SQL Using two tables for a query - sql

I'm learning SQL for a while and I'm stuck with this problem.
I have two tables for a storage company.
In one table for the bookings for the whole company consisting booking no., date, product nr., quantity and storage room.
And in one table I have storage facility name and storage rooms to define the room belong to which facility
I want to have the sum of the quantity of one specific product in one specific storage facility
SELECT sum(Quantity) from Bookings where ProductNo=8888 and Storage.StorageFacility="Central"
Do I have to use a more complex query for the solution?

Your storage facility is in a different table than the BOOKINGS table (and they are related via STORAGE_ROOM). So you need to join these tables:
select sum(Quantity)
from bookings b
join storage_facility_details sfd
on b.storage_room = sfd.storage_room
where sfd.storage_facility = 'x'
and bookings.productno='8888'

The syntax of SQL can be slightly different on different database systems. Usually quotes (") are used to refer to tables and similar objects. Use single quotes (') to give values. Also, all the tables that you refer columns of need to appear after FROM. If the columns quantity and storagefacility appear in both tables you need to fully quality the name.
Also you need to join the two tables on a column, so the productno must also be present in your storage table.
SELECT sum(quantity) FROM bookings, storage
WHERE (bookings.productno = storage.productno)
(bookings.productno='8888' AND storage.storagefacility='Central');


Terminology am I doing a one to many or many to many? Left join? Right?

I need to research this but am confused about the terminology of what I should be researching.
Table1 fields:
Table2 fields:
Table3 fields:
I need to combine these.
Essentially one (salenumber, category, quantity, Price) can have a dynamic number of "fields" containing unique "data associated with it. I'm a little confused as to the terminology of what I am doing here. I'm all mixed up with left and right joins and many to one and many to many databases. If I simply knew the term for what I am trying to do it would help me to narrow down my research.
Joins are for your queries - which you run to find specific records from your database. You aren't there yet. First, you want to do table design, which is where you consider many-to-many and one-to-many relationships.
Start by thinking about what the tables represent. For example, a single sale can involve multiple different products (e.g. you buy a fork, a spoon, a knife, and a new car). Each product can be in a different category (utensils or motor vehicles, in this case). In your table design, you would decide whether a product belongs to only a single category or to multiple categories.
Let's assume there's just one category per product - then you can have many products in one category (fork, spoon and knife are all utensils), but a product can have only one category. In this case, Category to Product is a One-to-Many relationship.
How these connect is where the related fields in tables come in to play - so in the Product table you have 'Category', which refers to the Category table ('Fork' is of Category 'Utensil', and in the Category table 'Utensil' is an entry with additional information).
You probably want to look up some basic database lessons to help you out. There are some good free online classes and resources - just search for info about databases.
This may help understand joins: http://blog.codinghorror.com/a-visual-explanation-of-sql-joins/
If you have a row in Table_A with some id, and multiple rows in Table_B related referencing that id you can do a LEFT OUTER JOIN (often just LEFT JOIN). This will match the data in Table_A to Table_B - but you will have as many rows as there were in Table_B!
If you want all of the Table_B data related to the Table_A row in one row result you need an aggregate function. In SQL this is normally something like array_agg. When you do this you need to tell it what to GROUP BY, in my example it would be Table_A.id

Improvement on database schema

I'm creating a small pet shop database for a project
The database needs to have a list of products by supplier that can be grouped by pet type or product category.
Each in store sale and customer order can have multiple products per order and an employee attached to them the customer order must be have a customer and employee must have a position,
Here are some random thoughts
I often separate addresses from the thing that has an address. You could make 1-many relationships between Employee, Customer and Supplier to an address table. That would allow you to have different types of addresses per entity, and to change addresses without touching the original table.
If it is possible for prices to change for an item, you would need to account for that somehow. Ideas there are create a pricing table, or to capture the price on the sales item table.
I don't like the way you handle the sales item table. the different foreign keys based on the type of the transaction is not quite correct. An alternative would be to replace SalesItem SaleID and OrderId with the SalesRecordId... another better option would be to just merge the fields from InStoreSale, SalesRecord, and CustomerOrders into a single table and slap an indicator on the table to indicate which type of transaction it was.
You would probably try to be consistent with plurality on your tables. For example, CustomerOrders vs. CustomerOrder.
Putting PositionPay on the EmployeePosition table seems off to... Employees in the same position typically can have different pay.
Is the PetType structured with enough complexity? Can't you have items that apply to more than one pet type? For example, a fishtank can be used for fish or lizards? If so, you will need a many-to-many join table there.
Hope this helps!

Retrieve data from two different table in a single report

I have two table Employee and Salary table, salary consists Salary of employee in a field named Salary_employee.
Second one is Extra Expense, Extra expense consists records related to extra expenses of a company like electricity bills,office maintenance in a field named extra_expense.
(Their is no relationship between these two table).
Finally, I just wanted to show all the expenses of company in a report, for this i need to group both the table. what to use here join or union ??.
If there is no relationship between the two tables, then this really cannot work since you dont know where the expense is supposed to tie into. You should redesign the database if possible as this sounds impossible based on your description.
OK, by the look of your screenshots, I am guessing that this database only stores one companies info? And not multiple?
IF that is correct, AND if all you want to do is squish the data together into one flowing report of expenses, then I would indeed suggest a UNION. A JOIN would not give you the flow you are looking for. A UNION will just smash the two outputs together into one...which I think is what you are asking for?
SELECT ext_amount AS amount, ext_date AS date_of_trans
FROM extra_expenses
SELECT sal_cash AS amount, sal_dateof_payment AS date_of_trans
FROM employee_salary
It sounds like you don't need to use group or join. Simply query both tables separately within a script and handle them both accordingly to their structure to produce a report.
Join and union are functions which you can use to extract different information on a common thing from separate tables. E.g. if you have a user whose private details are stored in one table, but their profile information is in another table. If you want to display both private details as well as profile info, you can join the two tables by the common user name in order to combine and gather all info on the user in one query.

SQL join basic questions

When I have to select a number of fields from different tables:
do I always need to join tables?
which tables do I need to join?
which fields do I have to use for the join/s?
do the joins effects reflect on fields specified in select clause or on where conditions?
Thanks in advance.
Think about joins as a way of creating a new table (just for the purposes of running the query) with data from several different sources. Absent a specific example to work with, let's imagine we have a database of cars which includes these two tables:
CREATE TABLE car (plate_number CHAR(8),
state_code CHAR(2),
make VARCHAR(128),
model VARCHAR(128),);
CREATE TABLE state (state_code CHAR(2),
state_name VARCHAR(128));
If you wanted, say, to get a list of the license plates of all the Hondas in the database, that information is already contained in the car table. You can simply SELECT * FROM car WHERE make='Honda';
Similarly, if you wanted a list of all the states beginning with "A" you can SELECT * FROM state WHERE state_name LIKE 'A%';
In either case, since you already have a table with the information you want, there's no need for a join.
You may even want a list of cars with Colorado plates, but if you already know that "CO" is the state code for Colorado you can SELECT * FROM car WHERE state_code='CO'; Once again, the information you need is all in one place, so there is no need for a join.
But suppose you want a list of Hondas including the name of the state where they're registered. That information is not already contained within a table in your database. You will need to "create" one via a join:
car INNER JOIN state ON (car.state_code = state.state_code)
Note that I've said absolutely nothing about what we're SELECTing. That's a separate question entirely. We also haven't applied a WHERE clause limiting what rows are included in the results. That too is a separate question. The only thing we're addressing with the join is getting data from two tables together. We now, in effect, have a new table called car INNER JOIN state with each row from car joined to each row in state that has the same state_code.
Now, from this new "table" we can apply some conditions and select some specific fields:
SELECT plate_number, make, model, state_name
FROM car
INNER JOIN state ON (car.state_code = state.state_code)
WHERE make = 'Honda'
So, to answer your questions more directly, do you always need to join tables? Yes, if you intend to select data from both of them. You cannot select fields from car that are not in the car table. You must first join in the other tables you need.
Which tables do you need to join? Whichever tables contain the data you're interested in querying.
Which fields do you have to use? Whichever fields are relevant. In this case, the relationship between cars and states is through the state_code field in both table. I could just as easily have written
car INNER JOIN state ON (state.state_code = car.plate_number)
This would, for each car, show any states whose abbreviations happen to match the car's license plate number. This is, of course, nonsensical and likely to find no results, but as far as your database is concerned it's perfectly valid. Only you know that state_code is what's relevant.
And does the join affect SELECTed fields or WHERE conditions? Not really. You can still select whatever fields you want and you can still limit the results to whichever rows you want. There are two caveats.
First, if you have the same column name in both tables (e.g., state_code) you cannot select it without clarifying which table you want it from. In this case I might write SELECT car.state_code ...
Second, when you're using an INNER JOIN (or on many database engines just a JOIN), only rows where your join conditions are met will be returned. So in my nonsensical example of looking for a state code that matches a car's license plate, there probably won't be any states that match. No rows will be returned. So while you can still use the WHERE clause however you'd like, if you have an INNER JOIN your results may already be limited by that condition.
Very broad question, i would suggest doing some reading on it first but in summary:
1. joins can make life much easier and queries faster, in a nut shell try to
2. the ones with the data you are looking for
3. a field that is in both tables and generally is unique in at least one
4. yes, essentially you are createing one larger table with joins. if there are two fields with the same name, you will need to reference them by table name.columnname
do I always need to join tables?
No - you could perform multiple selects if you wished
which tables do I need to join?
Any that you want the data from (and need to be related to each other)
which fields do I have to use for the
Any that are the same in any tables within the join (usually primary key)
do the joins effects reflect on fields specified in select clause or on where conditions?
No, however outerjoins can cause problems
(1) what else but tables would you want to join in mySQL?
(2) those from which you want to correlate and retrieve fields (=data)
(3) best use indexed fields (unique identifiers) to join as this is fast. e.g. join
retrieve user-email and all the users comments in a 2 table db
(with tables: tableA=user_settings, tableB=comments) and both having the column uid to indetify the user by
select * from user_settings as uset join comments as c on uset.uid = c.uid where uset.email = "test#stackoverflow.com";
(4) both...

What is a fast way of joining two tables and using the first table column to "filter" the second table?

I am trying to develop a SQL Server 2005 query but I'm being unsuccessful at the moment. I trying every different approach that I know, like derived tables, sub-queries, CTE's, etc, but I couldn't solve the problem. I won't post the queries I tried here because they involve many other columns and tables, but I will try to explain the problem with a simpler example:
There are two tables: PARTS_SOLD and PARTS_PURCHASED. The first contains products that were sold to customers, and the second contains products that were purchased from suppliers. Both tables contains a foreign key associated with the movement itself, that contains the dates, etc.
Here is the simplified schema:
other columns
other columns
What I need is to join every row in PARTS_SOLD with a unique row from PARTS_PURCHASED, chose by part_id and the maximum "date", where the "date" is equal of before the "date" column from PARTS_PURCHASED. In other words, I need to collect some information from the last purchase event for the item for every event of selling this item.
The problem itself is that I didn't find a way of joining the PARTS_PURCHASED table with PARTS_SOLD table using the column "date" from PARTS_SOLD to limit the MAX(date) of the PARTS_PURCHASED table.
I could have done this with a cursor to solve the problem with the tools I know, but every table has millions of rows, and perhaps using cursors or sub-queries that evaluate a query for every row would make the process very slow.
You aren't going to like my answer. Your database is designed incorrectly which is why you can't get the data back out the way you want. Even using a cursor, you would not get good data from this. Assume that you purchased 5 of part 1 on May 31, 2010. Assume on June 1, you sold ten of part 1. Matching just on date, you would match all ten to the May 31 purchase even though that is clearly not correct, some parts might have been purchased on May 23 and some may have been purchased on July 19, 2008.
If you want to know which purchased part relates to which sold part, your database design should include the PartPurchasedID as part of the PartsSold record and this should be populated at the time of the purchase, not later for reporting when you have 1,000,000 records to sort through.
Perhaps the following would help:
Share and enjoy.
I'll toss this out there, but it's likely to contain all kinds of mistakes... both because I'm not sure I understand your question and because my SQL is... weak at best. That being said, my thought would be to try something like:
INNER JOIN (SELECT part_id, max(date) AS max_date
GROUP BY part_id) AS subtable
ON PARTS_SOLD.part_id = subtable.part_id
AND PARTS_SOLD.date < subtable.max_date