Duplicate rows on ole db destination - sql

I have quite a complex scenario where the same package can be run in parallel. In some situations both execution can end up trying to insert the same row into the destination, which causes a violation of primary key error.
There is currently a lookup that checks the destination table to see i the record exists so the insert is done on the its "no match" output. It doesnt prevent the error because the lookup is loaded on the package start thus both packages get the same data on it and if a row comes in both of them will consider it a "new" row so the first one succeeds and the second, fails.
Anything that can be done to avoid this scenario? Pretty much ignore the "duplicate rows" on the oledb destination? I cant use the MAX ERROR COUNT because the duplicate row is in a bath among other rows that were not on the first package and should be inserted.

The default lookup behaviour is to employ Full Cache mode. As you have observed, during the package validation stage, it will pull all the lookup values into an local memory cache and use that which results in it missing updates to the table.
For your scenario, I would try changing the cache mode to None (partial is the other option). None indicates that an actual query should be fired off to the target database for every row that passes through. Depending on your data volume or a poorly performing query, that can have a not-insignificant impact on the destination. It still won't guarantee that the parallel instance isn't trying the to load the exact same record (or that the parallel run has already satisfied their lookup and is ready to write to the target table) but it should improve the situation.
If you cannot control the package executions such that the concurrent dataflows are firing, then you should look at re-architecting the approach (write to partitions and swap in, use something to lock resources, stage all the data and use a TSQL merge etc)

Just a thought ... How about writing the new records to a temp table and merging it intermittently? This will give an opportunity to filter out duplicates.


When to use internal tables?

So, I have read that using internal tables increases the performance of the program and that we should make operations on DB tables as less as possible. But I have started working on a project that does not use internal tables at all.
Some details:
It is a scanner that adds or removes products in/from a store. First the primary key is checked (to see if that type of product exists) and then the product is added or removed. We use ‘Insert Into’ and ‘Delete From’ to add/remove the products directly from the DB table.
I have not asked why they do not use internal tables because I do not have a better solution so far.
Here’s what I have so far: Insert all products in an internal table, place the deleted products in another internal table.
Form update.
Modify zop_db_table from table gt_table." – to add all new products
LOOP AT gt_deleted INTO gs_deleted.
DELETE FROM zop_db_table WHERE index_nr = gs_deleted-index_nr.
ENDLOOP. " – to delete products
But when can I perform this update?
I could set a ‘Save button’ to perform the update, but then there will be the risk that the user forgets to save large amounts of data, or drops the scanner, shutting it down or similar situations. So this is clearly not a good solution.
My final question is: Is there a (good) way to implement internal tables in a project like this?
internal tables should be used for data processing, like lists or arrays in other languages (c#, java...). From a performance and system load perspective it is preferred to first load all data you need into an internal table, then process that internal table instead of loading individual records from the database.
But that is mostly true for reporting, which is probably the most common type of custom abap program. You often see developers use select...endselect-statements, that in effect loop over a database table, transferring row after row to the report, one at a time. That is extremely slow compared to reading all records at once into an itab, then looping over the itab. More than once i've cut the execution time of a report down to a fraction by just eliminating roundtrips to the database.
If you have a good reason to read from the database or update records immediately, you should do so. If you can safely delay updates and deletes to a point in time where you can process all of them together, without risking inconsistencies, I'd consider than an improvement. But if there is a good reason (like consistency or data loss) to update immediately, do it.
Update: as #vwegert mentioned regarding the select-endselect statement, the statement doesn't actually create individual database queries for each row. The database interface of the application server optimizes the query, transferring rows in bulk to the application server. From there the records are transported to the abap report one by one (because in the report there is only the work area to store a single row), which has a significant performance impact especially for queries with large result sets. A select into an internal table can transport all rows directly to the abap report (as long as there is enough memory to hold them), as now there is the internal table to hold those records in the report.

Oracle - Failover table or query manipulation

In a DWH environment for performance reasons I need to materialize a view into a table with approx. 100 columns and 50.000.000 records. Daily ~ 60.000 new records are inserted and ~80.000 updates on existing records are performed. By decision I am not allowed to use materialized views because the architect claims this leads to performance issues. I can't argue the case anymore, it's an irrevocable decision and I have to accept.
So I would like to make a daily full load in the night e.g. truncate and insert. But if the job fails the table may not be empty but must contain the data from the last successful population.
Therefore I thought about something like a failover table, that will be used instead if anything wents wrong:
IF v_load_job_failed THEN failover_table
ELSE regular_table
Is there something like a failover table that will be used instead of another table depending on a predefined condition? Something like a trigger that rewrites or manipulates a select-query before execution?
I know that is somewhat of a dirty workaround.
If you have space for (brief) period of time of double storage, I'd recommend
1) Clone existing table (all indexes, grants, etc) but name with _TMP
2) Load _TMP
3) Rename base table to _BKP
4) Rename _TMP to match Base table
5) Rename _BKP to _TMP
6) Truncate _TMP
ETA: #1 would be "one time"; 2-6 would be part of daily script.
This all assumes the performance of (1) detecting all new records and all updated records and (2) using MERGE (INSERT+UPDATE) to integrate those changed records into base table is "on par" with full load.
(Personally, I lean toward the full load approach anyway; on the day somebody tweaks a referential value that's incorporated into the view def and changes the value for all records, you'll find yourself waiting on a week-long update of 50,000,000 records. Such concerns are completely eliminated with full-load approach)
All that said, it should be noted that if MV is defined correctly, the MV-refresh approach is identical to this approach in every way, except:
1) Simpler / less moving pieces
2) More transparent (SQL of view def is attached to MV, not buried in some PL/SQL package or .sql script somewhere)
3) Will not have "blip" of time, between table renames, where queries / processes may not see table and fail.
ETA: It's possible to pull this off with "partition magic" in a couple of ways that avoid a "blip" of time where data or table is missing.
You can, for instance, have an even-day and odd-day partition. On odd-days, insert data (no commit), then truncate even-day (which simultaneously drops old day and exposes new). But is it worth the complexity? You need to add a column to partition by, and deal with complexity of reruns - if you're logic isn't tight, you'll wind up truncating the data you just loaded. This does, however, prevent a blip
One method that does avoid any "blip" and is a little less "whoops" prone:
1) Add "DUMMY" column that always has value 1.
2) Create _TMP table (also with "DUMMY" column) and partition by DUMMY column (so all rows go to same partition)
-- Daily script --
3) Load _TMP table
4) Exchange partition of _TMP table with main base table WITHOUT VALIDATION INCLUDING INDEXES
It bears repeating: all of these methods are equivalent if resource usage to MV-refresh; they're just more complex and tend to make developers feel "savvy" for solving problems that have already been solved.
Final note - addressing David Aldridge - first and foremost, daily refresh tables SHOULD NOT have logging enabled. In recovery scenario, just make sure you have step to run refresh scripts once base tables are restored.
Performance-wise, mileage is going to vary on this; but in my experience, the complexity of identifying and modifying changed/inserted rows can get very sticky (at some point, somebody will do something to base data that your script did not take into account; either yielding incorrect results or performance obstacles). DWH environments tend to be geared to accommodate processes like this with little problem. Unless/until the full refresh proves to have overhead above&beyond what the system can tolerate, it's generally the simplest "set-it-and-forget-it" approach.
On that note, if data can be logically separated into "live rows which might be updated" vs "historic rows that will never be updated", you can come up with a partitioning scheme and process that only truncates/reloads the "live" data on a daily basis.
A materialized view is just a set of metadata with an underlying table, and there's no reason why you cannot maintain a table in a manner similar to a materialized view's internal mechanisms.
I'd suggest using a MERGE statement as a single query rather than a truncate/insert. It will either succeed in its entirety or rollback to leave the previous data intact. 60,000 new records and 80,000 modified records is not much.
I think that you cannot go far wrong if you at least start with a simple, single SQL statement and then see how that works for you. If you do decide to go with a multistep process then ensure that it automatically recovers itself at any stage where it might go wrong part way through -- that might turn out to be the tricky bit.

amazon redshift concurrent write results in inserted records, causing duplicates

I have been trying to solve a problem where two concurrent updates on the same table are causing additional records to be created/inserted. Never experienced this in any other relational database, and nor would i. So i believe it's potential a quirk in redshifts architecture of distributing queries across multiple nodes, however cannot pinpoint or provide a real world example.
Before these two updates are run, i insert new data into the table. The insert contains a daily snapshot that fills out one day of data, most columns have empty values ready for the updates to populate them.
The updates are run concurrently, which are simple update sql's, updating their respective columns. If run individually i do not see additional records created and no duplication.
The updates operate across the entire table, over 200 million records, however the duplication occurs only in the records that where populated recently(the new data for that days period.
This is kind of a worry, as i would never assume an update would ever create new records, addition to the records created with the first insert.
What is even more bizzare is that the duplicate records hold different data.
I have checked to veryify that no other queries are running beyond the expected, by looking at redshifts query logs (stl_query).
I find really hard to believe that an update created new values, are you really sure about this?
I've been trough complicate situations when It comes to concurrent transactions on the same table, so what I suggest is that you explicitly lock your table with:
lock table <table> in exclusive mode;
before you manipulate it (exclusive mode will allow reads but any write attempt will have to wait)
If you don't and 2 transactions try to update (Inserts are fine, BTW) the same table, you are most likely yo get a "ERROR: 1023 - DETAIL: Serializable isolation violation on table" - or the behavior you are reporting

Field specific errors for ETL

I am creating a ETL process in MS SQL Server and I would like to have errors specific to a particular column of a particular row. For example, the data is initially loaded from excel files into a table(we'll call the Initial table) where all columns are varchar(2000) and then I stage the data to another table(the DataTypedTable) that contains more specific data types (datetime,int, etc.) or more tightly constrained varchar lengths. I need to be able to create error messages for a specific field such as:
"Jan. 13th" is not a valid date format for the submission date. Please use a format of MM/DD/YYYY
These error messages would need to be stored in some way such that later in the process a automated process can create reports with the error messages such that each message references a specific row and field(someone will need to go back and correct the data in the source system and resubmit the excel file). So ideally it would be inserted into a Failures tables of some sort and contain the primary key of the failed row, the column name, and the error message.
Question: So I am wondering if this can be accomplished with SSIS, or some open source tool like Talend, and if so, what would be your general approach? Or what hand coded approach you would take?
Couple approaches I've thought of using SQL(up until no I have done ETL by hand in SQL procs, but I want to consider other approaches. Possible C# even.):
Use a cursor to read through the Initial table, and for each row insert a blank record with only the primary key into the DataTyped table, then use a single update statement for each column, such that if that update fails I can insert a very specific error message specific to that column in the error messages table.
Insert all the data as is into the DataTyped table, but have duplicate columns like SubmissionDate and SubmissionDateOld. After the initial insert the *Old columns have data, the rest are blank, and I have a single update for each column that sets the SubmissionDate based on the SubmissionDateOld.
In addition to suggesting an approach, I'd like to know if you are using that approach or something similar already in the work you do.
I use the aproach where I put a conditional split into the data flow. The records which fail the conditions (invalid date, no data in a required field, etc.) are then sent to an exception table which includes the record identifier, the bad data, the reason it failed. You can then later on create a spreadsheet or text file of errors from this information to send back to the group providing the file. Good records of course go to the pther path and are inserted into the table.
How about some cleaning/transformation before loading into the staging (what you call initial tables) tables? Dump the data from Excel to a tab or comma separated file and then use some programming languages of your choice to do the data cleansing that you have noted. Also, how big is each data load? You can make use of multi-threaded or multi-process application to handle major loads (like loading few million rows at a time). During this process any error you encounter can be loaded into the exception table with identifier, error and comment details. This technique helps in having better control during data cleaning phase.
If the load is not that high and you want to do most of your work in database (SQL), then you may want to do as much data profiling as possible and have good understading of possible data variations that you can expect. With that you can use appropriate component (Talend or SSIS) to do the transformation or control the data flow. Also, by using regular expressions you can catch any entity that deviates from the set rule.

Query Performance help

I have a long running job. The records to be processed are in a table with aroun 100K records.
Now during whole job whenever this table is queried it queries against those 100K records.
After processing status of every record is updated against same table.
I want to know, if it would be better if I add another table where I can update records status and in this table keep deleting whatever records are processed, so as the query go forward the no. of records in master table will decrease increasing the query performance.
EDIT: Master table is basically used for this load only. I receive a flat file, which I upload as it is before processing. After doing validations on this table I pick one record at a time and move data to appropriate system tables.
I had a similar performance problem where a table generally has a few million rows but I only need to process what has changed since the start of my last execution. In my target table I have an IDENTITY column so when my batch process begins, I get the highest IDENTITY value from the set I select where the IDs are greater than my previous batch execution. Then upon successful completion of the batch job, I add a record to a separate table indicating this highest IDENTITY value which was successfully processed and use this as the start input for the next batch invocation. (I'll also add that my bookmark table is general purpose so I have multiple different jobs using it each with unique job names.)
If you are experiencing locking issues because your processing time per record takes a long time you can use the approach I used above, but break your sets into 1,000 rows (or whatever row chunk size your system can process in a timely fashion) so you're only locking smaller sets at any given time.
Few pointers (my two cents):
Consider splitting that table similar to "slowly changing dimension" technique into few "intermediate" tables, depending on "system table" destination; then bulk load your system tables -- instead of record by record.
Drop the "input" table before bulk load, and re-create to get rid of indexes, etc.
Do not assign unnecessary (keys) indexes on that table before load.
Consider switching the DB "recovery model" to bulk-load mode, not to log bulk transactions.
Can you use a SSIS (ETL) task for loading, cleaning and validating?
Here is a typical ETL scenario -- well, depends on who you talk to.
1. Extract to flat_file_1 (you have that)
2. Clean flat_file_1 --> SSIS --> flat_file_2 (you can validate here)
3. Conform flat_file_2 --> SSIS --> flat_file_3 (apply all company standards)
4. Deliver flat_file_3 --> SSIS (bulk) --> db.ETL.StagingTables (several, one per your destination)
4B. insert into destination_table select * from db.ETL.StagingTable (bulk load your final destination)
This way if a process (1-4) times-out you can always start from the intermediate file. You can also inspect each stage and create report files from SSIS for each stage to control your data quality. Operations 1-3 are essentially slow; here they are happening outside of the database and can be done on a separate server. If you archive flat_file(1-3) you also have an audit trail of what's going on -- good for debug too. :)