objective-c: read an array create by json - objective-c

I begin in Ios dev and I got some troubles to manipulate an array create by Json :
I call in my app a web Service which return me data :
{evenements =(
dateEvenement ={
1 = "01-01-2013";
2 = "02-01-2013";
3 = "03-01-2013";
4 = "04-01-2013";
idEvenement = 61;
nbrInvite = 1;
nomEvenement = "My event Name";
nomUtilisateur = "Lucas ";
I'm able to get all the values by the following code except for "dateEvenement" :
NSArray *msgList;
msgList = [ jsonResults objectForKey:#"evenements" ];
for (NSDictionary *evenements in msgList) {
for (NSDictionary *evenement in evenements ) {
NSString *idEvenement = [evenement objectForKey:#"idEvenement"];
NSString *nomUtilisateur = [evenement objectForKey:#"nomUtilisateur"];
NSString *nomEvenement = [evenement objectForKey:#"nomEvenement"];
NSString *nbrInvite = [evenement objectForKey:#"nbrInvite"];
NSArray *dates = [ evenement objectForKey:#"dateEvenement" ];
Can you help me for getting datas of "dateEvenement"

Well in your JSON the dateEvenement isn't an Array but a dictionary:
NSDictionary *dates = [ evenement objectForKey:#"dateEvenement"];
for(NSNumber *key in dates) {
NSString *dateString = [dates objectForKey:key];
NSLog(%# : %#, key, dateString);
As declared in your JSON example the key's for the dictionary are numbers, thus you should NSNumber object for the key type.


append values for key NSMutableDirectory

I'm currently working on objective c code where I have an array I'm looping through and based on the outcomes I add a value to a key.
However when needed I want to append the values for a specific key but I have absolutely no clue on how to achieve this with objective c.
I have written an solution for this in swift before but I can't seem to figure out how to apply the same thing in objective c. Here is what I currently have
-(void)makeDirectory:(NSArray*)aList {
NSMutableDictionary *dic = [NSMutableDictionary new];
for (NSDictionary *entry in aList) {
NSString *character = #"";
xbmcMovie *movie = [[xbmcMovie alloc] initWithDictionary:entry];
NSString *name = movie.Title.stripSpecialCharacters.stripArticle.stripSpaces.stripNumber;
character = name.character;
if (![dic objectForKey:character]) {
[dic setObject:movie forKey:character];
///[dic ]
Here is what I did in swift 3.0
func makeDictionary(_ libraryArray: [songsClass])->[String: [songsClass]]{
var dic = [String: [songsClass]]()
for entry in libraryArray {
var character: String = ""
var songName = entry.songName.stripSpecialCharacters().stripArticle().stripSpaces().stripNumber()
guard let char = songName.characters.first?.string() else { return [:] }
character = char
if dic[character] == nil {
dic[character] = [songsClass]()
return dic
So if I have understood this correctly, your value in the dictionary is an array which contains a movie, and you want to add to this array, so what you need to do is:
NSMutableArray *movieArray = [NSMutableArray new];
[movieArray addObject:movie];
if (![dic objectForKey:character]) {
[dic setObject:movieArray forKey:character];
//If you want to add to this array again then you can do
[movieArray addObject:anotherMovie];
//Or if you need to retrieve the array again
movieArray = [dic objectForKey:character];
[movieArray addObject:anotherMovie];
Also your code has
character = name.character;
where name is a NSString?

Parse NSDictionary in NSArray created from JSON in Objective-C

I'm trying to get information out of this Dictionary that was created from a JSON string. The JSON string is returned from the server and is put in a dictionary. That dictionary is passed to myMethod that is suppose to break it down so I can get the information that each record contains.
The "Recordset" is an Array. The Record is also an array of dictionaries.
How do I get to the dictionaries? I keep getting NSDictionaryM objectAtIndex: unrecognized selector sent to instance
Recordset = (
Record = (
MODMAKlMakeKey = 1112;
MODlModelKey = 1691;
MODvc50Name = "10/12 Series 2";
MODMAKlMakeKey = 1112;
MODlModelKey = 1687;
MODvc50Name = "10/4";
MODMAKlMakeKey = 1112;
MODlModelKey = 1686;
MODvc50Name = "10/6";
etc .. etc... ( about 100 records )
Here is what I have
- (void) myMethod : (NSDictionary*) dictionary {
NSArray * arrRecordSet = [dictionary objectForKey:#"Recordset"];
NSArray * arrRecord = [arrRecordSet objectAtIndex:0];
NSDictionary * theRecord = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjects:arrRecord forKeys:[arrRecord objectAtIndex:0]];
for (int i = 0; i < arrRecord.count; i++) {
NSLog(#"MODMAKlMakeKey: %#", [theRecord objectForKey:#"MODMAKlMakeKey"]);
Try this
NSArray * arrRecord = [arrRecordSet objectForKey:#"Record"];
Try to check first if the return of [dictionary objectForKey:#"Recordset"] is really a dictionary or an array.
To do this:
if([[dictionary objectForKey:#"Recordset"] isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]) {
//object is array
else if ([[dictionary objectForKey:#"Recordset"] isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]) {
//object is dictionary

Parsing multiple row from json info in objective-c

My json stiring is:
"locations" :[
id = 0;
lat = "41.653048";
long = "-0.880677";
name = "LIMPIA";
id = 1;
lat = "41.653048";
long = "-0.890677";
name = "LIMPIA2";
NSDictionary * root = [datos_string1 JSONValue];
NSArray *bares = (NSArray *) [root objectForKey:#"locations"];
for (NSArray * row in bares) {
NSString *barName1 = [bares valueForKey:#"name"];
I obtain from NSlog , twice otput
So somthing is wrong. I need to estract di single value parameter (lat, lon and nombre) for each item (in order to use in a mapkit app). Could you help me?
I need to estract di single value parameter (lat, lon and nombre) for each item (in order to use in a mapkit app)
If I understand your question correctly, you're trying to access each value in each dictionary in the locations array, is that right?
In order to access each value (if that is indeed your question), this should work:
NSDictionary *root = [datos_string1 JSONValue];
NSArray *bares = (NSArray *)[root objectForKey:#"locations"];
// Each item in the array is a dictionary, not an NSArray
for (NSDictionary *dict in bares) {
// Loop over keys
for (NSString *key in [dict allKeys]) {
NSLog(#"dict[%#] == %#", key, [dict objectForKey:key]);

Iterate and map JSON dictionary to build array of objects - Objective C

I've got this response from JSOn web service:
categoria = (
"id_categoria" = 61;
imagen = "http://exular.es/mcommerce/image/data/ipod_classic_4.jpg";
nombre = Gorras;
"id_categoria" = 59;
imagen = "http://exular.es/mcommerce/image/data/ipod_touch_5.jpg";
nombre = Camisetas;
"id_categoria" = 60;
imagen = "http://exular.es/mcommerce/image/data/ipod_nano_1.jpg";
nombre = Pantalones;
It is feed in a dictionary in this piece of code:
NSString *responseString = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:responseData encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
//data =nil;
NSLog(#"JSNON %#", responseString);
NSDictionary *results = [responseString JSONValue];
NSLog(#"JSNON %#", results);
I need to iterate all the categories in the dictionary and create an NSArray that contains objects Categories with properties "name" and image".
Many thanks
NSArray *categories = [results objectForKey:#"categoria"];
This will create an array of your category objects. You can pass this array of dictionaries/objects to your custom object or just iterate through it pulling what you need.
Category *cat = [[Category alloc] initWithDictionary:[categories objectAtIndex:0]];
This is just assuming your init is set to handle a dictionary. There isn't enough code to know, but you should be able to figure it out from here.

how to Json request convert to native object or list?

"id": "1",
"result": [
"Name": "John",
"Statu": "Online"
"Name": "Alex",
"Statu": "Online"
"Name": "Diaz",
"Statu": "Offline"
How do i extract each "car" JSON object and put it into a native object? I tried several way but i can't do that.
NSString *responseString = [[[NSString alloc] initWithData:data encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] autorelease];
NSString *responseDict = [responseString JSONValue];
NSArray *objects = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:[responseDict valueForKeyPath:#"result.Name"],[responseDict valueForKeyPath:#"result.Statu"],nil];
NSLog(#"objects Array: %#",objects);
**==> NSLOG gives:
NSArray *resultsArray = [responseString JSONValue];
for (NSDictionary *personDict in resultsArray)
NSLog(#"ihaleAdi =: %#",[carDict valueForKey:#"result.ihaleAdi"]);
NSLog(#"ihaleDurum =: %#",[carDict valueForKey:#"result.Statu"]);
But ıt gıves an error tooç I want to just lıst them but ı cant do thatç can anybody help me please? thank you for reading
Use an Array to capture the responseString:
NSString *responseString = [request responseString];
NSArray *array = [responseString JSONValue];
Then when you need an individual item from that array use a Dictionary:
// 0 is the index of the array you need
NSDictionary *itemDictionary = (NSDictionary *)[array objectAtIndex:0];
Given a JSON responseString that looks like this:
You will wind up with an Array that looks like this:
myArray = (
Description = "Device1Desc";
DeviceName = "DeviceName1";
Location = "Device1Loc";
UniqueID = 111111;
Description = "Device2Desc";
DeviceName = "DeviceName2";
Location = "Device2Loc";
UniqueID = 222222;
And a Dictionary of index 0 that looks like this:
myDictionary = {
Description = "Device1Desc";
DeviceName = "DeviceName1";
Location = "Device1Loc";
UniqueID = 111111;
Sorry for any confusion and improperly instantiated object earlier. I am still a relative newbie that learned something today.