Google federated login/openId redirect - authentication

This is from the google federated login description
"Once Google accepts the authentication request, the user is redirected to a Google authentication page. At this point the authentication sequence takes over. On successful authentication, Google redirects the user back to the URL specified in the openid.return_to parameter of the original request."
I assume my web app is responsible for the redirect 'to a Google authentication page' mentioned here? I dont see how google can make this redirect.
And If my webapp does the redirect, how do the openid request parameters get sent to google?

On reading some more, its only possible that once "Once Google accepts the authentication request", (I assume the requesting party gets a 200 http status), the requesting web application now adds the same parameters that had been posted to google login endpoint to a google authentication url and then redirects the user to this url


Redirect URL for authorization code--design flaw in spec

Friends, in the Authorization code flow, it states that after the /authorize call is initiated and success, the authorization code will be sent via HTTP 302 "redirect" URL to the client(say ReactJS webapp). Why the OAuth specification requires this to be sent in a redirect so the authorization code is sent in URL parameters exposed. I know it is recommended to use PKCE to handle this auth code leak issue, but my question is why OAuth spec requires us to send the auth code in 302 redirect in URL params in the 1st place. Why cannot the client(ReactJS webapp) place a simple GET request to the IDP and why cannot the IDP send back the auth code in the response body to the react JS application(say by xmlhttprequest). Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
If you use a OAuth2 service like Google, or some other service, and your react application would be able to handle the entire flow it means it can completely act on behalf of the user.
By requiring a redirect, it means that the user's own browser will go to the auth service's website, which is the only place the user can trust to safely enter their password and grant access to your application.
The URL in the addressbar means trust. Users are trained to never enter their password in a website they don't recognize.

Google Oauth2 No Authorized Redirect Occurs

I've followed the steps google has provided for integrating sign-in, provided here: within my MERN stack application.
The button that I've created, correctly redirects to the google authentication site. However, after the user is authenticated with google, the google authentication site is closed and no redirection occurs. I'm expecting to be redirected to http://localhost:3000/profile after a user is authenticated.
I've set Authorized JavaScript origins to http://localhost:3000 and Authorized redirect URIs to http://localhost:3000/profile.
How can I update my code to have this redirect as expected?
If your code for authorizing with google lives in your server file, wich is running on a diffrent port than port 3000 you should set your JavaScript origins to the port of the server. Not the port of your react app.
This article covers the whole proces of using oAuth in the MERN stack step by step:

Spotify API authentication doesn't redirect with access token

I'm using the Spotipy library, which uses the Spotify API. When I attempt to get my access token using the 'Authorization Code Flow', I get sent to a spotify web page that asks for me authenticate the access of the app to my user's data. When I click the Okay button, that's supposed to redirect me to my redirect_uri with the access token, it simply does nothing. I get no error message or anything. When I click the Cancel button, I do get redirected to my redirect_uri page, but I don't receive the access token. Is this a bug with the API? Am I doing anything wrong?
I added the redirect_uri to the whitelist of redirect pages in my app's page by the way.
The answer for this for future readers: Make sure your redirect_uri is EXACTLY the same as the one you have saved in the developer dashboard, right down to the http and the trailing slash.

App not listed in authorized apps in google account

When i try get access token via oauth (oauth screen with Allow button) on my local machine it works, but when i do the same on test server: i get oauth screen, i press allow and it's redirects to callback uri with code, and then app asking for token (i use PHP lib):
$access_token = $client->getAccessToken());
and i get null in response and application does not get authorized and it's not in authorized apps in google account.
I've checked redirect URLs listed in Google APIs - everything matches!
And i don't get any errors from google, it's just redirects to callback url and not adds application to authorized apps list.
But it works on local with same credentials. Any one can help me and guide where the problem can be?
Solved. I did not set redirect url before $client->authenticate($request->get('code'));

Custom local URL results in redirect_uri_mismatch

I am using a custom local URL for development of a project that authenticates with both Google and Adwords using OAuth2.
The entry in my /etc/hosts file looks like:
In the Google Cloud Platform console I have an OAuth 2.0 client ID setup with:
type: Web Application
Authorized JavaScript origin:
Authorized redirect URIs:
I authenticate with with both Google and Adwords separately. Previously I was using localhost:3001 instead of the custom URL which was working for both Google and Adwords. After switching to the custom local URL the Google auth still works, but when I try to authenticate with Adwords I get a redirect_uri_mismatch error.
The error page tells me that "The redirect URI in the request,, does not match the ones authorized for the OAuth client." The URI reported here is exactly the same as what I have as an authorized redirect URI (minus the protocol).
Why does this work with Google OAuth, but not Adwords? How can I get a custom local redirect URL to work with Adwords OAuth?
I found the issue, and there was a hint in the question itself. The redirect URL that I pass during the OAuth flow needs to contain the protocol and I had missed that in my config.
The redirect URL I was passing in the OAuth flow was
I changed it to and now it works! :D