.screenrc: Escape a single quote - gnu-screen

escape ^\' gives me this error:
.screenrc: Missing ' quote.
How can I escape a single quote, so that C-' (rather than C-a) can be my screen escape key?

I think something like this should work: escape "^''"
But I can't test it on my system since ^' in a terminal seems to be sent as a plain ' to the underlying process.


Escaping custom character in objective-c

I am working on macOS, not iOS, XCode 11.
My app allows in a specific location to enter text. This text can be anything. Once done it exports a csv which will be passed to an external process i cannot influence.
The issue: the external process uses semicolon ";" as a separator (csv is separated differently). If the user writes semicolon the external process will fail.
If I manually add an escaping backslash before each semicolon to the csv and then pass it to the external app it works.
What I need: having each semicolon escaped with ONE backslash in the final csv
What I tried
Escaping the whole text with quotation marks - fail
Escaping semicolons in objective-c before writing csv by trying
stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString (look for #";" replace with #"\;" - compiler throws a warning that escape character is unknown - fail
Appreciate any help
I also tried to set a double backslash like #Corbell mentioned but this leads in a double backslash in the exported CSV -> fail
I also tried to set a single backslash by using its unicode character:
[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%C;",0x5C]; --> "\\;"
Also failed and produces two backslashes in the final CSV (where i need ONE only).
In your stringByReplacingOccurencesOfString call, second parameter, try escaping your backslash with a backslash to make it a literal character to insert, i.e. #"\\;" - otherwise the compiler thinks you're trying to specify #"\;" as an escape sequence (backslash-semicolon) which is invalid.
Solved. It was the CSV Parser that added additional escaping characters. Once solved that it worked like a charm.

How to use multiple characters as a separator in SQLCMD

I'm running a SQL query in PowerShell using the SQLCMD, one of the posts shows how to use TAB as a separator. I'd like to have a fancier sequence of characters such as TAB-Comma-Space or Tab-Comma-Tab.
I've tried
-s `"`t,`t`"
-s `"`t`, `"
but it still uses a single Tab as the separator.
Thanks in advance.
Not possible according to the documentation.
-s col_separator
Specifies the column-separator character. The default is a blank space. This option sets the sqlcmd scripting variable SQLCMDCOLSEP. To use characters that have special meaning to the operating system such as the ampersand (&), or semicolon (;), enclose the character in quotation marks ("). The column separator can be any 8-bit character.
You might want to think about using a character like the hat/caret (^) as your delimiter and mass replacing that in the output. Not sure what single character would be least likely to conflict with your dataset.

What regular expression characters have to be escaped in SQL?

To prevent SQL injection attack, the book "Building Scalable Web Sites" has a function to replace regular expression characters with escaped version:
function db_escape_str_rlike($string) {
preg_replace("/([().\[\]*^\$])/", '\\\$1', $string);
Does this function escape ( ) . [ ] * ^ $? Why are only those characters escaped in SQL?
I found an excerpt from the book you mention, and found that the function is not for escaping to protect against SQL injection vulnerabilities. I assumed it was, and temporarily answered your question with that in mind. I think other commenters are making the same assumption.
The function is actually about escaping characters that you want to use in regular expressions. There are several characters that have special meaning in regular expressions, so if you want to search for those literal characters, you need to escape them (precede with a backslash).
This has little to do with SQL. You would need to escape the same characters if you wanted to search for them literally using grep, sed, perl, vim, or any other program that uses regular expression searches.
Unfortunately, active characters in sql databases is an open issue. Each database vendor uses their own (mainly oracle's mysql, that uses \ escape sequences)
The official SQL way to escape a ', which is the string delimiter used for values is to double the ', as in ''.
That should be the only way to ensure transparency in SQL statements, and the only way to introduce a proper ' into a string. As soon as any vendor admits \' as a synonim of a quote, you are open to support all the extra escape sequences to delimit strings. Suppose you have:
'Mac O''Connor' (should go into "Mac O'Connor" string)
and assume the only way to escape a ' is that... then you have to check the next char when you see a ' for a '' sequence and:
you get '' that you change into '.
you get another, and you terminate the string literal and process the char as the first of the next token.
But if you admit \ as escape also, then you have to check for \' and for \\', and \\\' (this last one should be converted to \' on input) etc. You can run into trouble if you don't detect special cases as
\'' (should the '' be processed as SQL mandates, or the first \' is escaping the first ' and the second is the string end quote?)
\\'' (should the \\ be converted into a single \ then the ' should be the string terminator, or do we have to switch to SQL way of encoding and consider '' as a single quote?)
You have to check your database documentation to see if \ as escape characters affect only the encoding of special characters (like control characters or the like) and also affects the interpretation of the quote character or simply doesn't, and you have to escape ' the other way.
That is the reason for the vendors to include functions to do the escape/unescape of character literals into values to be embedded in a SQL statement. The idea of the attackers is to include (if you don't properly do) escape sequences into the data they post to you to see if that allows them to modify the text of the sql command to simply add a semicolon ; and write a complete sql statement that allows them to access freely your database.

SQL Server LIKE containing bracket characters

I am using SQL Server 2008. I have a table with the following column:
sampleData (nvarchar(max))
The value for this column in some of these rows are lists formatted as follows:
I'm trying to write a simple query that will return all rows with lists formatted like this, by just detecting the opening bracket.
SELECT * from sampleTable where sampleData like '[%'
The above query doesn't work, because '[' is a special character. How can I escape the bracket so my query does what I want?
... like '[[]%'
You use [ ] to surround a special character (or range).
See the section "Using Wildcard Characters As Literals" in SQL Server LIKE
Note: You don't need to escape the closing bracket...
Aside from gbn's answer, the other method is to use the ESCAPE option:
SELECT * from sampleTable where sampleData like '\[%' ESCAPE '\'
See the documentation for details.
Just a further note here...
If you want to include the bracket (or other specials) within a set of characters, you only have the option of using ESCAPE (since you are already using the brackets to indicate the set).
Also you must specify the ESCAPE clause, since there is no default escape character (it isn't backslash by default as I first thought, coming from a C background).
E.g., if I want to pull out rows where a column contains anything outside of a set of 'acceptable' characters, for the sake of argument let's say alphanumerics... we might start with this:
SELECT * FROM MyTest WHERE MyCol LIKE '%[^a-zA-Z0-9]%'
So we are returning anything that has any character not in the list (due to the leading caret ^ character).
If we then want to add special characters in this set of acceptable characters, we cannot nest the brackets, so we must use an escape character, like this...
SELECT * FROM MyTest WHERE MyCol LIKE '%[^a-zA-Z0-9\[\]]%' ESCAPE '\'
Preceding the brackets (individually) with a backslash and indicating that we are using backslash for the escape character allows us to escape them within the functioning brackets indicating the set of characters.

SQL LIKE Command trouble searching for '

Hi I am facing a problem with the like command in SQL,
I want to search for special characters within a column .
The special characters are a single quotation mark ' and { and }..
I have tried placing these special characters under [] but still it doesn't work for '
I have also used the except option but that was also of no help..
Waiting for a response soon
When you specify a value which has single quote, you need to double it.
FROM dbo.Northwind
WHERE Summary LIKE 'single''quotes%'
Try using this-
select * from <table> where <column> like '%''%'
SQL Server escaping is a pain because there are various ways to escape characters, each with different meaning and use case.
A single quote is escaped with another single quote: WHERE myfield LIKE '%''%'.
The general solution is to escape the special character like so:
SELECT .... WHERE my_column like '%\'%' ESCAPE '\'