UIImageView overlapping effect inside a UIView - objective-c

Check this URL http://krystalrae.com/
Scrolling down you will see a girl's cloths are changing on mouse wheel scrolling.
I have to create a iPad application where 3 images will appear likewise. The difference will be that in my case image change will occur horizontally rather than vertically in website. Also, i have to make it inside UIView with events touchesBegan, touchesMoved, touchesEnded and touchesCancelled
Help will be appreciated.

From your comment I gather that the problem is the resizing of the images in UIImageView when changing the bounds of the view.
You can set the contentMode of the image view to something else. The default is UIViewContentModeScaleToFill which is not what you want.
You could, for example, set the lower image view to UIViewContentModeBottom, and the upper image view to UIViewContentModeTop.
Don't forget to make sure your image views have sett the property maskToBounds set as YES.


Blur image in specific area of UIImageView where touch moved

I want to blur the part of image where I move the finger on image view similar to "Touch Blur" application. Many thanks in advance.
Use this library ios-realtimeblur by passing the touch location along with the height and width you want for the same; also add that view as a subview of UIImageView. Make sure every time touch changes remove your previous blur view or change the frame of it.
Hope this helps.

UIScrollView doesn't work well with IB

I have a screen full of different UI objects that I need to scroll if on a 3.5 inch iPhone screen. I've added the ScrollView and setEnabled to YES but it still doesn't work. I'm thinking I should just code all the objects instead of using the IB and then add them to the scrollview. If I use a view with a scrollview on top with a view on top of that, then add them all to the subview, they lose their positioning. As for the constraints on the IB, there are simply too many objects and with hours spent on different constraint use, that will not be an option. Thanks for any suggestions and help.
Try to set the content size to be the size your frame, which is this case your view controller since you mentioned its "a screen full of different UI objects"
self.scrollView.contentSize = self.scrollView.frame.size;
then set scrollView frame to be the size of the view's frame
self.scrollView.frame = self.view.frame;
UIScrollView wont scroll, if the contents inside of the UIScrollview, are small enough to view without scrolling.
So if you have a UIView obj inside of your UIScrollView and that UIView is not Bigger than the UIScrollView, by default the UIScrollview will not scroll.

iOS stretch image to full screen

I have a scroll view with a image view inside. I was wondering whether it's possible to have the image inside the image view be much smaller than the resolution of the screen, and somehow be able to stretch it to fit the screen.
Set contentMode on the UIImageView and change its size.
[UIImageView setContentMode:UIViewContentModeScaleToFill];
Check the docs for more informations regarding UIViewContentMode:
Sure, just change the bounds of the imageView.
Am I missing something here?
Your UIImageView is within an UIScrollView I understand?
That would work by adjusting the scroll view plus adusting the image view appropriately. However that is not advisable to do. You will get lost in small errors with annoying effects.
I'd suggest to add an additional UIView that can match the bounds of the screen.
Add that view to the underlying "view" object and use the bringSubviewToFront method.
You could as well make sure that this new UIView is the first subview of the most underlying view object. You could achieve that by manipulating the subviews array structure - which I do not recommend in general wihout having fully understood everythng about the view hierarchy.
You can as well achieve that by adding the additional view at first before adding any other view. (Within IB just make sure that the new view is the topmost in the tree, coming next to the view controllers "view".) And then make it hidden until you actually need it. Then you unhide it. When it is not needed anymore then hide it again and neither delete it nor erase it from its superview.

Resize NSTableView or NSScrollView depending on number of rows in table

I have a view-based NSTableView which is embedded in an NSScrollView. It has custom cells that are x number of pixels high. The NSScrollView is the same size as the panel that it is a subview of. I want to resize the entire NSTableView depending on how many rows are in the table.
Everything is working except the resizing. Resizing the scroll view manually in IB seems to have the desired affect, but NSSrollView does not seem to have a class method to resize its view (like NSView has setFrame). Should I be resizing the scollview, the tableview, both, or something else? Does NSScrollView have a setFrame method or similar that I am missing?
Before you try to do it programmatically, make sure you have the outline view's autosizing masks set up properly in the nib file. It sounds like you simply want the outline view (and its scroll view) to always remain the same size as the window that it's inside.
By default, the autosizing masks of an NSScrollView/NSOutlineView combo that you place into a window looks like the following:
In other words, it's set up to always remain the same size as it is now, no matter how large you resize the window to be.
What you want to do is to change the autosizing masks to look like in the image below:
To do that, you click in the white autosizing box wherever there's a dotted red line to toggle it into a solid red line. Once it's configured that way, the scroll view (and table view) will always (automatically) be resized to be the same size as the window that it's in.
There may also be a way to achieve this using Lion's new "auto layout" feature, but I'll have to leave that to someone who has more experience with it.
In case you really need to do this (such as when you want all rows to fit in the scrollview alleviating the need to scroll) and the scroll view is only a portion of the window/view you can do:
[[myTableView enclosingScrollView] setFrame:newFrameRect];
scrollview.frame = CGRrectMake(x, y, w, h);

How do I resize a UIScrollView so that it's not 100% of the parent UIView?

I've built an app using the UITabBar template. I have a few tabbar items, one item displays a view. That view has a UIScrollView element that has paging enabled to mimic the behaviour of the iPhone springboard i.e. pages that can be scrolled left to right.
I'm trying to drop in a UIPageControl, so I've resize the UIScrollView so that it's slightly shorter than the parent UIView height and have placed a UIPageControl below it.
When I run the app the UIScrollView is always 100% of the height of the parent UIView and I can't see the UIPageControl.
I've got the following code in my viewDidLoad method of the view controller for the tab:
UIScrollView *tempScrollView=(UIScrollView *)self.view;
This sets the content size ok and I can scroll left to right. I've tried adding:
tempScrollView.frame=CGRectMake(0, 0, 640, 377);
To to resize the scroll view but it still shows 100%. See diagram below showing the issue:
I think you shouldn't resize the frame to 640, 377 because it would make the paging stop working, once the contentSize would be the same as the frame size.
One solution would be to set the desired frame size in the interface builder (like the left most figure) and set proper autosizing masks. I gues what you are looking for is the configuration below
To check if the changes are working, I would use a uiscrollview of height visibly smaller, just to make sure the behaviour is the desired.
If you want your view to scroll you need to change the tempScrollView.contentSize to be bigger than tempScrollView.frame
If you do this:
CGFloat contentWidth = tempScrollView.frame.size.width*2;
You will have 2 pages.
You need to activate paging too with:
[tempScrollView setPagingEnabled:TRUE];