's a way to get the response from the Ajax.Request invocation, if you were using remote_form_for with :update option. So, you probably don't need to change it to use Ajax.Updater as a workaround. Basically, you use respone.memo.responseText, in your example it would be something like this:
$('new_obj').observe('ajax:complete', function(response){;
// Probably you would use it like this:

Rails 3 Apply CSS class if path matches root:to path

I am very new to ROR and I love it so far as I develop my first app. I have a question related to my application template as I apply formatting to the nav menu.
Is it possible to check if a url path matches the root:to path set in config.rb? I have a helper method that returns the string "current" which adds the css class style to highlight the selected menu item. The helper method works fine as long as I'm not at the homepage. When I my url is www.localhost:3000/ the css current class is not applied to the Products link since the request_uri = "/" which doesn't equal "/products". I would like the css class "current" applied to the Products menu item when I'm on the homepage.
Is there any conditional logic I can use to get the root:to path and check if it matches the is_current's parameter path?
Here's my code:
routes.rb root:to setto point to the products index view
root :to => 'products#index'
<%= link_to 'Products', products_path, :class => is_current(products_path) %>
<%= link_to 'Reports', reports_path , :class => is_current(reports_path) %>
def is_current(path)
if request.request_uri == path
return 'current'
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Would this work for you?
if current_page? root_path
for more info:
If I read correctly, you want "onlink" css applied? so that when the user is on the home page, the home icon is a different color or something. If so then apply this in your header partial or where ever:
<li><%= link_to_unless_current "Home", root_path, :class => "navLinks" do link_to "Home", root_path, :class => "navLinks", :id => "onlink" end %></li>
I know this is an old question, but it may prove useful to someone else :)

render :inline => "<%= yield %>" not working

I'm upgrading from Rails 2.3.8 to 3.0.3 and notice that my code for nested layouts isn't working.
In my main Application layout I have the line
<%= controller.sub_layout %>
which then looks to the controller, who has:
def sub_layout
render :inline => "<%= yield %>"
# or otherwise some partial for the sub-layout
The problem is, this doesn't get rendered! If I put a direct <%= yield %> statement in the layout, it does work. So the question is, what's happening here, and how do I fix it?
This worked beautifully in Rails 2.3.8
How about a much saner approach:
render :layout => false
So you all have some more of a background on this, the whole sub-layout approach was based on this blog post: Sorta Nested Layouts (The solution is given in the comments section.)
Instead of making a controller method sub_layout, any controller that uses a sublayout needs to define a before_filter method that sets a variable:
def inner_layout
#inner_layout = 'layouts/sublayout_partial_name'
then in the main layout.html.erb (i.e. application.html.erb), where you would otherwise put your yield statement:
<%= #inner_layout ? render(:partial => "#{#inner_layout}") : yield %>
the assumtion is that the sublayout partial file will have its own yield statement in there somewhere.