UIActivityViewController color - objective-c

It seems like there is no Apple permitted way to change the color of a uiactivityviewcontroller. I am creating it in my iPad app like this:
UIActivityViewController *activity = [[UIActivityViewController alloc] initWithActivityItems:#[#"test"] applicationActivities:nil];
shareOptions = [[UIPopoverController alloc] initWithContentViewController:activity];
[shareOptions presentPopoverFromBarButtonItem:actionBarButton permittedArrowDirections:UIPopoverArrowDirectionAny animated:YES];
This currently presents the popover with a blueish background color. I have seen a black background color used so I know it is possible. Another developer mentioned to me he thought on the iPhone at least it appears to be determined by the status bar color (as setting the status bar color to black opaque in the info.plist made the activityview black). This did not seem to have an effect on the iPad version. Does anyone have any ideas/suggestions?
Setting activity.view.backgroundColor yields a weird result where most of the view is the set color but the edges are still the original blue

That's mentioned on the WWDC 2012 Video : Session 200 - What's new in Cocoa Touch.
The blueish part is a default layover you can deactivate with
UIPopoverBackgroundView +(BOOL)wantsDefaultContentAppearance


SKStoreProductViewController title color

How do you change the title color and/or bar tint color in a SKStoreProductViewController?
I'm using the appearance API to set navigation bars to a dark color and the text to white. It changes the title color but not the bar tint color in my SKStoreProductViewController.
I don't think you can. At least not on iOS 7. On iOS 6 you can use the UIAppearance protocol and the SKSPVC will pick up the appearance you set on the UINavigationBar.
As noted on this thread, the SKSPVC is a remote view controller so it's inaccesible programmatically, meaning that you can't set it's appearance directly (or indirectly?).
Do the following to avoid the SKStoreProductViewController to take over a tintColor of value WHITE:
#define kCOLOR_NON_WHITE_COLOR [UIColor darkGrayColor]
[UIWindow appearance].tintColor = kCOLOR_NON_WHITE_COLOR;
[UIView appearance].tintColor = kCOLOR_NON_WHITE_COLOR;
[UINavigationBar appearance].tintColor = kCOLOR_NON_WHITE_COLOR;
[UIBarButtonItem appearance].tintColor = kCOLOR_NON_WHITE_COLOR;
SKStoreProductViewController *controller = [[[SKStoreProductViewController alloc] init] autorelease];
This draws all the UIBarButtonItems and the UISegmentedControls in this controller in the defined color AFAIK and thus makes the controller more like your apps design.
IMPORTANT: Just do not forget(!!!) to change all the tinting back after you dismissed this controller, otherwise fresh created views in your app might take over the enforced tinting.
UPDATE: As you might already have found out the following to manipulate the appearance does not work:
[UINavigationBar appearanceWhenContainedIn:[SKStoreProductViewController class], nil]
This fix is for iOS 7 & 8 on iOS 6 you have different issues. =)

Xcode - UIDatePicker background color

My UIDatePicker's background is black (because the background for the whole screen is black probably), but I want white in the background for this UIDatePicker.
Is there any way to change the background color without subclassing it?
iOS 14 update
It looks that datePicker.backgroundColor doesn't work in iOS 14. It works. But you have to put it after preferredDatePickerStyle setting:
let picker = UIDatePicker()
if #available(iOS 13.4, *) {
picker.preferredDatePickerStyle = .wheels
picker.backgroundColor = .red
datePickerName.backgroundColor = [UIColor grayColor];
datePicker.backgroundColor = [UIColor greenColor]
DatePicker.backgroundColor = UIColor.blueColor()
DatePicker.setValue(UIColor.greenColor(), forKeyPath: "textColor")
DatePicker.setValue(0.8, forKeyPath: "alpha")
iOS 14 update
After iOS 14 setting background color this way
datePicker.backgroundColor = <# your bg color #>
doesn't work anymore.
So I'm using key value coding approach now:
datePicker.setValue(<# your bg color #> , forKey: "backgroundColor")
I had this same problem. I just created a UIView and put it behind the UIDatePicker
datePickerBackground = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:myDatePickerView.frame];
datePickerBackground.backgroundColor = [UIColor whiteColor];
[self.view insertSubview:datePickerBackground belowSubview:myDatePickerView];
I declared UIView *datePickerBackground; in my class. I reuse this same ViewController so I set datePickerBackground to nil on unLoad.
Simple follow these steps
First you set the delegate in your .h file like:
UIPickerViewDelegate, UIPickerViewDataSource
Then add that line where you created the datepicker
YourDatePicker = [[UIDatePicker alloc] init];
YourDatePicker.backgroundColor=[UIColor whiteColor];
In your case the color is white but you can change it to as you want.
Normally, I would say that UIDatePicker inherits from UIView and that you could set the background programatically via a line like yourDatePickerRef.backgroundColor = [UIColor whiteColor];, but it turns out that -- according to this related question -- UIDatePicker has a number of subviews inside of it, some of which are the backgrounds views.
It's these subviews that you need to set the background color to white (instead of clear or whatever it's currently set to).
Yes, it's a bit of a pain, but this makes UIDatePicker a potentially powerful object in terms of being able to customize the appearance of.
Why not add a plain UIView behind the picker. Set the view's background color to white. Give the view the same frame as the picker.
Note (based on your comment to Michael's answer):
Digging around the private subviews of a UIDatePicker is risky. It could break at any time. It is almost guaranteed that your solution will break for date pickers used on a device with a locale that doesn't use AM/PM since the picker will only have two components instead of three.

Could not set tab bar image in Xcode 4.2 Programmatically

I created new tab bar project in xcode 4.2 and there is no app delegate xib file. Project has two navigation controller. I can set name of tab bar but couldn't set image. I am completely fed up with many tries. FirstViewController *firstView = [[FirstViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"FirstViewController_iPhone" bundle:nil]
firstView.tabBarItem.image=[UIImage imageNamed:#"bottomleft.png"];
SecondViewController *secondView = [[SecondViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"SecondViewController_iPhone" bundle:nil];
secondView.tabBarItem.image=[UIImage imageNamed:#"bottomright.png"];
UINavigationController *navController2 = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:secondView];
[viewControllers addObject:navController2];
Here you can see what sort of output I am getting.
Hard to tell from the code you posted, but you probably want to set the image on the tabBarItem of the UINavigationController (navController2), since it looks like that is what you directly add to you UITabBarController:
navController2.tabBarItem.image = [UIImage imageNamed:#"bottomright.png"];
The reason you can set the title is that navigation controllers by default automatically have the title of their current child view controller.
It looks like you successfully replaced the left image, however it has no transparent areas. Did you follow the guidelines for designing the tab icon?
You need to use a white image on transparent background. If your background is not transparent, the whole image will just be a blue box, like the one on your left tab.
Example: To make a tab with a star on it, draw a completely white star on a transparent background. Do not use any other colors than completely white and transparent black.
You never need to do this:
[UIImage imageNamed:#"bottomleft2x.png"];
UIImage will automatically determine whether the #2x is needed or not based on the screen scale, so make it simply:
[UIImage imageNamed:#"bottomleft.png"];
Unless, of course, your resource name is actually bottomleft2x#2x.png
dude tab bar only allows white color and transparent background so if u want the picture to be like a birthday cake then draw a white birthday cake on a transparent background then add some transparent pixel in side the cake to create the looks of a cake instead of just the outline of the cake then u can set yr image to tab bar

UINavigationBar tint color flashing in iOS 4

The app I'm working on has a custom nab bar but supports iOS 4.2-iOS 5, so I need to set the UINavigationBar background and tint in this old school way in my app delegate.
#implementation UINavigationBar (UINavigationBarCategory)
- (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect {
self.tintColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:42.0/255.0
UIImage *img = [UIImage imageNamed:#"navbar_bg.png"];
[img drawInRect:CGRectMake(0.0, 0.0,
This works for the most part, but I noticed when the app is first starting, the UIBarButtonItems flash the default navigation bar color for a second before they correct themselves and change color to match the navigation bar. Interestingly, the navigation bar itself uses the background image correctly from the get-go.
To be clear, I'm using setBackgroundImage for UINavigationBar on iOS 5 devices which works as expected so the flash is only in iOS 4.
Anyone have any insight on why this would happen and/or how to fix it?
The bar button items are the wrong color? You can manually set their tint color in viewDidLoad: to the tint color
navigationBar.rightBarButtonItem.tintColor = [UIColor ...]
if you're using a nib file. Otherwise you can do the same thing in loadView: . Either way this code will get executed as part of the initial draw loop so you'll have the proper color without any flashing.
Also for future reference, it's technically incorrect to override a method inside a category. (The latest version of Xcode, 4.3, will give you a warning about this). You should either properly subclass UINavigationBar or do "method swizzling". But that's pretty tough so don't worry about it right now :)
If you call the class with the code referenced in viewDidLoad try moving it to awakeFromNib

MPMoviePlayerViewController customization

I'm using MPMoviePlayerViewController - with the player controls set to: MPMovieControlStyleFullscreen
I'm having a problem with some of buttons that are in MPMovieControlStyleFullscreen: forward, reverse, and fullscreen (the one with the arrows pointing at eachother).
I would like to either remove the forward, reverse, and fullscreen buttons or control what they do when the user taps them.
Thank you!
There isn't a way to customize the MPMovieControlStyle values provided by Apple. What you need to do is is turn off the Apple controls (MPMovieControlStyleNone) and then create your own custom controls. Apple is fine with you putting your own UIViews in to the hierarchy here, so you can get started with something like this:
MPMoviePlayerController *moviePlayer = [[MPMoviePlayerController alloc] initWithContentURL: YOUR_URL];
moviePlayer.controlStyle = MPMovieControlStyleNone;
UIView *movieView = moviePlayer.view;
[movieView addSubview: _movieControlsView];
[movieView bringSubviewToFront: _movieControlsView];
Where _movieControlsView was set up earlier in code or in IB.
Aesthetically, you can do what you want, but I would recommend sticking with something that looks like Apple's choices so as not to confuse the user. For the project I just finished, I created a transparent button the exact size of the movie player. Clicking the button fades in a control bar on the bottom with my custom controls. If one of the controls isn't clicked, the control bar fades back out again after a few seconds.
First off, MPMoviePlayerController is a little different than MPMoviePlayer*View*Controller, so some of these answers lead to problems when converting applications that were built in an iOS 4.3+ environment.
I've built some apps using MPMoviePlayerController that worked fine when built in iOS 3.2. When I rebuilt it with XCode 3.2.6, (iOS 4.3), the videos don't even play on the iPhone. I since fixed that by adding the MPMoviePlayerController instance to a subView, then presenting a modal (Player is a UIViewController) with the movplayer in fullScreenMode:
//from didSelectRowAtIndexPath
Vid *selected = [items objectAtIndex:position];
player = [[Player alloc] init];
movplayer = [[MPMoviePlayerController alloc] initWithContentURL:selected.vidURL];
movplayer.view.frame = player.view.bounds;
movplayer.view.autoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight |
UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleLeftMargin | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleRightMargin |
UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleTopMargin | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleBottomMargin;
[player.view addSubview:movplayer.view];
[self presentModalViewController:player animated:YES];
[movplayer setFullscreen:YES animated:NO];
[movplayer play];
[player release];
//movplayer is released inside - (void)exitedFullscreen:(NSNotification*)notification
This was done on account of the UINavigationBar being half cut off when rotating.
When I got to the iPad version of the app the modal option wouldn't work aesthetically. It was also having the UISplitViewController navBar and toolbars half cut off when rotating in full screen mode. So I tried implementing MPMoviePlayerViewController instead of MPMoviePlayerController. With this conversion, XCode gave me errors when trying to set:
movplayer.controlStyle = MPMovieControlStyleEmbedded;
The proper way to do this with a MPMoviePlayerViewController is:
movplayer.moviePlayer.controlStyle = MPMovieControlStyleEmbedded;
When the player is added as a subView, the pinch gestures will toggle the player between fullScreen and the size of your parentView (player.view.bounds) smoothly, as well as preserve the toolbars and navBars native to the parent.
//iPad version with a view (viewForMovie) inside the DetailViewController
movplayer = [[MPMoviePlayerViewController alloc] initWithContentURL:[current vidURL]];
movplayer.moviePlayer.controlStyle = MPMovieControlStyleEmbedded;
movplayer.view.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
movplayer.view.frame = viewForMovie.bounds;
[viewForMovie addSubview:movplayer.view];
So these two examples show some workarounds for those who want to convert their iPhone or iPad apps to a newer iOS version.
Try setting MPMovieControlStyle of your MPMoviePlayerController object to MPMovieControlStyleNone