VBA - List of sheets (hyperlinked) - vba

I have an Excel-Workbook. In this workbook a new sheet is created via VBA.
The more sheets this workbook has the more confusing is it, because I have to scroll a long time to reach any sheet in the middle.
I want to create an overview-sheet
in which the names of the sheets are listed AND
the name of the sheets have to be hyperlinks.
My code doesn't work at all -
BTW, I have to work with Excel 2003
Here's what I have:
Sub GetHyperlinks()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim i As Integer
i = 4
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("overview").Cells(i, 1).Select
For Each ws In Worksheets
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("overwies").Hyperlinks.Add _
Ancor:=Selection, _
Address:="", _
SubAddress:="'ws.name'", _
i = i + 1
Next ws
End Sub

Altered your code a bit - this now works:
Sub GetHyperlinks()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim i As Integer
i = 4
For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("overview").Hyperlinks.Add _
Anchor:=ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("overview").Cells(i, 1), _
Address:="", _
SubAddress:="'" & ws.Name & "'!A1", _
i = i + 1
Next ws
End Sub

Two methods are used to create the links to the Active Workbook Sheets:
Simple hyperlinks are created for standard Worksheets.
Less commonly used Chart Sheets — and even rarer Dialog Sheets — cannot be hyperlinked. If this code detects a non-Worksheet type, a Sheet BeforeDoubleClick event is programmatically added to the TOC sheet so that these Sheets can still be referenced via a short cut.
Note that (2) requires that macros are enabled for this approach to work.
Option Explicit
Sub CreateTOC()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim nmToc As Name
Dim rng1 As Range
Dim lngProceed As Boolean
Dim bNonWkSht As Boolean
Dim lngSht As Long
Dim lngShtNum As Long
Dim strWScode As String
Dim vbCodeMod
'Test for an ActiveWorkbook to summarise
If ActiveWorkbook Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "You must have a workbook open first!", vbInformation, "No Open Book"
Exit Sub
End If
'Turn off updates, alerts and events
With Application
.ScreenUpdating = False
.DisplayAlerts = False
.EnableEvents = False
End With
'If the Table of Contents exists (using a marker range name "TOC_Index") prompt the user whether to proceed
On Error Resume Next
Set nmToc = ActiveWorkbook.Names("TOC_Index")
If Not nmToc Is Nothing Then
lngProceed = MsgBox("Index exists!" & vbCrLf & "Do you want to overwrite it?", vbYesNo + vbCritical, "Warning")
If lngProceed = vbYes Then
Exit Sub
End If
End If
Set ws = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.Add
ws.Move before:=Sheets(1)
'Add the marker range name
ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add "TOC_INDEX", ws.[a1]
ws.Name = "TOC_Index"
On Error GoTo 0
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
For lngSht = 2 To ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.Count
'set to start at A6 of TOC sheet
'Test sheets to determine whether they are normal worksheets
ws.Cells(lngSht + 4, 2).Value = TypeName(ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(lngSht))
If TypeName(ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(lngSht)) = "Worksheet" Then
'Add hyperlinks to normal worksheets
ws.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=ws.Cells(lngSht + 4, 1), Address:="", SubAddress:="'" & ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(lngSht).Name & "'!A1", TextToDisplay:=ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(lngSht).Name
'Add name of any non-worksheets
ws.Cells(lngSht + 4, 1).Value = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(lngSht).Name
'Colour these sheets yellow
ws.Cells(lngSht + 4, 1).Interior.Color = vbYellow
ws.Cells(lngSht + 4, 2).Font.Italic = True
bNonWkSht = True
End If
Next lngSht
'Add headers and formatting
With ws
With .[a1:a4]
.Value = Application.Transpose(Array(ActiveWorkbook.Name, "", Format(Now(), "dd-mmm-yy hh:mm"), ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.Count - 1 & " sheets"))
.Font.Size = 14
.Cells(1).Font.Bold = True
End With
With .[a6].Resize(lngSht - 1, 1)
.Font.Bold = True
.Font.ColorIndex = 41
.Resize(1, 2).EntireColumn.HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
End With
End With
'Add warnings and macro code if there are non WorkSheet types present
If bNonWkSht Then
With ws.[A5]
.Value = "This workbook contains at least one Chart or Dialog Sheet. These sheets will only be activated if macros are enabled (NB: Please doubleclick yellow sheet names to select them)"
.Font.ColorIndex = 3
.Font.Italic = True
End With
strWScode = "Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean)" & vbCrLf _
& " Dim rng1 As Range" & vbCrLf _
& " Set rng1 = Intersect(Target, Range([a6], Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp)))" & vbCrLf _
& " If rng1 Is Nothing Then Exit Sub" & vbCrLf _
& " On Error Resume Next" & vbCrLf _
& " If Target.Cells(1).Offset(0, 1) <> ""Worksheet"" Then Sheets(Target.Value).Activate" & vbCrLf _
& " If Err.Number <> 0 Then MsgBox ""Could not select sheet"" & Target.Value" & vbCrLf _
& "End Sub" & vbCrLf
Set vbCodeMod = ActiveWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents(ws.CodeName)
vbCodeMod.CodeModule.AddFromString strWScode
End If
'tidy up Application settins
With Application
.ScreenUpdating = True
.DisplayAlerts = True
.EnableEvents = True
End With
If Err.Number <> 0 Then MsgBox Err.Description & vbCrLf & "Please note that your Application settings have been reset", vbCritical, "Code Error!"
End Sub


i have a routine that saves specified sheets in a workbook to a pdf doc but if i make some of the sheets charts my routine falls over

The list of sheets is specified in the names range "SaveList", which takes some as worksheets and some as charts (full page ones) but it falls over with
run-time error 13 "type mismatch"
Routine code below
Sub SaveFile()
'Recalc Sheets prior to saving down
A = MsgBox("Do you want to Save the Performance Reports?", vbOKCancel)
If A = 2 Then Exit Sub
Dim SaveSheets As Variant
Dim strFilename As String
Dim sheetListRange As Range
Dim sheetName As Variant
Dim wksheet As Variant
Dim wkbSrc As Workbook
Dim wkbNew As Workbook
Dim wksNew As Worksheet
Dim wksSrc As Worksheet
Dim i As Integer
Dim OutApp As Object
Dim OutMail As Object
Dim v As Variant
Dim Jimmy As Variant
'On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
strFilename = Worksheets("Control").Range("SavePath").Value & "Ergonomie_Consultants_Performance_" & Format$(Now(), "YYYYMMDD") & ""
v = strFilename
Set sheetListRange = Worksheets("Control").Range("SaveList")
Set wkbSrc = ActiveWorkbook
Set wkbNew = Workbooks.Add
i = 0
For Each sheetName In sheetListRange
If sheetName = "" Then GoTo NEXT_SHEET
For Each wksheet In wkbSrc.Sheets
If wksheet.Name = sheetName Then
i = i + 1
wksheet.Copy Before:=wkbNew.Sheets(i)
Set wksNew = ActiveSheet
With wksNew
.Cells(1, 1).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
.Cells(1, 1).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormats
End With
ActiveWindow.Zoom = 75
End If
Next wksheet
Next sheetName
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
'dont need the default new sheets created by created a new workbook
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=v, FileFormat:=xlNormal
If VarType(v) <> vbString Then Exit Sub
If Dir(v) <> "" Then
If MsgBox("File already exists - do you wish to overwrite it?", vbYesNo, "File Exists") = vbNo Then Exit Sub
End If
With ActiveWorkbook
.ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=xlTypePDF, Filename:=v, _
Quality:=xlQualityStandard, IncludeDocProperties:=True, _
IgnorePrintAreas:=False, From:=1, To:=3, OpenAfterPublish:=False
End With
' ActiveWorkbook.Close
' EMAIL Attachment File
Set OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set OutMail = OutApp.CreateItem(0)
On Error Resume Next
With OutMail
.To = "waverley.inc#gmail.com"
' .CC = ""
' .BCC = ""
.Subject = "Report" & Format$(Now(), "_YYYYMMDD")
.Body = "DRAFT PLEASE REVIEW :Consultant Report" & Format$(Now(), "_YYYYMMDD")
.Attachments.Add v & ".pdf"
End With
On Error GoTo 0
Set OutMail = Nothing
Set OutApp = Nothing
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Exit Sub
'If there is an unknown runtime error give the user the error number and associated description
'(Description is already set if the erorr is G_LNG_CRITICAL_ERROR)
If Err.Number <> CRITICAL_ERROR Then Err.Description = "Run-time error " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
Err.Description = "Error saving worksheet as file: " & Err.Description
Err.Source = "Error saving worksheet as file: " & Err.Source
'Raise the error up to the error handler above
Err.Raise Number:=CRITICAL_ERROR
End Sub
Try the section of code below instead of your 2 x For Each loops.
using Application.Match to find if the Sheet.Name is found within sheetListRange array (values read from Named Range "SaveList").
Dim sheetListRange As Variant
' instead of saving the Range, save the values inside the Range in an Array
sheetListRange = Application.Transpose(Worksheets("Control").Range("SaveList"))
Set wkbSrc = ActiveWorkbook
Set wkbNew = Workbooks.Add
i = wkbNew.Sheets.Count
For Each wksheet In wkbSrc.Sheets
' instead of 2 X loops, use Application.Match
If Not IsError(Application.Match(wksheet.Name, sheetListRange, 0)) Then ' worksheet match in "SaveList" Named Range
wksheet.Copy Before:=wkbNew.Sheets(i)
If Not wksheet.CodeName Like "Chart*" Then ' if current sheet is not type Chart
Set wksNew = ActiveSheet
With wksNew
.Cells(1, 1).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
.Cells(1, 1).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormats
End With
End If
i = i + 1
ActiveWindow.Zoom = 75
End If
Next wksheet


I have a simple VBA routine I have used before but seem to keep returning Critical_Error 65535 ..this is my routine..it fails at the save part post generating the values only excel file ..any pointers please?
Sub SaveFile()
'Recalc Sheets prior to saving down
a = MsgBox("Do you want to Save down todays Consultant Performance Report ?", vbOKCancel)
If a = 2 Then Exit Sub
Dim SaveSheets As Variant
Dim strFilename As String
Dim sheetListRange As Range
Dim sheetName As Variant
Dim wksheet As Variant
Dim wkbSrc As Workbook
Dim wkbNew As Workbook
Dim wksNew As Worksheet
Dim wksSrc As Worksheet
Dim i As Integer
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
strFilename = Worksheets("Control").Range("SavePath").Value & "DailyReport_" & Format$(Now(), "YYYYMMDD") & ".xls"
Set sheetListRange = Worksheets("Control").Range("SaveList")
Set wkbSrc = ActiveWorkbook
Set wkbNew = Workbooks.Add
i = 0
For Each sheetName In sheetListRange
If sheetName = "" Then GoTo NEXT_SHEET
For Each wksheet In wkbSrc.Sheets
If wksheet.Name = sheetName Then
i = i + 1
wksheet.Copy Before:=wkbNew.Sheets(i)
Set wksNew = ActiveSheet
With wksNew
.Cells(1, 1).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
.Cells(1, 1).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormats
End With
ActiveWindow.Zoom = 75
End If
Next wksheet
Next sheetName
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
'dont need the default new sheets created by created a new workbook
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=strFilename, FileFormat:=xlWorkbookNormal
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Exit Sub
'If there is an unknown runtime error give the user the error number and associated description
'(Description is already set if the erorr is G_LNG_CRITICAL_ERROR)
If Err.Number <> CRITICAL_ERROR Then Err.Description = "Run-time error " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
Err.Description = "Error saving worksheet as file: " & Err.Description
'Raise the error up to the error handler above
Err.Raise Number:=CRITICAL_ERROR
End Sub

Macro to copy data from a different workbook

I have a workbook (in Excel 2003 format) with data flowing continuously in three sheets. I want to create a macro in a new workbook (Excel 2010) in which all those data in all the three sheets in the previous workbook to get pasted in a single sheet of my new workbook, one after another. I would prefer the macro to open a dialog box to browse the file where the data is actually present. Can anyone help me please?
While searching I found something like given below. But that is not the one I want exactly.
Sub Open_Workbook()
Dim myFile As String
myFile = Application.GetOpenFilename _
(Title:="Please choose a file to open", _
FileFilter:="Excel Files .xls (.xls),")
If myFile = False Then
MsgBox "No file selected.", vbExclamation, "Sorry!"
Exit Sub
Workbooks.Open Filename:=myFile
End If
End Sub
I suppose this code will help you
Sub wb_sheets_combine_into_one()
Dim sFileName$, UserName$, oWbname$, oWbname2$, sDSheet$ 'String type
Dim nCountDestination&, nCount&, nCountCol& 'Long type
Dim oSheet As Excel.Worksheet
Dim oRange As Range
Dim oFldialog As FileDialog
Set oFldialog = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)
With oFldialog
If .Show = -1 Then
.Title = "Select File"
.AllowMultiSelect = False
sFileName = .SelectedItems(1)
Exit Sub
End If
End With
'open source workbook
Workbooks.Open sFileName: oWbname = ActiveWorkbook.Name
UserName = Environ("username")
Workbooks.Add: ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:= _
"C:\Users\" & UserName & _
"\Desktop\Consolidated.xlsx", _
FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbook, CreateBackup:=False
oWbname2 = ActiveWorkbook.Name
sDSheet = ActiveSheet.Name
nCountDestination = 1
For Each oSheet In Workbooks(oWbname).Worksheets
sDSheet = ActiveSheet.Name
For Each oRange In ActiveSheet.UsedRange
nCountCol = oRange.Column
Cells(nCountDestination, 1).PasteSpecial xlPasteAll
nCount = nCountDestination
For Each oRange In ActiveSheet.UsedRange
nCountDestination = oRange.Row + 1
Range(Cells(nCount, nCountCol + 1), _
Cells(nCountDestination - 1, nCountCol + 1)).Value = oSheet.Name
With ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(sDSheet).Tab
.ThemeColor = xlThemeColorAccent1
.TintAndShade = 0
End With
Workbooks(oWbname2).Save: Workbooks(oWbname).Close False
MsgBox "File with consolidated data from workbook " & Chr(10) & _
"[ " & oWbname & " ] saved on your desktop!"
End Sub

vba code copy multiple excel charts to word

I'm using the VBA code here to copy all the charts and tables from an excel workbook into a new word document from a template which is pre-formatted with bookmarks (labeled Book1, Book2 etc). Unfortunately i only have a few tables but around 20 charts and if i leave a blank in the summary table for the ranges i get
Run-time error '5101':
Application-defined or object defined error
and it only copies and pastes over the charts and table before the gap.
This is my excel summary table:
Any idea how i can modify the code to prevent this?
Sorry - i'm a complete VBA noob
'You must set a reference to Microsoft Word Object Library from Tools | References
Option Explicit
Sub ExportToWord()
Dim appWrd As Object
Dim objDoc As Object
Dim FilePath As String
Dim FileName As String
Dim x As Long
Dim LastRow As Long
Dim SheetChart As String
Dim SheetRange As String
Dim BookMarkChart As String
Dim BookMarkRange As String
Dim Prompt As String
Dim Title As String
'Turn some stuff off while the macro is running
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.EnableEvents = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
'Assign the Word file path and name to variables
FilePath = ThisWorkbook.Path
FileName = "WorkWithExcel.doc"
'Determine the last row of data for our loop
LastRow = Sheets("Summary").Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row
'Create an instance of Word for us to use
Set appWrd = CreateObject("Word.Application")
'Open our specified Word file, On Error is used in case the file is not there
On Error Resume Next
Set objDoc = appWrd.Documents.Open(FilePath & "\" & FileName)
On Error Goto 0
'If the file is not found, we need to end the sub and let the user know
If objDoc Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Unable to find the Word file.", vbCritical, "File Not Found"
Set appWrd = Nothing
Exit Sub
End If
'Copy/Paste Loop starts here
For x = 2 To LastRow
'Use the Status Bar to let the user know what the current progress is
Prompt = "Copying Data: " & x - 1 & " of " & LastRow - 1 & " (" & _
Format((x - 1) / (LastRow - 1), "Percent") & ")"
Application.StatusBar = Prompt
'Assign the worksheet names and bookmark names to a variable
'Use With to group these lines together
With ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Summary")
SheetChart = .Range("A" & x).Text
SheetRange = .Range("B" & x).Text
BookMarkChart = .Range("C" & x).Text
BookMarkRange = .Range("D" & x).Text
End With
'Tell Word to goto the bookmark assigned to the variable BookMarkRange
appWrd.Selection.Goto What:=wdGoToBookmark, Name:=BookMarkRange
'Copy the data from Thisworkbook
'Paste into Word
'Tell Word to goto the bookmark assigned to the variable BookMarkChart
appWrd.Selection.Goto What:=wdGoToBookmark, Name:=BookMarkChart
'Copy the data from Thisworkbook
'Paste into Word
'Turn everything back on
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.EnableEvents = True
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Application.StatusBar = False
'Let the user know the procedure is now complete
Prompt = "The procedure is now completed." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "www.VBAExpress.com"
Title = "Procedure Completion"
MsgBox Prompt, vbOKOnly + vbInformation, Title
'Make our Word session visible
appWrd.Visible = True
'Clean up
Set appWrd = Nothing
Set objDoc = Nothing
End Sub
full working code is below. I've modified the code so it pastes charts as enhanched metafiles because that's what my boss wants.
'You must set a reference to Microsoft Word Object Library from Tools | References
Option Explicit
Sub ExportToWord()
Dim appWrd As Object
Dim objDoc As Object
Dim FilePath As String
Dim FileName As String
Dim x As Long
Dim LastRow As Long
Dim SheetChart As String
Dim SheetRange As String
Dim BookMarkChart As String
Dim BookMarkRange As String
Dim Prompt As String
Dim Title As String
'Turn some stuff off while the macro is running
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.EnableEvents = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
'Assign the Word file path and name to variables
FilePath = ThisWorkbook.Path
FileName = "WorkWithExcel.doc"
'Determine the last row of data for our loop
LastRow = Sheets("Summary").Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
'Create an instance of Word for us to use
Set appWrd = CreateObject("Word.Application")
'Open our specified Word file, On Error is used in case the file is not there
On Error Resume Next
Set objDoc = appWrd.Documents.Open(FilePath & "\" & FileName)
On Error GoTo 0
'If the file is not found, we need to end the sub and let the user know
If objDoc Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Unable to find the Word file.", vbCritical, "File Not Found"
Set appWrd = Nothing
Exit Sub
End If
'Copy/Paste Loop starts here
For x = 2 To LastRow
'Use the Status Bar to let the user know what the current progress is
Prompt = "Copying Data: " & x - 1 & " of " & LastRow - 1 & " (" & _
Format((x - 1) / (LastRow - 1), "Percent") & ")"
Application.StatusBar = Prompt
'Assign the worksheet names and bookmark names to a variable
'Use With to group these lines together
With ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Summary")
SheetChart = .Range("A" & x).Text
SheetRange = .Range("B" & x).Text
BookMarkChart = .Range("C" & x).Text
BookMarkRange = .Range("D" & x).Text
End With
If Len(BookMarkRange) > 0 Then
'Tell Word to goto the bookmark assigned to the variable BookMarkRange
appWrd.Selection.Goto What:=wdGoToBookmark, Name:=BookMarkRange
'Copy the data from Thisworkbook
'Paste into Word
End If
If Len(BookMarkChart) > 0 Then
'Tell Word to goto the bookmark assigned to the variable BookMarkChart
appWrd.Selection.Goto What:=wdGoToBookmark, Name:=BookMarkChart
'Copy the data from Thisworkbook
'Paste into Word
'appWrd.Selection.PasteSpecial ppPasteEnhancedMetafile
appWrd.Selection.PasteSpecial Link:=False, DataType:=wdPasteEnhancedMetafile, _
Placement:=wdInLine, DisplayAsIcon:=False
End If
'Turn everything back on
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.EnableEvents = True
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Application.StatusBar = False
'Let the user know the procedure is now complete
Prompt = "The procedure is now completed." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "www.VBAExpress.com"
Title = "Procedure Completion"
MsgBox Prompt, vbOKOnly + vbInformation, Title
'Make our Word session visible
appWrd.Visible = True
'Clean up
Set appWrd = Nothing
Set objDoc = Nothing
End Sub
There are multiple problems with this code, including the fact that if you had more ranges than charts it would only copy as many ranges as there was charts.
But to quickly fix your problem, replace
'Tell Word to goto the bookmark assigned to the variable BookMarkRange
appWrd.Selection.Goto What:=wdGoToBookmark, Name:=BookMarkRange
'Copy the data from Thisworkbook
'Paste into Word
'Tell Word to goto the bookmark assigned to the variable BookMarkChart
appWrd.Selection.Goto What:=wdGoToBookmark, Name:=BookMarkChart
'Copy the data from Thisworkbook
'Paste into Word
if len (BookMarkRange) > 0 then
'Tell Word to goto the bookmark assigned to the variable BookMarkRange
appWrd.Selection.Goto What:=wdGoToBookmark, Name:=BookMarkRange
'Copy the data from Thisworkbook
'Paste into Word
end if
if len(BookMarkChart) > 0 then
'Tell Word to goto the bookmark assigned to the variable BookMarkChart
appWrd.Selection.Goto What:=wdGoToBookmark, Name:=BookMarkChart
'Copy the data from Thisworkbook
'Paste into Word
end if

Add new sheet to existing Excel workbook with VB code

This code creates an Excel file with one sheet. This sheet contains the code of an item like (ASR/Floor/Dept./Item_Name/Item_details/1) which I created and works fine, but I want to add a sheet into this Excel file to create another item code, and then save this file.
Dim xlApp As Excel.Application
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim var As Variant
Dim code As String
Dim i, nocode As Integer
Dim fname, heading As String
code = "ASR/" & Text1.Text & "/" & Text2.Text & "/" & Text3.Text & "/" & Text4.Text
Set xlApp = New Excel.Application
Set wb = xlApp.Workbooks.Add ' Create a new WorkBook
Set ws = wb.Worksheets("Sheet1") 'Specify your worksheet name
nocode = txtnocode.Text
heading = Text6.Text
For i = 2 To nocode + 1
ws.Cells(i, 1).Value = code & "/" & i - 1 '"ORG"
Next i
fname = "c:\" & Text5.Text & ".xls"
wb.SaveAs (fname)
Set ws = Nothing
Set wb = Nothing
Set xlApp = Nothing
The Worksheets.Add method is what you are looking for:
wb.WorkSheets.Add().Name = "SecondSheet"
See MSDN(scroll down and expand Sheets and Worksheets) for the different parameters you can give to .Add including being able to add the sheet before or after a specific one.
Set ws = wb.Sheets("Sheet1")
Set ws = wb.Sheets.Add
This is some standard code I use for this type of problem
Note: This code is VBA, to run from within the Excel document itself
Option Explicit
Private m_sNameOfOutPutWorkSheet_1 As String
Sub Delete_Recreate_TheWorkSheet()
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Dim strInFrontOfSheetName As String
m_sNameOfOutPutWorkSheet_1 = "Dashboard_1"
strInFrontOfSheetName = "CONTROL" 'create the new worksheet in front of this sheet
'1] Clean up old data if it is still there
GetRidOf_WorkSheet_IfItExists (m_sNameOfOutPutWorkSheet_1)
CreateNewOutputWorkSheet m_sNameOfOutPutWorkSheet_1, strInFrontOfSheetName
'Color the tab of the new worksheet
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(m_sNameOfOutPutWorkSheet_1).Tab.ColorIndex = 5
'Select the worksheet that I started with
Exit Sub
Select Case Err.Number
Case Else
MsgBox "One_Main - Error: " & Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
End Select
End Sub
Sub GetRidOf_WorkSheet_IfItExists(sWorkSheetName_ForInitalData As String)
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
If fn_WorkSheetExists(sWorkSheetName_ForInitalData) Then
'Sheet Exists
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End If
Exit Sub
Select Case Err.Number
Case Else
MsgBox "GetRidOf_WorkSheet_IfItExists - Error: " & Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
End Select
End Sub
Function fn_WorkSheetExists(wsName As String) As Boolean
On Error Resume Next
fn_WorkSheetExists = Worksheets(wsName).Name = wsName
End Function
Sub CreateNewOutputWorkSheet(sWorkSheetName_ForOutputData As String, strInFrontOfSheetName As String)
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
If fn_WorkSheetExists(sWorkSheetName_ForOutputData) Then
'Sheet Exists
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End If
Dim wsX As Worksheet
Set wsX = Sheets.Add(Before:=Worksheets(strInFrontOfSheetName))
wsX.Name = sWorkSheetName_ForOutputData
Exit Sub
Select Case Err.Number
Case Else
MsgBox "CreateNewOutputWorkSheet - Error: " & Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
End Select
End Sub